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Everything posted by CloudSSJ

  1. well i don't know how long you arre playing with PS but you need to get know all basics first (making cool backgrounds, blending, colors)Try to read some tuts in tutorials section.
  2. Made all of them in last 2-3 weeks peroid Collab with friend: PS. No tuts were used to amke them so don't ask for them as many ppl do.
  3. they are ok but you need to learn how to make use of c4d renders in order to get nice flow. In most of your works they cotrrupting overall flow
  4. thewy are very good. Work on colors and lighting more
  5. you should work on overall flow and text. Also try to avoid Gaussion Blur set to Lighten or make it with less opacity
  6. it's ok for first one. Try to make it less blurry and darker. You can play with colors and add some lighting too
  7. i'm gonna open own account on Google Ads so it will be very useful in future
  8. i've read most of it and it's well organized and got many interesting info. ty for sharring
  9. it would be a lot easier if you would proivide some render/stock
  10. even it does takes many RAM it's stil lthe best
  11. as BooZker said Adobe Il;lustrator is the best solution for that kind of things.
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