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Posts posted by Watermonkey

  1. I thought Area51 is a fictional area rumoured to be the Top Secret Facility of US.
    I also read somewhere that before Area51 was displayed in Google Earth, but later due to the intervention of US DoD it was removed.

    I just went and looked and Google Earth has a pretty good view of it labeled and everything! Area 51 is many things, fictional isn't one of them. Why would DOD remove something that was "fictional" anyway?

    I was listening to an interview re-played recently on Coast To Coast AM of Art Bell talking to a guy who was flying a small plane in to the airspace of Area 51. He made it in but the phone was cut off and no one ever heard from him again. Or so the interview goes... I don't lend it much credence myself, though, because I seriously doubt a person could maintain cellular lock flying in a plane in the middle of the desert of NV so remote like that. I could be wrong...

  2. Known to me as Groom Lake, but apparently known by many names (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51) Area51 is best known for recieving flights of white planes from McCarron Int'l airport in Las Vegas every morning and dispatching those same planes back shuttling scientists and engineers to work every day. These engineers, as far as I know, work on compartamentalized Top Secret goverment black-ops mainly related to reverse engineering alien technology from crashed craft alegedly starting with the event at Roswell NM in '41 (I think). Anyway, I believe they've moved their more sensitive ops to another site in UT, can't recall the name right off hand.


    And no, I don't care if anyone knows that I am ninja - I don't care because I AM secure. Being ninja is not at all like carrying a weapon that you have to hide - the analogy is incorrect.

    I know this is already boring and old, but I just can't let this pass without a comment. First, I never said you were a black belt; I was simply using a term that's easily grasped by our audience if we actually have one.


    And here's the analogy for you plain and simple: Let's assume for sake of argument I'm an 8th degree black-belt Japanese-trained dedicated world-class student of traditional Aikido. I'm not saying I am; just let's pretend for a moment. Now I can board an aircraft and walk into Federal Court without any trouble because no one knows I'm potentially as capable as any firearm when it comes to stopping a heart from beating. If I were to get into a scuffle at a bar and my attacker ends up not getting up off the floor or if I went out looking for some action and someone ended up getting killed for it, how do you think it'd be prosecuted? I would not be treated as though I were an ordinary citizen. The prosecutor would take into account that I am a lethal weapon through my training. I'm expected to show restraint and composure in my life, to hold myself higher morally because of my martial status. I'd be thrown to the wolves and locked up for many years even if the dead bodies could be construed to have been killed in self-defense. If I'm a lethal weapon and expected to hold myself in a higher moral ground, it's no different than if I was trained and licensed to carry a concealed weapon. The only real difference, other than the range of lethality, is the gun makes a much louder noise (nothing a $C silencer won't take care of) when it goes off than a limp body hitting the ground. I can't go off half-cocked in either situation, pun intended. Furthermore, I'd suggest to you what you should already know: A trained killer is not necessarily someone who has killed. Therefore it's not a big leap for said person to dislike the prospect of killing. I'd go one step further in saying that this person should absolutely abhor and hate the idea of killing. I don't wear a sidearm and go walking to the ghetto looking for some action; hoping I'll be able to knock off a couple bad guys. Some police do that, but I'm not some police. I don't go looking for a fight in bars just so I can demonstrate to my friends how many bodies I can make fly across the room without even touching them. No one I know does either. If I ever had to kill someone to stop them from victimizing another I'd eternally begrudge that person for forcing my hand, causing me to end his life.


    Knowing how to be an efficient killer of people, while wildly popular in some cultures, doesn't necessarily make you a killer nor does it need to mean you wake up every day hoping to break the previous day's record of dead bodies. And the opposite is true too: Certain politicians who enthsiastically send troops to their certain death couldn't kill to save their own lives yet thousands die at their command. I'm pretty sure these people actually do wake in the morning or whenever and set certain morbid goals.

  4. To be honest, i think they hide some things, but remember the government is people like you and me. If they are all like George Bush there is no way. They would be to dumb to keep a a secret.

    Never underestimate the power of stupidity. Stupid people can be very dangerous and can keep secrets well. Especially if they really don't have to do much else but read teleprompters... and they've got someone to tell them what secrets to keep...

    Here's a scary fact: That idiot Kerry had an even lower grade point average at Yale than GW. Step back and see them for what they really are: pawns. It'll help you see what's really going on in American government.

