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Posts posted by vizskywalker

  1. Addition to above error report:

    OS: Windows XP Pro

    Upon using the extension manager to enter the username an password data:

    Upon selecting the extension and clicking options, the following error report:

    [Exception..."Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)[nsPasswordManagerInternal.findPasswordEntry]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"
    location: "JS frame :: chrome://astahostcredits/content/options.js :: credits_OnInit :: line 28" data:

    Upon entering the information and clicking okay or apply or whatever the button to set the informtion is, this error:

    [Exception..."Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)[nsIPasswordManager.removeUser]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"location: "JS
    frame :: chrome://astahostcredits/content/options.js :: credits_OptionSave :: line 62" data: no]


  2. I'm going to triple check to mkae sure I have everything installed correctly but here's an error report:System: PIII based Celeron OC 715MHz 384 MB RAMFirefox: Version 1.5 Stable ReleaseExtension: Alpha VersionErrors: Upon single left clicking, the extension changes from the Xisto logo and a listing of 0 credits to "Credits (days): Refrehing Cre" with the rest cut off, no picture.Upon Single right clicking nothing happens~Viz

  3. Java was designed as a platform independant programming language. However, there are some programs and methods that are OS dependant, but they are few in number and infrequently used. As such, any applets or applications you make on either computer should run on both as long as you do not convert them to native executable formats such as exe or elf. As far as Eclipse and JBuilder, both are IDEs and are compatible as far as recognizing your code. However, JBuilder has built in java support for compilation and execution, but Eclipse requires that you have the java compiler and interpreter installed. As such, you ought to be able to work on any programs in either IDE, but you may not be able to run compiled class files on the JBuilder computers unless it also has the java runtime environment.~Viz

  4. Your idea is a fabulous one, and unfortunately has been previously tried and rejected. The problem with situations like this is that there is no instantaneous response to spam posts, so people could cheat the system to gain a huge number of hosting credits. I won't go into specifics here, as it may provide the brain fodder others need to cheat the system. Simply know that although your idea does seem to be a good one, barring an unforseen miracle, it will never be approved. However, I will remind the administratos of it just in case miraculous happenings wish to take place.~Viz

  5. Vista, although suffering minor setbacks, is scheduled for realeas in the first half of 2006. It is a 64 bit OS. The AMD 64 bit chipset is backwards compatible with 32 bit processors because it is mostly simply a zero extended processor to handle 64 bit values, not many new 64 bit instructions (unlike the Intel, at least, unless you get a new make which has compatibility for the new intel instructions). Go with a 64bit chip, even if you can't reap the benefits now, in two years, when XP is obsolete, you will not need to buy another new processor.~Viz

  6. Yeah, sorry I'm taking so long to get back to you, haven't forgotten. I tried the php and found the javascript to be a) more fluid since it is client side and depends on clients speed, doesn't overlaod server as much, ;) more flexible. I promise I will show you how, just swamped with school work and application essays for college, things should clear up in two days.~Viz

  7. That div switching is accomplished thorugh javascript. And none of the various scripts I've seen for it have ever been short, sweet, although some have been to the point. I'm actually doing mostly the same thing on my site, and have found a few shortcuts to make it nicer. If you wish, I'd be willing to share code and guide you through it.~Viz

  8. I'm looking at XP, which is NT based, so I'm not sure if this applies or not, but in the C:\Documents and Settings folder is a folder called all users. Anything in that folder is shared between all the users. To change where IE stores favorites, click tools -> internet options. Under temporary internet files click settings. Then click move folder, move the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users and make a folder to hold the favorites, then select that folder and save. This should make favorites shared between all users.~Viz

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