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Posts posted by Watermonkey

  1. That is an invasion of privacy, that is a fact, and if i was walking inside a airport and they were doing that through a sort of machine (like the one i saw back a few years in that arnold shaw. movie called: "Total Recall"), i would be angry with it and i would certainly demand for answers on the spot, and if i was not convinced, i would go to the court of law with my lawer, that is a fact, and i would win, that is another fact.

    That's Arnold Schwarzenegger actually. I'd prefer the kind of scanner they showed in that movie. It acted much like an x-ray machine showing his skeleton and the pistols he was carrying. This thing actually shows your naked body as though you aren't wearing any clothes, from what I gather.

    People usually do not know their rights, and so that is why people do not act in this situations unless someone smart and educated, at least educated about laws (private law and public law, in this case it is the private law if i am not mistake), does something about it, something to protect his/her rights, and by consequence, to protect the others rights too.
    According to the law in many countries all over the world, at least in a democratic state, or even in a capitalist state, the airport would have to alert their clients to the fact that if they want to use their airlplanes or the airplanes at their airport, they would have to agree with beeing scanned, and they also would have to explain what the scanner would do, at least, so that people would have the information, and so they would be able to accept it or not, because airports do not have the right, obligation or even dutty to do that without the peoples knowledge and agreement.

    I really look forward to posts from thinking people from Europe like you. It's informative to understand the differences and similarities in perspective we have. I find the young people in the States, instead of being rebels like they used to be, are more likely today to be complacent sheep going with the state and unwilling or unable to questions their edicts. I especially love seeing that some people seem to think that agents of the government sit around using similar scanners checking out people everywhere and that we sheep have been shaved bearing it all to our masters! No, not yet. Give it time and enough people with that attitude and it'll be reality in short order.

  2. :P I will ever fly another airplane after all of the movies I have seen. ( I do not want to get sucked into a hole the size of a nickle! )

    I'm biting my tongue here, mostly because I know at one time at least, Art Bell, the founder and weekend host (currently) of the most popular late night radio talk show in the states, Coast to Coast AM, believed this myth and nearly hung up on me when I tried to explain to him it's simply urban legend perpetuated by Hollywood. So, I'm just going to say that you need to become more informed and stop relying on the TV for your education. Go here for a small explanation and do some searches on the internet for more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabin_pressurization Pulled from that web site: "Contrary to Hollywood myth, a bullet hole in a window, or even the loss of an entire passenger window, will not cause explosive decompression. This was demonstrated on MythBusters. However, such damage may cascade into catastrophic aircraft failure, when metal fatigue is factored in."


    For others, saying it's voluntary now is just a way to get it in the door. Get the sheeple used to it. One day in the near future will include only these machines without the word "voluntary". Then maybe they'll even be used in schools and train stations. Want the government pervs looking at your kids every day when they enter the schools? I don't and I don't even have kids. In the future, if you want to fly commercial, you'll be exposed to the people in the booth who'll not only see all your most personal details but will record it for the database too.

  3. I personally won't fly and haven't since before 9/11/01. I'll drive or take the train thank you very much. But for all the people who still insist on flying or have to for work, you might consider the lengths the TSA (and other country's similar agencies) are willing to go to violate you, humiliate you, and generally treat you like livestock. According to the article http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , The scanner will be voluntary (Exhibitionists only please!) at first and the person looking at the scan will be unable to view the actual person as they exit the machine. So it'll be anonymous like getting your picture taken and publishing it in a filth mag. The people on the other side won't ever meet you face to face so it's all good. There's only one good answer to airline security, but I'll never happen. Anyone guess what it is?

  4. :P I was there too. I gave up much more quickly than Glenstein. He's much more patient than I. I agree though. People should be clear when talking, don't "text message" the forum or shoutbox, and stop with the insults which "new kid" were hurling at Glenstein left and right calling him "slow" and such.

