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Posts posted by dexter

  1. My introduction to Linux was through Mandrake 10. Not bad, very bloated, difficult to configure (IMO).I was pondering about my dilemna with Linux the other day and thought, "Hell, my old P2 wants to grow arms and legs, so it can pin me to the floor and bash me for installing Mandrake on it. Maybe I'll try out another OS...". So, I downloaded Debian. Seemed a good choice. Since Mandrake seemingly has a lot of Red Hat stuff in it, I thought something totally different would be interesting.Anyway, I finished some of the downloads a while ago, and started installing Debian. Basic, no-frills installer. Nice. No driver issues. Nice. Easy config. NO BLOAT! Nice... now to installing packages. This is where Debian thoroughly beat Mandrake to pulp: APT. I cannot believe how ugly and disgustingly awful RPM is, especially not after using APT. (Until today, I'd thought that all those people who said apt owned rpm were just the anti-rpm fanatics. Not so).So, after all that ranting, is it just me that's found Debian really nice and easy to use?

  2. I thought it was an excellent example of how user-friendly Linux can be for an average user. I tried it out a little, looks nice, but my top end PC is for gaming and windows programming, so, it's really not useful there, and my bottom end computers can't even run Knoppix, so, again not useful. One problem I did have, though, was when I tried to show it off on someone else's system, and Knoppix refused to even boot in (it'd boot, but it'd just freeze part-way through the load). :blink:Anyway, good stuff.By the way, ivanc, good work with the copy and pasting there... I'm sure that took a lot of effort and thought. :angry:

  3. I can't see it being an accidental thing, as if it were, without casting it, the compiler would complain.So, if you did cast it... like int x = (int)"777"; then it wouldn't be caught because it wouldn't fail. It wouldn't be correct, but it definately wouldn't fail...I'm still trying to fathom the need for crossing types in this case... if you want to assign a the value in a string to an int, you'd just use atoi().I'm really interested to see why this is necessary. More details would be nice.

  4. Well since dayOfWeek is now a new type, to be able to make day = 1 work, you actually have to use,

    day = (dayOfWeek)1;

    The question that begs to be asked is "Why?". Enums are there to make your life easier, in both writing and maintaining the code (meaning you don't have to remember exact values, just names... much easier.

    But basically, they are just like declaring some constants and using them with an integer...

    const monday = 1;const tuesday = 2;const wednesday = 3;int main(){  int day = monday;  if(day == monday)  {        ....

    You get the picture... using enums is just a simpler way of doing that.

    Also, I might mention that enums start at 0 usually by default, but you can change that by declaring... (in this case), enum dayOfWeek {monday = 1, tuesday, wednesday };

    Hope that answers your question.

  5. Even if it were 200mb it'd still be awesome. Here's why.1. The ability to automate certain e-mails going to certain folders, or to be forwarded, archived, etc.2. The ability to search one's inbox is unparalled. (All the other's irritate me because I can never find the e-mail's I'm after.3. Lightweight graphics. Means it loads fast no matter how fast your internet connection is. (MSN still loads slow on my broadband).4. No giant ads filling the pages, instead, the small amount of advertising is actually related to what you're talking about in your e-mail (they're just google adsense ads, you'd notice that they're not very obtrusive either).5. Unlike some sites that offer large e-mail inboxes (that excludes yahoo and hotmail, though), you know that they'll still be there day after day.I've got 50 invites... just let me know if you want one.

  6. I tried downloading a java game (Might & Magic) the other day from this site blueskyfrog.com. I went through the process, go to game, select your phone model... yes phone is compatible, buy game. Anyway, I got an "invalid link error" when I got the service message and tried to download.

    I sent a support request two weeks ago, and never got a response. I sent them a second e-mail message 2 days ago saying they were theives, and got a fairly prompt response telling me my phone was incompatible with Java games...

    Hi,The nokia 3120 is not a compatible handset with JAVA games.
    It is not listed on the website there for that's is why it says invalid

    Best Regards
    Helen Arvanitopoulos
    BlueSkyFrog http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Anyway, I go back to the site and the 3120 mobile is off the list of mobile phones on the website... wtf?

    The question: Is this woman lying, or what? And has anyone else successfully used the game Might & Magic on this particular model?

  7. Mmmmm.... donuts. My all time favourites. If I see donuts, or mars bars... that it. I'm eating one or the other before you can say, "Mmmmmm... donuts..." *insert Homer-like drooling*Add pounds to the waist-line...? I think not. Those articles really avoid the fact that people don't eat in moderation. If you eat crap-loads of bread, then you will gain weight (if you're so pre-disposed, anyway, I could eat as much food as I want and never gain a pound).

  8. The B part.. that's called original sin I believe. So when you are born, you already have sinned. It's true in the religion of Christianity and probably a few others too.


