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Everything posted by maddog39

  1. Looky here. I setup a demo for you guys, the user is test and the pass is test. Try it it works. Plus I dont know what you mean by vailidate it. Anyway I am going to clean up the code a little bit.
  2. hahaha.... lol, rofl, me neither. IE stinks so bad its not funny. I put flash buttons on my site and they work in every other browser except IE of course. Also IE just cant match up to firefox or any of those other browsers. Like no tabbed browsing and stuff plus its as slow as crap almoust like all the time and its worse when you have like 56k or some other slow internet service.
  3. Well that might be evident because gmail has been giving like everyone 50 invites and everything. I just got 50 a couple weeks ago just like everyone else and there spreading the amount of users that they want to have. I think google is probably going to release it to the public in a couple of months or so.
  4. I have my own custom CMS that I built into an HTML template. I need to do things to it though. But I include everything and I made my own way of doing things without 'back end' coding cuz I dont even know what that is. It work great except for when the MySQL is down. I made my news system of CuteNews which doesnt use a database, instead uses .txt files to store data.
  5. I think the goal for the rest of my life is to go to MIT and then be a proffesionaal programmer in like php or something and in fact I kind of do that already but I plan to do it when I an adult also. But I will probably have to wait a while because im still only in junior high so for now I just need to focus on my school work and ace the next couple of years to finaly reach my goal at clledge and then to go on in life.
  6. Ok I looked it up on clickhereforfree.com and looked under hosting and guess what I found. Click the link below. There are tons of sites. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. Hello all,I was wondering who here has a cell phone. Cuz I just got one for valentines day and I got a Motorola Model V220 Camera Phone with color screen. Its really nice too and came with some games and it also has that little screen on the front which tells you whos calling before you flip it open. SO what about you guys?
  8. I dont think your going to find it for free. You could probably find something like that on google or or one of those free webhosting directory sites. Forget what they are. Thats the best place to look if you want. Also I have been wondering myself what its for.
  9. What the heck do those do. The script works fine ive tried it and I use it.
  10. Guys I get these emails all the time with the '.pif' extension. These are deadly files. I dont even know where .pif came from or even what its really for. So juts stay away from it.
  11. I have seen sooo many popular sites with ASP. But then again there are tons more that run PHP. Also since jsp seems to be getting in there and Xisto hosts jsp capability you might want to try that. But I have no knowledge of what it really is or anything abount it. Hope this helps.
  12. Well I find that posting on Xisto is cool and me loving forums so much, I tend to do it a lot anyway. There isnt always some where to post like on my forums. I have 62 different discussion forums on mine and there is always something to start chating or to chat about with my members. But here you are restricted, there arent enough good forums that I like to post in and stuff like that. Also by restricted I mean like tutorials you have to wait 2 or 3 days for your tutorial to finaly appear and things like that.
  13. I cant find the name phpEditor anywhere on there site plus, my software has absolutly no relevence except maybe the name a little bit. But then I will probably just name it something else. Also I made some small updates. But the dev location wont be up for another 2 weeks unless I can find a way to fit it in my webserver for gamers pub. I also might make a site for it and all my other scripts.
  14. Yes exactly. Thats why I bought IPB and I love and it does axactly what I want and expect it to do. But other people may have different expectations.
  15. Yeah! Lol, I have 40+ hosting credits. Also i believe that you have to have more than 10 hosting credits. It used to be three. So just keep posting and once you get to a certain amount of good posts and you have enough hosting credits the scripts will automatcaly un-susspend your hosting account. Hope this helps.
  16. I have a dev board set up for it if any of you want a closer look at it. The username is admin and the password is admin. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. Well I am experimenting with intergrating php scripts with web pages. I think I know how to do it with ipb at least which is what you have.
  18. Yeah! You probably have to edit the theme some where for each theme. Thats how most mods work to get the graphics and all of the CSS and stuff to work right. But I like subSilver anyways. I usually just replace the logo and call it mine lol.
  19. Hello all, I found this script actually on another website. But I modded it and added some things. Heres the code and stuff. Open a new file in your text editor and paste in this code. <?php{echo '<form name='pp' method='post' action='check.php'>Username:<input type='text' name='user' value=''><br>Password:<input type='password' name='pass' value=''><br><input type='submit' value='Login'></form>';}?>Name this file login.php Now open another new file in your text editor and paste in this code. <?php// Change 'YourUsername' to whatever you want.if ($_POST['user'] == "YourUsername") {// Change 'YourURL' to the directory to forward to.echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;URL=YourURL'>";}else {header("Location: error.php");}// Change 'YourPassword' to whatever you want.if ($_POST['pass'] == "YourPassword") {// Change 'YourURL' to the directory to forward to.echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;URL=YourURL'>";}else {header("Location: error.php");}?>Name this file check.php For the last file, open up another new file in your text editor and paste in this code. <?phpecho "I am sorry, you have entered the username or password inccorectly. You are now being redirected.";echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;URL=login.php'>";?>Name this file error.php. Then upload these to your server and try them out. Its an easy way to password protect directories on a webserver. Demo: CLICK HERE Deno User: test Demo Pass: test
  20. This isnt a computer program. Plus it works with data bases and things like that to make an easy website. I dont know what your thinking of. Also today I am going to re-structure the code and make some minor changes. [EDIT] This is a completley web based program. Also its only like 20% done so dont expect much.
  21. Well actually I think thats a pretty good idea except for the downsides like opaque said. I know a site that lets you resell there free hosting. But there having problems with there stuff so.... But if you want why dont you offer like free phpBB hosting or something. If you want something lighter just use XMB(Great Board) or IPB or something.
  22. Man, alot of websites are being hacked that way. I think I have seen 3 so far. I remember phpbb.com was hacked that way. What I suggest you do is, post a message on your website that explains that you have been hacked and your rebuilding the site and it will be shut down till further notice, etc., etc. Then password protect your directories and limit all access to the site in anyway you can. Then slowly rebuild your site and bring it back up. A chance of a hacker even wanting to try and hack it again after that I think is pretty low.
  23. Well im still kinda new to making programs. I have made others. I dont know how to do certain things. If i knew how to I would put snippets and loads of more languages, and I could go on and on. I know its simple but hey. Its good for a 13 year old lol.
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