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Posts posted by Yacoby

  1. I'm tired of hearing the news medi and the left bang the peace drum night after night constanty calling for America to tuck tail and run. What realy gets me is that in a span of 5 years we as a country of 300 million people have lost around 4 thousand of our brave sons and daughters which is sad but when compared to the lives lost in most of our wars I would dare say we've been getting off fairly easy.

    So losing 4k men is fine? In my opinion that is 4000 men to many deaths in a war that shouldn't have happened.

    The History of muslim terrorism proves that you can not find peace with people who are of the mindset that God has told them to kill you

    The majority of Muslims are peaceful people. In every religion there are extremists.

    In the same vain you could say the history of christianity says that they are a vicious religion that launches vast attacks against religious views we don't agree with (Crusades).

    and remember these despots use their children as smartbombs knowing full well that a person with a conscience will not suspect a child of being a suicide bomber.

    I haven't heard about that, and I agree that it horrific. But you are viewing a few people in a group as representing a whole group.
    It is like saying that because you have heard that one Canadian was a Alcoholic, all Canadians are Alcoholics. It sound at bit ridiculous, but that is what you are saying.

  2. I also have broken the power management on my computer (also the thing that controls screen brightness :) ). As it is a laptop, it is fairly easy just to shut the lid and put it onto standby whenever I am not using it.My desktop shut down the screen after 5 minutes, and went onto standby after 10. The problem is my sisters now have it, and they leave it running when games are playing, which disabled the power options :)

  3. There are too many books for me to have one favriout.


    A Song of Ice and Fire;

    From the ones I have read (The first two), it seems to be a really good series. One of the big points I like is that the characters ain't black and white, they are all shades of grey.


    David Gemmell's books are a great light read, although they all seem to become fairly similar after a while. The best series in my opinion was the Reganti (sp?) series, because all apart from the last book, they were all very different. I recommend you read it if you haven't.


    Wheel of Time:

    I enjoyed the first part of the series, but it went down hill in books 6 - 10, it still is a very good read.



    Read them. I don't get half the jokes because I am too young, and haven't had enough life experience. A horse, a horse, a kingdom for my horse I didn't get until I had read more shakespeare. Still, you have some very good stuff in those books.

  4. The reason why Google bought YouTube was that it was beating Google video, and Google now has the money to buy what it can't beat. I doubt Google will change YouTube hugely as YouTube how it is seems to be very successful (If it isn't broke, don't break it). I am happy with the change over, having said that, I don't use YouTube much anyway, when I go there, most of the time it is because I am directed by one of my friends to a specific video.

  5. I have been looking at MP3 players recently as I am buying one for my sister. Ipods seemed a lot more expensive for what you got compared to the Zen, which leads me to suspect you are paying for the brand as well as the hardware :)

    At least the iPod has the clickwheel which means you can easily scroll through thousands of songs or whatever else you have.

    IPOD was sewed by Creative for stealing their design :)

    Although having said that, apparently the Creative joystick is quite hard to get the hang of.

  6. I am happy with the old 95 GUI. Does what I want, and faster than the XP GUI. The Vista GUI is said to be such a resource hog that I doubt I will even bother trying to run it. (Not that my computer can run Vista anyway :) )I am getting annoyed that OS seem to be getting steeper and steeper in their system requirements. Sure, if I made an effort and spend a load of money keeping my computer upgraded, it would run fine. But I don't have loads of money, and and I happy with my machine at present (Apart from the fact that there are a few games I want to play but can't. But that can wait a few years).

  7. The only thing I use in XP that isn't in 2000 is the plug-in and play. I turned the fancy interface off, as my computer ran faster without it. XP is more stable than 2000 (In my opinion), but uses much more system resources.

    many features of Xp is make us easy and comfort

    I haven't found any difference in in ease or comfort between XP and 2000

  8. I looked it up... They made it a "dwarf planet" because its oblong rotation around the sun. "planets" have to revole around the sun in a exact circle but pluto was revolving in an oval.

    I though all planets revolved around the sun in a oval. :)

    Anyway, I am not that bothered about some scientists deciding to remove a planet, as it won't affect me in the slightest, also if they decided it was to remain a planet, we would have hundreds more so call planets.

  9. America seems to be forgetting that the one country in the world that has ever used a nuke against another country is itself, so I cannot see how it can tell other countries it cannot have them. :) I don't mind North Korea having nukes, as we have so many in the world anyway that it isn't going to make much difference, but like the above poster, I cannot understand why the difference in policy between North Korea and Iran.

  10. When I tired going to the provided link, all I got was a page of HTML/CSS

    Like this

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <style type="text/css">
    body,td,th {
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    body {
    background-color: #000000;
    a {
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #CBB68B;
    a:link {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #FFFFFF;

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