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Everything posted by AbstracT

  1. AbstracT


    I hate when women act stupid.. They do something wrong and you ignore em, they ask 'What I do?' wtf you think you did. I know your day wasn't that busy that you can't remember why I'm not talkin to you.When you ask your woman to do something and she does something else..What are you here for if you don't follow directions. I asked my woman to do ONE thing and that was put off. Talking about I had other things to do...Who's more important your man or other things..No you don't need to think about it, it's only one right answer.ATTN: Notice from whyme: I'm being rather precautious with this topic, this is very sensitive because you are specifically regarding this matter towards women, and may lead into sexism, which will not be tolerated. I'm closing this topic.-whyme
  2. lol. I use to hate dail up especially when I was tryna get on aol. It took forever to connect by that time you coulda wrote a letter and it would be in the person mailbox. And don't let the number that's being dailed up be wrong cuz then you have to find another number to connect with. Darm, thank god for broadband
  3. I hate when people see me in a pair of baggy keans and a white T the first thing they think of or say 'He's a thug'..Where the hell they get that from? Sometimes I feel lazy and dress down. Since I'm wearing baggy jeans I must be a thug..When did clothes determine the type of person I am..Hell I make darn good grades and what..I wear baggy jeans and white T that doesn't make me a thug at all. Thug is a mentally, it's a mindset. It's not clothes. Clothes doesn't have a personality, it doesn't have a heart beat.
  4. AbstracT

    College Finals

    It seems like teachers do this to see how much we can remember in a short time span. They cram everything we learn in the semster into 5 generic questions and give you three hours to write it down. Then on top of that for a study guide it's like 20 topics on the paper so you have to study like a billion concepts and then they have the great choice of picking 5 questions of the sheet. BLAH. I can't wait till this final week is over so I can drown myself in a bottles of chocolate millk.
  5. AbstracT


    How many kids do you think you would want to have?I'm thinkin maybe 13 lol im trying to repopulate the world with a bunch of lil devils, and then they can all play football together.But probably...4-6..i want a big family like mines
  6. AbstracT

    College Finals

    What's the point of finals..Why do teachers make a big deal out of one test that suppose to decide if you get a terrible a great grade. Why come to the class at all if one text can decide your entire GPA. Finals are next week and it's feels like the life has been sucked out of the hallways of dorms. The teacher tells you have to remember all the terms you learned in class plus on top of it remember dates and examples. Tell me what isn't pressure? You have to stay in a room for 3 whole hours, sitting on a hard school chair and staring at a blank piece of paper that will determine if you're a 3.5 or 3.8 student. Teachers review a whole 2 weeks and it seems like the rest of the semester was worthless because the assignments handed in does not match the final test percentage. What are the point of finals? It's like a way to torture students one last time before we go on vacation..Which will not be a vacation because we will be wondering what the heck we got on the final exam. The final exam is like a death sentence for grades, cuz you can either get a pardon by the professor or your grade gets executed.Why do teachers put students through all this anxiety for one test.
  7. I have a friend who believes everything he sees on the internet. I mean the topic could be ridiculous and he will swear me up and down it's God given truth because he saw it on the internet. Some people need to check the website certificate to see if the page is authentic. Or even look at the information about the author..Whether the author has some type of degree in the field he/she make an inquiry about or not. The internet I say makes people stupid, antisocial, and lazy just because information is just a keystroke away now. People don't have to get up and go to the library to get information. They don't have to talk to anyone in person because we have aim, msn, and yahoo messengers. Everything has become so impersonal. We talk and trust people was have never saw in face. That's loco.
  8. Sometimes I like to ride my bike or drive my car. But if it's a short distance I don't mind riding my bicycle just because it costs me nothing and I can burn some calories and get some nice calf muscles lol. Most importantly if it's a spring day I can catch a nice breeze and feel the great weather.
  9. When I feel like I don't want to be bothered I put in an Eminem cd lol everyone gets the message to leave me the heck alone. I guess music to me shows what my mood is at that very moment. When I feel contemplative or indecisive I put on slow songs by Mariah Carey, Evanescence (My immortal), or En Vogue old songs. Music reflects who a person is and how they feel in my opinion.
  10. In the U.S. the SATs decides whether you get into a good college or not. I mean you could have basically C's and B's as your grade point average but get a 1400 on the SATs every college will be ringing off your phone. It's stupid though because everything the SATs consists of we learned in 9th and 10th grade and then they test you in 12th grade and you basically forgot all that bullcrap. I remember I was on Calculus II and I looked at the SATs and they were on trig. I forgot all of that lol.
  11. AbstracT