  5. Hmm, to an extent watermonkey has a point, though his ways of expressing his points leave much to desired.


    The only "good points" other posters have posited that I recall not re-reading all the posts, are points spoon fed to them from the government education centers where they're forced to spend much of their time and the media, not only through shows but news and any other medium of propaganda at their disposal. K-12 schools, in general, dont teach their students to think, they teach them to memorize facts. I remember after high school, I was distressed in college when I realized I was going to have to re-learn much of the subject matter Id already learned before because what I was taught was only half the truth and it was tilted to serve the state. Do you think its an insult when I tell you or this forum that kids today are even more moronic and ignorant than they were 20 years ago? Who am I insulting? You? The kids in todays public schools? How is it their fault? I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the State (pick a state or country) Head of Department (or Ministry) of Education. Its their disinformation being forced down the throats of the kids. Its not the parents fault, though they could get more involved and informed. I dont blame the victims; I blame the state for creating an entire generation of dumbed-down, brainwashed, drug addicted (pharmaceuticals) obedient slaves wholl be willing to die in their wars enthusiastically never knowing they died for nothing more than the UNs "Agenda 21. https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/documents/agagenda21toc.htm



    You don't like my delivery? I don't like your soft-spoken gentle non-threatening delivery either. (Dont misconstrue this as a personal attack, I neither like nor dislike you, Im still getting to know you, Im merely criticizing your method of delivery, as you did mine.) People, and kids in particular, get enough of that garbage all day long. It's hypnotizing and disarming and it lets in all the lies and propaganda through their psyches more easily. Most people respond to harsh abrupt speech; it serves to "wake them up" so they raise their conscience level to think more clearly. You should try it some time, it's invigorating and energizing. Are you offended that I get angry? Every thinking person should be angry about the state were in, in every way. Environment, social, political, cultural, pharmaceutical, educational, (Im sure you get the point this planet is messed up and most people dont even want to know why. Those people dont frequent forums like this one.) I wont apologize for being angry or animated regardless of if it offends anyone.


    Did you have something to critique in particular in my post? I posted a link regarding just one little volcano in the northwest US and how much sulphur dioxide it spews forth in its long-term current eruption. (There are actually between 1500 and 3000 active volcanoes planet-wide.) I also linked to an article that has at least half a dozen links in it regarding the other planets and their satellites heating up. Not gonna take issue with any of those articles? Somehow your opinion really doesn't mean a whole lot unless you back it up with some news articles or, preferably, with science. You know what they say about opinions... In the end they really don't matter. It's only the facts that matter because it's only the facts give us a starting point to work from so we can change things for the better (or worse). (The powers-that-be research facts and history constantly. They experiment to find out what society and people will tolerate and what they won't. That's how they've taken so much control from the individual.) I could be of the opinion that if all people were stripped of their firearms there would be a thousand years of peace and all the world's problems would just evaporate and no one would ever commit suicide again and murder would be a thing of the past. But the fact is that every population that's been disarmed since I don't know exactly when has been exterminated by their own governments. The fact will remain that murder is often carried out without the use of firearms and suicide too. The fact remains that people carrying concealed weapons are in the right place at the right time much of the time and actually prevent violent crimes. But groups like the Brady Bunch don't let these facts get in the way of carrying out their agenda. They know full well the consequence of their actions.


    The groups who carry on the myth that global warming can be stopped if only our factories stopped emitting dangerous chemicals or our cars stopped emitting NOx and CO2 don't give a crap about the environment. If they did, they wouldn't push a treaty that was so one-sided against the United States. Have you actually done any research about the Kyoto Protocol? It would do exactly nothing about the amount of emissions expelled in the air. It would only change where it's coming from; instead of North America, it'd come from Asia, specifically China, which while the second largest producer of greenhouse gasses, will remain exempt from the conditions and goals of the protocol. Same goes for India. To put it simply, the protocol is completely unfair and it's just a redistribution of wealth scheme at the end of the day. See a good outline and description at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol


    Remember what I said and I challenge you and everyone else to prove me wrong: When the government (any government) speaks (through its mouthpiece FOXCNNABCNBCCBSPBS [news media]), it's lying. There may be just enough truth to lure you in, but in the end the agenda of most governments is global hegemony; the erasure of borders, societies, cultures, regional and cultural identity, local customs and law, the creation of One World Government and planetary taxation, international courts, and an entire planet of slaves is the ultimate goal. Fewer slaves by a long shot, but slaves nevertheless. One of their favorite phrases, sirens and alarms should go off in your head when you hear this one, is "...it's for the children."


