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Everything posted by maddog39
Yeah I said I would still.
Hello all,I am sorry but proud to say im leaving Xisto. I have moved on to a much better server(paid) but free for me because my friend is hosting me. I also got a domain for my site and am moving on to a much better server. The Xisto one is kindaa bogged up alot and people abuse MySQL so its down alot even though the MySQL downtime was supressed. Anyway I like the community and it was a great time here and I think I enjoyed it alot but im going to move on and say farewells to Xisto. I am just going to let my account die out and be autometcally terminated only because I might need something I forgot when I moved and im going to re-direct my regular trafic to the new site. Also, even though im going to be leaving I may poke in here, here and there to post maybe once or something and check up on things or something. So.. Goodbye Xisto!
Guys does anyone remember the E-Mail you got a while ago about the plan changes. Here is a copy of it. I kept it in my GMail thing...
Here is one that I found on Zymic.com and I tried it and its really good. Pretty easy to install too. FooldBox - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Then there is this other one by the makers of paFileDB which is also good and easy to install. paBox - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I hope that helps some. I know it should.
Php/mysql Login/register Tutorial for login with databases.
maddog39 replied to kiro's topic in General Discussion
Yeah there could be an admin center to delete members and/or an IP banning tool. -
Why Was My Account Suspended? I still have hosting credits
maddog39 replied to odomike's topic in Web Hosting Support
They might have changed the minimum hosting credits thing. However I dont know why the existo page came up. Thats kinda strange if you ask me. But my website works fine except for the PHP error at the top but thats my fault lol. :) -
Yeah. I am a moderator on a very very popular site(hosting site) to tell you the truth. But I dont have hosting from them. Anyway the moderator role isnt something you just ask for. You have to really show that you deserve it by going beyond expected as I usually put it. Thats how I see it. :)
Thats not the latest version lol. Thats the test Alpha for v2.2 which is far from completed. Those are just CSV's and they are bad. The latest version is v2.0.13 and cPanel doesnt have that yet. For the latest version of phpBB you will need to go to https://www.phpbb.com/downloads/ and download it from a mirror.
Php Quiz Script Make quizzes for your site.
maddog39 replied to maddog39's topic in General Discussion
Well you could make a survey or something out of it by changing the titles and stuff. I just decided to call it a quizz scripts. Also... The point wasnt to make it professional, its just code to put into your website. So to me it doesnt really matter and I dont think it really matters to anyone else to because alot of peoples sites arent professional and if they want it to look like that then they can do that but the point of the tutorial was not for looks or "valid html pages" because that doesnt really matter either. -
No problem, your always welcome as everyone is. Thanks for the rep point too. :)
I know. However there is still an even easier way of doing it than that. Just go... <?php echo "IP: $REMOTE_ADDR"; ?>Thats even shorter.
Hello all, Recently I have firgured out how to intergrate Invision Power Board v2.0.x or in my case 2.0.3 into your website or just some kind of php page. Now here are the instructions. INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: FILES ARE ATTACHED TO POST!!! First open your IPB folder with all the files. Go into Tools_and_Scripts. Find ssi.php and take it out, put it on your desktop or some where easy to reach for when you upload it. Then find the folder ssi_templates and take that out also. Open up your FTP client and upload them both to your forum ROOT directory. Where index.php is. Then your done with the installation. Now to use it there are several things you can do. 1.) Show a certain number of news articles. 2.) Show forum stats. 3.) Show who is online. 4.) RSS/XML "Syndication" To do number one use the following code in a PHP page... include("http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=news&show=10");You may change 10 to however many news articles you want to show. To do number two use the following code in a PHP page... include("http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=stats"); To do number three use the following code in a PHP page... include("http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=active"); To do number four use the following URLs but change them to your website... RSS: http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=out&f=1,2,3,4,5&show=10&type=rssXML: http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=out&f=1,2,3,4,5&show=10&type=xml A not from in ssi.php about XML/RSS Syndication... Source: Lines 25 to 62 in ssi.phpEnjoy Guys! Files for this tutorial...
Well thats nice and easy for the n00bs, lol. However an alot better cleaner way of doing it is like this... <?php $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); echo "<p>IP: $ip</p>"; ?> then with that way you can also do thing like HTTP_USER_AGENT or HTTP_GET_VARS all in one variable/function. Make sense?