  5. Well you may as well just get used to disappointment right now because I guarantee this won't be the last time you experience it! Many people who join bands eventually go solo or duet because there are just too many personalities in a band and some of them won't be as dedicated as you will be and they'll just drag you down. It's just one of life's lessons: People suck! :P

  6. I think that you're gifted. Does that make you feel better? I've never really understood the need for recognition, but if that's your thing, apply to MENSA or whatever they're called. Yvette talked about it. You could join their silly club and go to silly events and stand around and talk about theoretical quantum physics or something, pretending to be interested in the driest subject matter while tossing back as many vodkas as possible in the time you endure your "peers". Would be a great place to go to network, or would everyone there expect you to already be in a secure profession, not needing to network. You could brag about your two-year-old who gets all the Jeopardy questions right every night and is going to be the next pre-teen champion. Or you could focus on what matters to you most instead of worrying about what the rest of the world thinks of you...

  7. Some Arab went shooting up a mall in Washington State a week or two ago. A man, carrying concealed, legally, who happened to be an off-duty policeman, put the guy down before he could kill as many as he was intending to. Armed, trained, responsible citizens are the biggest deterrent to these kind of episodes because they're everywhere, you never know who might be armed and who might not be. Police, on the other hand, can't be everywhere all the time. It's a shame the Canadian Gov't won't allow the citizens of that country to exercise their natural right to self-defense. It's a statistical fact that states here that allow concealed-carry have a reduced violent crime rate compared with those that do not. Criminals are lazy and cowardly and choose places where they know there is a much less chance of opposition to carry out their deeds.

  8. That's basically what I had in mind. Then I read your post and decided not to repeat you :P


    I will add, however, that I cannot think of any Presidents who *didn't* do goofy, weird things while they were in office. Bush, Jr. choked on a pretzel. Clinton messed himself up jogging. Bush Sr. threw up on a Japanese official. Ford...well, Ford just fell down a lot.


    None of these types of things make a President good or bad. They just...well, they definitely give "Saturday Night Live" fodder. And they make me laugh even if I support that particular President.


    Besides: can anybody tell me what we would have gotten had Kerry won? Nobody knows because Kerry said one thing one day and switched his position the next day. I didn't particularly care for the guy and am still glad that he didn't take the White House.

    I love to compare Kerry and Bush. From memory:

    Bush had a very slightly better GPA in Yale, though they both were just one skipped class for their S&B meeting from being thrown out.

    They were both in the Navy I believe as was Ford, Daddy Bush, and Carter. Strange Navy theme going in recent history...

    GW is just slightly more related to the British throne than Kerry, though they're both cousins of each other and the crown.

    Both Skull & Bones members

    I don't think there was any difference which is one way they fix elections here. Either way things would be as bad or worse because they'd both be working for global corporations, not "We the people."


    And I'm not liberal. Quite the opposite actually. True conservatives absolutely despise the Bush monarchy. They stand for everything we oppose.

  9. I've a good number of friends across the puddle and they've never had a problem expressing their utter disgust with the man we call President these days. If you take yourself out of the picture, imagine being from another country entirely with no vested interest in the US, what have you really got when you look at that man?
    1. He looks like a chimpanzee. Akin to Pat Robertson from the 700 club.
    2. He's illiterate...or appears to be anyway. His "Bush-isms" over the years have all been classics. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...well...the King will not be fooled again!" I may have misquoted that, but I don't think so.
    3. He arrogant....which is baffling because he's also usually wrong. I'd say he borders on being a complete *BLEEP*-head.
    4. He's short.
    5. He's girly...puckers his lips when he's mad. Calls it his "scowl". Sorry, George, got yerself quite a puss there.
    6. He's a reforming drug addict and alcoholic.
    7. He's a Daddy's boy, rich kid and draft dodger.
    8. He's a religious FREAK.
    9. He's a bigot.
    and tonight's number 10 answer:
    10. He's our PRESIDENT! HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?? I know I didn't vote for him. Al Gore was ROBBED.

