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Posts posted by itrainmonkeys

  1. LOL I agree with the guy above me. I thought for sure the scope would be going in another end of the body. I can't begin to tell you the annoyances that come with getting medical procedures done. I too had to go in for something and the things you need to do the day and night before suck. I had to drink down this disgusting thick liquid taht would line my stomach and not eat anything for hours.....it wasn't fun. The procedure sux and then you're in pain/tired afterwards.I can't stand going to the hospital/doctor's office because of a fear of finding something wrong and having to go through all these proceudres. The process is just annoying and it sux that you have to go through so much. Have fun....hopefully everything will be fine

  2. Definitely a let down. The games need to go back to their old ways. Like Smackdown Just Bring it....that was a good game. The storylines are bogus, the career mode is a letdown. Loading times are way too long.....the graphics are pretty nice but they aren't getting anything crazy. I'm glad I didn't spend the 50 bucks to buy it or else i'd be regretting the purchase. I like having the newer guys but the controls are just a little weird. The game I AM looking forward to tho is TNA Impact....the graphics look amazing on that....at least in cutscenes:

    Midway recently held a press event to discuss some of its upcoming lineup. While the main focus was on games coming out later in 2007, attendees also got another quick glimpse at the trailer for TNA Impact!, the wrestling game currently under development in Midway's Los Angeles studio.
    The trailer was originally released back in December, and it shows AJ Styles and Samoa Joe entering the "Impact Zone" and briefly punching at each other in the ring. The two are also working directly with Midway as consultants on the game and are said to be heavily involved. The version of the trailer shown at the event goes on for a second or two longer and ends with a few quick flashes of other TNA wrestlers, including Jeff Jarrett, who appears to be holding up his trademark guitar. The only other official asset for the game thus far is a promotional shot featuring the TNA logo and three polygonally rendered wrestlers, AJ Styles, Monty Brown, and Jeff Hardy. The image is most definitely out of date, because Brown and Hardy no longer compete in TNA.

    As for the game itself, details are few and far between. The game will duplicate the six-sided ring found in TNA and will feature many different match types. The ability to create your own wrestler is another feature that the team is currently considering. The team contains some heavy-duty Midway veterans, including people who have worked on such games as NFL Blitz, NBA Jam, Ready 2 Rumble Boxing, and more.


  3. Posted Image


    Anybody else read this book? I'm fascinated with the man to be quite honest. He's a hero of mine. Bob Dylan's music has touched a lot of people and his book is amazing. I read through it so fast. It touches on so many things in his life. His desire to just be a musician and not this prophet or speaker for a new generation like everyone was making him out to be. How he got his start playing covers of people's songs. Where he lived when he went to New York. What little cafe's he played in. It was amazing. Here's a quick review from amazon.com


    One would not anticipate a conventional memoir from Bob Dylan--indeed, one would not have foreseen an autobiography at all from the pen of the notoriously private legend. What Chronicles: Volume 1 delivers is an odd but ultimately illuminating memoir that is as impulsive, eccentric, and inspired as Dylan's greatest music.

    Eschewing chronology and skipping over most of the "highlights" that his many biographers have assigned him, Dylan drifts and rambles through his tale, amplifying a series of major and minor epiphanies. If you're interested in a behind-the-scenes look at his encounters with the Beatles, look elsewhere. Dylan describes the sensation of hearing the group's "Do You Want to Know a Secret" on the radio, but devotes far more ink to a Louisiana shopkeeper named Sun Pie, who tells him, "I think all the good in the world might already been done" and sells him a World's Greatest Grandpa bumper sticker. Dylan certainly sticks to his own agenda--a newspaper article about journeymen heavyweights Jerry Quarry and Jimmy Ellis and soul singer Joe Tex's appearance on The Tonight Show inspire heartfelt musings, and yet the 1963 assassination of John Kennedy prompts nary a word from the era's greatest protest singer.


    For all the small revelations (it turns out he's been a big fan of Barry Goldwater, Mickey Rourke, and Ice-T), there are eye-opening disclosures, including his confession that a large portion of his recorded output was designed to alienate his audience and free him from the burden of being a "the voice of a generation."