    It's actually kinda surprising the US and Australia didn't ratify the treaty. Our congress voted 95-0 against it. Never fear, though. The U.S. has its own emissions goals they're striving toward that are actually more optimistic than the Kyoto goals and they don't require we give up our sovereignty to accomplish them. And still gas mileage sucks on most autos you can buy here in America and the mileage on diesel-powered vehicles goes down every time a new emissions requirement goes into effect. I think the Jetta/Golf/Beetle is the only diesel powered car platform here right now that still gets good mileage at about 55MPG (42.77L/1000K if my math is right).


    Just Tuesday, Jan 23, I saw a link to this from Russia with Love: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Ready the whole thing, noting the third from the last paragraph.

  6. Dear me, Watermonkey, in your last post, you've just talked a lot. What was that again about people who do that having nothing to say?

    I stand by my views in my post, and maintain that I had a valid point. And I maintain that you ignored that point entirely. And (unlike some of us) I say it politely.


    Politeness costs us nothing - I notice that some of the members of this forum who have the most posts (and I'm NOT talking of myself, rather of people with 600 posts and more) are the most polite. Rudeness borders on egotism.


    Uh... You're right. I completely ignored any point you attempted to present in your post. You're also right in that politness costs us nothing, though I, again, don't see your point. Was I being rude in my post to you? Let me clarify because I obviously mis-spoke: Those who talk too much about themselves, often have nothing to talk about. In other words, no one gives a crap that you may or may not be trained in martial arts because it has nothing to do with anything relative to the topic of this thread. And I can tell you as a matter of fact that when someone is a black belt, they never never need or want to tell anyone about it because they're secure. Further, carrying a blackbelt is not unlike carrying a gun: It's an enormous responsibility and you don't want your potential enemies to know how you're armed. Please, if any of this confuses you, don't hesitate to ask me for more clarification. Now, could we get back to the meat of the issue at hand?

  7. Koopler, I'd drop it if I were you. According to the rules, they can BAN you for copying/pasting an article. There's another infraction elsewhere very nearby they haven't noticed yet...All I have to add to this topic is "Zero tolernace policy" is equivelant to "Zero independant thought policy". They're teaching today's kids (and adults) from nearly every front from school rules to video games to your favorite TV show on Fox, and of course I'm referring to "24". We're to be good worker bees and we're never to question the state, even if the state is wrong. There'll be consequences for doing a good deed if it means you break a "zero tolerance" rule to do that deed. I bet others can think of good examples too. One other one that comes to mind is the "zero tolerance zone" or "gun free zone" that some communities draw around school properties that declare a gun to be illegal if it comes within x number of feet from the school. If you're legally carrying concelled and happen to drive by, even without stopping, you may unknowingly break a law that could, if you were convicted, cause you to loose your "right" to keep and bear arms. The odds of getting caught are very low, but innocent people are victemized by nonsensical laws like this creating a whole new class of "criminals" in this country.

  8. It seems as though some people here think that their flatulence and hairspray is responsible for this queer climate shift we're feeling. Some seem to think signing a treaty will somehow solve things overnight. It's laughable to think that while you're going to school, you're really not learning anything useful. You'll be forced to attend at least four years of college before you can even become critical thinkers. I'm not pointing fingers; I don't have enough fingers!

    PEOPLE! Listen up!

    The human race has had only a marginal (if any) effect on global climate! Look around you! No, further out. Look at the clear night sky; you'll probably see a couple planets. Astronomers, looking at those same planets with sophisticated equipment have determined that we're not the only ones in our star system experiencing unusually warm climates. The whole system is experiencing it! Any clue why? Anyone??? I'll give you a clue: It's that bright orb you see in the cloudless days, overhead, angry. The sun is giving science a run for its money and it's causing a shift in our weather that no protocol could ever stop. It's easy, being human, to believe you're all-powerful, but you're just an insignificant speck on the skin of this world and if mother earth wanted us all gone, she'd only have to twitch and we'd all be gone just like that - in the blink of an eye.

    As an example you can put your collective fingers on: Mt. St. Helens emits more SO2 than all the other sources of this gas combined (on average) in the entire state of Washington. See the article I get this figure from: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    If you want to talk about how industry has caused a rapid rise in the rates of childhood asthma, leukemia, MS, or whatever, I'd be willing to entertain it. But don't sell the old "people are responsible for climate change and if the US would only sign a piece of paper then we wouldn't need to feel so guilty" crap here. You're perpetuating a lie that only does harm to the real facts.

