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Everything posted by talbotda13

  1. Here are the real specs. Notice from BuffaloHELP: You know better to place QUOTE tags when copying and pasting. Ref: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Next time it will result in warning.
  2. White smoke, bells signal selection of new pope I think thats really cool they have selected a new pope in only a few days. I heard on the news its one of the 115 cardinals that was in the sistine chapel doing the voting. But anyways i hope he is a good pope
  3. Gas prices are ridiculous now days. I remember last year at this time i was only paying $1.60 per gallon for gas. now its almost up to $2.40 per gallon. I hate it becuase my vehicle uses alot of gas in a week. so half of my paycheck goes for gasoline. the other half is for other bills. But it seems like OPEC would make more barrels per day. Im just gald it's not winter here anymore and i dont have to let the vehicle sit and run for it to warm up and it shouldnt use so much gas anymore.
  4. Well this could probably be the reason why. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shot=0& I dont know if its you but if it is then good luck.
  5. You would have to work for enough credits to get the package you want.I remember seeing someplace that if you have hosting and you ask for it to be deleted they will delete it but then you need to get the required credit to get hosting back. All your doing is basically requesting hosting like you would have when you first came here. you would still need the required hosting credits.
  6. I wouldnt think that would be a good thing to use. Firstly its not fair to the person you had come here if you decided hey i will go inactive for awhile and my friend will keep posting to get me credits. It should be since you joined you need to stay active and not have a friend sharing his or her credits. i think that would go someplace around cheating
  7. I would suggest that you just start talking about what comes to mind unless you think it is bad or way over the top. Thats what i do when on the phone
  8. I suppose i will say it again so it will be below this lineIf your credits dropped below 0.0 then you will get suspended. i think in order to fix that you need 7 credits to get unsuspended. which i bet you already know that when your posts are longer and have good quality then your credits go up. Try to get 7 hosting credits or more and see if you get unsuspended. If not then contact an administrater and ask them what the problem is.But i am sure you will get lots of reason from other members about why and how you got suspended and i bet only 1 will be the correct answer
  9. If your credits dropped below 0.0 then you will get suspended. i think in order to fix that you need 7 credits to get unsuspended. which i bet you already know that when your posts are longer and have good quality then your credits go up. Try to get 7 hosting credits or more and see if you get unsuspended. If not then contact an administrater and ask them what the problem is.But i am sure you will get lots of reason from other members about why and how you got suspended and i bet only 1 will be the correct answer
  10. could be the fact you might have low hosting credits. or it could be a small problem with the hosting credits script but the hosting credits script thing is highly doubtful
  11. I would have to say my favorite character is Homer. Just becuase he seems like he isnt the brightest bulb in the knife drawer. But he is funny and stupid. Bart is cool although he is almost like homer. which is cool
  12. That picture of the Playstation 3 makes the console look big and bulky. too bad they had to stop making them until the time Sony has paid off the 90.7 billion dollars to the company that actually has the patent for the vibration things.
  13. The things that make me really upset are i have way too many but i will name 3. lets see. my car. for some reason it just died. it didnt make any noises or anything i was going to work and it just shut off. im stumped on what the cause is. number 2 would be my supervisor at work. she just seems mean and anoying. number 3 would be the fact i have little to almost no free time due to working on my car or going to work at 5pm everyday
  14. My free time i am usually sitting at the computer, working on cars, playing ps2, or hanging out with my friends. the only sucky thing is that i have had very little free time lately so i cant do as much as i used to. the only thing i seem to do now is when i do get my free time is work on my car. that thing has got me all worked up. i will vent about that some time when i get more free time.
  15. The only thing that scares me is high speed car accidents. ive been in 1 and since then i have been scared of them. im not scared of death or being alone. i am also afraid of heights. but the heights thing is a personal thing.
  16. I was born and raised in the United States and i still live here
  17. I seriously think that guy has too much free time. Why would you want to text that to anyone anyways. Some people have way too much time on thier hands espeically that dude
  18. I have gotten several of those emails and i only kept one. i looked at my hosting credits here. ive been to mywebsite and everything so i just figured it was a non-sense spam email
  19. Sounds interesting. I just noticed that i havent gotten sick at all this year. now as for your spring break and everything i hope you feel better soon. I know that being sick on the times you look foreward to having is a pretty terrible thing. I have gotten sick so many times when spring break was coming up and i was looking foreward to it. now i dont have to worry about school and or spring brak and the only thing i have to look forward to is missing work lol. Anyways i hope you feel better and i hope you make up all of your midterms
  20. I am confused on that as well.Seems like they would explain it clearer. i can understand it for new members for 30 credits. but i dont get the 30 credits for already hosted members.
  21. Why in the world would anyone do that? i mean either you need to be in a blank state of mind or you need some serious help. i bet it had to do with people picking on him all the time. Why else would he kill so many. and he even killed his grandparents. so i know he planned it all out before he went on his rampage. All the news in the world is dumb. i mean can't there be good news in the news? if you watch the news everyday there is all bad news. no good news.
  22. Well hello and welcome. and i hope you will have fun here. this is a great community and it has good hosting. alot of cool members and some good admins.
  23. Well i seriously doubt Bush will attack Iran. But then again it is Bush. I bet he is the kind of person who uses a magnifine glass to burn ants. maybe he thinks the ants are people. But i know he has threatend them as well as North Korea. But i know he wont attack North Korea. The Iran thing is just stupid. I dont see why Bush needs to be all war happy.
  24. I am a male 20 yrs old and i am not too much into webdesign or anything for that matter. I usually like to play games online and visit websites and not those "Special Sites" I usually come here or to invisionfree but mainly I am at invisonfree. I wish i was more into webdesign but i'm not
  25. okay i read Dooga's topic just a second ago and i think that if the the admin the main admin wants to know something about your account i think that he needs to pm the member on this forum and tell the person that its him and ive seen this done on a different place. that way no members can give info to a fake admin. I mean it would make so much sense instead of making topics about impersonators and fake posters. I also think the real admin should also give a link to his real email address so that we know that it is him asking for account info. Well that is my suggestion for this board
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