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Posts posted by velma

  1. Hi,You have to think it in this way that if you do not feel bad for murderers then you are thinking like them and then are responsible for somebody's death so then it gives somebody else to take your life because you were a murderer. You might argue that you murdered the convict because he was a bad guy or something, similarly a woman light have killed her husband because he had tortured her for many years, Obviously you would feel bad for her but then again the law marks her as a murderer.There is no use if we too behave like them and go on a massacre and If we really wanted to save resources like money, food, water, clothes and such I guess we should get rid of politicians for they are the ones who are responsible for the deaths of a lot of people in situations where they could have helped. A politician is mentally stable when he makes his decisions but a convict in most cases is mentally unstable at the time of the crime or from a long time leading to the time of murder.Just because they acted foolishly does not mean that we too should go ahead and start decapitating heads.

  2. Hi Carson,It is a sort of serious issue for spamming in forums is alright as they can be caught and thrown out thus saving a lot of pain but in many cases the spammers take free hosting and send a lot of spam resulting in lag and depletion of sources of the Webhoster.Sometimes the spammer hacks into other people's accounts and uses it to send a lot of spam causing a problem to the account holder as it is his name that pops up not the hackers.It is a crime for sometimes these people can steal money making duplicate sites like ebay, paypal and such.It is good that the spammer went to jail as he deserves it and all the others too should join them for it is an inconvenience for hosters. But the problem is that the number of spammers are so great that if one leaves the next one appears.

  3. Hey,Hateheals you sound like one angry dude :) Anyway hopping back to the topic. I do not actually hate metal music for I love music of any kinds and Yes it includes metal and It isnt bad but again it is the perspective of the people itself. Like I had mentioned before on another topic I was going to hell because I listened to Metal music. I found that amusing actually. It is not at all bad as again you have to interpret the and the musician is not gonna come and try to explain his music to you and It's not like all metal bands are satanic for many metal bands go to church and pray to the lord. Like they say " Never judge a book by the cover" so we have no right on judging those guys. If we started sending Metal people or songs with satanic/bad messages then I think everybody is going to hell. I mean think about it. Each one of us would vote the other out. Metal against Pop, Pop against trance and such. In short Metal is not bad and It depends on the beholder.

  4. Hey Sm,I do agree with you totally and I always still agree that the pervert deserves a kick in his groin rather than get shot at for sometimes you might make a mistake or there is also a possibility of shooting someone else rather than the assailant. I guess everybody has their way of protecting themselves.All that I can say is that It depends in the place you live in and what you think is perfect for defense, if some think that a gun is the best kind of protection then so be it but if others say it is not then it is still ok. I have thought a lot before I thought of a way of protecting myself..Found the best method is to stick with my partner and avoid lonely places. Found that much better than guns or knives.

  5. one of my girl friends used to carry this butcher knife kind of a thing and everytime she would wield it you would see guys fleeing

    You have to keep in mind that my friend would not be running around with the knife but had wielded it when she was being stalked and once when she was teaching at her classes.

    Wow! What an incredible story. Id really like to hear more about this amazing person whose feats of bravery defy all logic. I do hope the topic starter will share with the rest of us further details of this person's exploits. Better yet, why not encourage her to join Trap? Then we could add her to the ranks of Ellen Templar, another female instructor who occasionally graces these pages with indispensable knowledge gleaned from her vast experience in the fitness arts. Hope Im not venturing too far off topic here, but as we are discussing self defense, I think it would be fascinating to learn more about this incredible woman. For starters, which discipline of martial arts does she teach? And where can one buy one of those magic butcher knives?

    I do not understand why it defies all logic. You can buy a butcher knife in many places. By the way she has done quite a few of them namely judo, kick boxing and I think she has done karate. About the weapons, I do not remember the name but I have seen her using bamboo sticks and spears a lot.

  6. Hi,Thanks for the updates. I quite liked the knife idea because one of my girl friends used to carry this butcher knife kind of a thing and everytime she would wield it you would see guys fleeing holding their assets because most of the lechers used to touch their "jewes" and make remarks and It is disgusting. Well she could carry the thing because she was a trained martial artist and she was a teacher at the local school.Well I usually avoid walking alone in the night or unfamiliar roads and If I do go in these kind of places it is with my boyfriend in his car. But these creeps follow me in daytime when it is difficult to prove that he is stalking me. Positive thing though is that the street I walk in is usually filled with college students and a hulk of a shop keeper who is a friend of mine but they irritate me.I would love to stab those perverts though, Let them hold their jewels then :) I would personally castrate them if they came too near me."sidey" as in those really cheap looking fellows who think that they are the hottest hunks around. They might be ugly but they still think that they are hot

  7. I definitely do not think that guy deseves to die and If you rape him I am confused whether he would enjoy it or he would hate it for in the end he is getting sex and If getting raped is his fantasy then he would love it even more. I think life behind bars is good enough for him to enjoy. Let the cell mates rape him that sounds better rather than a girl raping him.