    Link full of other links for your education and information: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  9. its also a problem that microsoft has some kind of monopole. of course you are free to use different os but you can hardly use all the suftware or play those games you want to. there is a open source remake of ic and it has been told that is is on the state of an worling 98 system so far. microsoft can do almost everything they want to abd noone has enaugh power to stop then. iam using windows, too but if there would be an alternative i would change as soon as possible.


    M$ doesn't have a "monopole", nor does it have a monopoly. Go look up that word if you can't grasp that fact. What is it you use your precious Windoz machine for that you can't get on the Apple platform? If ain't there now it'll be there soon. Apple's growing by leaps and bounds and soon even the smaller software companies will have to start porting their wares or risk loosing BIG $$$. Apple posted $1B profit for Q1 2007 and their market share was at 4.7% this year, up 1.1% a year ago. They're the number 4 computer maker in terms of sales as listed in IDC's rankings of U.S. shipments.


    More to the topic at hand, Apple's OS must also contain code that allows the National Security Agency to more easily track its users, but their OS is open source, right? Where would such a code be, or would it be in a physical chip? I don't understand how you can hide such a thing...

  10. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Most people knew that the government was selling it's own equipment to make money and allies but it looks our own citizens are really helping fuel the war on terror. I am not talking about Middle eastern American's either I am referring to the rest of the American's.


    Our own companies are buying parts from are own weapons and equipment and to make easy cash sell them to terrorists. It is pretty obvious from the article we have many Benedict Arnold's in our country woh rather make cash instead of protecting our country. We already knew that our own equipment was killing soldiers now we find out that our own bombs are killing them.


    I am so glad I living in a country where people don't care about others and order to be rich you just have to kill someone. :P :P :D.


    Number 1: You assume your government is telling you the truth when they say Iran is nation of terrorists. Some advice for you: Always assume the government is lying to you no matter what they say, especially if it involves international politics or labeling countries friend or foe. The odds are excellent the truth is either something completely different than what they say or, at the very least, what they say only has a shade of truth but the rest is a complete lie. Iran has been America's ally more often than not throughout the past and its people are well educated, pro-western, and most of them are not practicing Muslims. The people of Iran can not be generally labeled "terrorists" any more than the people of this country. (This comes from personal experience.)


    Number 2: How do you think wars are waged? You have to arm your opponent in order to carry out a proper war. It's helpful if you own the banks that loan money to the countries preparing to fight each other too, that way no matter who wins, you win if you own the bank. If you do some research, you'll see that in every major war in the last thousand years only one or two banks owned by just one family were responsible for arming both sides and profiting from the results. I'm not insinuating the Pentagon or any of its components is acting as a bank. Far from it. They're not incompetent either. They're accessories to the act of increasing the arms supply of a country it knows is its enemy because they couldn't care less about the rules. Rules don't apply to the Pentagon.


    Finally: As an arms merchant, you've already thrown morality out the window. Now that you've gotten that monkey off your back you can focus on the primary goal: Making truckloads of money. Your customers qualify if they've got cash. Their names mean nothing. You have no loyalties, certainly not to any government and certainly not to international or other law. You run a criminal enterprise that other governments know about and while they don't exactly condone it, they don't go out of their way to stop you either. You're a necessary element in the whole grand scheme of things. You can sell things to people they can't because you're just one little man which makes you quick and hard to detect. They can only sell to a certain clientele because of similar reasons. They're a large organization with considerable clout with other governments and they can provide impressive demonstrations of their wares, you get the point.


    Yours isn't an unusual reaction to news stories like the one you posted. I do it too. Never fails to amaze me how audacious those high up the military or government ladder tend to be. Their actions rarely carry any kind of consequence like what you and I would expect if we were caught doing something similar. Our lords flaunt their power and parade it in front of their subjects with impunity because the masses are hypnotized watching the football playoffs and dumbed down from the poisonous food they're forced to eat because few of them actually grow their own anymore. Dig deeper and you'll discover things they don't dare flaunt. Things that might actually wake a large portion of their listless slaves from their stupor...


    Too idealistic a view? Perhaps you're right. However, I was trained in in the east in Ninjutsu, literally trained as an assassin (and extremely well trained, I might add),


    What does being trained as an assassin have to do with this topic?




    Those who talk too much, often have nothing to say.