    He will go down in history as the worst president of the United States EVER and I don't see that ever changing. And when he's gone, he will not be missed and he will not do a single, goddamned thing to try and save his image. Most presidents get BETTER after they retire (Jimmy Carter anyone?). This guy is a bonafide retard *bottom* boob and I cannot wait for his day to come.

    Ah...there, I feel better now. Thanks for listening. :P

    You hate just for the sake of hating. None of what you said above is substantive. Looks, ability to read a tele-prompter, religious freak, girlie. All immature, pointless, witless, shallow, ignorant things to say when criticizing someone. I challenge you to go read a speech from a tele-prompter. It's not as easy as it looks.

    The Bush family has been in control constantly since Jimmy "Commie" Carter when he was the director of CIA. While he was V.P. under Reagan he was the man in charge behind the scenes just like Cheney is now. He "annointed" Clinton and he handles his brat, GW, like a poodle on a leash. There hasn't been a free election in this country since before Kennedy (That election was stolen in Illinois, if memory serves). Look past the president, he's not the guy in charge anyway. Just another in a long line of puppets.

  10. I think there are way bigger things to worry about than some rogue asteroid heading our way. It's not even really that big. I'd say the planet will already be depopulated by at least 2/3 of what it is today by then anyway, so it won't kill so many people if it hits anyway. Always look on the bright side... :P

  11. ...and it can cruise at Mach 3.0+ at over 16 miles altitude. It still apparently holds the cross Atlantic record of just under 2 hours from NYC to London and trans America in 64 minutes. Now some 50 years later, how much has technology advanced? Enough so that some of the new toys the boys in blue are flying around are commonly mistaken for ET craft? What do you think Skunkworks is working on now and do you believe there's a triangular craft out there piloted by U.S.A.F. (or allied) personnel called the TR-3B or TR-3x? Have they finally worked out anti-gravity? Nuclear propulsion? Fifty years is a long time in the context of technology in modern civilization. Just look at how far consumer computers have come in that time and where they're clearly going. That's not to speak to where computer technology operated (engineered and manufactured in-house too) by the shadowy government alphabet soup agencies is; I've read somewhere between ten and twenty years further ahead of the best you can buy on the street now. If by chance there's anyone here who works for LM or the USAF please enlighten the rest of us... :D And send me one of those cool I.D. holder clips with the retracting string and the skunk on the face... :P

  12. I've got the whole Adobe CS for Macintosh but I really don't know how to use it to create a business logo. If anyone has some free time and is handy with this stuff, I'd appreciate any help.The business is Network Testing SolutionsIt involves testing end to end for telecommunications elements including fiber optics, Microwave hops, T1, DS3, E911, any other wireless testing you could imagine.I want the letters NTS in caps to be somehow integral to the logo maybe in a sphere shape or perhaps including towers radiating radio waves or something. Get me started and maybe I can complete it.

  13. Seriously, vaccinations are awful. As a baby the average vaccination/immunization has 26 times the toxic amount of the neurotoxin mercury. And it's not any better for you when you're older.

    Am I right in assuming without research that like other neuro-toxins, mercury is cumulative over time, meaning once you've ingested it, there's no getting rid of it? It forms a little ball in the middle of your head and over time can cause Alzheimer's disease? Is that right or am I way off base or somewhere in between? This correlates with my next topic "Fluoride in the drinking water". Fluoride, too, is a neuro-toxin and is cumulative and I believe it combines with aluminum and/or mercury for added fun in the brain. Good times with dementia.
    yvette: That's exactly how they do it here in the states. It's basically rule by threat of denial of basic rights and services, a way to circumvent the law. Strangely few complain. Anyway, if I were you I'd be seriously suspect of a system or group of people who force-medicates the population through subterfuge like that. And I'd also avoid whatever that "medicine" is they're forcing on you. Question everything, especially when it comes in a package that's covered with the blood of your countrymen. Ever heard that phrase, "I'm with the government and I'm here to help." Some of the scariest words ever uttered.

