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Everything posted by Plurk

  1. I've tried playing the latest Prince of Persia, just to see what the hype was about. Did not really like it. If you don't know the majority of about 200 keycombinations required to move your character in battle, you're relegated to just extremely basic fightmoves. Used to be that you could move and fight with the enemy without resorting to just 2 or 3 moves, and still not have to remember combinations like "E-Ctrl-Ctrl-Ctrl-Shift-Ctrl". but i guess that's the Playstation Generation for'ya! I massively enjoyed the first Prince of Persia, the 2D (quasi 3D!) platformgame. EGA, 6 keyboardkeys, hours of fun and frustration...Yes I'm an old geezer...
  2. Plurk

    The Sims!

    I can't see putting that much time into an artificial life. Don't you people have anything to do in REAL life? Largely unsatisfying experience, methinks. I used to play Simcity (the first Sim-game!) but not for hours. That was kinda cool. It also fit on just one floppydisk. And it did not require hours to configure and play before you really HAD something worth playing...
  3. I am sorta ambidextrous; I write lefthanded, but throw and catch righthanded. My left is my "me-time" hand too (sorry; just saw the episode of Scrubs with JD refering to this). Still throwing like a girl with my left, and illegible handwriting wth my right, but I'm not really interested in doing either with the "wrong" hand. It's fine like it is...I CAN work the mouse flawlessly with either hand though. Handy RSI-prevention strategy, that is...
  4. I've actually thought about giving up my broadband. I'm downloading stuff like mad, but I don't feel guilty about it. It's like when I started downloading music; I've NEVER bought CD's, so they lost allmost nothing on me.But I simply have not got the time to see/hear all the stuff I download! I download interesting films and let them linger on my HD (plenty of room here) or zap through them (which they don't deserve). The good ones get burned to DVD, the rest lands in the trash. I've got about 3 weeks worth of listening/viewing to do to catch up. And I'm already spending too much time behind the computer as it is...
  5. Personally I cannot understand the attraction to these topdown/third person/stategy games. Takes too long to set up, takes months to put a good campaign together... And your troops; they NEVER listen! BBC had a mildly interesting program in which they pitted families as generals against the computer, recreating ancient battles. I think they used this program, or something similar. Give me a firstperson shooter anyday...
  6. I saw "Sideways" last night. It was slighty interesting, in kind of a "Trainspotting" way. The movies didn't do much for me, but in the days after seeing it, your brain starts mulling them over. I'll probably see Sideways again when it hits DVD rental and think much more of it. I hope. Or maybe it WAS just crap...
  7. I used to be a bit of a fan of U2. I can remember when I rode my daily busride to work with nothing but their Red Rocks concert on infinite loop in my walkman. That was the time when they were real rockers, protestsingers, angry and full of youthfull fire.Now they're fat, old, complacent multimiljonairs. Regurgitating flabby, uninterested/ing popsongs. When I see Bono's face at one of those "save the earth/animals/people" again I HAVE to switch channels.
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