  11. now everybody wonders from time to time, is there something being hidden from me? well the government sure does like to cover things up and hide things from the general public to 'protect' us. Now im pretty sure there are many things that are being hidden from us, such are the meaning of life, could be pinneaples for all we know. Or that the human soul is doomed for an eternity of pain, and religion provides us with hope , false hope, in order to live our life fully without the worry of death, because we believe when we die, we shall go to 'paradice' . im no athiest, just a theory. Other Government Conspiricies could include the Kennedy Assonation, 9/11, WW2. there are most probabaly many things we don't know about these events, and many truths that have been hidden, What do you think?

    I think you should keep this thread down to just one or two conspiracies. We could go on until kingdom come talking about every government conspiracy that crops up. And we'd just keep up at that, not to mention all the conspiracies of the past. Also, I don't think the conspiracy to keep your soul from evolving to a more enlightened or ascended state is necessarily government oriented... is it?

  12. You've heard this before, I'd wager, but don't discount it just because it's cliche: You'll look back on the way your parents parented you when you're older and you'll thank the heavens they cared enough to do the things that irritate you now. It's those parents who don't keep their noses in their kids' lives who have no business having kids and whose kids are drunk, high, pregnant or all of the above instead of learning how to act as independant responsible adults and staying out of trouble like you. Maintain a small group of friends whose parents are friends of your parents and you'll likely keep those friends for life and your parents won't worry so much if at all when you're out with them.


    Just my $.02. I got "fixed" so I'll never have kids. I couldn't possibly imagine what it must be like for a kid to grow up in this day and age. I'd have to buy an island somewhere and hire a full time nanny/tutor to home school and all that before even thinking of raising a child in today's world. And that ain't gonna happen any time soon.

  13. Perfectly right, vbritton.


    I believe that in the future, as our mastery of science progresses, we shall eventually (as I mentioned a little earlier in this thread), SYNTHESIZE all the raw materials our bodies need FROM MINERAL SOURCES. I also believe that instead of 'eating' these synthesized materials, we shall have them injected directly into our blood streams, to maximize absorption and use. A device worn on the body will monitor the levels of such materials in the blood stream to ensure that we don't take in 'too much' or 'too little'.


    Simple synthetic 'bulk' materials with various 'tastes' added will be what is actually eaten, these materials will contain nothing that the body can absorb, but will serve merely to keep the bowels healthy.


    This is the future.

    That may be your future, but I can't imagine anyone of your alleged intelligence saying, straight-faced, one should bypass the human digestive system altogether and just inject nutrition. You've got an "American" attitude toward eating, it would appear. Americans view eating as a task, a chore, something to be ashamed of and not to be enjoyed. Americans are notorious for having health problems relating to their diets. Coincidence? I think not. You can go all day long injecting things into your bloodstream thereby bypassing the bodies defenses, that's your right, but I'll trust the Creator put my mouth, teeth, stomach, etc. in my body for a very good reason. (not just to "chew" you out. get it? "chew"...)


    I am not a vegetarian. I have very nearly cut off my intake of red meat. I eat fish and chicken. Not because they're good for me, but because I like the taste of them. I'm quite sure if I spent any time around a factory chicken farm, I'd either cut chicken out of my diet, or make a decision to only eat chicken that's free-range and hormone-free. (I do that anyway, but not exclusively like I probably should.) I doubt I'll ever stop eating wild salmon or lake trout, but if I do, I assure you, I won't be missing anything in my diet I can't make up through a healthy vegetarian diet. Think Omega-3 can't be found in the world of plants? Think again. -edit: I believe the study defines "vegetarians" as those who eat fish as well as grass.


    Eating a mostly vegetarian diet has opened my olfactory awareness to a wonderful new world of pleasure, not just in smell, but in taste too. Americans' blood lust for the primal red meat diet is completely out of control and way out of proportion to what is healthy or necessary. It's not just smart to leave the primal world of the carnivore or omnivore (more accurately), it's evolved. I'd encourage folks who want to make a change that matters in their lives to make that evolutionary leap. Stop the sensless slaughter of the creatures they share this little ball of mud with. Eat grass! It's good for you and it doesn't scream when you kill it! :P


  14. I'm not a vegamite sandwich, but I sure wish all the topics at this forum were as intersting as this one. It's sure got a lot of intelligent debate going on. I like that. i thnk we need more of posts like this one at the trap. I don't see how you can really argue with a scientific study, I guess you should be able to duplicate the study with the expectation of getting the same results. I'll get right on that and we'll pick up where we left off in about twenty years. Yeah -right! Some of you should stop pretending you know more than the experts.It kinda looks like some posters have been picking on vbriton because she's not a meat eater like they are. I looked at her posts and she never got emotional or angry with the some of the insulting posts aimed at her. And then she even agreed with some of the people who disagreed or insulted her. Some of the people who pretend to be smart just come out looking like bullies trying to pick on one person who has a differnt opinion. Maybe they were jelous that they aren't getting as much attention at their posts? Questions. Questions that need answers...

