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Everything posted by whyme

  1. Hi, I'm not sure if you've looked over the oscommerce contributions pages, but take a look at the following links: http://www.oscommerce.com/Support?contrice&category=all http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/487 I think it may be what you're looking for. Regarding good modules for oscommerce. try this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ hth, whyme
  2. Any OS is secure if it's not connected to the internet. (I'm stating the horribley obvious)
  3. Not that I'm not trusting you, but Windows Vista is currently only available to MSDN developers. I would think a MSDN developer would have better spelling skills and wouldn't exactly have free hosting here. I'm just skeptical, don't mind me. Anyways, Vista stands for: Viruses. Instability. Spyware. Trojans. Adware. Get Mac OS X Tiger. P.S. Moved your topic.
  4. whyme

    Need Free Ftp Client

    As others have said, SmartFTP is one of the best FTP clients out there. And it's also free for personal use. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. She's not selling her "body" just her forehead, but it's pretty ridiculous if you ask me, it's a permanent tatoo...I'd rather do a publicity stunt or something.
  6. The fact is, NetBux could not keep up with the massive amounts of members, they were literally the most visited site in the WWW for a few minutes. In attempt to make some more money, they sold referals, but this only pushed them further down the cliff. The massive amounts of referals bought made them lose even more money.
  7. a user was abusing the MySQL resources, cpanel et al should be up and running in no time.
  8. I don't see why you don't just buy a domain name, it' only $8.88 at http://www.domainsite.com/
  9. I especailly like how you created the "grungy" feeling in the background. However, you could have made a little drop shadow border, that would have amde it look even better.
  10. Medically, as OpaQue said, O2 bars aren't very safe, I read a study somewhere that says prolonged exposure to pure oxygen had lead to deaths and also internal injuries. I'm happy with the air that I'm breathing now.
  11. I don't see why Xanga is an insult to any web designer, I myself am one, Xanga sabatoges their users with ads and their software is horrible. The cusotmization in Xanga is not compliant to web standards, and also lags down everything with Javascript. Those who know their XTHML and CSS will always be superior to those who don't. They can make websites that those on Xanga can only dream about. With Xanga, not only are you limited, but you are also trapper in one little website. whyme - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. I would say that your computer has been infected by Spyware rather than Bill Gates taking over your computer. You should get your computer scanned. Go to http://www.lavasoft.com/
  13. I haven't installed CopperMine, however, (If I'm not mistaken) the passwords are encrytped via md5 hashes(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5) (in Mambo also.). Therefore, you won't be able to find these "raw" password lists in your MySQL queries You instead will find long strings of numbers and letters. (viz. d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)They are encryted by the scripts and merging Mambo and Coppermine together to share the same password would create a large compatiblity issue.I may be wrong on this, but I am pretty sure that this is the case. Your best solution would be to just keep these two scripts seperate.
  14. For me, it all started with me fooling around with FrontPage when I was 12 or so, and i looked more and more into web design, etc. A very good resource to begin your web designing endevours is at http://www.w3schools.com/ and also http://www.oswd.org/. OSWD.org is a particulary useful website, and I'm sure you'll find it very useful. whyme
  15. Always go out to your local library and look for HTML books out there too.
  16. There's no need to force users to use one broswer or another, you can use CSS Hacks to make your page render the same in both broswers.If you want, I can look over your coding and fix it. PM me.whyme
  17. you are being childish and foolhardy, this is a waste of forum resources. Read what Xisto expects of you to behave on the forums http://forums.xisto.com/index.php? topic close. whyme
  18. This should be helpful. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/20871-earning-money-025-cents-to-075-cents-an-email-earning-emails-the-labour-intensive-way-but-it-works/
  19. Hi Suz, I've previously made a topic regarding Get Paid To Read emails. Yuo should find it useful. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/20871-earning-money-025-cents-to-075-cents-an-email-earning-emails-the-labour-intensive-way-but-it-works/ -whyme
  20. Common sense tells you that any emails over 1 dollar is beyond real.if you get 200 dollars emails, and send out 10 to 1000 members, it's alreadly 2 million dollars. Who would waste all that money?
  21. it's likely that he's seeeing the error from an broswer cache, you need to clear it.In FireFox, go to the Tools > Options area, and click "Clear Cache".Or in IE, go to Tools > Internet Options, and click "Delete Files" in the Temporary Internet Files Box"Once you do this, you should be able to see your site.
  22. Just a note, Technically, you should not use these <style type='text/css'></style> by incoporating the CSS directly to your HTML file, your broswer needs to load the CSS again and again, which increases page load time. Instead, you should create a seperate CSS file, and include it in the <head> tags like this: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystylesheet.css" media="screen" /> whyme
  23. If you're into mnaula customization, then being your own email service provider would be the best, you already have that built into your cPanel account. There's horde, neomail, and squirlmail.
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