    The most appalling thing I've ever heard a "Christian" say is, "if you don't follow the word of God, I hope you go to Hell." Quoted directly from a certain elder person from my school. We were on the topic of some of the odd things in the Bible and she was set off her rocker. I was very shocked to say the least..


    That's such a strange thing for someone to say, considering it goes against everything Christianity is for... :D

  9. Your own head is most secure. I have a system for passwords depending on importance. If it is just something I don't care about, it has a very simple password, whereas if it's more important I have a more difficult password. And if it really needs to be secure, I have a single password for that place only.It just keeps the number of passwords I need to remember down.

  10. compiler software is written in the most basic programming language.  All your C/C++, Visual Basic, etc. are called HIGH LEVEL programming languages.  The most basic programming language is a LOW LEVEL programming language called Assembly.  This language is as close to machine language as it gets.  The compiler basically translates high level programming languages into machine language.


    I've written some programs using assembly to program a processor to perform automated and controlled tasks.  It's not that difficult but you have to control every aspect of the processor.


    Right... but not really the answer...


    Actually, today's compilers are written in high-level languages. The orginal compilers, though, that was another matter. Before our first high-level languages, and before assembly... there was machine code.


    Machine code was used originally for programming, and it was all done via 0110101010... etc. Assembly language was then thought of, and using machine code, our first assemblers were written (an assembly translates assembly into machine code).


    Eventually, after using assembly for some time, a work on a new language, FORTRAN, began. And a compiler for this language was written in assembly (this took an incredible amount of time... several man-years of work, if I recall correctly).


    And as I understand, that compiler was used to write other, better compilers, and so on and so forth. So, even though this C compiler was not written in machine or assembly code, it still relies on the original compilers and assemblers for it's existance.


    That's the basic idea behind how it all works and came about.



    Linux started it's X System after the patent ended!




    So what if windows used GUI system? Copying an idea is not an issue (if you haven't noticed there's multiple programs for any type of job you want to do), it's not like he stole the source and made one or two modifications and said it was his own.


    Most linux programs are just copies of other programs, be they for pc or mac... they just have different source code.


    If it wasn't for that you wouldn't have any choice about what software you use... there'd be only one compiler for each language, one IDE, one browser, one everything (otherwise it's theft... *rolls eyes* ).


    And no matter what you say about Bill Gates now... the fact is, he was part of making computers more user friendly... at that point, computers were still a "fad" that people would get over fast enough.

  12. This is old news, but when I was searching about deaths caused from overplaying of computer games, I got thinking about the blame that's beginning to be put upon the makers of games for other people's behaviour...Now, I understand that its violent, but so are books and movies... so why is everyone kicking up such a fuss about games...?Question is, is it just me... or I am the only one that doesn't get homocidal after playing GTA...? (except for that urge I get to jump on turtles and throw them at other people, crawl down pipes and throw fireballs, oh, and fly around with a raccoon suit...) And is it fair to blame the makers for other people's actions...?There's always been psychotic people who've tried to blame other things for actions... why are computer games becoming a real way out...?That said, I've started to have to think about which side of the road I have to drive on after playing GTA... :rolleyes: (we drive on the left in Australia)

  13. Ah, I understand what you mean, but I was referring to the small amount of time... I mean... hospitalised after 15 hours, wimps... they should be able to get at least 24 hours... pfff...

    Though, I'm rather intruiged in the -how- of the Diablo kid's death... was it dehydration...? The spasmodic twitching that sets in after 25 hours...? Or what?

    Here's a lad that died: Hong Kong Diablo Death

  14. I right now kinda still stand for "Games ARE NOT a waste of time" but, after reading the newspaper (I'm only 14, ok?), a 16 yr old played for 15 hrs straight and was sent to the hospital, 3-4 years ago, two teens played DIABLO II for 26 hrs straight, one died because of the game; but seriously, who's that stupid?


    Only 15 hours...? What is this world coming to...? :rolleyes:


    Yeah, I like games, and it's my form of entertainment... so what if it's a waste of time, isn't any entertainment a waste of time anyway?

  15. The U.S. will go into an extreme civil war if Bush is re-elected.


    Civil war... what civil war...?


    have you seen 'farenheit 911'?? it talks about bush being FRIENDS with the bin-ladens!!!! what do you think of that.  it also talks about bush bombing iraq just because he could! who wants a president like that?!?!

    im glad i live in canada  lmao


    Farenheit 9/11 was all hype. Besides... the bin-ladens are an extremely wealthy family, it would stand to reason that the Bush family would know them, and even if they are/wer friends... just because one bin-laden is a terrorist, doesn't make all bin-ladens terrorists. And the same goes for muslims...
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