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Everything posted by canute24

  1. I have already written how to get 5.1 read my previous post. You can make 5.1 vidoes if you have a 5.1 sound source. I have seen a new handy cam which allows you to do that. Vorbis has better sound quality than MP3 for the same size. But to get 5.1 you have to use AC3. I don't know any decoder which decodes 5.1 from other formats. MP3 5.1 is around the block.
  2. S O M E T I M E SSometimes... when you cry... no one sees your tears. Sometimes... when you are in pain... no one sees your hurt. Sometimes... when you are worried... no one sees your stress. Sometimes... when you are happy... no one sees your smile.But FART!! just ONE time...And everybody knows!!Gotcha!! You thought it was going to be one of those heart-touching stories!
  3. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt Tell me what you think???
  4. The last review says that MySQL is down a lot. I have heard it too. I don't know because I don't use MySQL can someone explain what is going on? What is written is very bad.
  5. If you want something for video editing then just close your eyes and go for the SSE3 processors. I'll tell you I have seen a Celeron D beat a Athlon 64 FX in video benchmarks.
  6. Thanx for the help. And Mr.NilsC I didn't ask for someone to send me a warning email it is done automatically here and I prefer getting a warning email than having my account suspended. If you find my questions too stupid then don't answer them. There are people who can answer them in a much better way. We need people here who are nice. Since you are a newbie it's ok because I don't think you have read all the pinned topics. When you do you'll have questions like those. And if you don't know there is something known as reputation here.Have you ever wondered why OpaQue has such a good reputation???
  7. No hard drive can be upgraded. If you want anything more buy a new one. It is good to discuss things like these here. I never knew about TCQ. For those who want it in simple words here it is: It runs the more importnant tasks first ( the ones that need data immediately) thereby decreasing the time the processor has to stay idle. This increases the work done in some time, increasing performance. And that's another thing you must have SATA. Doesn't come with PATA. But no one knows, like after everyone thought that Socket A was dead and no new platforms were not going to be released, they are still fighting over it. ;)About the hard drive being slow: Make sure you get the data for Pinnacle in the higher drives ( like prefer C over D and D over E ). The hard disk is faster at Track 0 and slows down at the end. Now imagine what will happen at the end of 250GB. Keep you hard drive defragmented before starting Pinnacle.Hope I could help.
  8. I came here because I was searching for free hosts and I reached clickherefree.com, after I came here. It was jsut because of OpaQue's posts, especially "Why go somewhere else to get cheated?". I wanted more bandwidth. And I think the credit finally goes to Opaque.
  9. Hey, this is a very bad poll. . I like strategy and also simulation. I want more options! Can anyone tell me what does this -> signify???
  10. Google is usually very fast. Does things done is a few hours. Everything is automated there. I don't think it take a lot of time unless the spider has some problem. Or maybe your site is rejected. Google is very concerned about its reputation you know. If you want traffic then Google is the answer. For most people Google is the beginning of the internet. And if you want high click through rate you have to do for targeted advertising. Otherwise people who are not interested will visit and do nothing. You will get hits no genuine visitors and can leave you wondering what's wrong. There is nothing to lose by submitting to "unheard of engines" if they are up someone is using it. And if you take trouble for it you might gain something.You can take the google course for search engine optimization. (I think so.) There is some help available from Google on this you can find it there.Link exchange is a nice idea you don't have to spend anything and even if visitors visit you site without doing any business you don't have to pay for the click. But you have to be careful while advertising: Your idea of advertising is to get more business not send them to other sites. Most of the time you must try to exchange links with sites of higher traffic than you have.There is just one more thing you need to know: As per Google advertising on site which have bad reputation can bring down your ranking. It is in some rules on somewhere on Google. You can check if you want to.
  11. Don't always believe the advertisements. Can you believe this $200 emails. All of them and no minimum payout! And they haven't yet paid anyone. And if you ask them they won't even reply. And go to the redemption section and they have no option of withdrawing money. I wonder what they are doing? There are many sites like this on the net and are increasing day by day. You just have to search for them.
  12. Its a nice game. I like it very much. It is one game which I have played more than twice as much as any other. Nice to know that there are people around who are as mad as the game as me. I always have it installed on my PC. Sometimes I feel like playing then I play. But I get really bored to play against the computer all the time, the same old tactics.And also the cheats.
  13. Hey, before you put up a poll you should think about others too. There are people all over the world here and not everyone can give proper answers to grades. I think a better idea would be to put age instead of grades. I hope everyone uses years to count age.
  14. Hi everyone. Since most of you are good at computers I though I could use some help for my seminar anyway being a part of this community I though let's make use of the knowlege and idea's of people here. I am doing a seminar on PC hardware. Anything about hardware will do. I want to do it nicely. Since there are over two thousand members here. I thought if all of you could lend me a little of you idea's it would be great. I alone can do it. But with everyone's help it might be a lot better. And if you can give me some information also it would be good and very helpful.Looking forward to your response. Thank you.
