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Everything posted by dexter

  1. I've been amazed how short-sighted people are to think that the whole war in Iraq is over oil. Quite sad, really. Saddam was originally set up as a puppet dictator years ago, and he didn't turn out to be quite the puppet they expected.So the Gulf War ensued... and... the UN decided that he should be left in charge of Iraq on several conditions... (the UN are fools, seriously... if I went and invaded my neighbours house, and killed several in combat ... I'd most likely be put in jail if caught, yet they put Saddam back in charge of a country... wtf?)... anyway, the whole deal in Iraq (I like to call it the second Gulf War) is just a repeat of the first... only this time, they did away with Saddam, exactly what should have been done in the first place.Anyway, as for the whole war sucks thing, yes, I agree, it does, but sometimes it just has to happen...And stealth, I'm glad some people choose to fight, else there would be enlistment. Hating soldiers for a decision their government made is not entirely fair.edit: I look forward to seeing the new democratic government in Iraq later in January... hopefully no fool insurgents go and ruin the election so the US can go on and get out of there.
  2. Pfff... I've just seen that you're using Mandrake 10... apache, php and mysql are on the disks... just use the installing to install them... make sure you have the php extensions for apache installed to... been there, done that, and it works fine.
  3. Punk and Hardcore mostly, stuff like AFI, Pennywise, Sick of it all, etc.. that, and a bit of metal, especially 80's metal... Maiden and Priest... Lately, though, I've been developing a thing for trance...
  4. Firefox is absolutely awesome... it took a few months for me to totally migrate over after the initial installation, but now I use it entirely... well, except for accessing windows update... *drool* Tab-browsing...
  5. The best way to install rpms is to use the command 'urpmi <rpm file>'... that will install most rpms without a hassle... I really couldn't help you without more information... You can see more info about urpmi via the manual... 'man urpmi'...Hope that helps...
  6. Pffft... you're never going to find two experts who agree... Java and C# are very similar to C++, in that they're both derivations of and both contain OO (object-orientated) aspects... I don't know VB well, but I think it may as well... basically, what I'm trying to say is that although some see C as a better starting language because its the base to all of them, others see C++ as a better starting language because OO is introduced almost immediately (and thereby, easier to shift to other common languages like Java and C# which also use OO)......basically look at both sides and choose what you feel will suit you best...
  7. And POP3 is useful because...? It entirely defeats the purpose of gmail... a huge amount of storage where you never need to delete anything... if you're downloading it to your computer, it's no longer in your inbox... so, POP3 is really no bonus.
  8. I played Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 for a while when I was younger, but I've never been able to find any online games that've interested me (except Achaea, but that's another barrel of fish)... usually, I either want to be a total anti-social and just play games, or go and play games with people at a LAN party... online just doesn't interest me...
  9. Yeah, none of this accidentally clicking on the giant ads that take up most of the space with hotmail... I even have a look at the ads in gmail 'cause they're often applicable to what I'm currently thinking about...Someone offered me a gmail account about 6 months ago, and I nearly turned them down... thank God I didn't. It loads faster, I can search it, I can organise my folders, automatically forward, etc... etc... if there's a feature not there, I can request it, and if they like the idea, they'll add it... Gmail wins hands down...
  10. 3 boxes... WinXP sp1 on the first, Mandrake 10.0 on another, and win98 on the last (I removed linux off it after spending days trying to get wine to work... ). And this instability business is nonesense. I personally think that XP is the most stable OS I've used so far... I've been running it for weeks so far without any crashes, using it for 12+ hours a day for both games and work... and Mandrake is also very stable... just doesn't do all the things I want it to... (like a nice programming IDE (, or playing games...) And a note on development issues... if you're going to develop software for windows, using MFC and such... you're going to want to use a windows OS and test it in windows, not linux... so it doesn't make you any less of a developer if that's your choice... there -are some things- you just can't do in linux.
  11. No, I got an error as well (from Australia). And having a 2mb file as part of the front page isn't a good idea. For instance, if a page takes much longer than 20 seconds to load, I'll close it without another thought (unless I'm really desperate for what's inside)... ... so less is more.And china blocking sites...? Does that go on a lot?
  12. #include <fstream>using std::fstream;using std::ios;That's out of a file I've got that's using fstream, in dev-c++ and it's definately working... using std::ifstream or using std::ofstream if you're using either of those instead, though... should have no problems...
  13. I got a new nokia 3120 the other day, and I thought... cool, I can upload stuff to my phone from my pc... unfortunately I feel that $70 AUD (about $55 USD, and apparently it was on sale, from $105 AUD) is waaay overpriced... Is it just Australia or are they this expensive elsewhere, and do you feel that this is too much for a cable?
  14. You're not going to get a lot, if any, programs with trials...Mandrake or Redhat would be your best bets... I use Mandrake 10, it comes with loads of apps for most things you need to do. I'm told redhat is also good.And I have run Mandrake as a dual boot system with XP, so I know it works... you'll need to make sure that ACPI settings in the bios are off for it to work, though...
