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Everything posted by sinthetix

  1. Big fan of Freelancer by Microsoft Ensemble Studios and Digital Anvil in 2003. Has a huge underground mod community following so it's staying alive far beyond it's time. There are even a few 'vanilla' servers left somewhere out there.
  2. Hello. I live in the United States and remembering back to my high school days in the state of Virginia which I still live in...The schools around the area and city to city are different in what they teach or emphasize on. They give us standardized tests which are all supposed to be the same throughout the nation for each grade and cover everything we 'should' know. I went to a few different high schools in the area and recognized that they were teaching very different things. And no it wasn't because of the time of the year or anything. Even the text books were different and I compared the material inside and they covered different things. Some text books were even by different publishers.Round here you had a diverse high school society. Had the preps, punks, goths(proud Gothic by the way ), thugs, wiggers, dorks, all around odd people, and the occasional poor kid.The teachers who were older were often time bitter and bored with their job so much they really don't even care anymore. Completely unprofessional. The younger teachers who weren't broken yet were pretty cool sometimes.The rules were some of the most stupid I've ever read. Oh and the food sucked. Except for one school which had a pizza hut/taco bell within. Some sort of Deli and a couple of other things.Drugs were everywhere. Seemed like just about everyone did them. Usually it was Pot/Weed though. A few were into acid and speed sometimes cocaine. Everyone drank at the parties, even the dorks lol. Lots of fights in the hallways and in the cafeteria. Even at the football games. Everyone in the area under the age of 25 doesn't really care about much around here. As a collective the youth are moving away from the older generations almost like making their own society. I suppose that does happen every few generations though. Anyways, more to the point of the subject at hand school sucks around here. But in its own way it was cool. I miss my high school days. It was the biggest daily social event to just go to school and do whatever I wanted.
  3. I saw some sort of Infomercial on TV late one night a few weeks ago while I was trying to fall asleep and it caught my eye. It was a whole line of products that were 'Lit' by LEDs and such. They said something to the effect that the original technology was developed by the military to help inside cockpits of aircraft and tanks ect. All of the keys on the keyboard that they were displaying were lit up a nice brilliant blue. It was really nice and I'd love to go get me one or two when they come out onto the shelves at the store. Probably won't be for a while because they were only advertising it on television with the hopes that you would order it for their ridiculous price before they ship it to stores I suppose.
  4. Usually it is a good idea to use a grain of common sense when finding any information on the internet. Not all sources are credible. The Wikipedia site is usually pretty good for information but you can tell when people don't have any real knowledge of the information they are posting. Just be alert
  5. While I do not wish to comment on the thread itself other then the author has been very creative and has made a nice thread to participate in and get people thinking. (which is always good, we need to keep thinking as a race, as soon as we stop trying to thing in large scale terms we are doomed as a species) So Kudos to the author. I think it's interesting that someone would post something like this actually. I myself have not been plotting to take over the world per say, but definitely leave my own mark and legacy throughout history. I am 22 years young and I have since the age of 15 one could almost call it an obsession with endeavor. I wish to create my own society and culture in the world, and at any cost I will do what I must to obtain this goal - or Die trying if it must come to such events. Even in the event of my untimely demise, others have already been enlightened by my views of the world around me and that has been all the more worth it for me if even I could reach just one person. For many years I have worked extremely hard to make myself different from other people, as an individual and not following what others believe. Not simply because I wish to be unique, or different. Not even for attention as some would think of people around my age and a little bit younger then me. I think like no other I have met; I do not see things as gray. They are either off or on much like a binary circuit. No maybe, no middle-ground, no indecision. I loathe emotion itself so much that I have conditioned myself to control them and even repress them to the point of feeling nothing at times. My personal quote I use just about everyone even reads ''Sever Your Emotion Like A Defective Circuit'' - Much like the Science Fiction race known as the Borg, I believe that emotion is irrelevant. Attachments can make you a stronger person but they can also deceive you in the worst ways. I am a very analytical person by my own doing. I have always had an affinity for technology, science, science-fiction, history, language (especially German/Japanese/Latin), and almost any piece of information that I could get my hands on that I felt worthy to be known. I am constantly thinking; analyzing; running scenarios in my head of multiple things at once to determine outcomes to future events. I have become so efficient