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Posts posted by szupie

  1. You can ues javascript to include a few lines of text, but it'd be very inconvenient.

    First, make your external javascript file to include your menu:

    <script src="menu.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    Just put that line of code in the pages that you want the menu to appear in.

    Then, in your menu.js insert this code:
    document.write('[I]<div id=menu><p>I/'m here!!!</p></div>[/I]')
    That will make the javascript write the html code into your page. Change the code in italics into the code for your menu. You'll have to escape the quotes(') eveytime you use them by putting a / in front of it. That's why it's very inconvenient to use it.

    I have to go now. If you want, I can tell you a way to use PHP to insert files into your pages. It's a much better way, but I don't know if you want it, since you said something about using html only? PHP can be inserted into html files and browsers will see them as normal html, so I don't see any problem in using them. (I use them to include file myself)

  2. Very nice design! Can you easily edit the content without having to change the layout? It'd be even better if it is.One thing that was confusing at first, though, was the star button that leads you to "home". I didn't know it was a button until a few 10-seconds later, so I originally thought your site didn't have anything in it. But then, I found the button and discovered all the different pages in there. I think you should make the "home" page automatically play when the user enters your site.I'm curious about the coding of those buttons. I noticed that when you click one of them, only a few surrounding stars get reset to its original rotation? Why does that happen, instead of just one resetting or all of them resetting?

  3. The first 3 links link to an error message:

    You don't have permission to access the page at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Please consult our help library if you need any assistance.

    The last one... You can see through the person's legs and see the 2 circular things on the object behind him. Also, you should change the focus too--by blurring the person or taking a sharper picture of the Newton's Cradle (that rack of suspended balls)--because their focus should match in the picture. But you did a good job on cutting out the person.

  4. Vicious AD, I don't think hooking up a brain to a mmorpg is possible right now, but it could be in the future. I've saw this show, and it was about a guy who could not move, but had a functional brain. They hooked him up to a basic computer, and after much training, he could simply use his brain to control the cursor on the screen. He could also click with his cursor to check his e-mail and draw (although it looks really bad--they're just large circular scribbles). If it is that difficult to do such a simple task, I don't think a brain will be able to control its mmorpg person. Yet.

    Sarah81: Are you talking about this article? Too bad the pictures are gone...

  5. Cool, that site had the best interface I've seen. And it's nice how it almost supports every protocol. One thing I don't like about it, though, is that every contact list in every protocol is combined together, and you can't seperate them. Oh, another thing, I can't login to another protocol after I'm on the first one unless I reload the page to start over. Well, this is still in Alpha, so maybe we'll see some improvements on it.

  6. but suprisingly its got Norton antivirus 2005 , how come ?


    You get that software for free for 6 months only, and after that, you can't use it anymore. There are 2 possibilities that Google included this program: 1. Norton secretly paid Google to include the program in the Pack, or, 2. Google just thought it's a nice program. Maybe it's both of these reasons.


    it dont let macs download it :D


    Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention about this, but it currently only supports Windows XP right now. Mac will be supported in the future, and other OS may be too, as Pack progresses through its Beta stage.

  7. Yesterday at Google Keynote, they announced a new free product, called Google Pack. It's a collection of free programs that you can download, including Google's software, like Desktop, Earth, Picasa, and also some 3rd party programs, like Firefox with Google Toolbar, Adobe Reader, Trillian, etc. The pack also includes a new tool, Google Updater, which helps you keep your Pack programs up-to-date. The Pack is customizable, meaning you can choose which programs you'd like to download and install. Google Pack is currently in beta, and more programs might be added to it in the future.


    I've already got a majority of the programs in the Pack, but I wanted to test the Google Updater. It isn't available for separate download, so I had to download at least one program in the pack in order to get it. I chose Google Talk (which I already have) because of its small size. Updater doesn't look any special at the moment, so I'll just have to wait until updates or new programs become available.


    If you guys have a moment, go download it! It's very easy, only took me 5 clicks to choose my program, download it, and install it. https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=eUUsVMSaJsqH8QeZ-4HQBg&gws_rd=ssl

  8. Firefox is a browser, like Internet Explorer, but much better (In my opinion and many others' opinion). It's an open-source browser developed by Mozilla. Firefox is free to download right here. It has many useful features like tabbed browsing (If you've only used Internet Explorer, you don't know what it is: it allows you to open multiple web pages in one single window, and you can switch between them with tabs--kinda like the tabs in Windows' configuration dialogs), RSS support (like a live news feed thing... I don't use it much), customizability (you can pretty much change every thing in your browser's look, including the position and design of the buttons), and extensions (there are many user-made little tools that you can add to your Firefox browser). Fortunately for web designers, Firefox supports many web standards, and in the recently updated version, it added support for SVG, a language used in web pages to draw vector graphics.

    Just go download it and try it to see if you like it. If you don't, you can switch back to the browser you're currently using. Here's the like again: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/

  9. I remember one time when Google used H1 and TITLE tags as a primary criteria for their ranking, while MSN had them at 4th and 6th.  And right now, Google mainly uses a system called Vector Analysis, where they analyse the overall theme of your Website, and adjust your ranking accordingly.  It's still work-in-progress, but Google partly uses it, while not many others do.


    When you say "theme", do you mean the content theme or the visual theme of the site? And how can the robot adjust the ranking with the H1, title or theme? I don't get how a computer can tell what is good and what is bad.

  10. Well, this is just another way for people to gain money. There's a recent news that might relates to this: Google's patent infringement with Google Talk. According to this blog, the company that's suing Google is a company "has no products", and "exist to collect revenue from other companies" (Actually, the quotes were from this blog, one of the links from the first blog). But I'm not sure if these blogs are correct. Anyway, there are many ways to making profits similar to these ways. In my opinion, although they aren't illegal, they are very unethical.

    BTW, I didn't know using the ÂŽ sign is illegal without registration... Scary...

  11. How do you remove MSN Messenger in Windows XP? Not from the Add/Remove program list but by locating SYSOC.INF in the \Windows\INF folder (hidden file and folder).


    Don't you mean Windows Messenger? I can remove MSN Messenger just fine in the Add/Remove Program list. Windows Messenger is the annoying one that launches at start up and hides and takes away your memory. Thanks for the tip. (I actually thought it was a question at first, because of your first sentence :huh: )

  12. Are you the advertiser or the one putting Google ads on your site? If you are putting Google ads on your page and not receiving money, it may be because:1. No one went to your site (if you are using cost-per-1000-impressions ads)2. No one clicked the ads on your site (if you are using cost-per- <- snipped -> )Cost per 1000 impressions is the amount of money you receive/pay after every 1000 unique people have seen the advertisement. If there are only 999 people who have seen the advertisement, you will not be paid/charged.}

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