    There's some evidence apparently that vaccinations and autism are statistically correlated. More research is being done while according to some autism has reached epidemic proportions in recent years. It's the mercury in the vaccines used as a preservative that's being blamed for it all.

    Today, the 22 FEB 07, I heard that Merck has backed off the whole thing and the CEO of many years is stepping down along with a lot of other high level executives. Gov. Perry of TX is still sticking to his guns though, but I imagine the rest of the state is just trying to ignore him at this point. Apparently the vaccine only treats 4 out of more than 120 variations of the Pentaloma(sp?) virus thus making it almost completely ineffective anyway. There are so many known side-effects, too, that the vaccine isn't even FDA approved and many MDs are vocally opposed to using it.

  14. Wow this is one huge Topic that has to due with a huge thing. Ok so lets say God does exist, where is he? Why does he not show himself!This is just one of the reasons why I do not believe in God!

    I invite you to read my post above.

  15. I was startled and shaken to the core not only for the voice which was clearly projected in to my head without physical sound, but the message as well. A girl, whom I had no feelings for and didn't really even like, said, in the clearest most penetrating almost painfully forceful voice I've ever "heard", "*my name*, I love you!" Naturally I was completely shocked and, when I heard the message, (it was still her voice as though she'd said this in the loudest non-yelling theater voice she could conjure right in front of the entire class room full of peers and the teacher was there too) my reaction would've been accompanied by the a giant sucking sound of every person in the class drawing in their breath at once. There was not only no reaction from anyone in the class, but I looked right at her and she had her head down writing something and didn't look up. That was 8th or 9th grade and I graduated with her and even saw her at my ten year reunion and there has never been any hint she actually ever felt this way toward me, but I won't deny what I experienced. I've never asked her either, for fear of looking like a fool, and what would compel her to tell me the truth anyway? It would've been pointless. It's just one of those experiences to chalk up in the "unexplained" category and go on looking for other paranormal experiences to explore.

  16. Somewhere in the bible, it says of God, ?I Am.? Implied in that is my belief which I?ll write down here for your consideration: God is the light and the darkness, the cold and the hot, the day and the night. God is both masculine and feminine. Of black holes and new stars, all the energy in existence in the universe is of God which is why God is the creator. God is omnipresent because each soul that is present now and ever will be and ever was is part of God. If just one soul were to somehow be destroyed completely a little piece of God would be destroyed. But energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so therefore God?s existence is intact and unchallenged. The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Dark Prince, whatever you wish to call this being, is a necessary part of God?s creation. You?ll never meet a Satanist who doesn?t believe in God. God is necessary to that philosophy or religion. God is represented in my Avatar. The yin and the yang; opposites, without one the other can not exist because each opposite needs its counterpart for reference. As an example, without misery, how can there be happiness? How would we know we?re happy if sadness weren?t experienced once in a while? Would we know what the day is without the night? Where there is evil, it?s balanced with good, the universe and, therefore God, abhors imbalance. How can you deny what you experience every conscience moment of your life? God is everywhere and if the force of God spontaneously creates a ?Messiah? every couple thousand years it?s because the need for one was overwhelming. (A ?spontaneous conception? is one of a couple ways to explain Mother Mary?s intact virginity). To ?worship? a messiah may not be for you, I believe Jesus even said to his disciples ?don?t worship me? or something to that extent. I?m personally uncomfortable praying to Mother Mary or any of the Saints, Jesus too, but I doubt it actually is a ?bad? thing to do. Many cultures still pray to their ancestors, is it wrong? No, I think not, it?s simply a choice. Knowing the universe is receptive to the vibrations of prayer, is what makes prayer work. You may visualize it in any way you choose; the mechanism remains the same. ?God? hears your prayers, and if the universe remains in balance, yours might just be answered too; especially if the answer regains some balance that wasn?t there before. The paradox is, would the result of the prayer have happened even if you didn?t pray for it?Maybe Buddha was a messiah too, I think, but I question weather some so-called ?messiahs? are actually messiahs. That?s beside the point, though. Be one with the universe and you?ll be one with God. And don?t forget, just because you don?t believe in God, doesn?t mean God doesn?t believe in you. :P