Ipb Templates Im new to this kind of thing.
maddog39 replied to Joshthegreat's topic in Web Hosting Support
If you want IPB skins then http://invisionize.com/ is an awsome place filled iwht not only skins but tons of other IPB resources. -
Hello all, I have finaly released my first final version of the Nexus site engine that I have been developing. This version is open to the public and I encourage that you try it out and give me some feedback. You may download the script HERE. *NOTE: I have written permmission from snscripts.com and from myphp.ws to use there selected software as a stand-alone in my software for re-distribution. Anyway you can check out the MadPHP forums at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for more updates and information about the engine and any other of my scripts and programs. Thanks and enjoy! I hope to here from you guys.
Php Quiz Script Make quizzes for your site.
maddog39 replied to maddog39's topic in General Discussion
That doesnt really matter. It still works and does the same thing. Just because you dont have the <html> tags does not nessaraly mean that its not going to work. -
Php Quiz Script Make quizzes for your site.
maddog39 replied to maddog39's topic in General Discussion
Wow.... meh.... I kinda got really lost when it got to the make some valid html newlines and im not sure what that means. Plus the point of this is to improve the understanding to the newbs and I hate making things overly complicated. -
Php Quiz Script Make quizzes for your site.
maddog39 replied to maddog39's topic in General Discussion
Okay guys. Im sorry it took so long ive just been kinda really busy. Anyway here it is with the email mod. All you have to do is open up results.php, erase the hole entire thing and paste in this new code. I had to kinda mod the hole thing so its just easier to do it this way. So heres the code. <?php$title = "Quiz Results";echo "<title>$title</title>";if (isset ($_POST['submit'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; $q1 = "1.)" . $_POST['q1']; $q2 = "2.)" . $_POST['q2']; $q3 = "3.)" . $_POST['q3']; $q4 = "4.)" . $_POST['q4']; $q5 = "5.)" . $_POST['q5']; $qp = "6.)" . $_POST['qp'];}if ($name == "") { die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");}if ($q1 == "1.) ") { die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");}if ($q2 == "2.) ") { die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");}if ($q3 == "3.) ") { die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");}if ($q4 == "4.) ") { die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");}if ($q5 == "4.) ") { die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");}{ echo<<<EOT<p>Results: $name<br>$q1<br>$q2<br>$q3<br>$q4<br>$q5</p><p><a href="$qp">Go Back To Quiz?</a>EOT;}$Name = $_POST['name'];$Subject = "Quiz Results";$Email = "You@mail.com";$Message = "Here are the quiz results.";$align = $_POST['align'];$to = "$EmailTo";$subject = "$Subject";$body = "$Message\n\nQuiz By: $Name\n$q1\n$q2\n$q3\n$q4\n$q5";mail($to,$subject,$body);header("Location: sent.htm");?>and change the things you need to change. You will need to change the '$Email' variable to your email address inside the quotes and you will also need to make another page called sent.htm which would probably look something like this... <html><head><title>Message Sent</title></head><body><p>Your quiz has been sent to the webmaster. You should recieve a reply shortly. </p><p><a href="http://yoursite.trap17.com/index.php" target="_self">Go Back To Index?</a></p></body></html>which will tell the person that there quiz was sent. Also change'yoursite' yo your actual website URL so that they may go back to you homepage. -
I think that IPB is definetley better but I would really suggest the newest version of it (v2.0.3) with a lisence but if you dont have much of a bugjet than I could understand.
SMF is a Forum however it does come with mods that can make it more like a CMS like arcade and downloades mods and many more I can presume. But the focus of SMF is a forum.
Nope. There is absoululey no restore option on IPB. My only option now is SSH which is Shell and I have no clue how to use it even though there is a tutorial on it. So the people at IPS Inc forums said to ask Xisto(the host) to see if they could do it for me or atleast like upload the database. If I had saved it as .sql.gz then cPanel could have done it for me. Well actually I can just use my Stuffit Deluxe on my mac and convert it to Gzip. That might work, so I am going to try it first. If not I will need to kindly ask one of the admins to help me.
Yes I have a backup and its 4.4MB big. I just need to get it restored to my IB boarb which I also re-installed but its just default so I need to restore the forums and stuff.
No no no.... IPB doesnt have a restore option so you need to do things from so called SSH or "Shell" as people told me and then they said if that doesnt work then ask the host to do it. I tried everything in cPanel and nothing worked.
Php Quiz Script Make quizzes for your site.
maddog39 replied to maddog39's topic in General Discussion
I think thats a little hard. That would be easier with flash or something prolly. I am still learning php and I can do all this stuff lol. Anyway thanks for all the completments. I should have that mod by tomorrow because im kinda busy today.