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Everything posted by dartkun

  1. 60 Mage, 60 Druid, 60 Rogue, 60 Warrior, 60 Shaman (in that order)Laughing SkullI regret nothing, I've enjoyed my time on WoW, I've played with friends, and still gone out with them in real life. I've made alot of friends, and even talk to them out of the game.
  2. Oh, I forgot, the C works fine, as the CTRL button (since Ctrl V and Ctrl X work)I just scanned for virus and found nothing. Thanks for the help so far.
  3. I recently built a computer, everything seems to be alright with it, except one thing, CTRL + C just won't work. I'm running a Windows Windows Xp Pro SP2, and Ctrl + X and Ctrl + V work fine. I mean, I could probably just cut and paste anything I want to copy but it seems like such a hassle. Has anyone came across this problem before? Or know how to fix it?
  4. I just sent one to gujjugirls3 [a / t ] yahoo.com. Hope you enjoy Gmail. Notice from Dooga: Prevented email from spam
  5. Sorry, I apologize for being rude. But it is a run on sentence, with the only punctuation being a comma. And the reason I responded was because I did attempt to help. I didn't just post "LOLZ, GRAMMAR NAZI SAYS YOU PHAIL!!!!11". Next time I will indeed use the report button. But as KuBi said, back on topic. I suggest http://www.addictinggames.com/ or http://www.newgrounds.com/
  6. I don't understand the question. I honestly don't, so I'm going to answer questions with the words that I -could- understand from that horrible run on sentence.- Are you asking if you can upload Flash Movies on Xisto?Yes you can. - Are you asking if there is a site where you can upload flash movies, but not Xisto?I'm not sure.- Are you asking if you there is a site where you can find flash movies so you can download?Yes?- Are you asking if people will find you a .swf (for example) URL from a big site so you can directly link it from your website?No one will help you. Not only should you not do that, you are stealing bandwidth.
  7. I suggest Ventrilo, many more options than teamspeak and sounds a lot better. And if you do get Ventrilo, I suggest http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. They have a really amazing Ventrilo service. Up to 400 Users connected at once.
  8. I would just like to say, I have no idea how you can choose main/star characters for "Best character" in an RPG. I usually find them annoying (Tidus from Final Fantasy 10 and Yuna from Final Fantasy 10), typical heroes (Cloud from Final Fantasy 7, Squall from Final Fantasy 8, Llyod from Tales of Symphonia) or have a down right boring story compared to others. (Dart from Legend of Dragoon, and plently more)
  9. Vivi from Final Fantasy 9. Or Zelos from Tales of Symphonia. Totally different characters, but I loved Vivi from 9, he was so philosophical. And I love he's a black mage. And Zelos is so happy and so humorous all the time. "Not the face!"
  10. Blizzard just released the Burning Crusade's cinematic. Click here to view Click here to download I just can't wait for The Burning Crusade to come out. I love in the video when the Mage polymorphs the Tauren and when the Undead Lock kills the Murlocs. /cheer for Illidan
  11. Let me guess, the Leeroy Video? Click It was staged, it was supposed to be funny, if you have played World of Warcraft, the leader who talks about the plan is saying everything wrong. He talks about AoEing them all down at once, but shout scatters the mobs. He even says it scatters. Divine Intervention makes it so the person who has blessed with Divine Intervention cannot attack or be attacked. There is no way these people could be in UBRS (Upper Black Rock Spire) and not know that. Plus, the community is not filled with little kids. Did you play alliance? Because a majority of "little kids" choose the "prettier" side.
  12. Sorry, I'm going to have to go against the others on this. I really prefer a DS over a PSP. The reasons? I already own1. A iPod Video2. A DS3. A Cell Phone (that can broswe the internet)A PSP is great and all, but it's a watered down version of all 3. Sure a PSP can play movies, but my iPod video does it better, and it doesn't store data on tiny memory cards. Want to listen to music? An iPod/mp3 player will do it better, and will take up less space (compare a Nano to a PsP). Games, I do like the line up for the PSP, and the fact that you can (though illegal) use emulators on the PSP. And the internet browsing is alright, nothing that my phone can't do better.And don't get me started on the battery life. I couldn't even get though Spiderman 2 without the batteries dieing on me. I resold my PSP after 2 months of using it. I do not recommend this jack of all trades handheld.