  17. Life goes on. Worms eat our decaying flesh if someone didn't already stick our carcass in the oven. Then we'll make fine fertilizer for someone's tomato garden. Since the body is no longer useful or animated that which provided that animation, the spirit or soul, after hanging around for about three days, would move along to the next destination, perhaps the Akashic Records? Or perhaps to tend to suicide victims who wander the earth for a while. Perhaps you'll decide to come back as a crack baby to learn the valuable lessons that experience would provide. Perhaps you'll be privileged or poor, white or colored (pick a color), missing limbs or Mr. Universe. Who can know these things until it happens? No reason to fear it though, just let it come. When Death comes a knockin', swing that door open wide and embrace that old coot with open arms and say, "Take me away from this wretched place as quickly as you can!" Then you'll know. Too bad you won't be able to drop those poor souls who are still suffering under the oppressive weight of gravity and the chains of slavery a line just to let them know they're on the right track. We'd sure like some kind of reinforcement now and again you know. A little pat on the back wouldn't hurt now and then, some little bit of encouragement... Maybe that's what the church is for... Some day, when the sun has decayed perhaps, you'll cease your need to embody the flesh evermore and live on in spirit, an angel in the heavens watching all the little ants getting sun burns and syphilis...

  18. Arrgghhh watermonkey, this is horrible, our posts have disappeared - we had an interesting discussion going. Did you read my answer to your post here? I didn't get to read your answer to my post, if any - net connections aren't exactly very reliable in my part of the world, so I'm sometimes out of touch for a week or so.

    Yes. I read your post, though I don't remember it now, and I was just formulating a response when the whole topic disappeared. Bummer. It was promising to be a good discussion. Now I'm kinda gun-shy if you know what I mean... I lost a lot of work and I hate when that happens. I just haven't been posting the same since.


    Anyway, I suppose all we can do is to continue this topic. Vbritton (and everyone else), Watermonkey and I were having a VERY interesting discussion (which has since vanished - an example of paranormal phenomena? :P just kidding) - anyway, it was about how a person's emotional and psychic emanation is as much an aspect of his/her visibility to others as the physical presence. For example, watermonkey cited examples in which he was able to make himself 'invisible' while walking through a room full of people. In Ninjutsu we actually learn to deaden nerve centers which are 'psychic transmitters' and to avoid 'transmitting our emotions'. As a matter of fact, this usually takes years of training to get 'right', so watermonkey is one of those rare people who's a 'natural'. My teachers would have really liked to meet him.

    It'd take an awful lot for me to get that ability back, but having done it, I could do it again I'm pretty sure. I've had other strange things happen too, out of the blue and I don't know if it was my mind playing tricks on me or what. Example: In Jr. High (about 8th or 9th grade) I had left the class room to donate to the urinal and when I walked in the class room I heard a voice call out to me as clear as a bell. It startled me so much I immediately froze and looked at the person whose voice I clearly heard but there was no response from that person or anyone else in the room at all. I went crimson and struggled to regain my composure as I finished the trek to my desk, completely in shock and wondering what to make of it all. Was it my imagination? Was I hearing voices in my head? Was I going crazy? I've never had that level of loud, clear, almost punishing and forceful voice invade my head since and to this day I don't know what to make of it. There are moments in one's life, extraordinary moments that define the path and beckon us toward greatness. I think the extraordinary things that happen to highlight our being happen to remind us of where we've been before life and what awaits in the after-life. The energy or spirit that animates us in this experience and existence can neither be created nor destroyed. It can be adjusted. It can be manipulated and molded, but neither can the essence of creation be destroyed nor created. It is this essence that fills the void without which "God" could not exist that fills our spirits and the spirit and "God" are mutually inclusive; without one there can not be the other. That's why I more than "lean" toward reincarnation. It's almost like the physical world in which we live is only a thin veil and occasionally we notice the veil has a small tear or something not quite right about it that causes us to pause and question it all. Our perceptions of the universe have enormous potential but we're constantly being told through the church, media, family -you name it, we're not to look there. Extra Sensory Perception is "of the Devil" or "witchcraft" and so society at large stays away. The "Master Slaves" of our little ball of mud don't stray away from such things though...


