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Everything posted by richierich1m

  1. believe me dude you're completely in love ,remember one thing relationships with girls are bond to be complicated we have to make them staright ,though she's not interested now,yet stay with her as a friend ,be a good friend and keep trying to understand her ,after sometime when she'll be ready you'll have the most chance to be her soul mate ,but if she takes too much time or is really not in to you ,you need to find a new girl ,it'll be a good descision in the long run.best of luck
  2. Islamic people are no different than people of any other religion ,every religion have good as well as bad people,though i am not muslim but i have many muslim friends ,so i could say that they are also normal people like us,as for the bad part i'll say didn't christian churches burned some people alive years ago,but that doesn't mean every christian was bad ,you might have read the coran but do you know that coran was the orignal one not the one translated by a non-islamic.i agree that there is too much voilence going due to islamic people but that would be more and more increased ,because of the way we are dealing,if they kill 5 ,we kill 10 then whats the difference b/w the terrorists and the good.The only philosophy which will ensure that we all win is to use mahatma gandhiji's policy,create compassion for the attackers ,help them solve their economic problems so no teenage goes to become a terrorist because of poverty,try to create economic equality between the first world and third world countries,i know it sound dumb,but i feel this is the only guaranteed way of keeping peace in the world.though it would take a lot of paitence earlier
  3. i think the best thing you could do is simply keep in touch with your friend on phone end meet together have fun,don't try to sove your mom's matter.adults have many other complication which you may not know completely let them solve there own problem it will be good for both you and your mom
  4. google closes your account on many terms like ckicking your ad's,making your friends <- snipped -> (yes they can track the suspicious behaviour of the visitor) placing ad's where login is required,showing signs like click here or please support sort of text,or any other text that diverts or manipulates the user to <- snipped -> 's ,and many other rulesbut if your account gets suspended i advise simply accept the mistake(even if you have not done any)and they do start your account this thing has happened to some of my friends and please read the tos completely to avoid any problems ,that's it
  5. well finding this site was the best thing that happened ,i tried many free hosting but all of them were simply tricks to get their advertise published for free while when i cam to trap i checked lots of reviews ,and signed up here and i am not regretting that descision.its tjhe best free hosting you can get,one can say it gives young enterpreneurs a boost .i would also like to say that in this forum you get the hosting credits easily and even earning them is fun because of this friendly forum . i recommend Xisto to all my friends.its cool
  6. let me tell you guys how we can make our school full of fun ,i am currently in college but believe me i enjoyed my school days a lot ,there are lot of thinks that help you stay cool with schoolfirst you should have a lot of friends ,good friends with whom you can share your laugh,enjoy your school days,do assignments togethersecond being in your school sports help ,i had my sports session usually all days after school ,where we played to our hearts content ,we enjoyed those plays that it didn't matter who wins but playing itself was fun AND THE MOST IMPORTANTget a girlfriend and you'll be enjoying the school more than anything else .and try to stay somewhat good in studies ,your marks would be a motivating factor(this one may be i didn't have )thats all guys i am sure if you get the above three things ,you'll want to go school even on sundays :Plet everyone share on how to make school fun
  7. whoa i never knew schools have drugs,alcohol or guns ,the country where i live we don't have any such things ,sometime a minor fights thats all
  8. Money : Free Money Making From Google Adsense Important Tips And Tricks That Work- A Deep Article Statuatory warning : This is a lenghty article, WHAT IS GOOGLE ADSENSE? GOOGLE ADSENSE is something that can make our one million dollar target come true its basically a program initiated by google Google AdSense is the program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website?with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources. AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your site/blog and your site/blog content. And when you add a Google search box to your site, AdSense delivers relevant text ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors' search request. HOW DOES GOOGLE ADSENSE WORK? Its works like our T.V. commercial ,those who have money and want to advertise give some advertise on the tv channels While here those business or sites which want to publicise asks google to publish there ad's and get them some clicks on their site by advertising on sites or blogs revelant to their asked keywords or the site they choose. while the publishers ,those who want to earn some money from their traffic put the ad's given by google and earn by the number of clicks on the add's and by page impression for some add's. IS GOOGLE ADSENSE WORTH JOINING ? Definately google adsense are worth joining because its a place you can earn without any investment .this program works best for novice as well as advanced users,for site with one visitor daily and for site with millions of page views daily. though many bloggers criticise adsense for various reasons like 100$ mark,closing account w/o giving reason etc. but yet the program is best for displaying ad's on your site GETTING STARTED Well u can get this info from google adsense site itself. HOW TO INCREASE GOOGLE ADSENSE REVENUE FOR YOUR SITE ? PLACING AD'S Though i will give you some formatts that work really good but the best rule is to try different add's and compare them from the results you get Make boundaries of your ad's invisible - it will help you blend your ad's to your site which will increase the chances of the add's to be clicked Baground of your ad's - blend even those to your site backgroud Text of your ad - really a gray area some say it should be of a different colour from your site's text colour ,some say it should get same as your text colour on your site so it doesn't look like an add and there are more chances for the reader to click your ad's. Dont put too many add's on top -yup you heard me right, the reason is a unique one,place one or two add on the top not much because it detoriates your readers experience,i have seen many sites that put up so many adds on top that when you go on their site except the title rest everything is ad's and you have to scroll down to read the content .if you want to maintain your reader's you also have to give some consideration to them ,dont make your site look that you are forcing them to click on your site , let them click if they are genuinely interested,but do keep add's where they could see easily. Avoid vertical skyscrappers : though these ad's are large, my personal experience suggest that vertical skyscrappers doesn't work well because in these the user cant read the ad in one look he has to move left again to read the next line this may make him stop reading the ad . Horizontal ad's like horizontal leaderboard are highly recommended Try to place ad's in the post it works good - ad's in most get more visibility from readers Ad's below post - these ad's work great because in these as the reader finish reading he might read ad's in which s/he is genuinely interested. Use site flavour search - while placing google search pages be sure that while generating the code customize it to be site flavoure it does help. Choose referral relevant to your content : while choosing the referral choose the one that matches your content to attract particular type of readers(if referrals dont match directly to your site content try something that meets even remotely) Well i am sure this tips will help you increase your click through rates click (no of clicks per thousand impression)(well my ctr was 4.58 yesterday today its 8.82,but these do keep on changing) Imp note : Keep doing inventry for your ad's with channels ,it helps a lot THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS NEEDED FOR GOOGLE ADSENSE TRAFFIC,TRAFFIC,TRAFFIC Even if you keep the best ad's in the world it wont be useful if there's no one to click them. increasing traffic is the most important thing to consider THINGS TO AVOID WHILE USING ADSENSE Dont click yourself on your own ad's Dont republish your blog lot of time a day Use google adsense preview tool to preview your site Dont even tell your friends to <- snipped -> 's on your sites ,google can track it by the behaviour of those who <- snipped -> 's Dont place ad's on pages with no content Dont write texts to intentionally pursue readers to your ad's Dont edit the google code If you follow these rules I am sure your account wont be terminated Best of luck to everyone Hope you enjoyed reading the article, for any doubts or suggestions feel free to comment. (this article was written by me in my blog some time ago hope you like it) the link below is to my own blog thank you Notice from BuffaloHELP: Copied http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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