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Everything posted by Cammy

  1. I believe its taught that people of the same sex are not to marry. I dont hate gays. You can love a person and not their behaviour. I was taught that God loves us and because he loves us he allows us the right to choose even if its something he told us not to do. He didnt make us robots to be controlled. So I love all people regardless of their religion, culture, sexual orientation. Like a parent who loves their child even when they do the wrong thing they still love them and wish the best for them, regardless of which path they take. But also as any good parent he disciplines his children too.
  2. Sure sounds like they are off. First I'd tell them to give you a comeback from the 21's century then Id offer to sell them a clue for 5 bucks!
  3. I hate infomercials, they need to have a channel for themselves. You cant watch tv late at night or on Sundays, at least where I live without seeing one. The ones late night are cheesy they are the worst! Dating and adult phone lines! People actually call these numbers?
  4. I have 3 best friends, ones I can count on to set me straight and will always be honest with me. I could have a lot more but I find having too many friends can cause troube and jealousy. I have lots of associates, people who I talk to on a regular basis but I only keep few close.
  5. At first I wanted to say scrap the whole thing, but then again they can keep their Queen and royalty but give em real jobs they get paid enough dont ya think? I think some of the culture should be preserved but its time they get into the 21's century, look into their process and bring it up to date to a point. Look at Harry, the kid isint happy. I think it runs in the family.
  6. A racist is someone who doesnt like someone because of their race if you want the general definition and prejudice is judging someone before knowing who they are based on past experiences. People can and do hate their own race as well as others. When you meet someone from another country or whos different then you and ask them where they are from its easy to prejudge them, associate them with people you know from that country. Can be a good or bad thing. The black people being faster than whites is just a generalization, again can be good or bad. Some generalizations are based on fact, problem is people get painted with the same brush and it proves to be dammaging. I cant like rock music cause Im black? I dont know how to swim casue it will dammage my hair. All those are wrong about me and others. Its absurd. Ive heard worse but Ill leave it at that...I am black and was born in Canada. People always ask me where Im from even though Im from Canada, I get offended sometimes, other times I let it slide. I dont use derogatory terms. if I find out one is offensive to a group of people I stop using it. I dont care if its in songs or movies. I dont like it I dont teach it I wont lower myself.
  7. My brother has been using yahoo since 1998, me since around 2001. Im on messenger a few times a week. I used to use msn till they made some changes almost 2 years ago. I keep most people blocked now. The yahoo chatrooms are nuts! I just use one room where my friends online and offline hang out. We have get togethers in our city, been going since 2001. I also play yahoo games. their maps are good. I only use my mail yahoo groups. I use msn and gmail most of my email
  8. back in the days when that was the only thing you could play in the office and have enough time to close it like nothing happened I dont play that anymore. Id have to be real bored. I cleared the beginner board a few times and that was it for me, like the others said time to move on.
  9. Oh wow how sad. he would have looked like both parents in that photo. Hes such a mess now in every way. Such a shame.
  10. Im a late bloomer when it comes to online games. I play a lot of puzzle and trivia games at myspace and on yahoo. tetris, mahjongg, big money, bejeweled. I go to trivia chat rooms sometimes. I also play collapse till I cant see straight then I leave it alone for a few weeks. I warned my boys I would get addicted if I ever started , now they cant wait till I get off of the computer.
  11. I like your site, its clean, nice colours easy to navigate and I wanted to know what was on every link. The shoutbox is a cool feature. Dont feel too bad Im real new at site building. Im used to yahoo and bravenet. I dont know if its my browser but there is a lot of white space. I think it would look better with another colour for the background behind the default green.
  12. Its about time they catch up everyone is switching. way too many problems with IE.
  13. I use msn, yahoo, icq(not very much) been using them for a number of years. I have the most contacts on msn. I have countless stories about them. Many good things and bad things have happened to me cause of it. I have been stabbed in the back, lost friends and even met my boyfriend through messenger. Even had a couple long distant relationships with that and on the telephone. I like that you can send files through them and talk to people miles away in an instant. Its a great and cheap way to keep in contact with family too.
  14. Cammy

    I Broke My Toe

    OH my sorry that happened to you. I have the worst luck with my feet! At age 6 I fell out of a swing and had a hairline fracture...my poor mom she was pushing me. It was back then when swings didnt have the safety cross bar. Since then I have hurt my foot many times. I fractured it when I was crossing the road from my place going to work pregnant. I had to wear an aircast( hard plastic)The following year I hurt it again but not a fracture. Then in 2003, two days after the Great Blackout in North America I was taking my son downstairs in my building, the elevator wasnt fixed yet. I was near the last step, landed on my toe...tyring to balance my son in his stroller and hurt it again. I thought it wasnt too bad so I went to the mall to do a little shopping. It started swelling up. I walked to the hospital and watched it grow. They took x-rays , it wasnt fractured but swollen. I had to leave the hospital with crutches. Now thats not it, last year I was getting off a bus and the I caught my foot in the door. I was in such shock I didnt get the bus info or sue. Needless to say Im quite paranoid now.
  15. If I had more time I would go to the gym more. I have 4 boys so Im very busy. I would also go out with my friends a little bit more, take my boys out to the movies more often and go out for dinner. I love travelling but I would need more money too.
  16. I use the default one, didnt even know there was themes. Ill check it out!
  17. So far I like gmail. the space is awesome. The look is clean and I havent been getting any spam. Its easy to use no fuss no muss. I have invites too if anyone needs. You can use it as a junk drawer and send files there that would fill up your other email accounts.
  18. Yes I do I have kept diaries on and off since age 14, its amazing to see how I used to think back then. There are so many things that I forgot about. I think its good to look back at where you were and what you've become. Its also good for the memory. Im on some online diary or weblog sites. Livejournal is a good one and myspace is another thats good for friends it has a weblog feature too. There are lots around, but nothing like the old pen and paper that you can pull out and read as the years go by.
  19. I enjoy journaling, writing poetry, playing piano, creating graphics on paint shop, working out, dancing, and Im a new game, just computer games, like mahjongg, tetris, collapse, triva. Just got into those. My boys have been trying to get me into video games for years but I didnt cause I knew Id get addicted. I don't even want to start.
  20. I wish everyone a great day, love happiness and appreciate those around me. Its a tough one for my my boyfriend and I split up a couple days ago. Its hard having our son 3 months ago. But Im ok my friends are helping me get through it. Tell someone you love them today, friends, family anyone who makes your day brighter , it goes a long way. It may be the last time you see them you never know.
  21. I was a huge fan of Lady Di. She has been dead for many years. Its about time he gets to be with the woman he loves legally. The whole royal family is so tragic. I wish them all the best.
  22. for me I was using msn/sympatico in canada amd for some reason I couldnt edit pages, but it works fine in mozilla. I also cleaned up a lot of files, temp files, cache etc. It never hurts.
  23. I had this problem for two days, wracking my brain, thinking I lost my mind then I went into my mozilla browser and everything started working. I could edit my pages without a problem.
  24. Ill put the link on my favourites in case. In the meantime Im on to program 4 lol its called ftp wanderer. Its free so far. Ill let you know if it worked.
  25. I have a christian background and left when I was younger. I go to church on a irregular basis to visit but I enjoy going. We were raised pentecostal and never observed lent. I guess its more of a catholic thing. I like the idea. Giving something up would make one more appreciative of what they have. Fasting was a common thing though.
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