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Everything posted by Luigi

  1. Plus you have got miniclip and shockwave for fun, free minigames, nothing like the type of games you have mentioned.
  2. Glad to hear you have fixed your PS2. That 'fact' about PS2 only being built to last for 2 years is not true at all from my personal experience. I have had my PS2 for nearly 4 years, and it is still working fine. Granted, it occasionally freezes, but nothing more serious then that. My mates also own PS2's, for about the same amount of time as me, and none of them have had to replace their PS2 yet (to my knowledge anyway).
  3. I haven't heard much about this game that makes it sound very promising. Apparently, the gameplay is a bit of a let down, which is one of the things that has made Fifa 2005 such a huge imprvment on past fifa's. The graphics though are supposed to be just as sharp as Fifa 2005, which i guess is a good thing. I am a little sceptical about this game personally, and i may wait for a friend of mine to get it, then play their version, and then decide on whether i will get it or not. I hope it is good, but i am not holding my breath.
  4. Sorry for yet another post, but i can't edit my other posts. Anyway, the url for D2G had changed yet again, so just incase you are interested, here is the link: D2G Community site The site is now fully up and running and looking for interested gamers of all types. Thanks Luigi
  5. The fact they have made GTA San Andreas more RPGish then in past games has made the game much better. Instead of just doing missions and killing people (which was fun in its own right), you now have a sense of 'duty' to look after CJ, trying to survive the harsh environment of San Andreas.The game is a massive step up from the other games, which i didn't think was going to be possible prior to release.
  6. I personally don't believe anything about specifications and other information about any console until it has been confirmed by the makers themselves, in this case sony. I have an idea what type of games we can expect to see on the PS3, although the following list may just be wishful thinking and a bit of guesswork on my part: - GTA - Silent Hill - Timesplitters - Smackdown - Metal Gear Solid They may release the next in the series of each of the games mentioned for the PS2, i am not sure, but i would expect the titles above to be on the PS3 in some shape or form, they are playstation classics.
  7. I am personally a fan of Radeon, and i have a Radeon X600Pro, which i think is near enough what yours is......Anyway, i have never had a problem, runs games like a dream.
  8. At the minute, i live in darkest deepest southwest England, trust me, it is not very fascinating in this part of the world.If i was ever going to move abroad, i would probably have to go and take a look at the USA. I hear lots of stereotype about the US, but i would like to visit and see what the US is really like, because i believe that some of the stereotypes are actually false, and unrepresentative of the USA as a whole.
  9. 1. MGS32. GTA: San Andreas3. Killzone4. Fifa 20055. Silent Hill 4: The Room
  10. Thanks for the links, very helpful.I like HL2 and far cry. I also like the look of Football manager 2005 and medal of honor: Pacific assault.
  11. Is that hack compatible with 2.0.11 though?
  12. That's a shame, seeing as i am using phpBB 2.0.11.Thanks anyway...
  13. anyone know how to add a 'no post count' restriction onto a forum, kind of like what Xisto admins have done to the 'life talk' forum.....Thanks in advance.
  14. I have never heard of the other one, but i do have Norton antivirus. Personally, i have never had a problem with Norton, although i do have a horrible habit of closing the process that runs it, meaning i disable it. I have heard that Norton doesn't pick much up on its scan, but i am not sure if this really is the case. I have had no problems with my PC so far.
  15. I personally would say N64.I have never owned either personally, but i would say N64 purely for the reason that it has one of the most classic games ever, Goldeneye. That game apitamises everything that is good about computer gaming in my opinion.N64 > SNES
  16. It looks and sounds as if it is gonna be great. Lets hope that is doesn't fail to disappoint! and lets hope that the delays in the release are for a good cause. :DOne of my favourite things is the fact that medics fun around with defribulators! I can only imagine what that will be like! I will hopefully have the money to buy this game when it is finally released.
  17. I have 512kb/s broadband, but soon to be upgraded to 1mb/s for no extra cost.
  18. Great to see somebody organising something like this, whereby lots of people can join in from the local area, rather then just those people who you happen to know. I would take a look, but North Georgia is a long distance away from southwest England! Anyway, good luck with the event and i hope it is a success for you and the rest of the people who take part.
  19. Luigi

    Agent 007

    Thanks for the tip. Sounds pretty cool actually.May try that one day....
  20. I love the content of your site, those games you have a classic. Have you ever thought about trying to get rid of those ads and generally improving the look of your site? I am not saying this to be harsh, it was just an observation.Anyway, great job and cool games.
  21. Isn't this kind of in the wrong place?Anyway, Firefox is great in my opinion. I find that web pages load much faster when i use Firefox. I don't know if this is the same for everyone, but it is definately the case for me.I would vote Firefox over anything.
  22. I wrote my own little review of GTA San Andreas for my gaming community forums, so here is some of it: Lets start off with the general feel of this game, which happens to be a strong point of the game. The other GTA games have had a sense of freedom, but none has had a greater sense of freedom than this game. Apart from the general driving around and killing people, which has made this game so popular, this GTA has introduced the whole new feeling of RPG, whereby you are responsible for the well being of Carl Johnson (the main guy). Such activities include eating in order to stay healthy, visiting the gym to stay in shape and build up muscle and stamina, going to the clothes shops, tattoo parlors and hairdressers to change CJ's appearance and also dropping in to many of San Andreas' clubs and bars. This game has a real sense of realism, trying to survive in a harsh environment. The size of the game has also been dramatically enhanced, with more vehicles available to roam around the whole of San Andreas, which incidentally is 6 times larger than Vice City! Not only is the area urban, but rural areas now feature, with vast amounts of open countryside to glide across at your leisure. The graphics are still as great as ever, with the only negative being the occasional glitches that occur with the graphics, but that is to be expected if you are playing a game that takes the PS2's engine to full capacity. The environment and the people and vehicles within it looking as sharp as ever. Read the whole thing here: D2G San Andreas review by Luigi
  23. I miss the edit button actually......That was very useful actually, please bring it back, i am actually now on my knees begging.... please?
  24. Sorry for the double post, but seeing as i can't edit my original post..... Anyway, i just wanted to say that a few things had changed at D2G, with the portal deleted, so the actual url is: D2G forums
  25. Before i had the ability to play other games online, i was a frequent visitor to both miniclip.com and shockwave.com, with both sites providing fun games, both single player and even some online games. I always used to go on a game called inklink, just for the sheer humour of the whole aspect of drawing things. That was back in the day before i could play the likes of Counterstrike Source and UT2004 online.....
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