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Posts posted by vizskywalker

  1. Ah wepaon fell into the ooh, more toys to play with windows trap! Actually, I have two things for your consideration.1) Why killing explorer worked.Explorer is the process, program, task, whatever, that runs all of the display that windows uses, from program windows to the desktop to the taskbar. It is also responsible for the user interaction with system devices. It is one of the few processes that never really dies when you shut down the computer. Instead, it's state gets saved (ever wonder why windows has to save your settings everytime you shut down?). When you kill it, it reverts to it's defaults. The accessibility stuff are options you can set in explorer. When you shut down, that status is saved, but when you kill the process, the default is brought back.2) How to manually disbale accesibility. This is the biggest pain Windows have. Although the Acessibility Wizard has some features that are overly complex to disable (one used to require a registry change, not sure if it still does in XP) , most can be disbale by simply turining off the accesibility features by going Start->Control Panel->Accesibility Options and hten either dechecking everything or going to the tab that says general and setting the automatic reset to a low number of minutes and letting your computer sit without touching it for that long.~Viz

  2. I see http://forums.xisto.com/style_images/1/folder_rte_images/rte_dots.gif
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ only a few problems code wise with your program. The first is the type that you defined your testForPrime() function to be. Since it only returns a 1 or a zero it is essentially functioning as a boolean function, so I would define it as such. Then, you would define p to true and adjust it to false. This would simplify your if statements when you check if something is prime. You could also embed a return statement into the if statement that checks for perfect divisions to prevent the whole while loop from running and dcrease clutter. Also, you defined a while loop with one as the value, which although works, would be better defined as while(true). Also, it is general good programming practice to not code infinite loops, so I would recommend adding an exit prompt to the while statement, but that is merely a choice I would make. I would also deifne the variables that have specific meanings to words or abbreviations with meaning to help you remember what they are if you ever go back to modify this code or include it in a later program. So the revisions I have for your code would look like this:

    #include <iostream>bool TestForPrime (int value) {   int testvalue = 3;   result = value;   while (testvalue < value) {	  result = value / testvalue;	  if (value == testvalue * result) {		 return false;	  }	  testvalue += 2;   }   return true;}int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {   int count = 3;   int value = 5;   std::cout << "Initiating prine number generation sequence...\n\n1: 2\n2: 3\n";   while (true) {	  if (testForPrime(n)) {		 std::cout << count << ": " << value << "\n";		 count++;	  }	  value += 2;   }   return 0;}

    Just to let you know hoever, the algorithm you are using is by far not the most efficient algorithm for finding prime numbers, and most of the efficient ones are extremely complex. If you are really interested in looking at when prime numbers become scarce, you may be interested in the Zeta function and the associated millenium problem.


  3. Well, not technically, support for XP isn't ditched, just scaled into the critical need only phase. And since XP has been planned to move into that phase in December 2006 since late 2003, I don't think we can say it is Vista's fault. And I am fairly certain that the low grade version of Vista will work on low end PCs, just as XP works on computers with speeds to low to handle it, just not extremely well. And many people dn't care about the new patches, don't notice when thye come out, so it doesn't matter to them. Also, most of the people who find holes and cracks and write viruses will immediately move to performing the same things on Vista in anticipation of the shift to Vista. So no, I don't think this quite counts as "forced upgrade" aside fromt he fact that forced upgrade is more properly applied to software that ceases to work when new versions are released, or when the key function of the program is diminshed or voided by new versions, such as antivirus programs not issuing updates of virus definitions to old versions.~Viz

  4. Yeah, so reseatrching old versions of that quiclkly mixed with what I found out recently led me to the same conclusions. It is a 4200rpm drive, with ATA 2 through 5 capability. SO just get any new HD with those specs, (probably ATA 3 or 4 HD will be old enough to work, 5 might) and 4200 rpm drives will be fine.~Viz

  5. Actually, it is javascript realted as the onevent triggers are all javascript. It may only be compatible with IE and Firefox because IE defined the background color of an object to be bgColor and to be a part of the element. I haven;t tried this out, but theoretically, to give these effects to anyobject, replace

    this.bgColor = "foo";
    where foo is either the color name (one of the sixteen html defined presets) or the hex color code preceeded by the # sign with the following
    this.style.backgroundColor = "foo";
    where foo is the same as above.