at this that I have to force myself to stop thinking or else it just goes on and on with no end because of my endless craving for information and understanding. I will not try to portray myself as some sort of 'good' person. I will not try to portray myself as a 'bad' person either. I care little about what others think of my existence to be truthful. I am what I am and I will always be this way until the day that I die. Some of my views on things are completely against the grain with what most of the world believes or thinks is correct/good morale value (however you would like to classify it) and I do not mind this because what I believe in is more simplistic and at its very core is more for the advancement of our entire race, instead of the more common selfish goals of obtaining wealth; power; religious stature; political achievement; and outright greed that others seek. Going back to the Borg for one last time, it was said that all others outside the Hive Mind are small and think in small terms. Now... I do understand that everyone has their 'thing' that they do well or field that they know a great deal about and probably have a great deal of genuine experience in and as a race of individuals with different dreams, goals, functions, and responsibilities I understand how such a statement like the paraphrased exert from the beginning of this paragraph could be taken the wrong way because everyone in their own mind usually feels that they are either doing some good or doing the best that they can with what is available to them in their existence at any given point across the expanse of time. But I believe in this statement fully. There are so many people who dedicate their lives to the most retarded things like being a corporate ceo or becoming the next rap star and other trivial, most unproductive pursuits. For those of you who are doing something with your life whether it be raising your children with -real- values and morales or saving people's lives in some way or another from being a law enforcement agent or paramedic to just making sure the power plant is running smoothly so that the hospitals in your area can run safely to promote the health and wellness of those who depend on them, this is not against you. You are genuinely helping society in a major way, person to person until the whole is one massive element of nourishment to the community that is humanity itself and on a larger scale, our living planet. I'm sure out of all of the people who are members of this community that someone, somewhere in the world has watched the famous anime Ghost in the Shell and all of its variants spawned by the creation of the series. I believe in a Stand Alone Complex of sorts personally. (if you are not familiar with this, click the SAC link and refer to the wikipedia page and assimilate the information, specifically the last three headings entitled ''Stand Alone Complex'' - ''Relation to Social Theory'' - ''Relation to Teamwork'' | There are many references to the series itself but if you can read through them and pretend you understand what they are talking about you get the idea that is being conveyed.) As a Society we are cheating ourselves big time. Sure we research and build constantly, but we only research and build things that we need because our society is so poorly managed globally. I believe that the governments of the world are controlled by greedy individuals with little or no intelligence. Anyone can sit through school and be educated in something - What you do with that education is another thing. Behind the scenes of the public view governments are controlled by other greedy individuals as well as Religious & Corporate (or business) Entities that make them crooked even further. - Religion: Personally I think religion is a waste of time. You can believe what you want, I will not discount you as a person or discount your intelligence for believing in anything 'Religious'. Compare with me Celtic Druidism, The Greek Pantheon, Christianity (or a relationship w/Jesus Christ as some would prefer it be known as), and Paganism. Each and every one of these were/are nothing more then a method of control over those who were not as; 1. Intelligent 2. Observant - Or were Easily Influenced - Gullible. It has been proven that old school religions practiced methods of 'scare tactics' or technological innovations that others did not understand at the time to trick others into believing what they were proclaiming to be truth when in fact they were just trying to make a living or were one of the aforementioned flawed characteristics that led them into the situation in the first place that helped to spread the widespread disinformation that has happened throughout history in relation to Religion. People who believe in God, Multiple Gods/Goddesses, Deities, or the Planet we live on, and/or any number of other entities that you can think of that you must please to either have a life without constant torture or bad situations arising to having some sort of an afterlife that is achievable if you jump through enough hoops for your local pastor; Are just kidding yourselves. You either have too much time on your hands or need these things in your life to feel complete. I am here to tell you that each and every one of you are you own person and you get out of life what you put into it. I myself do not believe in any sort of religion. I am without a God, a Karma, a Soul, or anything that others who do believe in such things are bound to. And I live just fine. Sure we all have our ups and downs, but that is life. Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. They teach you in school at a early age that practice makes perfect, then later they tell you that No One is perfect. So why keep practicing? The bottom line on this is Live The Best Way That You Can Without Screwing Other People Over In The Process. I will remind you that this is simply my opinion and I know that some people may be unsettled or upset by my words. Know that I respect your wish to believe whatever you wish to believe, and if it makes your life more complete, then do it. Enough Said. - Business: I personally believe that business is the most purest form of evil that the modern world knows today. It revolves around the greed of others and the mistreatment of those with little or nothing who are only trying to live a comfortable existence and not struggle between poverty and being a respectable person in society. The more we exploit each other the more degenerate our society becomes. And what is at the baseline of the entirety of the Global problem? Read on my friend... - Money: Money itself both feeds Business and Religion in many ways/dimensions if you look at it correctly. I will not go into the different aspects of how but more why. Money is equal to power and influence in this society, especially among younger people, and definitely is a major influence to those who live in poverty stricken nations. You could go to say Cambodia and wave an American $100 bill in just about anyone's face and they would do just about anything for you probably. Money is a source of deception that desperately needs to be destroyed in our society. Now I know a few of you just thought in your head to yourself or maybe even out loud... ''This guy is nuts'' - Well Maybe I am, Maybe I am not. It is very hard to imagine a world where no one has money or works for money, rather the betterment of their local community and our race as a whole. Why is this? Look at yourselves. All of you. Basically the world around you has been built on money and the selling of goods. You yourself may not in any particular fashion be a greedy person, but this is the society you have been bred into and this is the way of life that you know. How many of you would really abandon money to make a statement? Probably none of you. What if you had a place you could go to where money has no meaning? Nice. The world sits around with advertisements shoved down their throats and pitfalls at every turn in their lives because of debt and things that they are driven by others to believe they must have that you are all like F'in 3 year olds stuck in front of the TV everyday obsessed with sponge bob - oblivious to the bigger picture that is life. I believe that Cybernetics, Smart Machines/A.I.'s, and the expansion of our race into space should be our main targets to hit on when we think about an agenda that our race should work towards. If we stay on this planet, it is not a matter of prevention, it is a fact that we will be extinct one day. There are too many variables that could go wrong in our current society that can lead to our extinction even one second from now let alone 10, 20, 1 Million years from now. Hell, one nuke sent the wrong way could start a chain reaction of a global nuking that would destroy us. And all it takes are a few irresponsible people to make it happen. If we make our way away from Earth, and out of this solar system we have a better chance of survival if we are spread out some instead of staying on one planet or one solar system. There are still things in space that we know so little about that could destroy us and we could never see it coming. It only makes perfect sense to colonize other solar systems and make massive ships that people can have a real life on and explore. It's self preservation at it's highest level and most urgent level. I know the danger of our extinction does not seem imminent but that is just being vain. Cybernetics is one major path to our future in my belief because we are frail lifeforms. We die easily and we are very limited. But with our spirit to expand ourselves and survive teamed together with cybernetic advanced the possibilities and achievements for our race could be endless. Artificial Intelligence itself could advance our race dramatically, if controlled properly. I think some of us remember the end of the world discussion about A.I.'s taking over the world(I have a detailed post in that thread as well) Given the chance path of thinking and enough resources, an A.I. faction could potentially form and destroy us. This goes back again to us being somewhat feeble and frail creatures. Where we bleed, the A.I.'s will simply continue going. Any sort of conflict fought against Artificial Intelligence that is capable enough will be a war unlike any we have seen before and the destructive properties that could emanate from it could lead to the extinction or our race or some other calamity situation whereby we loose our freedom. I am striving for a society and culture that is more involved in expanding our horizons of survival, knowledge, and understanding rather then disinformation, greed, gluttony, power, and discrimination. Anyways, if you would like to entertain this further with me, PM me. We can debate, argue, or I can give you more of what I think. Who knows, you might just be interested in becoming part of the project
  6. This is really awesome guys. I know things were rough on my first day or two here but the more I hang around here the more I'm liking this community. And this is just raising the bar once again for all other web hosts on the net. Keep up the Above and Beyond the Call of Duty work guys.The Xisto Community is by far one of the most useful and even educational sites I've ever belonged to. My hat goes off to all who work hard to keep this community alive, Staff or Member alike.