  8. Hey,Just a few days ago this creepy sidey looking guy starts followig me while I am on my way to my office and he keeps leering at me and follows me till my office and then leaves. He looked so sidey so I could not even yell at him. Another time this guy follows me till my school that is quite far from my home and I usually walk half the distance He followed me for a long time and then he starts singing while talking about my breasts like they were meant for him. JERK!!!!I am disgusted by them along with the other people who are ready with sympathy like " your good looking so obviously they will follow" or some crap of that kind. The guys must be so desperate to ust follow a chick and treat her so horribly. Once I had slapped a kid and another time I had pointed the guy out loudly in the local transport. It made him stop touching me.I feel like carrying a baseball bat and whack them or something but again I cannot go on whacking everybody now can.

  9. Hi,


    I thought It would be fun to see how many people have bungled up while cooking, I have had many experiences where I have bungled up huge and It was hilarious most of the times.


    Once I decided to make toast to compliment my milk and I got the bread and put them in an oven for our toaster was dead. I left the thing on medium heat and for 5 or 6 minutes I think and I left the kitchen to pick up a few things from the living room and for some reason I forgot the toast and about 15 or 20 minutes when I return the toast was on Fire in the oven and imagine the horror and panic. I closed the oven and let the fire burn out for I could not put any water then and I kept sprinkling water till it died down. I was so thankful for there could have been a big fire if I had not remembered but later my bro tells me that a few weeks ago my dad burnt his pizza to a cinder in there.


    The worst time is hen my boyfriend visits me. For some reason I tend to make a lot mistakes when he is around or I know the fact that he is gonna visit me. I once made tea using the water I had set aside for soup. Well the only problem was that the soup water had salt in it so the tea ended up tastingweird and I had to add a lot of weird spices and honey to make it taste like some kind of a herbal tea. The poor thing never complained though. It was hilarious cause I could not stop laughing at all.

    :) Hope you guys tell me your experiences. Normally I am a good cook but sometimes I can create havoc

  10. I do not think that he deserves death sentence but should live life and feel the heat for if he dies then he is a winner for nobody can humiliate him nor can anybody beat the crap out of him. I think if he is given parole then half of his earnings should be given to he victim not as charity but for expenses that she would like to make, I guess he should be put in a prison in Iraq and put up on display or atleast not give him parole of any kind.

  11. I remember when I was a kid I found these syringes(disposable) in their packets and I was too curious and got one of them out and was playing with it and then felt like touching the tip and before I knew it the needle was in the tip of my finger and it stung like hell. Lucky It came out the instant I yanked it off.I have been pricked by sewing needles a lot and they too sometimes have gotten stuck in my finger. :) Most of the doctors who take my blood tests are really nice people because I make it a habit to first talk to them and let them relax in case they have had a jerky client, It works most of the times. One doc remembers me for I was smiling even though I was made to wait for more than an hour.

  12. Hey,I really liked your idea! Nice that you are using it so positively. If the idea works out and it isnt a scam I will definitely donate my credits too so that people can earn it but make sure that people do not cheat for the credits. Maybe you should put a quiz based on Xisto :) Good luck and hope it works out.

  13. Hi,I agree with the two of you, Somehow everybody has to justify because they are scared or something. I had a friend who was hated the sight of blood but once there was an accident near our place and the guy needed blood urgently and no kidding the amount of blood that he had spilled was a lot and because she was "O" type and healthy she could have left with the ambulance to donate but she just stood there cribbing on the fact that it hurts and all that kind of rubbish. It was pathetic for that man was dying and she was just thinking about some petty thing.Rather than stupid issues like celebrity divorces and all I think they should concentrate more on donation camps and educate people on every step rather than just begging people to donate for I think they would donate if they knew what they were doing. One of my seniors used to take his own needles for blood donation but he would always go and donate. He would sometimes carry lots of extras in case there were others who wanted it or the donation camp wanted it. But I guess this problem might be solved if stem cell technology unfortunately though people who might need a body part urgently might not be as lucky if the problem of donation is not solved.

  14. Hey,There are billions of people in this world but still people die because there was No organ available or no blood available. I mean how is that possible when there are so many people who can easily pass the requirements for donation. I have donated my body to a hospital so that after I die they can claim my body for practice or any kind of a medical venture. Heck! they can do whatever with my body after I die except my eyes for they too are donated so that it can help somebody in some way.I do not think that our planet is so filled with disease that it is difficult to get body parts. There are crimes where people end up killing and stealing organs for money or for someone they know. I would love to know your thoughts.