    Off the beaten path as it is, Chronicles is nevertheless an astonishing achievement. As revelatory in its own way as Blonde on Blonde or Highway 61 Revisited, it provides ephemeral insights into the mind one of the most significant artistic voices of the 20th century while creating a completely new set of mysteries. --Steven Stolder --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

    There's no other book i'd recommend. If your a fan of his....great.....if not.....even better. Pick up Chronicles volume one.

  4. A very strange idea indeed. And you learned it from Oprah? Not the best place for learning but not the worst either. I've always wondered what it must feel like to be transgendered. I'm not saying I want to be a woman (i'm a man) but I just never understood what it would feel like to be trapped in the wrong body. Many trasgendered people have (like transexuals) changed their appearance to better fit their needs.One of the cases I can think about is the female twin (whom i've seen on shows like Maury, Dr. Phil, etc.) who felt like a man so had surgery to become one. His (or her?) family accepted this fact and haven't shunned him. His sister is still jsut as close as when they were the same sex and their parents still love both of them the same. The male (who used to be female) now takes testostorone for voice and hair.....and couldnt be happier.It's just not for me though.

  5. I WISH I ha a time machine.Anyway the answer to your question is a pretty tough one. I've thought about it for quite a while (way before reading this post) and never really understood what it is. Time is just the concept used to explain night and day. The post above me had a similar answer to what I was thinking. IT's quite a confusing hought but to define time one way or another would be hard.

  6. Can anyone clear this up for me? I've tried looking a little bit but couldn't find the information i'm looking for. Here's what I want to know. Why do television sets create static. Like you know when you're watching the wrong channell and it's all snow or a bunch of lines....no picture just black and white things.....what is that?What causes that? Why does that happen? Why isn't it colors and just black and white. I'm talking about like.....if you only are supposed to leave the t.v. on channel 3 - but switch it to channel 4 and it's all static and stuff.....jsut what is it? Where does it come from? Someone please help me lol. I'm curious.

  7. Sigs = signature. People refer to the gfx in their signature as their sigs. I've been working for years in photoshop and haven't even gotten amazing yet. Try out GIMP like he gave you and you may find it's fun. I love messing with pictures and encourage everyone to get into sig making.

    some tutorial sites:

    spoono.com - good gfx tutorials

    pixel2life - just about any tutorial for any program ur looking for

    [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/- easily the best search engine for photoshop tuts

    good liuck

  8. I'd have to say Steve Nash. He's just incredible. He's such a team player and really knows how to get the victory. There's no focusing on ego or scoring all the points. He gets tons of assists and steals and is always a highlight reel. There haven't been too many stand-out players like him. He totally deserves the MVP award again this year.Other honorable mentions include :Earl Boykins. Dude is just amazing for his size. He's not a huge defensive player but he gets some sweet shots on offense.David Lee. Hopefully he's the future of the knicks. I love watching him play and I really enjoy the effort he puts in. He's the reason I was watching the Knicks for awhile. Of course he got injuerd (unexpectedly) and was out for a long time. That killed me cuz I was jsut getting into his season. Now I can't wait to see what he has next year.Vince Carter. Just awesome. Love watching him play.

  9. I've visited a lot of different sports sites in my time. I've found that the simplest ones are the best. I always make sure to check ESPN.com, NBA.com, Yahoo Sports....etc. Stuff like that. I also like to check out Withleather.com which is a blog that has some humorous takes on sports news. NBA.com is best when i'm looking up basketball stuff....that does without saying.I think i'd enjoy a site that has columns/opinion articles as well. I always read the paper for the opinions and thoughts on situations.

  10. Love it. Played in High School and have been playing since about 3rd grade. I sorta stopped in college because I'm not cut out for the daily practices and the running and all of that. Plus I need to focus on my grades. But I still love the sport. It's so amazing to see the spread of this sport all accross the nation. i've recently been seeing plenty of kids walking around the streets carrying lacrosse sticks and it makes me happy. It's generally a hot-bed in the east.....but it's spreading to the west thanks to indoor leagues and the MLL.The MLL (Major League Lacrosse) was really interesting when it first came out but the interest kinda died down. I went to a few early games and saw Casey and Ryan Powell play and they're amazing. It'll never compare to the NCAA tournments tho. I've been going to the college championships for years. In different areas such as Baltimore, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. It's been quite the experience.Just last year I got to see my cousin win the NCAA championship for SUNY Cortland. IT was an amazing experience and I love the sport.Go out and watch some of the fastest game on two feet if you don't knwo anything about it.

