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Posts posted by itrainmonkeys

  1. I definitely feel that it's up to the individual. If someone is really sick and in pain and wants it.....why not give it to them? I know that may sound a bit harsh....but it's their life. If they want to give it up and end the pain then I feel that's up to them. I agree that they should have some proof about them wanting it to be done....but if the pain is too much I don't see a reason why not.I've never had to deal with a situation like that and I hope I never have to. But all I know is that i've been in bed....in pain for days....weeks.....months even, and I want to end it. I feel it should be my choice.

  2. Personally coke just doesn't appeal to me. I like Pepsi much much more. The taste is much better in my opinion. It pissed me off during the super bowl this year to see no Pepsi commercials (which usually are pretty good) and just a bunch of coke ones. Oh well. Pepsi got the half time show.

  3. I've been hanging out, racking up credits so I can eventually ask for a site here. How tough is it to get reviewed for an approval? I'm really looking forward to making my site as I've been designing for a while and haven't been able to find a good.....free host without advertising. Trap seems pretty legit so far tho. I like what i'm seeing in all the threads and people seem to be really happy. I like that.

  4. Probably be pretty dumb. I learned a lot by being able to visit different sites and read about different topics. If there was no internet i'd probably just be outside more, playing more video games, doing other things. It's hard to imagine a world without it....but it's like that in certain areas of the world. I can just say that life would be a little harder if there wasn't an internet. It's had so many positive attributes that it's hard to think about not having it. I'd probably be buying more porn videos too lol.

  5. In many of my production and communication media classes we've discussed how televisions and computers are getting more similar and integrated everyday. I wouldn't doubt that Apple is making an "iTV" or whatever was discussed.....because if you think about it, we're almost there. They sell television shows on iTunes and now you can buy episodes and watch them on your computer. Internet movie rental sites are beginning to find ways to rent movies strictly through the computer instead of just regular mail.It's amazing to think that the internet is the future of content distribution, but it's happening. More news is being reported on it at up-to-date speeds. You have access to a whole world that inhabits so much more than normal T.V. or radio. Political campaigns are working with the internet more often, businesses are realizing you don't need a big office building......just an online domain, and the television will soon be internet ready. You'll see. It's weird to think about that.

  6. This whole thread makes me think of a few different things. Teleporters...or teleportation devices still aren't available....at least the way the original poster implied. I think about Star Trek and the ways they teleport in that. I also think about the teleportation pods in the movie "The Fly" with Jeff Goldblum.....which had disastrous results lol.IDK how I feel about having the ability to teleport people. It could bring some unforseen obstacles and be a big problem in the future. I'll stick with walking and driving for now. Plus I don't see us having that technology in the near future. It's fun to think about though.

  7. Think about the holocaust. Think about what has gone in in Darfur and the Sudan. Genocide is just one of those things that is evil in many ways. Hitler wanted a genocide of all the "impure" races and we all know how crazy he was. Homicide is the murder of a person, suicide is the murder of yourself, and Genocide is the murder of many (usually a race).I disagree with what mojoman says. Dictionary.com defines genocide as "the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. " That doesn't mean they ALL have to be similar....just linked in some ways. Genocide is something we need to get rid of as human beings....but there will always people who want to give it a shot.

  8. I gotta agree with the OP.....American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis is probably the craziest book i've read. The book knocks the movie out of the water (although i'm a big fan of the adaptation). The way he describes the thoughts and processes of that crazy Patrick Bateman is amazing. I really loved the chapters that would just go on for 3 or 4 pages about some new music that came out and he would critique all the songs....but then the next chapter would feature him butchering up some hooker or torturing animals. The descriptions are really amazing and it seems like the author is a little messed up as well.I've been dying to read the other books by this author. Another of them has been made into a movie as well and it's called The Rules of Attraction. It's a really crazy movie with some messed up storylines. I bet the book is just as good.I need to read more books and may be checking out some of the selections listed here. Thanks guys....looks good.

  9. I've been here a very short while. I'm still a noob and just been browsing around the forum. I'm interested in eventually getting a site hosted.....but i'm going around now and getting posts in. I like what i've seen so far and many members seem pretty knowledgable. I have a site hosted at another free host, but it's not running yet....just a main layout. So far it's been great......nothing to complain about yet.

  10. I feel like the high school system isn't just training with books. It's socializing. It's a way to get people ready to meet people and learn about life. I loved my time in high school. Because of it I discovered what I want to do with my life by taking classes in desktop publishing.While taxes may be high, and some may feel the way that the original poster does......I disagree. We need schooling to help prepare people for the real world. There's some lessons you can't learn by sitting at home and taking a G.E.D. test.

  11. Some people are saying to get Zune and other MP3 players....but i've really come to love my ipod. I got an Ipod Nano last year and it's been really useful since I got it. It says it fits about 1,000 songs but I can only get close to 900 on there. I think it's because of the filesize of some songs....because I have long jams and stuff like that on the ipod (12 minute Hendrix songs and 18 minute pink floyd songs). It's great not having to change CD's or anytihng to listen to different music. The best thing about it is that there are so many accesories nowadays. I have a car adapter that I plug in and can listen to the Ipod in my car. It's sick......it uses an FM reciever. There are also the jogging accesories and separate speakers that work well too.I say Ipod Nano. If you want a LOT of songs without having to delete some to replace them.....get the bigger one with more space. My roomate has the bigger iPod and he's got a few movies on there which is pretty cool. I've watched Batman Begins while sitting at work with that lol.

  12. I've never been able to achieve lucid dreaming. I've heard about it thru friends, and also read about it. I'm definitely going to try and get it to work because it seems like it could be fun. A friend of mine liked to brag, saying he could do it all the time now...but I think it's more complicated then that.Has anyone had success in here? I too...like it when I realize I'm having a dream, but I still have trouble controlling it. I always seem to realize and then it's like a second later that I wake up.I'll have to practice this. Thanks for the links.

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