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Everything posted by Koopler

  1. I like walmart. They have a nice selection of everything, so they're a good place to visit when you're looking for an item that most stores don't carry. The only downside is that the closest walmart is like 40 miles away, so I only go there about 3-5 times a year... so to answer the question, no I don't have an addiction to walmart, but I acknowledge that it's a good store and if there was one close by, I might have an addiction.
  2. If you read the thread title, you already know what this thread is about. It's an introduction thread where I'm going to introduce myself. So anyways, I'm Koopler. I just joined today in anticipation of getting a nice web host account. Yeah, and I'll also be an active part of this community even after I get the account... yeah, so can I get my account activated now? I got my 10 points...
  3. "Well... most people don't own an HD TV"Ugh, I can't stand this argument. In the beginning, even I was against HD TV's, but they're becoming more and more attractive to me as the price drops. At this point, it won't be long before I take the plunge and buy one. And the rest of the world will soon do the same. So yes, if Nintendo was smart, they would have made the Wii support HD. But if they were smart, they would also give it more graphical power than an xbox. So if you're a graphics *BLEEP* like me, the lack of HD isn't a huge factor, because Wii games would look ugly even if they were in HD.
  4. Thanks man. That's some comedy gold right there.
  5. Um... wtf?Yes, it's next gen. And I seriously have to stay out of this gaming forum. I've seen some of the dumbest threads ever in this forum because you guys are clueless about the industry. The 360 is a next generation game console, not a next generation PC. You don't even compare the computer sector to the console sector. Overall, both are part of the same industry, but there quite different at the same time.
  6. Dude, go for the DS Lite. Seriously, if you get the right games for it, you won't regret the purchase. Advance Wars Dual StrikeBoth CastlevaniasYoshi Island DSMario Kart DSBoth Phoenix Wright gamesTrauma CenterDragon Quest: Rocket SlimeFinal Fantasy IIIAnd there's probably more that I'm forgetting. The point is: the DS has a far greater quantity of good games than the PSP. I'm not a fanboy, and I acknowledge that the PSP has some superioritys to the DS, but in the end it all comes down to the games, and in that aspect, the DS blows the PSP out of the water.
  7. Cinema has a damn good point. I tried to cheat Google's system several times only to later regret it. While at first I was making $2 a day from a small personal site that only got 50 hits a day, due to clicking behind a network using static IP's, Google finally caught on one day. My $2 a day dropped to $0 a day. And now I only make about $0.10 a week. So the moral of my story is: You can only trick google for so long before they catch on. And when they do catch on, you'll regret cheating...
  8. Yeah, some people prefer a combination, because while contact lenses may look better on most people, glasses are less irritating in certain situations. But if I had to choose one, I'd go with lenses. That's mainly because I look horrible with glasses, but also because I've always had this fear of getting punched in the face while wearing glasses. Having glass so close to your eye could do some serious damage...
  9. I know a woman who has it... she's pretty weird. Seriously, this woman never talks. When she wants to communicate, she growls at people. It's actually kinda scary...But yeah, Down Syndrome sucks.
  10. You don't need such complex solutions to cure foot odor. Just learn to change you socks, or if that doesn't work, throw your shoes in the washing machine.
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