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Posts posted by tractor

  1. It hit the 20th floor of a 50 floor building. What was an aircraft doing that low in newyork. Also the day beore he said he loved flying and had gotten a liencse. He may have been flying it though he was supposily in route to california. It seems odd how low they were flying. I will correct you there were 2 people on board. And they have now found him dead. His passport was on a side walk below.

    UPDATED: The plane sent a distress call before the crash. THis is how i knew these.


  2. There has been a second large quake in N. Korea. S. Korea thinks it is a second nucular test. It was the nations first atomic blast. An Australian goverment agencie said they have there fears because they don't think this was the last seeing this or the tests. The quakes was huge a agnitude 6.0 with no other signs of it besides an atomic blast. It was off the coast of Korea with is under the water. The united states goverment is now under strict rules keeping watch on N. Korea. The united states will not talk but a spokesman said that they will NOT attack. And are saying N. Korea has no thoughts of inading the United states. Chinesse goverments are now saying they will not block all trades and funding going to N. Korea afraid of an attack. South Korea said the quake was smaller then expected from an atomic explosion. But that a sucessful small explosion means it will work in bigger tests. That is what they are afraid of.

  3. I made a video using a hyper cam and edited it with windows movie maker. When you save the edited version you can only save it as a .mswmm but no hosting places let you upload a .mswmm. Is there any way i can save this in another format so i can host it? Do i have to download somthing?

  4. I have to say yes because we found black holes witch we think lead to other galixies. If we could keep going though black holes there has to be space where there is life. I mean but what is weird as we can't see that far only to the planet a little farther then pluto. So there could be life in the milkyway. We just havn't found them and they havn't found us. It could be alien looking life or humanish life. If it is a robot it might as well be life. The only thing i don't know is if there be more advanced then us.

  5. Hello i looked a a tutorial on another site to make a IRC server. My computer won't let me so im screwed there. My freind is trying to upgrade his server but needs a decent DNS hosting site. If anyone has a hosting site that would be great free or paied but free if you can. And if somone could make me a serer i would be very happy. Thanks post back info.

  6. It'll be interesting to see the USA's reaction to this, should they even react to this news at all, considering it wasnt too long ago that Bush was including N Korea and co in his hitlist. But still, if it falls into the wrong hands then it may possibly be bad news.

    True because they could get mad at us and pres a button and boom here comes a missle. The S. Korea security board is metting somtime to discuss this and i think the USA will just watch things so it dosn't go out of control. Any thing that could be deadly to the USA will be watched. This may mean more people trying to get here on boat so they don't get attacked. That means security at our borders and ship yards.

  7. Thank you hype. You have told me how and an example of the coding in the site i found. It works great and i have had no complaints. Thank you to everyone else that tried to help but it wasn't the java i needed. The HTML works fine and i like it. I read up more and found out some other things that are like this and how to change its size and add things to it.

  8. Not only that but a nucular missle dosn't do small damage and it could affect countries around it. But since most of the united states said there was no activitie it may just be lies to scare them. Or else they really should be scared. And since our troops are in iraq we can't really help them in any way. But we shouldn't be concerned we have almost double the nucular power here then any where else if we see one coming i'm sure we can blow it up.

  9. On monday, North Korea claimed to have had its first successful nuclear test. Even south Korea confirmed this, saying that north Korea had performed the tests. The test was performed underground under 'secure conditions' at 10:36 a.m. (0136 GMT). The Pentagon, however has yet to confirm the reports, although seismic reports do show intense activity around that time, in the area the test was claimed to have taken place. Various other agencies, however, deny the claims of seismic activity, including the U.S. Geological Survey's Rafael Abreau, who states 'we have not recorded any seismic activity from North Korea'Either way, the USA is losing its foothold as one of the leaders in Nuclear Technology as more and more small countries come into the power and ability to build their own nuclear weapons. Not only that, but as terrorist groups and crime syndicates become more powerful, nuclear materials are becoming even easier for countries to get their hands on.Watch out USA, watch out!

  10. i think that it should be legalized. also, i believe that marijuana should be kept under the same regulations as alchohol. after all, how often do you hear about drunk drivers? now how often do you hear about people driving stoned?drinking is more damaging to yourself as well as others, and yet which one is legal? does that make any sort of sense to you?i have to say, anything can be ok, as long as it is used reasonably, and with moderation. when something becomes a NEED or an ADDICTION, that is when it becomes wrong. if you can control yourself, keep from doing stupid/harmful things while under the influence, and you are of the legal age, i dont see a problem

  11. well, i think that people that smell should be notified of that fact. of course, im from the USA so people are a bit more rude here. people used to tell me how bad i smelled, but after a while i started showering more and wearing deodorant, and just generally taking care of myself more. so its not that big of a deal, when your young that is.for a grown woman however, that must be pretty repulsive. i wouldnt be able to take it.

  12. I have seen this on a few sites. They have a panel at the top or buttom that always stays there but the rest of the page moves. If any one could find a site to do this. Or if anyone can paste the HTML that would be nice. People ussaly put a banner and/or links on them. So kind of like a backround that stays in place while you scroll but this is somthing that is a info\banner that stays in place at the top or buttom of your screen.

  13. Problem with that is that it won't work if you or the bot has a vhost or if you connect from a different connection than the bot.
    or some evil oper could come along and change they're host to yours to try and mess you up lol

    Well i don't have a vhost now do i. It wouldn't mater if i came on from a different location cause i have the pretty host of this location. And IRCops arn't that mean now are they?

  14. the ! prefix on an alias forces it to use the default mirc alias instead of any personally rewritten alias./!amsg text from the command line is the same as using the regular mirc alias (ie /amsg text )

    Explain to me in PM because ! would make it visible to the people in the channel unlike a /bs COMMAND and other things. I will have alt explain.I would just use this :)

    on *:TEXT:!notice:#: if ($nick == Agent|Austin) { amsg $2- }

  15. I have used Firefox, Opera and the ever mighty Internet Explorer and in my opinion IE rules the roost till this day. It might have some bugs but I still love the feel of browsing the web the old school way. Three cheers for IE.

    I havn't heard of Opera can you give me a link. IE is the best it is safe and it is compatible with almost all downloads and other stuff. It also doesn't fail on me and i can trust it not to hack my computer. I like IE with its favorites and other toolbars. You can download more toolbars like "Google" but google has came out with a new tool bar for firefox. This is helpful to you that use firefox.
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