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Posts posted by tractor

  1. Wow. I have never seen a picture of one.The weird thing about them is that it is very thin but it can take us to another place?Is it magic or a hole that is very long on the inside but the outside makes the rest of it invisible.These questions may never be answered, will we ever make a space ship that can navigate at that speed and those heats?Will man EVER be able to visit another galaxy or live-able planet.I know these questions are hard and are right now un-answerable. But these are important questions!Regards,Tractor

  2. Another line of thought I had on this subject will probably be laughed off but I'll post it any way. Could it be possible that we are just a test subject for an alien race? Now before you fall off your chair laughing, think about this.

    This could be they put us here to see how to keep them selfs safe. But are they green or are they just like humans?

    Why is it that a lot religious faiths show 'angels' and other significant religious figures as having glowing halos? Could it be that these religious figures were in fact aliens and we were put on this planet as an experiment, much like we would breed bacteria in a petrie dish? The aliens could be throwing in a few 'natural disasters' to see how we react and keep the population under control. Who knows?

    Angels could be "aliens" but I would think aliens would be mean. But they do have glowing halo's and can fly. So they might be. And they are human like.

    Just because we can't travel very far in space, (in relative terms) why does that mean that an intelligent life form other than our own cannot travel what we perceive to be immense distances? We are currently bound by our own knowledge of spaceflight, who is to say that there is not some other form of propulsion out there that could be used that we have no knowledge of as yet? It took a long time to discover electricity when you put it in perspective.

    I am thinking all aliens are more intelligent then us. And if UFOs are real they fly very fast witch means they can probably fly far to.

    As far as our universe goes, we are mere infants. Surely given the age and size of the universe, the probability of another life form being out there is pretty good. But as it was aptly said in Star Trek, "It's life, but not as we know it." We just have trouble accepting it because we have been isolated for what we think is a very long time. Our perception of time is based on our lifespan, what if an alien life-form could live for centuries? Our perception of time would very different to theirs, a year to us could be like a millisecond to them.

    We are infants. We could fit so many more people on the planet but it would get full. To make a ball the size of the earth out of humans we would need more people then we have right now.

    Yes, my thoughts seem very far fetched, but I am open to almost any possibility. There is a lot we don't know about our universe, let alone the multitude of other universes that may be out there.

    I don't think there going that far. You accualy make it kind of reasonable. Instead of having aliens with 10 eyes.

  3. Aliens do not have to be green. They are merely creatures from other planets. When we visit mars mars thinks we are aliens.But I think they are from another planet not from the future. Even though they might have stuff more advanced then us its just because they are smarter. But I think the "UFOs" we see are really army ships that they are testing or an illusion of the mind. If they were real they would have to tell us how advanced they are and if they would ally with us. Maybe we could even take one of there ships to there planet.But this will be far in the future after all of us are dead. And global warming might even wipe the whole planet out.

  4. With stem-cell research some mothers can already change there child's D.N.A. And make them have certain things. (Example: Hair color, eye color, nice, evil)SO once we get more into stem cell research we may be able to add a cell into our brains from another person after we clone it and make us have a certain attribute. Maybe even be able to clone a walking cell into a person that is paralyzed in the legs so they can walk again.So I really thing that a super brain is possible. But only if we advance in stem cell research. So the super brain is not going to be possible with no alter. But we can make one if we clone cells from everyone and put them into 1 brain. But there could be so many cells the brain might explode.As said earlier computers are not smarter then humans because humans made them and all there info is from humans.So in other words I do not think it is possible unless we alter the brain. But naturally it is not possible.Not even if we combine everything a computer knows into a brain in binary codes though electric pulses in the brain.

