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Posts posted by szupie

  1. Well, it says there in the directions. "Click and drag up and down."Is this world theoretically possible? If you lined all thoses scenes up, and went forward/backward, would you see the same thing as the animation shows? I'm not talking about the loop thing, but rather the multiple-portals thing.I've seen this before, but I got bored so I decided to see it again. I pulled down and stared for about a minute. When I stopped it, the things in the center started enlarging... (optical illusion)

  2. Heh, if the participators would state their age, we could do a scientific poll on this!!! It seems like those who vote for a woman that looks older (the euphemism would be "more mature"), would give all of their votes to mature woman. Those who vote for the cute/young-looking ones, would give all the votes to the cute ones.Is there anyone who's participated not Indian? I'm not, but I'm chinese. I want to see how different races would vote for different people.(mad scientist's laugh)

  3. Has anyone else noticed this? (Don't answer right now, wait for my next sentence...) When you have both Gmail's page open and Google Talk running, Gmail Chat will take over Talk, and Talk will no longer be functioning.I started a chat with my friend on the Gmail page, and after a long time, I remembered I was waiting for his reply, but I didn't hear any notification sound that Talk makes. Then I went back to the Gmail tab and saw that he's already sent a few lines to me. I wanted to investigate this, so I closed the chat box inside Gmail, and I called Talk up from the tray, and I sent a line to him. No reply came back from Talk, so I checked the Gmail page, and I discovered that Gmail has popped the chat box out again, and my friend was talking to me. It seems that the line I sent through Talk didn't go through.Is it the same for you guys too?

  4. I'm having a similar problem too. My wireless router is in the hallway outside of the room containing the computer. The space between them is like the shape of the letter "L", and they're at the 2 ends of the "L". The surroundings are walls. The distance from one end of the L to the other end is less than 10 meters apart (I don't know how many feet that is). It worked perfectly (only a few disconnects a day) when it was first set up, but now, it always gets a LOW signal, and sometimes disconnects every few minutes. The Mac in the same room doesn't have any problem at all.The computer is a Windows XP too. Both computers (the Mac and the PC) are desktop computers.

  5. Well, Flash has vector graphics, meaning its designs are all calculated and drawn by the viewers' computer, instead of just made up of billions of little pixels, like gifs. Flash is much better when you're making a long animation, since you can reuse something you've drawn over and over again in the movie without dramatically increasing the filesize. It's very easy to draw and animate in Flash.GIF makers are meant for making short movie clips that loads fast over the Internet. Its colors are very limited, its quality is bad, and it can't enlarge and shrink like Flash can. Also, most GIF makers don't have a lot of useful tools for drawing.So, for animations that are over a minute, Flash would always be better than GIFs in filesize and quality. However, if you're just making a short looped animation, GIFs would be smaller in filesize in most cases.

  6. MS^E, stop advertising Google Desktop in this thread!!! :)


    Yay, I just logged in to Gmail, and I was faced with this screen: Posted Image

    That indicates that I can now use Google Chat! So I clicked the "Got to my Inbox" button and checked out what it looks like.


    Unfortunately, the Quick Contacts box can't be dragged-and-dropped like the xml boxes in Personalized Homepage, but there are 2 places that you can place it in. Go to Settings in the top right corner of the page, then Chat, and there will be an option where you can choose whether it should go above the Labels box or below it. I chose below because I use the labels very often.


    One thing I don't like is that now, my inbox page looks too crowded. It's becoming hard to find an empty space on that page. By the way, has anyone noticed that the font size of the Labels box got bigger? It can't be switched back even if I choose to view in "standard without chat".

  7. Oh, I see you've merged the two topics together. That's why it was expanded to the second page.Yeah, I just found out that logging works with Google Talk too. But since Google Talk didn't update itself since Jan 28, it must be getting the code from Google's servers using AJAX or something. If someone were able to hack the Google server, they would be able to easily mess up our computers (n mak dem xplode!!! :) ). But hacking into Google would be the hard part. Unless it was someone inside Google...