    To cite an everyday example, sometimes if you're walking on the street you might find that you 'sense' someone looking at the back of your head and turn around - this is just such an example of you 'feeling' emotional/psychic emanations projected by someone else.

    Is that the same thing animals sense when they sense "fear"? Is it why my hair stands up on end when I hear the wicked shriek of a wild cat at night?


    As for an actual obe - well, the skeptics here might call it imagination, and I won't disagree, but I'll share my experience.


    I often sit in meditation - this is not a meditation with any purpose in mind, it's just sitting with an empty mind. Indeed, in the east we believe that to sit in meditation with a purpose in mind is to defeat that very purpose.


    Anyway, one day recently when I was sitting in meditation in this way, I seemed to separate from my body and float upwards. This was not at all controlled by me, and when I left my body I seemed to be made up of white light, without any real physical shape. And thoughts came to me, but time seemed to have slowed, so that even the thoughts were in slow motion. And I was sitting indoors in meditation, and when I left my body I floated straight up, through the roof, and continued to rise beyond the atmosphere, beyond the universe (which didn't appear to be 'vast' at all, but more like a shell) and then I approached and merged with a great light, and I sensed billions of entities within that light, yet they were all actually part of the whole, not separate, as I was not separate. And while I didn't lose my individuality, it receded in importance. And I was conscious of great happiness, fulfillment, a sense of coming home - no words can express the feeling, it was beyond words. And I spent a long, long time there - or rather, I spent a timeless period there; again 'there' 'time' was not what it seems here - but after an indeterminate period which nevertheless 'seemed' long, I knew that I had to return, that there were reasons for it (unrevealed) and I left the light and journeyed back to my body and opened my eyes.


    Imagination? It's possible, indeed. Yet since this experience, the materialistic norms that most people go by have little hold on me. It's as if I was given a great gift, greater than any this world could offer, and it suffices.

    God, from the perspective of the unencumbered, may well appear as you've described. A gift of sight is a great gift indeed.

  19. Right, this may seem a bit silly, but it seems to me that in many countries humans live an 'artificial' sort of lifestyle that contributes a lot to disease.

    Industrialization displaced the "hard life" with another sort of "hard life", know what I mean? So instead of toiling on the farm or in the mines people toiled in factories and so forth, sacraficing their very health for an upgraded standard of living promised, but rarely received.

    Well, medicines by themselves are not a bad thing - when I was in the jungle in burma (now myanmar) I used to cure malaria in the people (which is very common there) by using various drugs that I'd brought with me. But of course those jungle folk were malnourished and pretty sickly.

    Medicine can be either good or bad depending upon the motives of the organization who controls said medicine. Unfortunately, it's become rather obvious to me and many more, pharmaceutical companies have goals that aren't compatible with good quality of life and a world free of disease and suffering. So, yeah, when you create medicines from what is found in nature as has been done for eons, then medicine is definitely a good thing...

    Now, people in civilized countries may not be malnourished, but they lead stressful lives in which the opportunities for exercise are limited. Not to mention the pollution, etc. I think that these things contribute to a great extent to the inability of the body to fight off disease.