  7. Thanks for your input t3jem. What does anyone think of this idea then. Having read what you said about Trinary and it's possible downfall, why not shoot for something a little more extreme like the representation of Binary still as normal but some addon components that after the Binary sequences have the machine running successfully, the higher functions of the machine could be taken over by a virtual 8 way system past Trinary and Quantary Codes. In the virtual environment the computer would be able with a fast enough processor be able to calculate more complex things in theory(my theory anyway )...I'm not all that familiar with Binary and Programming, the deepest I have touched programming is either XML or mIRC scripting. So excuse me if I sound like a dumbass when I go about explaining this.But you say that Binary basically reads whether a cell in a chip is charged or not, let's keep that and build on top of these physical components with more complex physical components like 'Addon Processors' that do not interfere with the main CPU of the said Box. These Addon CPUs would have their own RAM to work with and through the RAM they have they would run a virtual enviroment seperate from anything you see on your computer like a windows shell(possibly some sort of explorer for this enviroment could be made something like a Task Manager in Windows to further manipulate it for those who like to tweak things, or those who run into problems and have to manage their PC in a more technical way) and it would calculate it's own math and algorithems and transmit the data to the main CPU through it's own special BUS leading to the said CPU.The Addon Component would have nothing pulling from it's own resources so it would be unhindered in it's tasks that are sent by the main CPU leaving the CPU to tackle more mundane things like keeping Windows from crashing.I know a bit about hardware but I don't know that much about it. Any ideas on this or is there some massive flaw in my slaw?Kudos to those who are helping me understand this x.x
  8. I use google everyday. Probably more then 40 times a day for some reason or another whether it is checking my email or searching for something. Google is also my home page in Firefox and Internet Explorer. (I use IE rarely though cause it sucks and is just becoming a cheap knockoff of Firefox because Microsoft knows that Mozilla stepped the game up)I think google will be number one for a very long time. When you compare it with say Yahoo and MSN, why would you use either of them? Their home pages take 3x longer to load, and you also get spammed with all sorts of useless information if you aren't a Yahoo or MSN junkie. Google has kept it quite simple. Extreme search tools even specialized ones like the Image Search automatically own other search engines. The Gmail project was pretty cool, and still is. It's really nice to see a company be simplistic instead of trying to shove as much information down your throat as computer'ly possible. The thought of Ads and Useless information is a big turn off to internet users and is a huge downfall to a lot of internet sites these days. I have personally opted to steer away from Ad intensive sites, I don't care how great their services are. Maybe if others band together and do the same, the internet will not be so much like TV. Full of Ads. That's another reason why I only watch certain things on TV instead of channel surfing and watching it for hours.Seriously, on the subject of TV. Why basically take money out of your pocket to power your television to watch advertisements? People will learn eventually.. There is a time and place for advertising. And for real, I'd rather not see a Tampax commercial while I'm trying to scarf down my dinner and watch my favorite program.
  9. Yes, I've heard a great deal about quantum computers. Interesting little buggers. So far just this last February a 16 qubit (no it's not 'qbit') Quantum Computer was tested. So in human terms I suppose we could consider Quantum Computers at about age 3 or 5 now. In maybe just a few years it could flourish much faster as our experiments grow more complex.Eventually yes they will become cheaper, just like our classic personal computers that everyone posts with on these forums. Just like with -all- technology. When I formed my original post I did not take into account the fact that Quantum Computers are in the mix. I was just sort of irked by hearing about this Trinary and Quantary Code on Star Trek and wondered if it was actually possible. While I cannot phathom what they actually are, I could take a good guess and assume that Trinary would have three different states instead of two like Binary Code. While Binary Code relies on black and white, on or off, a 1 or a 0, I'm not sure how they would work out Trinary Code to begin with. Can a computer really handle three maybe even four different states? 0, 1, 2? It defies what Binary Code is and what classic computers are defined as.Could anyone shed some light onto this? Is it more possible then not?
