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Posts posted by Yacoby

  1. The name in my opinion could be significantly better, it just doesn't seem to grab me as a "Wow, this book sounds great" sort of title. However at this stage in Harry Potters popularity I doubt it matters much.I am sort of moving away from the HP series, maybe I am getting a bit to old for them. I much prefer series like A Song of Ice and Fire.I suppose I will get round to reading it at some point though :lol:

  2. I really like the idea, but how many people have got this installed? I would give it a test, but I doubt I would meet anyone on the site's that I visit that I would want to talk to. There seems to be a lot of users on Google, but I don't see why anyone would want to talk to other people on Google.Ah well, if this gets big, I will give it a try.

  3. I really really really want to get Supreme Commander. I spend ages playing Total Annihilation and Total Annihilation: kingdoms years back, and I sill sometimes play it even now. Hopefully that by the time it is released, I will have a computer good enough to play it.It also has things like ships, which some RTS games (C&C :lol:) seem to be moving away from.

  4. The problem with the BMI is that bone and muscle weigh more than fat, and it doesn't take into account how much muscle you have. A study was done into the BMI and how long you live, and if you come as slightly overweight, you will live longer than someone who is "normal"I also read somewhere that the calculations in the BMI are slightly flawed somewhere, I think it is something to do with squaring something where it would have been better if it was cubed, so taller people are more likely to be overweight (Or underweight, I cannot remember)

  5. and to make my page load faster i just use a faster connection. Most webhosts now use 100mbit connections to the internet to it really doesn't matte what you use be it tables or css.

    You have to remember that some people still have dial up, and cannot switch to broadband. I was only able to get broadband 6 months ago, and only at 512Kbit/s (64kb/s). It is always worth making pages efficant as possible to save bandwidth usage.

    I use CSS as much as possible for my websites, but you cannot beat tables for displaying data in a formated way, and I doubt browsers will stop supporting it any time soon. The one advantage tables have for layout over CSS is that it is displayed much more consistently in different browsers.

  6. I don't mind text ads, but I am extreamly annoyed by pop up ads or large flashing ads. I use various ad blocking plugins for FireFox, which seem to have reduced the amount of adds I get to a minimum, although there are some sites where I allow ads to support the site.

  7. Thats crazy, its like the principal or whoever is in charge is following the rules to letter and not bending them when they should be bent. The end justified the means seems to hold true in this case, he had to be in possession of the gun to hand it in.I doubt he will remain expelled, as the media have picked it up, so it is getting a large amount of publicity.

  8. Although I haven't played Medieval Total War II, having read some of the reviews, I did expect slightly more, mainly real time navel combat. (It is really annoying me now. After 4 games, you though they could have written it in). Where as the step between Medieval total war (When I say Medieval total war, I am referring to Medieval total war 1) and Rome Total War was huge, but RTW to MTWII doesn't seem to be so large at all. Maybe it is just because it is (I think?) just built onto the Rome Total War's game engine, where as Rome Total War is a totally different game engine that Medieval Total war.I will still get Medieval Total War II, because I sooo love those games, but I am not to hyped up about it or expecting huge changes since RTW

  9. I play games every now and again, I prefer staring at programing languages, as I get a much better sense of achievement. I eat healthily, most of the time. I haven't had anything that most people consider unhealthy in a month. I walk about 2 miles every day, and spend the rest of the time sitting down. I have been called anorexic, but that stopped when they saw me eat anything put in front of me, and huge amounts of it. I just cannot seem to gain any weight.

  10. I always though that x-mas originated from when Christmas was to big to fit. Christmas in my opinion is no longer a religious festival, it is a commercial festival, and saying x-mas just seems to make it even more commercial. This may be due to the fact that shops mainly seem to use x-mas (at least where I live).

  11. I haven't played much of the more recent ones, but I do really like Grand theft auto 2, mainly as it is a top down shooter, and I have urges to go and play platform or top down shooters or drivers every now and again. It doesn't help that my computer isn't powerful enough to run the more recent games.

  12. I think we definitely landed, although I don't really see the point in the moon base, as current technology doesn't make it very affordable.One comment I have heard about NASA is that all the innovation is gone. Back when space flight was in its infancy, the technicians working at NASA were innovative, they had to be, else America would never have got into space. Now the people working at NASA are not nearly as innovative, so they are still using the methods of getting into space as 50 years ago.

  13. Wow, that was pretty creative. I have seen this a while ago over a another forum. I had a look around, and couldn't find the compas logo anywhere, so I don't know what browser that is from. I have never seen it before *shrug*@kylelnsnHave you considered holding shift, or putting something heavy on shift?

  14. I tried out your two tutorials, and they seem to work fine, and gives windows a nicer GUI. However I will most likely uninstall is as soon as I start running resource heavy applications (I really only run text editors and browsers at present), due to having to activate the themes service to make it work. The themes service if I recall correctly requires about 12MB of RAM, which is quite a lot on a system with only 256Mb of RAM running windows XP.Good work on the tutorials anyway, keep them coming :)

  15. First I would make sure that I got a million pounds, not dollars, as there is a big difference between the currency. Then I would probably buy a boat, and a new computer. I would invest the rest of the money in something that will make me more money. (Stocks and shares etc).It is said that making the first million is the hardest, so it shouldn't be to hard to make another couple. At that point, I would stop, and relax for the rest of my life. :)

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