  11. I understand that cigarette smoking is addictive. I get that people crave the nicotine fix. I know it's hard to quit. I've had tons of smokers in my family on my dad's side. We all sat around my grandfather when he was on his deathbed from cancer that was due to cigarette smoking. A few weeks later my grandma and rest of the family are sparking up. Why? Because it's addicting. Personally i'm glad I never got into cigarettes. I've never liked the taste and found that the few that i've tried have left me a little lightheaded but for the most part pretty sick feeling.The problem that I have with these anti-smoking ads.....specifically Truth......is that now it's not so much about the Tobacco companies hiding facts or helping people quit. They just like reminding us how many people have died and stuff like that. In this day and age just about everyone knows smoking is bad. It's not going to help by just pointing out how many people it has killed. Plenty of smokers will just continue to light up. They should be focusing on helping people quit.

  12. Hey guys......I'm not sure how many of you all here watch or have watched pro wrestling at some time. Personally i've been on and off since childhood. I'm 20 now and enjoy it but don't really go crazy over it. Anyway....this year my roomate happened to get tickets to Wrestlemania in Detroit (this past sunday) and we drove the 9 hours it took from New York to get there. First off let me ask:Are there any fans at all?Did anyone see the show?Anyway........IDK if ya'll consider this an actual sport since it is pre determined......but the stuff they do takes talent and dedication and they go out 300 days a year and entertain fans or all ages. So that's why I put it in the sports section. Here's a lil review of my Wrestlemania weekend:-Got to the hotel on Saturday night. Hung out. Smoked a joint or two and just relaxed. 9 hours in a car sux so i'm glad we got to chill before the show on Sunday.-Went to Ford Field around 4 o'clock and waited for the doors to open. The streets were flooded with people wearing wrestling shirts and families holding each others hands on the way to the arena. Let me say.....there were a ton of people.-Got in and found our seats. Had it been set up like the football field it normally is our seats were directly behind the middle of the endzone......25 rows up (not floor seats but really good ones anyway). The way the arena was set up tho - we were directly across from the entrance ramp which was monstrous. Humongous screens and giant sets of fireworks and other sorts of craziness.-First match - Money in the Bank Ladder match. Amazing matchup here as there were a lot of high spots and innovative uses of the ladder. Kennedy wining was a great choice and everyone seemed to shine at some point in the match. It all flowed really well and got the crowd pumped. At this point there were 80,000 people in attendance breaking a Ford Field record.-Khali .vs. Kane second match wasn't horrible because it was short. Great Khali can't wrestle and he's just a big guy. Nothing special here.- Chris Benoit .vs. MVP was a solid match. I like MVP a lot and can really get into his moveset. He held his own and Benoit winning was a surprise to me. Nice to see him win with the headbutt.- Taker .vs. Batista Champion ship match was really good. They were intense the whole match and really amped up. The dive over the ropes by taker and the powerslam onto the table by Batista were awesome. I'm glad Undertaker won the belt and Batista didn't end the winning streak (taker is 15-0 at mania)-New breed .vs. ECW originals - surprising finish to a bland match. Nothing great.- Hair .vs. Hair - Trump and Lashley .vs. McMahon and Umaga. Stone cold as the ref was great and Shane McMahon doing his bits were also top notch. Very entertaining match with some good spots. I enjoyed every bit of it. Especially mcmahon getting his head shaved after umaga lost.-girls match - blah-HBK .vs. Cena was great. HBK's entrance was awesome and Cena's was alright....kinda corny. Anyway this match had me going and i was on the edge of my seat. The finish was amazing as we didn't know when it would end. The reversals wereintense and i enjoyed the whole thing from start to finish.So the roar of the 80,000+ crowd was enough to leave me happy. I had a great time. ANYBODY watch or am I alone? lol