  10. I was watching Star Trek the other day, I think it was Voyager. Anyways I was wondering.. They refer to this 'trinary' code and other things like Tera Quads of information. I researched this a little bit and all I could find were entries about it relating to Star Trek and nothing else really. So I was wondering, does anyone really know or have a really good explanation of what is on the horizen for programming? Because I'm sure that since we created Binary and so many other ways to make computers work, isn't there something in the future to be made that will make more possibilities open up and make computing faster?
  11. I know why it fails as a Desktop Operating System. And it's probably one of the best reasons. Anyone can sit down and learn an operating system over time. It doesn't even matter which operating system it is. The thing that screws Linux royally is the fact that there are so many different distributions to choose from. I ask of you, how many of you can really sit here and tell me for a fact that you know, which of these Linux Distributors are a real big company with a lot of backbone and most likely future development that will hopefully not go under in say the next ten years? Now put yourself in the position of a general consumer that doesn't know much about Linux at all. Maybe not even that much about computers too. As soon as they ask someone about Linux and someone says it can be difficult at times, they automatically get turned off to it. So what shines through to the general consumer? Microsoft does of course. And sometimes Mac OS. Microsoft is the big player because we all know how Microsoft started and how it has blown up to a information domination machine that it is today. Now compare that shiny XP or Vista box on the shelf to your favorite flavor of Linux. Which do you think the consumer would choose? Especially after they figure out there are pretty much endless versions of Linux out there, all made by different people!The general consumer has absolutely no idea what they are getting themselves into. They do however know for a fact that Microsoft has been around the block for a while now and will probably continue to do so. When people buy expensive things, they buy it for the future not just the present. It's like buying a car from the dealership. You wouldn't buy a brand new car without a warranty would you? Exactly. Wait, Linux does have some perks doesn't it? Indeed it does. Some are put out by semi-large companies, it's just now that the consumer has found a big companies, how do they know they even have money to really help the consumer if there are problems? Microsoft does. Everyone knows it. You see the commercials, you see them knee deep in everything technology. And Mac is the runner up. It's like trying to sell a Buick when there is a Porshe sitting right next to it.I don't like Microsoft, I don't even like windows. Linux is my all time favorite operating system followed by Mac OS. Microsoft is the worst thing ever put breathe into. I urge *everyone* to at least try Linux. And not just *try* it. Install it on a pc you have as a spare and use it. I mean really USE it. If you just get discouraged try harder and *learn* something for once. Nothing is going to fall out of the sky and into your lap. Everyone had to figure something out at some point on their own or maybe with a little tutorial, and so can you. I think one of the biggest threats to Linux itself is that users stay with Windows while they play with Linux. And because of this as soon as they run into a dead end they hop back on their Windows box and never look back until they think they are ready to try something else with their Linux box. Come on people, spread the Linux!
  12. I didn't really think there was a problem. I remember the other day I couldn't access the forum for about an hour or so. And I tried about 20 times to get in. I didn't know it was something ongoing.
  13. So what is the problem? If she admits that she is Bi she must be fairly comfortable with it. So what if the entire school knows? If she craps out she must not be that Bi after all.
  14. Shift+Delete all files. Never send to recycle bin. Also check the recent documents menu in the start menu. You can clear that list(but it will look very suspicious if nothing is there, so open a bunch of ''safe'' documents to replace the deleted list) by right clicking on the start button and going to properties. The option to clear your recent documents should be somewhere along those lines. Also you can go into the options of your 'movie player' and delete it's cache of recently viewed movies. Internet Explorer and most browsers have their own histories as well. A lot of people forget how many programs really carry histories, you'd be amazed if you didn't know. Also (which I don't suggest doing unless desktop clutter and other stuff gets in the way) make an Administrator Account for yourself and then password it and set it to private. This way not even other administrators without some good tools can look into the files on your profile. .shrugs.
  15. We're looking for some people who are experienced with coding the game freelancer(the dll and exe parts) Also in the market for a person to help with the creation of some 3D models. Currently we are trying to redo or make anew every base in the game and we're also adding a lot of custom ships.