  6. What model laptop is it? That could help me narrow down the specifics and find some probable good replacements for you.


    P.S. I found this website which has links to various pages on your HD. Your HD has a size of 2.5 inches with a rotational speed of 4200RPM. It is compatible with ATA types 2 through 5 so if you get another 4200RPM drvie that is compatible with those forms of ATa you should be fine. The website I provided has detailed specs and instructions which will have all the info you will need for a replacement. And it is straight from Toshiba themselves, so it should be accurate.

  7. In my experience with laptops (1 living, 2 dead) thre hardrives sometimes click because the arm moves when you move the drive, they are not rigidly held in place sometimes without power flowing through them to prevent damage from accidental bumps in bags and whatnot. However, it could very well be a chip in a plate or a separated arm. If you want a new drive, simply make sure that it is the same size and that they share the same type of connection. If the laptop has a 2.0GHz processor, it should be new enough to handle any speed HDD, most common speeds being 4800, 5400 and 7200(rare). If you are in doubt, go with 4800 as anything capable of 5400 or 7200 should handle 4800, but that is up to the BIOS really.~Viz

  8. In response to xboxrulez, it is true that manby people still use PIII and whatnot, heck the computer I use most frequently has 384MB RAM with a Celeron processor overclocked to 716MHz. But for most computers bought recently (within, let's say, past three years) Vista will probably run well on them. Any computer purchased within the last year will probably handle Vista nicely. Although it is still a system hog, it is not the "everyone buy 3.0GHz 64bit processors with 1GB RAM and an NVIDIA chipset 6xxx or ATI chipset X card" that it was originally going to be.~Viz

  9. I'm surprised no one else mentioned this, but check your BIOS to see if it has auto shut down settings for overheating, because if it does, that may cause the shuitdown. Some BIOSes even have automated reboot when the heat drops to an appropriate level. I don't know how long it takes to reboot, so that may not be the case, but it's worth investigation.~Viz

  10. Couple of questions, first, what version of windows, and second, do you have any service packs installed. I know that Windows XP had a large bunch of Messenger cracks found early on which SP1 fixed, and so did SP2, in which messages which were essentially advertisements, usually for registry editors and things kept popping up on computers. This sounds like a similar issue. so make sure you have the most up to date service packs for your windows version.~Viz

  11. I have no idea what the heck my upload/download rate is from my ISP, I find it is usually more restricted by the other computer than by mine or my isp. Also, I have no idea what my bandwidth id, but suffice it to say there have beens everal months where I have downlaoded all four isos for Fedora Cores at least 10 times, so it's safe to say I have, for my purposes, unlimited. Can't wait till college, my college has a gigabit uplink to the net, imageine how fast that's gonna turn out to be considering all of the factors outside campus to slow it down :o~Viz

  12. The actual speed is limited in the following order by various limiters, the maximum speed is the slowest speed of the limiters, usually disregarding order, although sometimes order can be important for timeout. Because the order generally does not matter, I may mess up a few orders, or leave some minor things out, but this should give you a general detail.1) The maximum upload speed of the server, no information download can be faster than this.2) The maximum upload speed from the server to the particular client. Since servers may have multiple connections downloading simultaneously, bandwidth is split between them. Therefore a particular client's maximum download speed can be no faster than the bandwidth the server has alotted to that connection.3) The maximum bandwidth of any intermediate connections. Since the internet does not connect two computers directly, but through a network of other computers, if one of the intermediate computers has a slower bandwidth (in this example, the upload speed) than the server, the intermediate connection will slow down the data transfer.4) The client's maximum download speed. No matter how much data comes in, he client can only read o much of it. Good servers will detect the client download speed before sending data, because if the server sends too much more than the client can handle at a time, it can cause data loss as buffers overflow.~Viz

  13. Most search engines, such as google and Yahoo!, refer more to <meta> tags for information regarding a site than to body content. The reason, meta tags provide a quick summary of what the page contains. Once again, however, the spamming issue exists, I can fill the keyword meta tag with umpteen zillion keywords. This is why good search engines attempt to match meta data exactly with no overflow or underflow. After meta tags are searched, content may be used to refine the search and validate meta data. As far as credibility goes, this cannot be determined from the site itself without overgeneralizing (.govs and .orgs are okay, .coms are not, with the excetion of foo.com bar.com etc.) so credibility is determined by some insanely complex algorithm usually relying on user feedback in some way and then stored into a database with the website so credibility need not be recalculated with every search.~Viz