  13. That's a pretty cool list. It sux that I just got a new PC but realize a MAC is what I'll need to get further in my career. I got a PC that has tons of space and RAM and really am liking it......but now I have the choice of updating to VISTA and i'm not sure if i want to. It didn't sound too exciting and i'm afraid i'll lose some of the programs that I have.I would like to have a Mac so i can do some video editing and other types of production. I work on them all the time at school here. We have a few different Mac Labs that have a bunch of em that have tons of programs like macromedia flash, aobde photoshop, final cut pro, motion, adobe after effects....etc. I'm just getting a lil nervous that once i'm done with school (one more year) i won't have access to all of those things for a while. I'll have to save up and buy my own Mac.I like them but haven't really been amazed about the difference until recently. Sure it looks pretty nice but I just like how it is easy to navigate and the animation is slick. I just wish I had the money to get one. My friend back home got his own MacBook a hwile ago cuz he's into painting and photoshop and stuff like that so he uses it to do graphic design. I'm really into photoshop and have been getting more into flash and other programs so I now see why the Macs are favored.My roomate here at school also just got one of his own......lucky S.O.B.. His was like 3 grand but it's pretty sweet. How he can afford it i'm not sure but i've been able to tinker around with it a bit. Garageband is pretty awesome and i can record guitar stuff and other music effects on it and mess around with their sounds. While I love my PC and windows has been good to me.....I may be a mac user sometime soon.Thanks for the list.

  14. I personally think you have no problem. If you both want this relationship to work, then let it happen. Do not try to risk anything which could wreck the relationship. Just talk to here, and make sure she knows how you are feeling. Things should turn out for the best. :lol:

    I pretty much agree with Forbez here. I have seen long distance relationships crumble.....but that's because I'm in college and it's more a matter of will-power than the distance getting in the way. Too many guys or girls with significant others back home....hours away. It leads to you looking for a better guy/girl to get your jollies with and leads to arguments on the phone. Not being able to see each other or have physical contact can hurt the relationship.

    For this case however.....being that it's only 2 hours away and you'll be seeing each other.....you should be alright. Just do what Forbez said.....don't do anything that might mess up what you have and just be honest. You should be fine IMO.

  15. Whether it's a ripoff or not of Max OS X......I'm still a little wary of getting it. I've read about the problems it can cause and about all the different things that have occurred. I'm not really sure if I want to upgrade or not. Can anyone say it's been working well for them?I rememeber when it was coming out all of the news shows like CNN were saying to avoid it and that you could wait for a while. It's not like you needed it right away, but it would be better to wait until you did. It looked cool yea....but if it's got problems or is just annoying....I won't be using it. Not for a while anyway.How do you guys like it? (if you have it)

  16. When are these companises going to realize that Youtube and sites like that help promote the shows and programs that are shown. I watch episodes on the computer and it makes me want to watch the television show and buy dvds. It's like the whole Napster and Limewire copyright thing - the sharing of the content encourages fans to spend money on the artists. I don't get the point of suing youtube for that money. They are just trying to cash in on some success and it's dumb. Why not embrace the service like so many people have. NHL, NBA, CBS, NBC, TNA wrestling......so many different media outlets have been embracing youtube and using it to their advantage. showing clips and previews that gets the people interested. It just makes sense. Stupid Viacom.

  17. This is one of the big questions that really comes down to where you lie religiously and with your feelings on life. I honestly don't know where you go or what happens to you. It's scary that it's possible that all you do is stop breathing and get buried in the ground. It's one thing that has racked my brain for quite some time and has given me some eerie thoughts. Do our souls leave our body and go to the clouds somewhere and we get judged? Do we just have our own version of heaven? Do we get reincarnated? Do we just rot?I would like to believe that we go to heaven. But there are just so many questions that don't make sense. Who gets in? Anyone? Everyone? How can one answer be right and one be wrong? I really can't begin to get into that thought process. It's really deep and I like what some people have said here...but don't see how one answer is more logical than another.

