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Posts posted by vizskywalker

  1. I hate to revive old dead threads, but I'm experiencing this issue again. I don't know how I resolved it last time, or even if I did. But now I at least know the cause. I installed TweakUI and used it to change the grace period for logging in when a screensaver activates. Then I noticed that essentially the grace period was infinite, and when I checked the screensaver settings, require password on resume wasn't checked, so I checked it, and that caused the problem. I uninstalled TweakUI, but that didn't fix it. What I'm going to try now is uninstalling TweakUI and then cycling between using the Welcome Screen and Classic login. But if anyone else has any ideas or has dealt with this problem, it would be appreciated.~VizP.S. I found an even quicker fix for my particular situation. I had also unchecked the "Show ASPNET user on the welcome screen option using TweakUI," when I never had seen this user. Rechecking it still shows no changes to the Welcome Screen but brings the welcome screen back after screensaver.

  2. I dont understand how Firefox is apparently a standards-compliant browser, yet it's taken version 3.0 to develop compliance for Acid2 testing.

    As I said in my previous post, the Acid2 Test is not a standards compliant test. Currently the most recent standard for CSS to achieve specificatin status is CSS 2.0, which Firefox 2.0 is compliant with. The Acid2 Test incorporates elements from CSS 2.1 that a CSS 2.0 compliant browser should not implement in a way that makes the Image appear to be a smiley face. Opera is compliant with the current version of CSS 2.1, which actually means it doesn't meet the most current CSS standard.

  3. I'm glad that Firefox 3.0 passes the Acid Test, but it annoys me a little that they are already working on 3.0 I remember a time when software companies only did major upgrade releases for tons of major changes happening all at once, and minor versions existed for important things that were happening immediately, like passing the Acid Test. Personally, I would love to see Firefox 2.X after 2.0 instead of 3.0. But that's just personal opinion, and I guess it doesn't mean much.I just wonder when IE will finally update their CSS encoding. I've heard they are waiting for CSS 2.1 to become standard, which would make sense if it would be anytime soon.This is actually one problem with the current Acid2 Test. It checks things that are in CSS 2.1, which is not a current specification. So Firefox 3.0 is actually not 2.0 compliant if it passes the Acid2 Test, because some of the features tested are not in CSS 2.0, which means the browser should ignore them.So I guess it is okay that Firefox 3.0 is a major release since it really should wait for the CSS 2.1 specification to actually become a valid specification before release.~Viz

  4. I've seen a couple sites which instead of opening up the "open or save" dialog box only open up a save dialog box. Does anyone know how to accomplish that. The only thing I can think of would be javascript, but I'm not sure exactly how that would work, and I don't remember seeing any javascript to do that on the pages I've visited.~Viz

  5. XML is easily parsed in both languages, because both can make use of DOMXML. As such, it really depends on what you are going for. I prefer PHP because it is easy to use with Xisto's hosting. However, if you are running on with Windows Server and using IIS, and you like the .NET architecture, it may be to your advantage to use ASP.NET.~Viz

  6. Okay, so I've been working on a program to stream music from iTunes, and I'd really not go into the details of why, cause they're not important. But anyway, I've run into the issue where I need to obtain the music iTunes is outputting to the sound card so it can be streamed. I'm not 100% sure on how this process works, but I've been told that iTunes should be outputting a WAV file to the sound card. I was wondering how I could access this WAV file and copy it, so I can stream it. I don't think this is possible in C#, and it probably needs to be done in C++, but the bulk of the application is written in C#, so if there is a way to do it in C#, that would be nice. Otherwise I just need help figuring out how to do it in C++ or C and then import that function/class/whatever into the C# code.~Viz

  7. So right now I think the issue is that I need a crossover cable, so I'm trying to locate one of those. But I still don't understand how the Linux box will understand to pass internet data from the card connected to the internet to the card connected to my Windows box or pass requests from the card connected to the Windows box on through the card connected to the net.~Viz

  8. I know the cable isn't bad, I'm working on checking the adapter, and it may need a crossover cable, but I highly doubt it. Looking into getting one though. Will I need to bridge the adapter that connects to the internet with the other connections, and if so how?And yordan, If I have specific IP addresses that are fully routable to the rest of the world, I'm not sure I understand how your method of assigning an IP address to the adapter on the Linux box and using that as the default gateway for the other connections will accomplish this.~Viz

  9. Okay, I think I have that set up, but let me give you the current configuration to be sure, because it isn't working.Linux Box:eth0: the card the other computer plugs intoactiveip: gateway: the card that connects to the internetactiveip: gateway: for the machinePrimary: Search PAth: localdomainWindows Box (the remote machine)Local Area Connection - the ethernet not wirelessip: gateway: DNS: DNS:

  10. What about JavaScript? I'm not a JS fan, but if it can solve this problem, I'll have to use it sad.gif

    Javascript can be used to accomplish this, I know because I've done it before. But it is extremely messy, and ugly. If we can't think of anything else, I'll take a crack at coming up with some JS code for you. All of my samples use Javascript's UOOP so they probably aren't what's best suited and I'd need to convert.

  11. It's an interesting concept, and it's slightly more advanced than download.com. Download.com frequently only has demo versions of some of the software giveaway seems to offer. Also, giveaway claims they pay the company for a special license. This way, the company gets some money for downloads that might otherwise be obtained illegally. Also, if people like the software, they may be impatient for the upgrade and buy it when it comes out.~Viz

  12. Although it might be nice if their routers and other hardware worked with 3rd party and open source firmware, I imagine they have good reasons for keeping their firmware closed party. Even more so than drivers, firmware that can be reverse engineered can tell a lot about the hardware. This is critical for a company like Linksys to protect. Further, they construct their firmware to work with their drivers, if either were made open source, it would help construct the other, which could help make the details of the hardware exposed. Open source is great in theory, but for many business applications, it doesn't make much sense, and is actually a lot harder to do.~Viz

  13. I have a Linux box with three ethernet ports (NIC cards). I could easily give it more. I have one ethernet connection to the outside world at college. College's ethernet policy is amazing, as they give us IP addresses that in theory are fully routable from the outside world (haven't had a chance to try it out). Unfortunately, I have another computer, my primary laptop, that is connected to the internet, and no switch or router.I was wondering how to use my Linux box as either a switch or router. What I want to do is the following:1) Connect the Linux box to the room ethernet port to give it internet and network access.2) Connect my other computers to the other NIC cards so they also have access to the internet and network.Since I can request an IP for each of my computers, and the IPs are fully routable, I was also wondering if it would be possible to somehow give each of my computers their own IP that the college gives me and maintain that outside access via IP.Any help would be appreciated. I think I explained this pretty well, but if you have questions, please ask.~Viz

  14. wow thx, great tut i'll be sure to use meta tags in my index page, but it's preety much useless if you don't have a domain, it's highly unlikely spiders visit subdomains.

    It's actually not quite unlikely. Some well known hosters, such as geocities and tripod use subdomains, so spiders know to search subdomains. If you do a search, you will frequently see some subdomains listed in the results. As a result, if you wat your pages protected from spiders, use meta tags. They only add a few bytes of data, so your users will never notice unless they view the source or look for them.
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