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Posts posted by Yacoby

  1. I found Thinking in C++ very useful, although I hate reading tutorials, I still managed to get the gist of C++. Don't be put off by the length.

    I don't understand how you can realistically learn a language to a reasonable quality within 21 days. In my opinion, a year sounds more realistic. Having said that, I haven't ever stayed programing in a language for anything longer than 6 months.

  2. I would choose PCI over AGP too if you can.

    :rolleyes: I am assuming you mean PCI-e over AGP

    Definitely get a card with atleast 128 mb preferable 256 mb or else you will still run into the ram issue you currently have.


    I am not an expert on Graphics cards by any means, but I did managed to find a 7600GT, which looks good. ( http://www.newegg.com/Common/MessagePage.aspx?MsgCode=-1&ID=70 )

    Also in your price range are the x1600s, but if you go for one of those, get the 256Mb version, as the 512Mb version isn't worth it, unless you do something like video editing.

    If you were looking for something cheaper, there are cards like the 6800 (nVidia) and the Radeon 9600 still can just about play the latest games, but not at high FPS.

    Listen to other peoples adivce over mine though, as I said before, I don't know much.

  3. I don't really mind if Turkey is given EU membership, however I think it could be highly beneficial to western relations with other Muslim countries, as I don't think we are viewed in a very good light at present. That being said, they are probably quite a lot of downsides as well, and I am not too keen on their human rights record, although hopefully they will end up sorting it out soon.

  4. Yeh, this happened with loads of the consoles. idiots ruin it for other people by raising the bids to the highest possible. I would have loved to get a PS3 on launch day, as I would have sold it on e-bay, and let some rich person buy it. I cannot see why anyone would spend 3 times the value when you could get it at a reasonable price a couple of weeks later *shrugs*.

  5. like i said before, there should be one file type for video's and that is AVI, it is easy to understand, easy to encode/decode, and then for music/sound there should only be MP3 :) that would be awsome

    Although it would be easy for you, it wouldn't work as well for other people. I am not so knowledgeable about music formats so I will use image formats as an example. The same sort of thing applies for music formats.

    If we just used .bmp for image formats, we would fill up our hard drives because of the huge sizes, and web pages would take ages to load. If we only used .jpg every time we saved an image, the image would lose quality. We also wouldn't have transparencies. A lot of computer games use .tga files, but others use .dds because it has mipmaps.

    It is the same sort of thing for music, each format has its advantages and drawbacks.

  6. I never made any conscious decision to learn (X)HTML, I started out making sites in Dreamweaver, but when I learnt CSS, I found that writing the code in a text editor was faster than using Dreamweaver, so I started using XHTML and when I couldn't remember what a tag was, I looked it up in Dreamweaver or a w3schools.I tend to find that studying/learning something by using a tutorial sucks compared to having something you want to do (i.e write a CMS, or design a website template). You don't get bored as fast, and you end up with something you will actually use.

  7. Every man and women who serves in the armed forces deserves to be reconized for what they do. These men and women are laying down there lives while we sit at home at a computer and gripe about what this leader did and what the leader did.

    I never wanted them to lay down their lives in the first palace. I even went on marches about it...


    George W Bush is not a bad man nor is Tony Blair. They are true patriots.

    bad is subjective. I view some George W Bush's policies as bad, and I view some of Tony Blair's policies as bad.


    I wouldn't describe any of them as bad, but I would say they have made some very very big mistakes.


    They serve they're country in office and have determined that force is nessecary to stop the evil men of Al Queda and Suduam Hussien and Osama Bin Laden.

    Force never wins, well, almost never. The person that though we could hold Afghanistan with 5000 troops failed to do his homework, the Soviets didn't manage it with 200,000 troops.


    Plus I don't think we have a big enough army to find Osama Bin Laden.


    None of whom should have any power or control in the world but we wounderful people of the world do not realise this intill we are attack and someone close to us dies.

    Neither the Taliban or Saddam Hussein attacked us, we are the the aggressor in both cases. Please explain why a aggressive power like America and Britain, who have launched two unprovoked attacks against two countries should have any power at all?


    Please don't say that either the Taliban or Saddam Hussein had any connection with Al Qaeda, unless you can give quotes from a reliable source.


    I do know however that the CIA had connections with Al Qaeda, it gave them the training that they used to blow up the two towers.


    Then we call for action. But what about all those who lost love ones during 9/11 in America. They want action and they are getting action. The men who commited this crime are going to pay the price and have paid the price. The US grouped with many allies have retaliated to the first punch and are now being asked to stop by the same people who want this action in the beggining.

    In Britain, One million people, that is one 60th of the population, made the effort to get up and get on a coach and go to London for the day to march against the war in Iraq. There were many more who whet to other marches around the country. That is a huge amount of effort if you are going to have to site on a coach for 8 hours to get to London.


    This world is wacked up. Leave politics to politicians and support your troops. They might not believe in it but most of them do. Do what you can to help them. They need it.

    Riiigh. Do you have any idea how democracy works. The idea is that we are involved to some extent in the decision making.


    These men and women defend your country and your rights. Thank them for that.

    I don't see them defending the country, neither the Taliban or Saddam Hussein was any threat to us. The most powerful missile he had couldn't even get anywhere near us.




