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Posts posted by tractor

  1. Hi, i just graduated from the seventh grade, and at my last physical, i was 5'6 tall. Is this normal? My dad is abot 6' and my mom is somewher around 5'8. im almost the youngest person, but almost the tallest in my class. i hate being taller than all the guys because it is almost impossible to get a date. (but luckily i have one. I'm so lucky!!!)

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title must be specific; one-line summary of your post. Modified.

    I'm in 8th grade now and I am only 5' 2'' but I am going to be taller then 6' 5''

  2. I have 6 Xbox360s (Mom works at microsoft and uses them for work)I have halo2 and with its hi-def the graphics and animation are great, and breath taking. When I got halo I am like this is going to be a cartoon but it looks like virtual reality.Yes is my vote...(Wii is also fun though but mario gets old :XD:)

  3. The word "google" was first used in the 1927 Little Rascals silent film "Dog Heaven", used to refer to a having a drink of water.

    I wonder how they got there name out of that...

    As for what haslip said, why would they name something after 10000000000000000.

    There must be a reason, or it just sounds cool.

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Being hosted you should know not to copy and paste without putting QUOTE tags around the material. Quoted section copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  4. Here is my new signature


    Posted Image


    And here is what it use to be


    Posted Image


    this is the first time that I have edited a stock picture without rendering it and then making a background. But I couldn't think of a background that would match the F/V northwestern so I just used the stock and then edited to my liking. Most of it is just brushes and lighting effects. I was just doing random stuff and it turned out how I liked it. I was going to make the middle darker but it changed the boat to much and didn't give it that north western feeling.


    If you didn't know this crab boat is my favorite vessel in the sea. It's home port is here in Seattle and it fishes Crab in the Bering sea off of Dutch Harbor in Alaska.


    Enough about the boat though...

  5. Breaking News:

    Local researchers have now proven that bird flu has finally mutated and can be transmitted from person to person.

    The outbreak occured in 2006 in Indonesia. Experts at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research center in Seattle used statistical analysis to show the disease spread between a small number of people in one family.

    The chain of infection involved a young boy who likely caught the virus from his aunt who had been exposed to dead poultry.

    Researchers say the boy then probably passed the virus to his father.

    Health authorities eventually placed dozens of relatives and close contacts under quarantine in an attempt to contain the spread.


    This really is bad since bird flu is on the rise now we can get it from other humans. Meaning we would get it all over the place and not be able to get everyone cured.


  6. 2 Years ago I got kicked out of my school for some "Mentally Enhanced Anger Problems"...So this last year I had to go to an internet school (http://www.iacademy.org/?doing_wp_cron=1412820419.3607990741729736328125) it was challenging like I like it since I am gifted but my parents knew everything and I could put stuff off, this was probably good but got a little stressful.I am going back to regular school this year. The other thing about internet school is that there is no social interaction with teachers and staff.Regards,Agent

  7. I got a new computer with vista and it dosn't have any bugs or errors. It will auto-update just like XP computers and runs faster.I see why you would want XP but if you get vista you know that you really didn't want XP...Just some advice. Can you custom order dell PC's? Or do they all have vista on them besides that one.Regards,Agent

  8. Wow, they must have been strong and determined. They were higher then most buildings and are huge. Since they didn't have cranes or any way of transport (Concrete Mixer/Pumper) they had to haul there concrete "mix" all the way up. Even then how did they make the outline and mold to pour it all in? Heavy and dirty. I think these people are harder workers then most of us and we just say we work hard. Look they made a skyscraper with out even thinking about it. We just bury people with rocks in there head.Regards,Agent

  9. Wow they must have a big house. He has a lot of kids and that would be a pain but why does he want so many? He is old and such. His kids have lots of brothers and sisters but one might feel lonely or somthing? What if they all fight and don't get along.There are a lot of issues here...Good luck to him though.Regards,Agent

  10. Wow, how could it go threw the head without doing major damage.That must have been very painful at the time and during her life. I wonder if she gets to keep it and say. This was stuck in my head for 55 years!It is a good story to tell now but I don't think anyone was laughing before now. I can't image the pain and I don't think I want to. I broke my wrist a few years ago and I thought that hurt but something lodged on your head!Regards,Agent

  11. These are both newer games.

    Ship simulator is the first commercial release for a dutch company called VSTEP.

    It costs about $40 American dollars.

    It has many boats and systems. The waves are realistic with a realistic ship movement.

    There are still many things to improve the game but it is just starting.

    There official site is at http://www.shipsim.com/

    Rigs Of Rods -
    This is a free open source game. The first game with a physics engine that works well.

    The physics are described here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The main way it works if you don't watch that video is that if too much pressure is on a rod it will deform.

    The trucks in the game are made of hundreds of rods.

    Site: http://rigsofrods.blogspot.de/

    I hope you can check out these games.


  12. Winamp,This is my choice of media player. Windows Media player tends to lag my computer.Real Player - Very plain and not very "cool"winamp is very customizable including shout cast and other plug ins.These probably exist for the other media players but are hard to find.Winamp is free and isn't made for money. The other company's want money but Nullsoft Winamp obviously want customer satisfaction witch is what I think everyone wants.Regards,Agent

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