    Where I live (the Himalayas) we don't lack nourishment, the air is pure, and we are very healthy because half our day is given to various intense exercises (it's interesting), and the other half to relaxing pursuits like painting, calligraphy, writing, reading - oh, all sorts of things. We don't 'earn a living' in the conventional sense - we all lend a hand in the fields sometimes and that's about it. It's a very relaxed lifestyle, and we have EXTREMELY low - so low as to be virtually non-existent - occurrences of physical problems like diabetes, hypertension, excess weight, etc. Even a common cold is uncommon here.


    I might point out that our secret is intense exercise, a clean environment, and stress-free living. The downside (to many people) would be that we don't have too many material comforts, but strangely enough we've found we don't need them.

    Ok, I'm finally going to ask: What are the logistics involved for you to post here?



    I wouldn't say vaccination is a bad thing, as such. After all, no one needs the black death around. But the way we live might contribute far more to disease than all the vaccines can prevent.


    I'm not going to comment on the mercenary aspects of that company potentially making millions, etc. That sort of thing doesn't happen in my immediate area, thank the fates.

    Mercenary aspects? Now you've opened the box, spill the beans!

  20. Take about a dozen fresh huckleberries (wild blueberries) and crush them with a small fork at the bottom of your whiskey glass.Add at least two shots of fine vodka, at least as high quality as Stolychanya -preferably Grey Goose.Add ice and enjoy!Alternatively, if huckleberries are out of season, drop a tablespoon full of frozen berries at the bottom of your glass and pour a small amount of warm vodka over them to help them to thaw. Once they're thawed, crush them with a fork to release their vital juices and add the remainder of vodka.If you have to use blueberries, I think it'd be good, but not nearly as good as the wild huckleberry. A day of picking in a prolific huckleberry patch will yield more berries then you'd be able to consume the rest of the year using them just for this drink. They're very potent!Addendum, as posted on another forum:Prep: Fill a blender with a pound of huckleberries (wild blueberries) and add one cup of filtered water. Blend. Filter out the seeds and skins of the huckleberries in a coffee press or whatever means at your disposal.The drink is two or three shots high quality vodka (Stolichnaya or Grey Goose or similar)1/8 ounce of concentrated huckleberry syrup from aboveIce on top in tumblerThere you have Purple Russian, a fine high-end sipping drink for the true connoisseur.Purple Russian TartMix with lemonade (from frozen organic lemonade mix -no high fructose corn syrup, Cascadian Farm preferred)Prep: pour four ounces of prepared huckleberry syrup into container then add the frozen concentrate and make the lemonade according to instructions. Pour two or three shots of vodka in tumbler and fill the remainder with lemonade and add ice as desired.

  21. Holy crap! (figuratively) I had no idea it was that bad down there. I there's really nothing good to be said for the caste system. Is that the same as the "feudal system" I wonder? I'll have to look that up, meanwhile, go about your business, earn a radio frequency engineering degree and come to the states and work for AT&T or one of the other big telecom companies and forget all about India. Good luck!

  22. Well, cervical cancer is real, and sadly, in my country, not uncommon... It's not contageous,

    I've done virtually no research on this other than what I've heard on the radio, but it's my understanding that because a virus causes the cancer, it is in fact contagious.


    so, I guess passing such executive order, and attempts to make it a law, is not a smart move, I would even call it fascist, and I see it as a great way for that particular company to earn some great money, and some great percent awaits that governor of Texas... But then again, it's just my opinnion...

    Seems reasonable to me...


    And one thing more... Vaccine against cancer? How come we never heard of that one? I do believe some pharmaceutical companies would love to make some sort of a virus, that only they have a cure fur, and maybe they already did that... But... I dunno...

    Naaaa They would never do something like that! Perish the thought! [/sarcasm] http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    As more and more medications pop out, human race in general, will become less and less resistent to natural illnesses, and much more dependent on pharmaceutical companies and medications, so, I guess companies are getting what they want... In the long run...

    In the long run I think they'll have a lot of dead bodies. But then what do I know? I think you're definitely on target with the above statement regarding our lessening ability to fight infections and things as our intake of pharmaceuticals increases.
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