    Right, so you have just gone and invaded when it was no threat to you, and killed thousands of people (43,000) and you expect god to bless you. I though the bible said "Thou shalt not kill"?

  8. 8800 Looks like an amazing card, but it seems to eat power 400 - 450w, and cost a huge amount, way to much for me at least.


    Consoles will always be outdated, as the thing about computers is you can always update them. However, there is no game on the market that won't run fine on nvidia's 7x generation of cards, to be fair unless you can't bear to see Oblivion run at under 50fps, there is no need for a 8800.

  9. I always hear women saying 'Oh we just need to get a woman in the office, then everything will be fixed.' But why? Why do you feel that a woman would be a better president than a man, is it for the sole fact that you are a woman and think women can do better jobs then men? I don't think it would change much if we were lead by a woman or a man.

    I don't think it would make much of a difference whether there was a women or a man running the country. Take Margaret Thatcher as an example, she made some really stupid decisions and we are still suffering the consequences today. (She privatised a lot of public services, and it didn't work).

  10. Now we've to wait for Microsoft to announce the Release date for Windows Vista.

    You missed the release date announcement a couple of days ago then. I think it is 30 January for end users.(Source).


    I personally won't be getting it for a while, as the only reason I can see to get it is to play DX10 games, but as there are loads of DX9 or less games I haven't played yet, I see no reason to switch. I also wish they would stop adding so many useless features, Vista Premium Edition is reported to use 400MB Ram at idle, which is crazy. I don't understand why WinXP need to use up so much system resources, when the only thing I use in Vista different from Win95 is Plug in and Play (Or what ever it is called). I am not particularly interested in fancy graphics either, as I am running XP with a Windows classic GUI, and it works exactly the same as it would with the fancy interface, only it uses up 12MB less ram.

  11. I agree that the laws should reflect the opinion of the majority, or at least the sensient majority. There are too many people who just vote based on the propaganda-esque commericals they see on television instead of really considering why they believe what they do... In fact, they don't know why they believe, and that just gives more power to the government.

    I think that laws should reflect the opinion of the majority only when there is a need for a the said law. I don't see why you need a law making abortion illegal. Those who think that it is wrong don't have to have abortions, and those who think it is fine to have abortions can have abortions without affecting those who think abortions are wrong.

    Same with Gay marriages.

  12. Hi

    I am writing a PHP script that gets the search results from here.
    I can get the results from the first page fine, but when I try to get the next page, it doesn't return the correct results.

    Try comparing the results from here, and searching for "Vampire" (In the "Name" text box) here.
    The first page of results is the same, but when you go on the the second page of results, they are totally different.
    This I think is because the "persist_search" (see the URI on the Planet Elder Scrolls Search) always seems invalid.

    Is there any reason why the PHP would get a invalid "persist_search" ID, but searching with a browser wouldn't?

    The source for the PHP is here and here, sorry about how messed up the code is, it is only a first draft, and I was also messing around with classes.

    Thanks in advance for any help

  13. Construction Toys - I loved all of these, mainly Lego and Lego technic, I remember spending days making things. Lego technic was good because it had pneumatic parts, and motors. I made everything you can think of, boats, gearboxes etc. I also played with K'nex, I made a metre high ferris wheel, which was pretty impressive when it was finished.

    Model Trains - I played with brio trains, when I was young (3 - 4 ) every morning when I got up the first thing I would do is build a railway, when I stopped playing with it I had a huge amount of track, several boxes full.

    Model Farm - I had a large model farm, with tractors, which I remember playing with quite a lot, I also still have a large amount of tractors lying around.

    help me to know how to get a credit

    This should explain everything.

  14. You would be very stupid if you quoted Wikipedia in a thesis without checking in other places that the information was correct. Never trust anything in something important.You should also never download anything randomly, I mean, why would you trust Wikipedia if anything on there could have been edited by anyone, so they people who download the virus were far to trusting in my opinion.Citizendium looks good, but even though it sounds like it will possibly be more accurate than Wikipedia , you still shouldn't trust it so much that you take everything on it as fact.I doubt Wikipedia will be going anywhere soon, it has nearly 1.5 million articles, you cannot just forget about that, as Google is still indexing it etc.

  15. Looks like hes going to be hanged. Although, I think they should have put him in the middle of a street and let the Iraqis unleash all their anger on him.

    Not all Iraqis are angry with him, although most are. I still stick by my decision that they shouldn't have given him the death sentence.

  16. I haven't tried FireFox 2 yet, as I am hoping more extensions will become compatible by the time I get it, so hopefully I don't have to ditch any of my extensions. FireFox 1 was infinitely better than Internet Explorer 6, so I am hoping FireFox 2 will be better than Internet Explorer 7. I was going to try Opera at some point, because apparently that is faster and even more secure than FireFox.

  17. If there was no internet, I would probably end up doing a lot more healthy stuff, or at least not staring at a computer screen all day. If there wasn't an Internet, I probably would never have got involved in modding, which wouldn't have got me involved in programming.I would probably do more sailing, which although I do a lot of at present, I always want to do more.Getting move involved with Warhammer, doing more painting etc.The other thing that could happen is that I just play computer games :blink: .

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