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Everything posted by johnsmith

  1. Catholics have done worse things in the name of religion...The muslim faith is generally considered to be peace, love, hapiness. Nothing like all these things...The devil and devilmaker is of course George Bush Jr. who with his actions has caused another idiotic reason for people to fight, their religion....It's like medieval age all over again...People don't think anymore...Of course they never did, but it's getting worse everyday...Generalizing will only cause problems. There are bad Muslims, but not all are bad. There are evil Catholics, Orthodox priests, but not all of them are bad. There are stupid Americans...But there are some who aren't so... :)Just find the real cause to all the problems and all those racist remarks and tones and, and, and...
  2. Too much hustle in this tutorial as I can see...Like Albus mentioned, you just use convertxtodvd which is one of the most useful and easy-to-use programs I've encountered. And much quicker than the procedure you mentioned.You can even put multiple avi's in the same dvd and ofcourse subtitles, as many as your heart desires :)http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/
  3. Well, first of all, I really don't like it when people are asking what I am going to do with all that space...Thinking only about the present and not the future expansion is bad...When I buy something I want that something to last for as long as it can...Secondly, I really do think that Apple has the experience in mp3 players that microsoft doesn't have. Still, I really don't know what happen, apart from the fact that the market share of apple will shrink...
  4. I found a really interesting article about how much watts the pc consumes here : http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/computers.html First of all, in the long run writing/saying that "the amount of energy most computers use is quite minimal" is wrong....In a large scale (we're not talking only about your computer) the numbers are quite *massive*. Unfortunately, I for one, cannot close the computer because of my work etc etc...
  5. First of all, I don't like these versus questions...I find it a bit unethical and nonsensical to make people choose one of two things, especially when opinions are different for each man and one's opinion doesn't affect the other ones.Now, someone wrote..."And mind you, there are kids as young as 8 years old watching MTV, and these type of songs are definitely not something to influence them at such a young age. It would be much better if these rap artists rapped about something more meaningful instead of sex and women."This is a typical opinion if you have only heard mainstream rap. It's also quite logical cause mostly these rap songs are bought and heavy-played by the tv...Being a reviewer of and for rap music, I can gurantee you there are many cd's which have many things "to say" apart from sex, drugs and women (which reminds me of rock'n'roll and its counterpart...rock...)..The only thing is...you have to search and discover a genre to be able to criticise it...But that's just ...my opinion.
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