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Posts posted by vizskywalker

  1. This has to do with biological pattern matching. The human eye does not do all of the seeing, the brain must interpret the images. The brain does basic pattern matching on all objects. This means that a color surounded by dark shades appears lighter than the same color surrounded by light shades to accentuate light differencs. This is why there must be at least a difference of 8 in the number of two consecutive colors displayed on screen for the human eye to register it. The shading caused by the green cylinder causes the darker squares around this particular square to appear normal so the brain does not reject the illusion. This biological factor has allowed many 256 color games to appear to have amazing graphics because they place colors next to each other to simulate two or three different colors for many of the colors actually defined. A robot performing basic color matching and depth perception based on shading would not determine those two squares to be different shades because it does not have the biological brain to do the automatic pattern matching.~Viz

  2. Thank you! There are a total of 5 people who can approve hosting (maybe only four) and they all lead other lives. Gaining hosting is not simply post and get. The admins review all of your posts before approving, and then they have to set up the system to give you hosting, with numerous applications per week, it is a tireless job, and not everyone can be processed in the first 24 hours. Only on rare occasions can it take over a week. There are many free programs out there with instant hosting, such as tripod.com, but they all pale in comparison to the services Xisto offers.~Viz

  3. Interesting solution, unapplicable to me as I have an IDE HD. As for the discs failing checksum and working perfectly, wish I'd known that. My discs 2 and 3 pass, but I've been trying to download discs 1 and 4 for a little over a week. Sometimes the download stops midway through, when it fully downloaded (twice) it failed, so I got worried and have been trying again.~Viz

  4. I can't be ceratin, but these quotes do look like bash ones, I remember reading AFK Tornado on bash. Be sure you quote when you copy anything. As far as bash goes, it is mostly crude, but some good ones come through. My favorite is: ascii stupid question, get a stupid ansii. The Xisto IRC channel (#Xisto on dalnet) has had a couple that are bash worthy, if more people come hang out there (and this means you m^e) we can generate a bunch.~Viz

  5. I've actually figured out the netowrking issue. There is a utility called ndiswrapper which allows you to use windows wireless drivers in Linux. The problem is it was designed for debian, and I can't set it up properly to install for fedora because my Fedora install is funny, and I don't have source anywhere and the folders that should exist don't. So I'm just going to reinstall Fedora since the'yr up to core 4 now and try again. But thanks anyway.~Viz

  6. I have Linux Fedora Core 3 dual booted with Windows XP Pro. I recently purchased a Wireless card for the computer, an old 715 MHz Celeron made by Linksys, the WMP54GS. I have the matching wireless router, and everything works fine in Windows. However, Fedora does not recognize my wireless card. I have attempted to find info from the linksys site, but it is currently down. Being a novice to Linux, I was wondering if anyone here could help me?~Viz

  7. Unimatrix, am I to understand you work for Apple? Cool. As far as the virus writers go, they didn't mind when Apple used an IBM chip that Intel and AMD owners couldn't use the software, it made sense, porting issues. What they object to is limiting it to AMDs and Intels with only certain other hardware. And believe it or not, most viruses that concern people, not the overly large ones but the minor ones like trojans, are written for piddly reasons like that.~Viz

  8. To respond to Spleq, who posted just as I was posting, either Intel or AMD will work, as they both share the same set of basic cpu instructions, at least from what I've gathered from the various sites. Also, since this means that MacOSX will rise in popularity, and developers will be able to triple boot with Windows and Linux, more viruses will be written for MacOS and it will not stable and virus free for long. I've already gotten wind of several viruses that have been written for MacOS as retaliation for it not being free to all Intel and AMD chips upon release.~Viz

  9. The people who found out how to do it have been sharing the files and knowledge, but it's not wasy. It requires PearPC, VMWare and Darwin to get started, plus two illegal pirated files. They had a wiki on how to do it, but that seems to have been removed by wikipedia.All of this is courtesy of PCWorld, but I'm not posting the link because it was very detailed and this is illegal. You may find the article on pcworld.com~Viz

  10. So let me amke sure I understand correctly:Step 1: The user logs in as usualStep 2: Two cookies are placed on the users computer2a) A cookie containing only the member ID which identifies the user to the server2b) A cookie containing an MD5 of the users IP address, Web browser, username, a salt, and the session IDClarification: The session ID will change every time the user logs in, correct?3) Every time the user accesses a page, the second cookie identifies whether or not the user is truly the logged in user and not a hacker who managed to create a cookie with a valid member IDDo I have all of that correctly, what I'm not really clear on is what you mean by tracking the member. If it means what I think it means then I see some issues.~Viz

  11. Actually, there has been an x86 version of OSX for a while, Apple created it to plan for the Intel deal. It runs beautifully. However, it has hard coded into the OS a requirement both for installation and execution that almost all pieces of hardware be Apple hardware or Apple sold hardware, like harddrives, graphics cards, soundcards, and perhaps even monitors.~Viz

  12. Actually, for those who haven't been keeping up to date, within the last two months they have both found and confirmed a new (10th) planet out beyond Pluto. I believe around 3 months ago they discovered a body orbiting the sun on a different orbital than the Kuiper Belt. The question was whether it was a comet or planet and they confirmed it to be a planet. It has not yet been named (to my knowledge). Although if you read the Hitchhiker's series you know it is named Persephone and is commonly called Rupert.~Viz

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