  13. These seem illegal, although I don't have a PsP to confirm it. I know it's purpose is for enjoyment, but if it is infact illegal, I hope blogsport will do something about it.
  14. I'm a hardcore gamer. Playing sittings of about 4 hours.I'm pretty skinny, I'm a little between normal and skinny. I'm 116lb and I'm 5'7.Diet is pretty health, considering I still have my parents cook me 1 meal (Dinner). I grew up not really eating fast food, or drink many soft drinks since my mother who I had lived with never did. So I still really don't. And since my parents and sister are all Vegetarians. Eating Tofu and Spinach soup is pretty common.Just touching up on the excersise bit, I like running, but only short distances. I do a little bit of track, but nothing like running 1600m.
  15. Ah, nice tutorial, a tad brief but SmartFTP does have a pretty basic interface. On the other hand, I've only been using FTPs for the last year because they were confusing to me in the past.
  16. Some people can't afford domains, no matter how cheap they are. It's probably also due to Xisto being free. I agree, .co.nr is pretty good, although I did encounter some problems with them.
  17. Huzzah! Thank god the fillers are ending, they were just horrible, just horrendous. Thanks for the update, I haven't been watching it lately, pretty much waiting on Kakashi Gaiden. I really hope they post something official about it soon.
  18. LineRider 2.0 is out! With erase tool, zooming in and out, and Acceleration lines! With these lines you can now pick up momentum going up or on a straight line. Everyone should go download it as soon as possible, even with glitchs, it's a huge improvment on LineRider 1.0.
  19. I remember when this game/chat program was the big thing. Along with CokeMusic. But yeah, there isn't much to do unless you spent real money. Which is retarded IMO.
  20. World of Warcraft easily, not much to explain, the pure amount of things you can do, the raiding at 60, the PvPing. It's just great. Though getting to 60 is barely a challenge. And though I understand why people cannot pay for World of Warcraft, although, it's just $15 a month. That's 50 cents per day. It's not overly hard to save up.Second would be Ragnarok Online. It was like one of the first MMOs to do pretty much everything right. I still remember the hype for open Beta.
  21. Wario Ware is a series of games out on the Gamecube, Wii, Gameboy Advance and the DS. It stars Wario, a fictional character from the Mario series. A company named Wario Ware, Inc. is owned by Wario, this company produces games called Microgames. These Microgames are very short, usually 5 seconds in length and VERY RANDOM. The player is first presented a word, or instruction such as "Duck!", "Eat!" or "Catch!" The current Wario Ware games released are Gameboy Advance - Wario Ware, Inc. Mega Microgames$ Gamecube - Wario Ware, Inc. Mega Party Games$ Gameboy Advance - WarioWare Twisted! DS - WarioWare Touched! But Wii - WarioWare Smooth Moves Will be released soon. I really suggest these games to people. If you would like to see a game that was based off the Wario Ware series, click here.
  22. I love tetris, I have the original for the NES still. Plus I bought Tetris DS on launch day, it's just so great, and it's just a perfect game. But I hope they never and I mean never make tetris 3d. Perhaps 2D tetris with 3d graphics, but don't make it a actual 3D game. And the music is the best. It's on par with Ragnarok Online and Guilty Gear music. I suggest this http://epictetrismusic.ytmnd.com/ Truely an epic tetris remix
  23. I'm not sure exactly what Lineflyer is. But after a quick google search. http://www.lineflyer.com/ Showed me that Lineflyer is an update of Linerider http://linerider.org/ Onto actually talking about the program. It's a nifty game, it's very small and can do quick alot of intresting things. I play it while at school. The classes are very basic, so I just work on some paths while I wait. I love it, and hope it just gets better and better. 9/10
  24. Knuckles, did you bother reading the posts? At all?HD in the context of this topic means High Definition, not Hard Disc/Drive.IMO, I don't care, yes better graphics are better, yes it will be smooth to the people who do have High Definition TVs. But if you are looking for a game for it's graphics, don't go for the Wii. Not to mention, the Wii can't play DVDs. So it doesn't exactly need them.
  25. I suggest reading this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_Replay_DS After a quick glance it doesn't seem Action Replay for the DS is the same for all the others. Aswell as this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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