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Posts posted by tractor

  1. Google isn't the best if you have a question I would go to http://de.ask.com/?o=312&l=dir there but if you need somthing go to google the only thing i would like to see different is have a more narrow search the other day i was looking at rocks on google and i searched for a rock and it gives me a website that has every rock listed but the rock i searched for. They could update it a little bu i do love how they do there logo for holidays.

  2. I hate when:People don't do what i sayWhen i overpower them and they don't knowWhen my cat pucksWhen people think i just sit here and type on the internetWhen people think i get nothing done.When people don't care whats around themWhen people are shelfishWhen people have no mind of there ownWhen people cheatWhen people just use what you give them and don't edit it a bit.When people eat off you.My List ~Agent Austin~

  3. using purely nick based authentication is a bad idea since anyone can access it just by switching to your nick when you're either offline or you have changed your nick.
    like imacul8 said its much better to use user levels. If you're interested in them you might also want to check out /guser (which is similar to auser but allows you to add a users address by specifying their nick)

    One other note on user levels.
    you specified 1 as the level in the original event there, you should use * since 1 will cause problems if you start using named access levels.

    Quite right if somone gets on your nick when you arn't hey can easily access. I would use a if ($address == HOSTMASK)

  4. Humm.. I am really bad in mornings, My alarm normally goes off, it gets put on snooze a few times. Then I get up fast, as I am usually late, sling on some clothes, grab a drink and get down to the train station pronto. I don't eat in the mornings; I prefer to sleep!

    Thants like everyone i know. :P Just snooze then when you hear your boss call you get up. :) I mean why else get all the sleep you can like my cat.

  5. why on earth would he be posting an alias for it if its a standard mirc identifier lol. :)

    Hmm because he wants to? :P

    here is a remake of standard mirc alias, amsg

    alias amsg {  var %i = 0,%x = 0  while (%i < $chan(0)) {	inc %i	msg $chan(%i) $1-  }  while (%x < $query(0)) {	inc %x	msg $query(%x) $1-  }}

    This will msg all channels as well as all queries for the current connection.

    So messages all the channels sounds like a normal /amsg whats the dif?

  6. you can just do //say $bck(hello everyone)
    or add a on input event to your remotes section. and add a popup to enable,disable it from activating.

    #bck onON *:INPUT:#: {if ($left($1,1) != /) {msg $active $bck($1-)halt   }} #bck endmenu channel {  &Backwards Text On:.enable bck  &Backwards Text Off:.disable bck}

    This should do the job nicely!! :)

    Really huh

    * /msg: insufficient parameters (line 4, script13.ini)

    I think you need to learn a little more and yet //say $bck(TEXT) dosn't work * /say: insufficient parameters
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