  8. Heh, I just read about this in one of the Google Alerts about Google.I like how it'll save the conversations to the mailbox. The computer I'm using is shared between my family, so it's hard to keep the logs in a secret, yet easily accessable place. I wonder if Google Talk (the downloadable one, not Gmail Chat) will also save the logs online. It currently doesn't support logging at all, so I hope that it'll do the same thing as Gmail Chat on its next update (cool, then I'll get to make use of my Google Updater).My friend has Windows 98, and he can't install Google Talk, so it'll be good news to him once Gmail Chat is released. Then I'll be able to chat with him on the Jabber network, and not have to use MSN messenger. He gets annoying and floods me a lot of the times, and MSN messenger's notification and "buzzers/screen shakers" makes it even worse. Soon, he'll be able to flood me with Gmail Chat. :)I don't like the layout in those screenshots. The contacts list would push my Labels box too far down. And the Chat box would be too low to be seen. If I pop the chat out, it'll take more memory and also take the space in my taskbar. I hope the layout is customizable, like how Personalized Homepage is.P.S. MS^E, why is the screenshot you provided different than the one Google gives? Yours says "Chats Link Callout" "Mole Callout" and, instead of "Chat History" and "Chat". Was your screenshot an older one, or a localized version?

  9. What kind of blackout is it? Do you faint/pass out, or go limp, or see dots of lights in your eyes? I sometimes see dots of light (the ones that appear when you look at a bright light, except these are colorful, and they block my whole view) in the mornings when I move around a lot. I'm guessing it's because my body is hungry or does not have enough blood.

  10. Sample Sitemap


    A sample Sitemap that contains just one URL and uses all optional tags is shown below.














    Oh.... I thought that a sitemap's only purpose was to make it easier for visitors to find the pages, but I didn't know it also had all those hidden information. From now on, I shall view webpages in its source code. :) (Actually, there are a lot of sites that do not know this. I've seen a lot of sites that don't have those additional information in their sitemap.)

    Now I get it. The gSiteCrawler is like a wizard program that helps you in coding your sitemap with all the proper information.

  11. It's only the alpha version (scheduled for release on Feb 10th), and it doesn't have all the features they'll add in the final version. The final version is scheduled to come during summer, so it'll be a long time before we can get all the features and security stuff in the next version. Here's what they're planning on doing with the Firefox 2. It's still just a draft, so don't think this is what they will stick to from the beginning to the end.

  12. -----Below was written on 1/25/2005, 07:40 AM EST-----szupie


    mastercomputers: I googled the RFC2616 thing. Wow... So much to read... I just wanted to know what languages would make the job the easiest.


    miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG: When I try AJAX in my extension, my script would stop in the middle, but it doesn't give any error report. I'm thinking it's something wrong with the send() part of the code. When I try the AJAX code in HTML, I get this error: Error: uncaught exception:

    [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIXMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: file:///D:/xxxNameRemovedxxx/extensions/astau/chrome/chromeFiles/content/test.htm :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 6"  data: no]

    I don't know what that means, since Mozilla doesn't have a manual on what error codes mean (or do they?). I'll try looking through your credits extension and the shoutbox code to see what I'm doing wrong.


    -----Posts Merged-----szupie

    -----Below was written on 1/26/2005, 09:19 PM EST-----szupie


    OK, I found out that I had 2 problems in my javascript. The first one was with the send() statement. I did not put quotes around the parameters I wanted to pass (no one told me it needed to have quotes!). The second problem was in a later part of the script, where I tried to write the response to a new page. I was wrong about the AJAX not working, because this part was just plain javascript.


    So now, my problem is this: how can I send information to a page with AJAX? I've used this page as a test page for my extension. For the send statement, my code is http_request.send('md5=hello');. Then, when the response comes back, I create a new page and document.write the response to the page. This page's status bar never finishes loading, and the page doesn't seem to have taken any parameters. I've studied the shoutbox code (the credits extension didn't have POST in its code), but I don't see how I've made a mistake. Did anyone spot anything wrong with my code?

  13. use openSSH.


    How do you set up an SSH server on windows and create accounts for it? I want to control my computer remotely too, but that computer happens to be a mac (though I'm guessing SSH is the same for any Operating System). If I already have an SSH client program, would I need a seperate SSH server program on the computer too?