  15. I see what you mean.... when I thought "every day language", I started thinking of C++ being compared as being like VB... (my brain it burns at the thought... )With the amount of C code out there, though, I really need to get around and actually learn what half of it does... as much as C++ is supposed to be born and bred from C, they still look soooo different.
  16. Honestly, like anyway, I am biased... I personally feel that C/C++ would be a better starting ground for learning programming. You did say TI calculators, so I assume you're experienced in the TI-BASIC that's able to be written on the calculators, so just about any language will be a big step from that, both in syntax and complexity. (I was one hardcore TI-BASIC programmer too... ) Basically, you're never going to find an "easy" language to program in, simply beacuse programming languages are merely an attempt to communicate with a machine that understands 0s and 1s in a way that humans can still understand... though, high-level languages haven't done too bad a job at that... If you want flexibility in the future, you'd really be better off learning C/C++. Mainly because: A. They're the most popular.... and... B. There are far more resources available, both in terms of learning and in terms of tools for programming in. Here (the best site) and here both have excellent resources for learning a language, no matter the choice you make. If you do decide to go ahead with C++, and don't want to pay money for software, Dev-C++ is an excellent tool for programming in C++, and comes with everything you'll need to get started. This is made by bloodshed and you can find this at this site. Good luck. EDIT: Another thing... if you're interested in using it for gaming, C++ is a definate... mainly because that's what a huge proportion of the big games are actually written in. NWN even allows you to use C++ for creating new modules, I understand... ... haven't gotten around to looking at that yet, though.
  17. Erm... try #include <fstream>... I'm using it in a program right now... ... and I might extend the test a little more, too, then I'll post back on it... (it's only got the basic function right now... no sorting, just pushing and popping front and back... I wrote it to take C++ style strings 'cause the templates didn't like me using the string type with the STL library.)
  18. AVG is the best anti-virus I've ever seen in my life... doesn't eat resources and crash all the time like I've found other scanners do... it picks up viruses that even Norton's misses... ... (I was testing it whilst I had Norton's and discovered that Norton was missing stuff ) And don't be fooled by the free... they make their money from business, not the average user... AVG Anti-Virus
  19. Now the thing about size is a result of all the extra information the program needs to work in with your OS... if you have a peek at the object code with the source still left in, you'll see that the code you wrote only takes up a small amount of space... so, once you write bigger programs, the size isn't going to increase by all that much.Also, another problem could be is that you've got debugging info left inside... that also will make the executable a lot bigger...Dev-C++ uses a gcc compiler, one that most linux distros also use. If it was a bad compiler, then most likely, it wouldn't get packaged with the linux distros... besides, Microsofts compiler doesn't even conform to the ANSI/ISO standards... ;)EDIT: I was testing speed ratings of a program the other day... and using dev-C++ my program was running faster than with one compiled under MSVC++... testing a doubly linked list class I wrote.
  20. Yes, Dev-C++ is an IDE and it comes with an excellent compiler... one that most Linux distro's use too. I use it all the time and really haven't had any real issues with it.
  21. A book I'd recommend for sure is C++: How to Program by Deitel & Deitel. Excellent guide to learning how to do most things in C++. Also, it contains incredible amounts of function references. Excellent if you're willing to fork out the cash... (I've got it 'cause I had to have it for uni) Otherwise if you're not willing to pay ... Computer Books ... there's an incredible amount of resources here. There are some good online books here too. Google is also a great resource for finding out information... And... (even though they don't fully conform to the ISO standard) Micro$oft's MSDN has excellent information... not that good for learning, though, better for function references.
  22. Someone said C++ is just an everyday language. That's not actually true. C++ is an extension of C, and it's biggest addition is object orientation... that does not mean that C++ is not a systems language. I think you'll find that the reason why most system programming is done in C is because there's still a lot of old-school programmers who just can't get their heads around the object-orientation paradigm. For instance, I see "C++ programmers" still using C's printf() and other formatting functions and claim that it is superior to C++ iostream classes. With a bit of work, C++'s standard I/O can be used far more effectively than C's standard I/O... IMO.Yet, that said, I'd still not say that C is worthless, quite the opposite, actually. It still has its uses just as every language does.
  23. Linux and Unix really isn't all that different when using command line... you get yourself a book on UNIX administration, and you can guarantee that most things in it -will- work on most Linux systems... though the layout of files will differ from system to system.It's really when you start getting into the GUI desktop environments, then it starts getting different, like GNOME or KDE...
  24. The question is, do the electicity companies -want- this change to happen. It seems like it'll be just like all the promises of more efficient cars, and cars that don't even require petrol... you hear about them for a while, and then never hear another word.It doesn't matter how good it is for society, the big companies' profit seems to always prevail.
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