  18. I'm not exactly sure the brand I have. It's Verizon wireless and is a good 5 years old. Possibly older. All I know is I love it. It responds quickly and doesn't give me many problems. I have a few listening problems but htey go away quickly. I got one of those motorola RAZR's when they were pretty new and I didn't like it at all. Too big and square (it was thin.....but square and bigger than my old phone). It responded with a 2 second delay and it annoyed me all the time. I'm glad I lost it at tennese so the old phone would be put back to service.

  19. I used to really enjoy the bills and the packers. Back in 96 the packers were the team to love. Favre was huge back then. I kinda got pretty out of NFL for a while and didn't pay attention too much. Now I started watching a few years ago again and am pretty much into the Giants. I am from NY so that makes sense. I like the Jets too.....but both teams aren't playing up to their potential. I was enjoying the Jets last year but then they traded Santana Moss and that really pissed me off.The giants are another story. They were okay but Shockey couldn't catch a cold and Kurt Warner was fumbling/tripping almost every play. I was excited when they got Eli Manning but he's just not playing up to his potential either. I can't wait till next season to see who turns it around but right now i'm not liking any teams that are kickin *bottom*. lol.

  20. I'm a 2k Sports fan myself. Live is okay but I can't stand the camera angle. I know you can change it but I don't really like the gameplay too much either. Nba 2k7 has the best gameplay out there in my opinion. The shot stick and the dribble control both rock and I like the graphics the most out of all the games. I've tried Live but will stick with 2k sports for as long as they make them. The best part about the 2k ones is the price.....usually 20 or 30 bucks as opposed to 50. I recommend Nba 2k7.........Live is okay.....and the other one sucks.

  21. I'm getting a pretty much clearer picture on what genocide really means now. Thanks guys!I will have to disagree on that. Just because it involves killing does not necessarily mean that it is wrong or evil. For example, what if we discovered a tribe of xenophobic cultists who kill on sight anyone not affiliated with them. Furthermore, assume that these people are, shall we say, bullet proof but that we have discovered they are fatally allergic to cyanide, that mere skin contact with the stuff kills them in under a minute. Apart from that, they are superior in everything, especially the art of combat and slaughter.

    Do we allow these threats to grow rampant in our midst? Shall we ignore the way they decimate our numbers? Suspend your beliefs for a moment and say that they can even bend titanium through sheer muscle power (or maybe even with mind power, who cares?)

    The point is that if we do "eliminate" this threat, we commit genocide. See, not everything they taught us to be evil actually is. They used to say killing is wrong, but what about self-defense? In the same way, genocide, while usually appearing to be unreasonable, can also be the only "right" course of action to take.

    Ahh, but I do tend to conjure far-fetched scenarios; pardon me. After all, what are the odds that there exist an undiscovered tribe of xenophobic titanium axe-wielding madmen? (madpersons, for the more genteel of you) :P

    Granted.....if there was a case like that then Genocide wouldn't be evil. I just go by the examples i'm given like what has gone on in Darfur and Germany in the past. Even the band System of a Down is trying to raise awareness for the attempted Armenian Genocide that has gone on. Basically all occurences of genocide....or attempted genocide should I say.....have been with evil intentions.

    I did enjoy reading that scenario you gave though. Pretty cool stuff.

  22. IMO this is just ridiculous. This will only bring problems to the youth of the world. College kids are running up credit card debt nowadays but giving access to younger kids is stupid. It's only a way to make the credit card companies more money while screwing some people over cuz they don't understand how to use a credit card.Hopefully it won't ruin too many people. I know I wouldn't get one when I was 16 and I'd advise others not to as well.

  23. Steady balance of exercise and eating right. Unfortunately i'm not losing weight but i'm also not trying to. It also has to do with people's specific metabolisms and factors like that. I would just consult a physician or maybe a trainer and see what they say. Haven't had to go on a diet yet.....but I should start workign out.

  24. Dude....I totally hear you. I'm a huge procrastinator. I was going to post a topic in here about not being motivated and then i saw your topic and came right in. I get my work done.....don't get me wrong. The problem is that I always procrastinate and never really want to do the work. It's so tough to get it started even though it takes me a short amount of time. I guess it's just a problem i'm going to have to overcome. It doesn't help that I smoke a lot of pot tho.

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