  14. I'm making a Firefox extension, and I need to use the POST method, which apparently is almost exclusively for HTML. Writing Firefox extensions is just like creating a web page, but the only difference is that you should avoid using HTML at all. Javascript, XML, etc. are fine. I've tried using the XMLHttpRequest function with AJAX, but I couldn't get it to work. So does anyone know how to POST information using any language but HTML? (Not GET. But it'd be much easier if I could use GET.)

  15. While a free flash "creator" might be interesting to try, I don't see any purpose in using the Gnash player. The Macromedia Flash Player is already free, and doesn't have any ads in it (it's already odd just to picture Flash having ads). It doesn't say on the site any special functions this software has, so I don't think anyone would download it in the near future, except for testing purposes only. But if it does add extra features (like better control in viewing a flash movie than the Macromedia Player), it'd be worth a try.

  16. I haven't tried using SSI, so I don't know how different it is. But I'm sure that it would be as problem-free as PHP.

    You can use javascript to redirect your users to another page just add the following line of code in your page and it'll redirect to whatever page you want it to go to:

    document.location = '/thepageyouwant.php';
    Or, you can make the server parse your .htm files the same as .php files too. To do that, go to the Mime Types in your cpanel, and type "application/x-httpd-php" in the Mime Type box, and "htm" in the Extension(s) box. That would make the server parse even the htm files, which would increase server load a little bit. If most of your .htm files do not have PHP code in them, I wouldn't recommend doing this. But if they all have PHP code in them, it doesn't matter.

  17. I'm back, with instructions on how to use PHP for adding a menu on your pages.


    OK, if your PHP configurations are correct, let's look at the actual coding. First, the basics of PHP: the server the contains your PHP file will parse your file as a normal HTML file. But when you put "<?php" inside your file, it would start parsing it as PHP code, until it find the text "?>", where it would stop. The concept is similar to (X)HTML, where everything inside a certain tag would be parsed according to the tag (Like words inside the strong tag would normally become bold). So,

    <?php echo "Bob Saget!!!"; ?>
    would make the server parse the PHP and print out "Bob Saget!!!" (without quotes). If you put
    <strong><?php echo "Bob Saget!!!"; ?></strong>
    , the server will first treat the strong tag as normal HTML (meaning it won't do anything), then when it sees <?php, it will start parsing the code and then sending it as HTML. Then, your browser would parse the HTML and display the elements inside the strong tag as bold, and you would see "Bob Saget!!!" in your browser (without quotes).


    Now, the actual functions we're going to use: the include... Uh... *Goes to look up the correct word*... statement. The include statement can be used to include an external file inside your existing page (what a surprise!?). So suppose you have your menu file saved as menu.htm in the same directory as your other pages...

    <?php include('menu.htm'); ?>
    Put that code wherever you want the menu to appear on your page, and you're done. Or, almost done. You still have to make the menu.htm...


    Inside your menu.htm, put in something like this:

    Home<br/>About<br/>OMG A Page<br/>Bob Saget!!!<br/>I'm bored.<br/>More filler<br/>Stuff
    If your menu is as basic as that, that's all you need in your file. If you follow web standards, use lists (ul) for your menu. You should not include the <html></html> tags in your file. It's a part of a bigger file, and it does not deserve individuality :D . But seriously. If you put <html> tags in, you'd have multiple of them in your file. That's not correct coding.



    1. You can also use the require statement instead of the include statement. With the Require statement, the file must be included in your page, or the server would send an error back to your browser. It's good if the thing you're including is crucial to the security your page, but for a simple menu, you can simply stick with include.

    2. If there is one page where you want the menu to be displayed differently, e.g. making every word bold, you can put <strong> around the <?php ?> to make the whole menu bold.

    3. If your file is located in a parent directory. No, make that a "grandparent" directory: change the file location to '././menu.htm'. Every "./" means a parent directory.




  18. If your browser doesn't display the PHP file properly, it's probably something wrong with the server. Go to your cpanel, and in the Advanced Tools section, go to Mime Types. Look for "application/x-httpd-php" in the long list, and make sure that it says ".php .php4 .php3 .phtml" after it. I'll tell you how to use the PHP method in another post in about 10 hours (when I get back from school).cyborgxxi: Static content is content that does not interact with the client (the web users). A page about the news is static content. A flash game is not. I don't think this forum is static content either (I'm not sure).EDIT: jlhaslip has a better explaination than me :D . Look at the next post.

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