  14. With most standard ethernet cables maxing out around 1GB/s or so I thought, I would lvoe to know what cable is going to carry this 2GB/s signal. Even assuming the average modem could handle the signal, to split the signal with a router would decrease the speed by 1/2, making it impracticle for the home. I would imagine that this is a dedicated line to the library, since thelibrary was mentioned specifically. It seems that it was designed to maintain basic required functionailty in case of a terrorist attack, not designed to aid the average person greatly. and the Us govt has systems like that set up for its own use already, in small, isolated areas for intersite communications.~Viz

  15. xboxrulz, did you bother to look at the link of already supported hardware I posted? It has on it severla mobile chips that don't even have a 3.0GHz processor yet, such as the Core Duo. In addition, no specific speed has been established for Vista, but I know there have been successful installs of the betas on desktops with single core <3.0GHz processors. If you have a mid to high end P4 or AMD equivalent, you should be okay for a switch to vista.~Viz

  16. The original specs for Vista were extensive, and essentially, at the time of publication, would require everyone to purchase a new computer. Since then, the specs have been scaled back. The projected release date is sometime in Ocotbe,r but MS reserves the right to change it at will, and no set date has been established. Although all of the major bugs (or at least, the ones that prevent the system from working, not security holes and the like) are in the beta stage. The reason for the holdup is decisions such as what to do with things like OpenGL. Originally, MS wanted to only give Vista DirectX support, and then they decided to allow OpenGL support by converting OpenGL to DirectX. I don't know if they have finally given in and allowed for OpenGL full support or not, but if they don't, OpenGL will have to release a new library for Vista. Vurrently, Vista has 6 (really 12, a 32-bit and 64-bit of each) versions planned, which you can see here(MS) and here(PCWorld). MS only lists five as it does not inclue the starter edition on its list. For a list of known hardware that will support all versions of Vista except for possibly enterprise head here. Although, many items have vague definitions, such as modern cpu, there are lists of known hardware that will work, and you can assume most hardware with like or exceeding capabilities will work. I would not, however, count on similarity, such as NVIDIA technology vs. ATI tecehnology for various processes. Hope this answers many questions.


  17. Dhanesh, I run the most current verison of Firefox, and have all the dev releases vakced up, and it's not that. I've also looked at m^e's code, and everything loks good, now that he explained the xul thing to me, it's baffling. One other thing m^e. what the heck is "chrome://creditsreporter"? Because that is the folder that all the files seem attached to, but for me they are inside "chrome://chromeFiles" but when I put that in, everything stops. (Oh by the way, I finally convinced Opaque to de ip blok me from gamma, some I can now test the extension once again, the onclickl part works, but not the context).~Viz

  18. O looked at the code in credits.js and found the following function: creditsClicked(event). THis function had a handler for if the credits were clicked with left mouse button, but no right mouse button handler.

    // Function to handle mouse-click on Statusbar Itemfunction creditsClicked(event) {		// Left button click	if ( event.button == 0 ) {    // Refresh the stats  refreshCredits();	  return true;  	}	} // end function
    Also, in options.js there did not seem to be any code for a menu, nor was there in credits.js

    So either, a) you don't have them in this version, or :huh: something went terribly wrong. And you probably know this, but the number for the event.button to handle right click is 2 (cause 1 is mouse wheel).


  19. I am going to give you a reason to go with the NVIDIA that may or may not be listed on the chart. In my experience (which has recently been increased dramatically via an influx of old computers) NVIDIA cards hold up wear and tear wise and last longer in Desktops, ATI cards in laptops. Since a fragbox is a desktop, go with the 7800. That's actually the easy part, the hard part is going to be picking a 7800GTX w/ 512MB from a manufacturer, I'm partial to PNY.~Viz

  20. Heh, seems like everyone in the world is moving to higher level languages except me. I'm moving to low level languages, about as low as you can get without writing machine code (though I'm looking into that, believe me), Assembly.~VizP.S. if anyone knows where I can go to use a punch card computer, please let me know

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