  15. Can someone tell me where we can find full information about the credit system. The following questions need to be answered: 1. Can we have negative credits? 2. At how many credits do we get a warning email informing about the credit balance? 3. Can credits be increased or decreased manually? 4. What happens to the credits we have if we are inactive when: i) we do not have our site hosted ii) we have our site hosted 5. If our account is suspended due to low credit balance how much credits do we have to get to have our site hosted again?
  16. Yeah, good config but to make sure it will be easily upgradeable get a board which supports DDRII and also don't forget PCI-E if you are a gamer. The newer SATA drives come with 300MBps traansfer. What are you going to do about all these???
  17. Has anyone heard about NCQ? It is a new type of technology incorporated into new drives which makes them smarter and hence increases the overall comp performance. NCQ - stands for native command queing. What is does is that, the hard drive fitted with a microcontroller has a stack which stores all the commands during high load and then the one which has the highest priority or the one which is immediately required is executed first so that the no so important process wait. This is supposed to increase the performance of the computer significantly. The Maxtor Diamond Max9 with SATA (300MBps) have this technology. And I think Seagate also has started providing this technology with the Baracuda .8 (Dot 8) drives. I am not sure. If anyone is following hardware closely they might know about it. Since I was busy for a few months now I couldn't keep track of it. If someone has any extra info please post it here. Thank You.
  18. I didn't write anything bad. Just asking people to vote. I don't think it give a bad idea. I have written that this is bad. So naturally people will read what is written. No one can assume that Xisto is bad.By the way did you vote?
  19. Have you see at the bottom of the page? We have 2,139 registered members and there are only 117 reviews for Xisto at Clickherefree. It was ranked among top 10 when I joined and now it is at 13th place. It is time for you people to do something. We have to do something more than just post. To keep Xisto and running for a long time you people have to give good reviews and keep it atleast in the Top 10 list because that is where most people go. It is time to do something as soon as you read this message go to this site. The link is given here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Give a good review and if all of us put a little effort I am sure that Xisto can be at the top because it is that good and it deserves the top spot. Keep submitting this site to the webhosting directories and give you votes generously. Don't forget that what you get here you don't get anywhere else. So do it now. Go to this site too and give your vote. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. What ?! We lose 1 credit/day? And what did you say about that getting that something: 1 credit = 1 day = ??? I didn't get that properly. Could you explain it a little. So now If we are hosting a site here. How many posts do we need to do per day? So that means if we have a lot of credits we can stay without hosting for a long time, Huh? Am I right? So is this hosting system and the forum and all intergrated together I mean they are all connected and share information? And thanx for that help.
  21. All 5.1 is usually recorded in Dolby AC3. That is 448kbps 6 channel (5 sat +1 sub). THX is just a standart which gives the quality of sound. THX has some std rules for 5.1 if these are met then the sound quality is said to be at THX std. THX was George Lucas's first movie. So the name was given to the std because the 5.1 was first implemented by him, in his movie. 7.1 is a newer standard. Not supported by DVD yet. But most probably will be a part of HD.If you encode sound at 7.1 and you don't have a 7.1 sound card along with 7.1 speakers then the sound will be downmixed to the lower config of the two. You cannot encode VCD's to 5.1. You can but it will only increase the file size, since VCD's are 2 channel. You can't get 5.1 effect from it. In turn you will degrade the sound quality due to resampling. To make full use of 5.1 sound encoding you must have a 5.1 sound source. There are two ways of getting it: 1. DVD's which are already in 5.1 so meaning in encoding. 2. From the studio with advance acoustic sets. In short the post says: Use your std MP3 or Vorbis encoder and encode sound in Joint stereo or mono. Or Dual Channel stereo for higher quality. I hope that must have helped you.
  22. Hey, I make any sense of these credits and whatever it is connected to. I would like to know if i can find something about credits anywhere. When do you lose credits? One is when you ask for some hosting. What else? Do you lose any credits if you are not posting? Can someone (human being like moderator or admin) give or remove credits?And also what about this reputation? When do I get to reputation?
  23. You don't get the whole virus issue that's why you are talking like this. No one click on the virus file unnecessarily. When you get one in the inbox you will understand the whole issue. It is not a problem for those who already know about it. It is only a problem for newbies.
  24. Are you asking how to have the page contents move with the background staying still? Most probably it is done using Javascript. I am not very sure. You can get java script for free on the net which do a lot of things. You can always search the help in Dreamweaver. Just type background see what you get.
  25. There are somethings which are very obvious:1. Flash is only good to watch when it is loaded. Not when it is loading. On some website designing tips I read that most users close their window when they see a flash preloader with "Loading..." in it. I think that explains one part of the the visitors who don't register.2. I think the $0.85/month is a great idea. Keep it up.3. With free host giving up 5GB without requiring posting. I think the 1GB bandwidth dissapointed me the most followed by the Flash preloader. I think as Opaque said if 100MB bandwidth is enough for 5000 visitors and most use less than 1GB. I don't think it would be a bad idea to increase the bandwidth by a couple of GB's. Mind you, I am not telling to oversell. I repeat, I am not asking to oversell.4. I am usually looking for features at webshosts than bandwidth. That's why I am here today. Listing features on the home page won't be a bad idea I think.That's all for now. I will keep writing as I get new things.
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