  16. I think that suicide should be legal. It is your body, your life. No one else's. If you decide to end your life, that is your free will and no one else should be able to compromise this. On the matter of assisted suicide, the person wanting it should be labeled worthless and ostracized by his or her peers for being so weak minded. If you need help then you don't really want to do it and you need attention. On the other hand there are -some- who cannot end their own life, they simply do not have the capacity to do so. Like those who are deathly ill or are disabled in some fashions. If they need assisted suicides I don't see anything wrong with that because it is no longer within their own ability to do so, now finding a person to help you might take some doing but that is your problem.For those of you who attempt, attempt, attempt, just die already. If you really wanted to do it you would have been successful within the first 20 minutes of your first attempt. (unless of course you did it in such a stupid way that it left you there helpless but still alive, lol.)
  17. This little 'war' can easily be summed up. Blu-Ray will most likely win. It's the same old story as VHS Tapes and Records as well as Cassette Tapes and Floppy Disks(3 1/2 and 5 1/2 inch). We've all watched as the older technologies get phased out of the mainstream and newer ones simply replace them. As they become in higher demand they become produced at a higher rate, ergo the price drops on the media and the player as well as other related technologies. CDs and DVDs will be phased out eventually by Blu-Ray and other future technologies. So why worry about it? Don't. You'll save yourself a lot of hassle. Just go with the flow and let technology grow. I still can't wait until we have little 3 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch octagon disks that could store gigs upon gigs of information if configured correctly. The need for easy mass storage media is growing, even normal consumers who don't need it want it.
  18. I didn't even know it was a April Fools joke. One of my friends sent me the link and I was just in awe. I even thought about signing up but nah I'd rather not. Probably get caught up in some sort of conspiracy or some other crap.
  19. Don't get your panties too much in a ruffle. I think Saint Micheal was posting just to be posting. Where ever he heard that Halo 3 wouldn't be coming out was full of it. I doubt that Microsoft would ever say that Halo 3 wouldn't be a possibility for the future. Just look at the addictiveness of the game and the sales. Anyway, the 'Award Winning No Lifer' never did come back to quote the mag he got his info from. It would be a good business move for Microsoft to continue the Halo game line. It's somewhat of the Microsoft Xbox calling card. Like how Nintendo had Mario and Sega had Sonic. Halo is just one of the spotlight front running games that Xbox puts out.
  20. I played the original God of War and I was very happy with it. It's pretty unique how they did the game up, with the way you level and all that. There were some pretty hard spots here and there but I made it through. Me and my room mate beat it in about 3 weeks of random playing.I can't wait to get my hands on the second God of War. I watched something on TV yesterday and they were interviewing the director of the sequel and this time around the person directing it was one of the animators for the first game. Because of this I'm not getting too hyped up on the game, the animator never directing a game before and all. During the interview the new director said that in this game the player will get to explore more of the game world and characters stories. Also a character that got cut from the first one will now be included in the sequel!
  21. Hi Ferran. Welcome to the Xisto community. Great to see other members are reffering new users to come and be a part of it all. I like your display icon too. Enjoy your stay and read the rules.
  22. Welcome to the Xisto community Damen. The introductions area was hard for me to find when I first looked for it as well. I used to be a part of Freewebz.com or whatever their link was and they changed up a lot about their service on me. Then I found this heaven.
  23. Welcome back to Xisto.com! Read the rules for any updates you may have missed and hope you have fun.
  24. I'm not 100 percent sure if this is for real or not but it looked pretty official to me. So have you ever been interested in working in space? Google is interested in you working there. Check it out! https://www.google.com/jobs/lunar_apply.html Source: I stumbled upon these on another forum I participate in.
  25. Hello everyone. Currently I am running a mod project for a game called Freelancer. If you have experience in modding this game or specialize in a certain area of editing the game we would be interested in knowing your abilities and if you would like to be part of our team. To contact me just shoot me a email at sinthetik.nothing@gmail.com or visit the forums and join us, and then send a PM to Stealth.Raven, who is me.If you are not able to participate in helping with the mod project, please don't bother. We're only accepting those who can help create the mod at this time. In the future, however, we will be needing a few beta testers and possibly general staff for moderation over the forums and in-game. Please do not contact me about these things right now though as we are not ready to even consider people for these positions in our community.Thanks for your time.
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