    I understand what you mean about how the FCC is smothering the write for freedom of speech. For instance, look at our news stations they only show us what is allowed by the executives of the station. But majority of the stations now are owned by one company. So if one company has a bias with a certain topic we will get the warped view of it in the broadcast. People who was opposed to Bush being placed in the office the day of him pledging in were removed. All we saw was the blind people following him to death gate basically. Unless we were there we didn't see the protestors who were carried out or the people who boo'd when he droved down in the car with his family in Washington, D.C.
  12. I believe that someone higher created us. But I wouldn't try to characterized the 'higher being' with a word. A human word would diminish the power of this form of energy. When I read the bible I feel a little anger because if this is all tru this being is playing games with our lives. Or was so bored thought us up and just sit and watch us fall on our face. I know our mind could not make a human.. We can only clone what has already been made. We can't make a human from scratch, we have only just begun to develop organ parts, but those are still going through scientific trials. Who knows we could have been made from energy colliding at a high speed, or energy that has broken apart from a massive collision and that made earth. Who are we to say this theory is right or wrong.. Who has lived that long and can right on us the path we are going down. I think people who take the bible literally are crazy. The bible has so many literary devices such as puns, metaphor, similies, etc. Who knows the bible could have been made by twelve drunk men and how do we not know if these men were 'devils'?
  13. I liked it. You ever thought of going professional as a song writer? The grammer was a little awkward but the concept was very nice.
  14. i'm a nokia fan. The idea of the phone is pretty good. my whol thing is well nokio be able to compete with sony ericson phones now, because they're getting the popularity along wid nextel. Motorola and nokia have a lot of catching up to do i think.
  15. My top 3 drinks-Pineapple Soda (I'm addicted to this, I can drink 4 big bottles a day!!!)-Orange Soda-Blackberry Soda
  16. wow i'm glad this was posted up cuz I use aol and msn a lot. People have too much time on their hands to make up a virus.
  17. My favorite book is David Copperfield. The book is amazing..the author changed diction everytime a new character spoke..so you get the feel of what the character is about. The book is long but it's very easy to follow. I love how there are nested plots inside of the major plot because it ties all the characters together.
  18. whew.. i didn't know teachers still did the whole define a word thing at detention. I remember I had to write the definition of the word scholar cuz I wasn't being a class clown. She made me write that definition 500 times..It was the most boring thing in the world. What a waste. After I finished it I 4got the definition.
  19. i'mma go all the way back1. Tetris2. Street Fighter 23. Super Mario Bros. 34. Sonic the hedgehog 35. Tekken 4
  20. I just brought the game. It's okay..A lil overrated. It's not much you can with the game. I like the Sims communities better because u can build ur own house have more people and have a bigger choice when it comes to furniture.
  21. I think suicide for any reason is just crazy. Why sacrifice your life for territory? People may say the land represent your beliefs in everything but there are plenty of ways to demonstrate how you feel against a person then just killing youself. I think suicide should only happen as last resort..When you exhausted all ways to speak and fight against wrong actions.
  22. webhost review. I tried other sights but none was as good as Xisto. I hated the stupid requirements they made for people who wanted to be hosted.
  23. lol why do people compare her to Madonna,...I don't think she is in the same lead as the pop legend. I mean Madonna made fashion trends, changed opinions...basically anything she do people look at it like wow she's the best.
  24. Hmm. I think thee state property issue was funny. Everyone riding jay-z d*ck and he's not a good artist just a great businessman. I mean why can't artist choose sides because it what they want and not what the people choose. For instance Young Gunz wasn't good to being with they only have one nice single and the rest of the album is crap. Dame brought in all their connections what did Jay did but let them be in his shadow for a few.
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