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Posts posted by vizskywalker

  1. I've recently decided to make my site 100% support CSS 2.1 standards as well as xhtml 1.0 standards. However, when I load my site in IE, some of the styles don't show up properly. For example: I have a tag defined, and then I redefine it with :hover, yet IE doesn't activate the :hover portion. Is there anywhere I can go to find out which standards are supported by which browsers?~Viz

  2. I'm actively using firefox, but trying to get the page to work for all sites (so in the end I'l probably wind up using a selected css stylesheet).Here's additional data I have for you:1) <element>.currentStyle.<property> works for IE2) <element.style.<property> = foo seems to work anywhere (seems to being the key word, and granted this is assignment)3) I finally got the method for firefox working, thanks.Which would you recommend:A) On loading the page, going thorugh and using setProperty() in conjunction with a browser detection routine and browser specific code to set the properties so later I can just use etPropertyValue()B) Simply using the browser detection and browser speciific code when I need itThanks.~Viz

  3. Because a; directories are readable in XP Pro and Home by anyone, as long as you are simply copying files, and they are not currently used system files, the copy will work, no matter where the data comes from. If you successfully boot from home (in which case the Pro HD is secondary) The Pro HD will simply be assigned a new drive letter and will be accessible via that drive letter. Then you can browse and copy files from it, even though it is Pro and you are in Home since they both use NTFS (I've done something similar and am 99.9% sure it will work). The only possible shortfall I see is if the reason the HD is not booting in the first place is because of a corrupt partition table or File System, in which case windows (any version) will not be able to browse the system, and most likely neither will any Os. In this case, you must do a byte by byte read of the HD to find files and extract them. But I doubt based on the error message that that is what's wrong. Try it, the worst that can happen is that you'll be no better off than you were.~Viz

  4. I have a site I'm trying to get up and running (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and I need to have access in javascript to the various css propertis for the elements on the page. So I tried good old <element>.style,<property> but low and behold it didn't work, probably, as I later found out, because it is an external stylesheet (which you are supposed to do). So, to learn more about what was going on, I simply outputed <element>.style and received "[object CSSStyleDeclaration]" as the result. So I serached CSSStyleDeclaration and found this. as well as some other sites saying the same thing in less detail.

    So then I tried <element>.style.getPropertyValue("<property>") and I received blank output.

    Now, two questions:

    1) Why am I receiving blank output?

    2) what can I do about it?


  5. It shouldn't cause problems. As far as file storage goes, both Home and Pro use NTFS,so the data will be fine. The issue comes with boot order. Obviously the bad HD is still bootable (according to BIOS) or windows never would've had a chance to display BSoD. So make sure when you put it into the new shell, you make it the slave HD. Also, make sure BIOS is set to boot from the master HD before the slave HD (some BIOSes identify HDs according to windows nomnclature in which case C: is primary).~Viz

  6. If you only want to around $150 then CRT is the way to go. I prefer CRTs anyway, especially for games, as they have a better color quality and brightness, as well as a better refresh rate. Think about this, if you take a laptop out in the sun, you can't see the monitor, but if you take a CRT out in the sun, you can see the image on the monitor, albeit faded. LCDs serve one purpose to me, less desk space. They do have problems that are petty resolved in CRTS like dead pixels, and they are more expensive and less capable. So unless space is an issue, I vote CRT.~Viz

  7. As far as the first thing goes, all I can do is make sure that an Admin sees this post.


    As for the second request, I'm afraid it is DENIED. I didn't highlight that to go off on you, but to make sure people see it, as has been noted many times, because of our credit system, and edit button allows people to cheat and gain excess credts by making long posts and then editing down to something small and meaningful. To make a script to detect this use of an edit button is too involved and not worth it. If you want to make an edit simply create a new post with the changes to make and report that post. A moderator will see to it that the changes are made promptly.



  8. Actually, what it looks to me like that piece of code does is say:
    make the application that handles *.png files (SetHandler) the php compiler (application/x-httpd-php). So all that happens is that png files are automatically sent to the php interpreter. To have a php script return a png file, place this code at the end of it:

    header("Content-type: image/png");imagepng($image);
    where $image is the variable holding your image. This sets the return type of the script to a png file and then retunrs the image. You then call the script in a page using an <img src="http://www.blah.com/script.png; tag. If you want to have one script create multiple images, simply make a script that takes a variable from a get and use this kind of image tag: <img src="http://www.blah.com/script.png?image=foo; and have your script create a differenty image depending on the value of foo. I use this technique to create an image that contains random text for a signup validation script.


  9. First fo all, that's not a DC to AC adapter. Laptops (like all computers) take DC power. Most Desktops have a built in power supply to convert AC power to DC, which is why you plug them directly into the wall. Laptops have the box on the power cord to perform the conversion. Second of all, check with the maker of your laptop for a car adapter, as many make them. Otherwise, check the box on the main cord and it will say "OUTPUT: 19V 4.74A" (or similar numbers) this is the voltage and amperage that your computer runs on. You should be able to find an adapter in a store like CompUSA using those numbers. And a sales associate will also be able to help. But check with your laptop's manufacturer first.~Viz

  10. THe Xisto server was recently changed, and we are still experiencing initialization and sakedown bugs, as a result, certain things (like the shoutbox and the credit list) may go down or be down for a little while, so patience. I personally have a feeling everything will be back to normal in a day or two, but if something goes horribly wrong that could change.~Viz

  11. As I just started my endeavor into Linux, I currently use Fedora Core 4. I hope to eventually switch to simply a kernel where I add all the packages I want, but I fear that is ways away. The main reason I run Linux at all is so I can test assembly programs in Linux for my soon to be forthcoming assembly tutorials (no later than next week).~Viz

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