  15. Hey,One of the reasons people do not appreciate homosexuals is because they cannot "procreate". I do not know why it is so important for them to be procreating. I mean Is that why people have sex? If people have sex just for procreation then can you imagine the number of children conceived and born ever second. And the weirdest bit how many of those parents would be teenagers...And even if tomorrow a technology was developed to let a person who has changed their sex to have kids naturally then there would be an uproar on how the kids are unreal or born without a soul or something. People would say that the child would get a mental disorder if it came to know that it's mother was a man before or something. The child is an innocent creature without assumptions in its first few years and is said to be a crucial period for it so if we went and treated the child horribly then obviously it would get mentally scarred. In Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust [slimbridge], Gloucestershire there are these gay flamingo couple called Carlos and Fernandes that are taking care of a chick that was abandoned by its own mother and the gay couple have adapted by producing milk in their throats which is usually done by their mother. The two are very protective and caring about their chick. I guess we need to be learning fro them :)

  16. Hey,Yeah you are right, It is because of the constant puncturing that you have a short of phobia against them. I too do not like them but have bear them, I have quite some thin veins and they stick quite close to my bones so every time I am injected It hurts like hell. Blood tests are bad as the nurse has to poke me around quite a bit until she gets the right amount of blood.There was this time when I had gone for a regular check up and she asked me to take a blood test and as the nurse got all the things ready and poked me in the arm once and pulled hard and nothing comes in it except maybe a drop of my blood and the spot was painful. Then she attacks the next arm and still got nothing so she poked the first arm and got some blood and then left me. I too do not enjoy them but again it is for my good so I shut up and smile

  17. Hey Albus,I am happy that atleast somebody sees the positive of being gay. People speak about the children's mental health without for once realising that they are responsible for the child along with the parents. I mean there are first of all less gay people adopting children and the ones who do it is because they are really desperate for a child. I do not think they would get a child just for the heck of it. They are already under the scrutiny of people.I feel funny for when I think of this situation I can think only of that character in "The Simpsons" the Holy man Love joy's wife who keeps saying "Think of the children" Even if she is thinking rationally or not.

  18. Hi hitmanblood,

    OK it is not perfectly normal because gays who are gays by nature they have problems with hormonal disorder and that is why they feel in certain way for the sam sex, also if you check the gays who are stating that they are gays just for lust or pleasure I would say they are insane

    Did you know that all humans are first conceived as a girl foetes and then the male sex organs develop. At that stage If there are hormonal imbalances then it actually is not their fault for most gay people do not choose to be homosexuals and for the part where they do choose to be gays...Why not? When we straight people can have sex just for lust and pleasure, Not for procreation I think they too deserve to have fun.

    And for your third aspect I would just say if you are already stating that then you must know that children learn from the enviroment and in the biggest cases it is their parents or those who take care about them if gay couple takes care about childe then child will learn that from his or hers so called parents and it will think that is it is completly normal and it is not.

    Exactly my point the child does learn from the environment and the child is treated badly by the external environment i.e us "straight" people and then causing all kinds of psychological disorders in the child. Maybe because of us the child of homosexual parents might go for lustful sexual experiences.

    My biggest saying against the gays or homosexuals that is what I was thinking in the first place is that they cannot procreate and as the most gays are in developed countries they are just decreasing and destroying our westeren civilization furthermore.

    I do not actually see the connection in the gays not being able to procreate and the western civilization getting destroyed phenomenon....Why would you want more people to be born in this world when the present population itself is struggling to survive. You do not need more people to keep the western civilization sustained, It is the people who do it and belive me we have enough population to sustain the civilization and It will take a long time before we run out of children to sustain the civilization.

    The positive side of Homosexual people not being able to procreate is that all the children who are living in orphanages who deserve a really good home would always get a nice home. So If gay people are allowed to adopt in peace then you can imagine how many abandoned kids might get a chance of a home, It might seem like a small number to us but It is a big thing for those kids and we cannot spoil it by treating those kids like outcastes or something.

    I think that most religions state that You should love every human being no matter how they are, Even if they are diseased. Then why do we cause such a ruckus.

    We cannot decide a person's lifestyle and If that person is minding is own business then we are definitely not allowed to judge them. By the way If we are so against "Homosexuality" Why is lesbian pornography such a hit? I wonder or is that ok according to nature.....

    Cheers :)

  19. Hi I think that blake has talent but not that kind of talent that Melinda has. I mean she was a really singer and the only reason Blake is in because of his home town and all kinds of women who only voted because he was cute!!! If he wins then we will obviously know that It was all based on looks and not the talent.Go Jordin for she has talent though she too gets all screechy sometimes like when performing "Woman in love"

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