  15. I drove with my laptop up and running constantly for my last job, testing cellular networks. I had to buy an outboard network card because my company was too cheap to buy a decent laptop with built-in wireless. I bought another card for my personal computer that is old enough that built-in 802.11b/g/n wasn't common. Both cards are Belkins. One is "g 54 MB/s" and the other is "pre-n 108 MB/s". I found that I could attach to networks much farther away with the MIMO pre-n card than I can with the "g" card. I have no idea if I could get better range with internal vs external on my Mac or my wife's Sony, but it's really not a big deal to have the PCMCIA card sticking out of your computer. I like the software for the MIMO card better too. Whatever works...

  16. I believe that computer he was talking about, the G5 Quad, has four cores each running at 2.5 GHz which, added up, would make 10 GHz. While it's true that there could, if all processors were maxxed out at the same time (take off your clothes, throw some water on it and you'll have a steam sauna :P ) you'd have 10 GHz worth of clock cycles under the hood, you wouldn't see the benifit that one theoretical 10 GHz chip would produce. It's kinda like having a VW Touareg TDI V10. The V10, like several engines built by the VW Auto Group, is actually two engines mated to the crankshaft. In Europe and other parts of the world you can buy a Touareg with a 2.5L inline 5 TDI (diesel). The numbers don't add up, though. Even though the 5L, 10 cylinder engine is two 2.5L inlines mated to one crank, the torque and horsepower isn't twice that put out by the single 2.5L engine. There's quite a bit of loss incurred. Back to the chip: Because of numerous factors such as front end bus speeds, software ineffencies, heat loss, etc., there's not nearly the gain to be had with multiple core processors compared with a single core. However with lower clock speeds, there's more power to be had without incurring the heat penalties and it's the least expensive way to increase performance since Intel is nearly at the max engineering this processor already. Next up, 65n processors.

  17. I've got a new 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo 17" MBP with 2 GB of RAM and it screams. I love the fact that I don't have to wait long at all for it to boot up, not that I have to boot it very often, and it is very good at running multiple tasks at once. The previous poster is right about two cores or CPUs. There are two distinct CPUs in this laptop. They share 4 MB of cache memory, otherwise they're separate in everything they do. Does that mean I can think of my computer as a 4.66 MHz machine? Absolutely... NO! First, clock speed doesn't mean as much today as it used to with Intel. It's kinda like comparing Intels Pentiums to IBM's PowerPC chips (used in PS3, Xbox, and the fastest supercomputer in America): They have distinctly different architectures and go about doing things in different ways. The PowerPC is much more efficient than a Pentuim thus it could accomplish the same task in fewer clock cycles. Today's newest Intel processors are the same way which is why they're able to stuff dual procs into a tiny laptop enclosure without melting things or starting fires. The chips don't need to run faster, they just need to do things more efficiently and one way is to write software that can take advantage of that second, third, forth etc. CPU so that it spreads itself out if the machine has multiple CPUs on board. That second CPU is no good if the software doesn't use it. I think most software today takes advantage of multiple CPUs so it's not too much of an issue anymore. I don't believe you can buy any Mac now that doesn't have at least two CPUs on board. Soon, they'll release the eight core MacPro workstation.

  18. Hello all! This is my very first post so I'll make it here. I've got three computers, all laptops, one is owned by my former employer, hopefully my future employer if they ever get some work around here. Company laptop:Dell Latitude D510 with Celeron M 1400 MHzRunning Windoz XP 2002, SP2248 MB RAMBOINC CPU benchmarks: 1182 floating point MIPS (Whetstone)2447 integer MIPS (Dhrystone)Personal laptop 1:Toshiba Satellite with Celeron 1100 MHzRunning Windoz XP 2002, SP2240 MB RAMbenchmarks: unknownPersonal laptop 2:Apple MacBook Pro with Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHZRunning OS 10.4.82 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAMBOINC CPU benchmarks:1877 floating point MIPS (Whetstone)4959 integer MIPS (Dhrystone)Graphics card: ATI Radion X1600 256 MB VRAM

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