  5. That is another problem. Is once these robots come out. They are going to be very high in price. How many people will be able to pay for there fuel. Or electricity. And you have to buy it unless they give it out free. Witch they won't. But this is where we run into problems. Price of running them. If we have to teach it then we might as well do it ourself and they would be pointless. But I think that disabled and old people need them first. Then they can go out to everyone else.What would they run on? Battery (Witch we would have to recharge with energy bills)Gas (Kill you of carbonmanoxide)

  6. We have already created self thinking robots. That can touch, see, hear. All we need is taste and smell now.Once we get that done will every house have a robot like a servant or slave?What will it be? Something like R2D2 or will it be human like?I think it should be able to ask questions and have a voice sensor to hear us and respond to what we say.I also think it will need to keep track of everything in the house using multiple monitores. It should be able to mow the lawn. Pickup trash. Make food. DO dishes. And maybe even turn on the TV!But when these come out will humans become even fatter because they will sit and call for there bot and never do anything them selfs again. This is where I have questions. What are the bad things that will happen when they come out. We maybe be over taken by smart bots. We could just sit and get fat because they do everything and we just sit and ORDER them to do stuff. Or will we still have to move them or somthing?

  7. Power went out last Thursday due to the biggest windstorm in history in Washington state. I live in North bend Washington and got power back last night. Right after I turned on my generator.But now i'm down to 4 credits because i was powerless and cold. And internet was down.But atleast Im back now. Maybe this RANTING post will give me some credits. But I also hate this cause what if power was out for another 4 days like they said it would be? I would lose my hosting and I would die.But that didn't happen. We can see the goods and bads but I don't think the Xisto credit part is the best. But it could be worse.I hope it dosn't go out again. Because then I would really be mad. I already am because the power company kept turning power on and off last night.So what happened is.1st day: Stayed Home2nd Day: Stayed Home3rd Day: Hotel4th Day: Checkout\Checkin5th Day: Hotel/Home5th Night: POWER on. Power Off. Then power on for 5 minutes. Then power off for 30 minutes. Then POWER ON...SO I'v had quite the week but I think power company should work faster.

  8. I agree that there are a lot of sufferings but, believe it or not, we will need to find another Earth pretty soon. We are quickly running out of resources and, even considering that we quit using fossil fuels, we're also running out of space. If a Utopian society seems too altruistic to be true, it probably is.

    We are running out of space. Thats why these company's are using all there money into space travel.

    The problem about solar wind is it can't push anything. How would we use it? I think we need to have some kind of hyper drive on it that uses magnetic feilds to pull and push off planets. So as long as there is a planet. There is a way to move.

  9. I think we will be able to live in space soon.I saw a documentary about it. This one company has invested all there money into space travel. And what there doing is accualy building a space hotel right now.It will go into space like a satalite but has small thrusters on it to keep it stable. Now what I think is somehow we will be able to make a huge engine that burns on water, air, dirt, or something like that. My idea is to make the heat in this engine so hot that anything will burn in it. With this we will be able to look into planets beyond our solar system. And see maybe go into a black hole and get into another dimension.The purpose of this is to be able to live on other planets. Travel to places unheard of right now. And look into the future of the humans. By this time the ships will most likely be able to drive them selfs. So all we have to do is sit back and relax.It sounds great but many things could go wrong. Like over heating. Pressure systems. And allot of other things.

  10. Isn't there already an assist device for those not able to move their hands properly? I seem to think there is a device which uses a light of some sort to track your eye movements and blinking is like a mouse click? or something like that.

    Thats cool,

    I have been doing some work with a guy who is a quadriplegic (completely paralyzed from the neck down). He operates his computer with a metallic dot on his forehead and a piece of hardware on top of the monitor that uses some form of light to track the dots position on the screen. As he moves his head, the mouse pointer is moved. To click on something all he has to click on something is hold the mouse on spot for 1/2 a second. There are a series of clicking options on the screen including left mouse, right mouse, double click(left), click and drag(left or right). Most of the time he uses the on-screen keyboard but there is also voice recognition on his computer.
    It's not exactly brain waves but it is hands free.

    Well he must be very good at coordination. How does he move so smoothly?

    My thoughts:

    1. We could attach some kind of suction cups to your body like the do in a lie detector test that measures your brain waves. Almost like a CAT scan.

    2. We could sense your movement with something implanted beneath your skin.

    3. Um. DOn't go on the comp. :)

  11. This just seems wierd. Paper...I don't understand how the data gets to the paper...I must read more into this. Seems like a good dea, but aren't we trying to go all electronic? Atleast that's what my school is trying to do, lol.
    And what if your dog eats it?

    I thought the dog theory was ruled out.

    I think this is amazing. All you have to do is keep the paper safe like in a briefcase or something and you can hold tons of info.
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