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Posts posted by dexter

  1. I wouldn't say that the Bombers or the Lions have been a surprise. The Lions have had their run, it's time for someone else. The same deal with the Bombers. Problem with the Bombers, though, is that in the last two years is that some of their best players ended up on other teams (Caracella is one off the top of my head). Plus, the better, more experienced players that they still have are getting older, and there hasn't been any fantastic rookies to fill those gaps.Either way, I'm still rooting for the Bombers. -_-

  2. My favourite resource is Google... :o

    Actually, believe it or not, I don't mind the MSDN. I've got it on my system, and it's not overly bad. That and the man pages on *NIX systems. I originally thought they sucked, but now they are teh awesome (prolly cause they make sense now).

    Computer E-books

    This site has got some great programming resources for anything, though. I need to set up a little script to pull everything I can from that site.

  3. Another thing. I must've been on drugs when I said don't nest the ifs. If it's formatted right, it does look much nicer. I've just been modifying my server to be an object, and I've broken socket() and check, setsockopt() and check, bind() and check, etc.. into small functions. Only small functions, but it get rid of all the nasty fail checking in the main calling function (actually, they're all placed into another startup function, too). The point was, nest away if you feel like it, it doesn't really matter either way.One last thing... have you had any results? There's been so many questions, but no actual response to see if anything we've said actually helped. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to get a bit of feedback.

  4. This is the part where I had problems compiling:


    struct sockaddr_in address2;int addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);int newSocket = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address2, &addrlen);

    For some reason, it didn't like the variables being declared at that point in the code.


    Instead, I had


    int main(){  ... // initial variable declarations at beginning  int addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);  struct sockaddr_in address2;  int newSocket;  ... // some code...  accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address2, &addrlen);  ... // some more code  return(0);}

    Another thing you should always do (at least, it's recommended, anyway), is to zero out the rest of the sockaddr_in struct.


    struct sockaddr_in address;address.sin_family = AF_INET;address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;address.sin_port = htons(9001);memset(&(address.sin_zero), '\0', 8);

    Last of all, if your server is shutdown, and you try to start it again, you'll often have problems binding again.


    And lastly, remember to use the

     tags for your code.

  5. I had to move some of the variables out of your inner if/else statements to declare them at the beginning to get it to compile. It seems odd. The code seems correct (I've done server building before, so you've got all the headers, and all the function calls should work).Maybe instead of nesting the if/else just call function, test for error, exit(1) upon errors, otherwise continue.And you could always try using perror() to display error messages. I've always found it to be more useful than printing what I think has gone wrong. Anyway, tell us how you go.

  6. i've always bought AMD just because its been cheaper, but the next cpu i'm buying is going to be a pentium. for games when they first start up you'll see "Works best with Nvidia"  or "Runs best on Pentium IV" and i'm starting to see why.


    The only reason that comes up is because they've either used certain aspects of the Nvidia chipset that allow better performance or in the case of processors, the app has been compiled for the pentium. You'll find the performance as a result of that minimal. Add to the fact


    I know of hundreds of people who run computer repair shops, computer store or other computer related endeavors and have no clue what they are doing/talking about.


    Damn straight.



    In the heat department, AMD Athlon XPs run at about 60 C, whereas the AMD64 run at 50C, a hell of a lot cooler if you ask me. It looks like they managed to get the temperature right with their 64 chips. Also, if you're buying a notebook, you'd want to get an AMD64 as its less hungry on the power.


    Unless Intel gets their act together and starts making competitive processors, I'll never buy another Intel CPU again.

  7. It's teh awesome. Just downloaded the demo... it wasn't very big, -but-, it looks cool. The control system is somewhat simplified so as to be distributable on console systems (imagine trying to play with Jedi Knight DFII/Outcast/Academy control-type layout on a console :blink: ) Apart from the cosolofication of the game, it looks nice. Oh, and it's got the ability to have two players on the same keyboard, and to have the 2nd player able to drop in and out.May the force be with you all.

  8. Yeah, they *BLEEP* when you charge to them, and don't pay back by the end of the interest-free period. But if you manage a credit card correctly, you can end up doing better. e.g. Having you hard cash in the bank collecting interest longer (although, banks pay woefully)or,Being a part of the "reward" systems where you get so many points for every dollar that you spend.

  9. Since the thread has already gone down this road.... using P2P networks or other clients for bittorrent does -not- equal piracy, or even illegal activities. While it can be used for those purposes, it doesn't mean that everyone who uses them, uses them for those purposes.Secondly, downloading TV rips is not illegal. That was settled in court over a decade ago when the first video tape recorders came out, and people started recording tv shows and movies. Have a good look into it if you will. And if you are absolutely terrified of all the lawsuits, get a program like Peer Guardian that blocks known agressive IPs that are associated with malware, trojans, ads, and such... that, or move to Canada (Australia now *BLEEP* in that department since the free trade agreement).

  10. Yeah, like Mizako, I'd highly recommend following the tutorials in the MySQL documentation. The thing is, with SQL, the language usage varies quite a bit from DBMS to DBMS, so reading the documentation of the actual system you are going to use would be very benificial (plus the fact that MySQL has great developer resources).

  11. In the case of Xisto and a lot of web pages, "lite" refers to a lightweight version of the page. That is, a page that doesn't have as many graphics and such to download, allowing the pages to load faster.

    And in regards to the "bie" suffix of newbie and freebie, as I see it, it doesn't really have a meaning. Although, here is one thing I found concerning a similar slang word, "slowbie".

    slowbiecontext and source: 'Don't be such a slowbie.' (conversation with suitemate, week of 11/24, 2003)
    apparent meaning: a person that isn't very fast, especially when it comes to reaction time in computer and video games. Again, my suitemate was in a technological lingo mode when I was talking to him. This time I was playing a game with him, and he was commenting on my speed and reaction time in the game and how it was slowing him down. Like the word 'newbie', 'slowbie' is a product of a technological lingo type of speech, where the suffix 'bie' can be added to any number words to form 'techie' terms. I've also heard this term used to describe procrastinators.
    type of word formation: zero derivation 'slow' (not very fast) + 'bie' (N)
    dictionary entry: slowbie, n. A person with slow reaction time and or procrastinator, especially in computer games ('stop being a slowbie, you newbie!') [new zero derivation; arising from 'slow' + 'bie']

  12. None of the above? :) Well, I do work on both. I prefer things to be cross compatible. So most is targeted for both Linux and Windows (has to be able to work on all my machines). My current big development project is a server, so it's meant to be compatible with both windows and linux. Though, it's pretty hard to do that, considering you've got, sockets in Linux, winsocks in Windows. And the multithreading is different between Windows and Linux. With all that, I'm ending up with heaps of #ifdef _WIN32... etc.And yeah, .NET is just Microsoft's answer for Java (both of which are dogs). Actually funny story about .NET is that the reason a new C++ compiler (MSVC++ 7.0) is being released is because too many of Microsoft's developers (both in-house and out) complained about the dog that was MSVC .NET (C# orientated).

  13. What is all this for anyway?

    Anyway, a few tips before I start. You're using C++, so actually -use- C++.

    #include <iostream> as opposed to #include <iostream.h>

    The first is the C++ header, the second is the C header... use the first...

    #include <string> - C++ style strings
    #include <cstring> - Functions for C style strings (aka char*)

    Again, use the C++ style.

    A lot of other headers are slightly different in C++ than C...

    e.g. <math.h> is <cmath>
    <stdlib.h> is <cstdlib>

    Okay, on to the testing.

    I'm not going to give you the function, you'll need to work out that yourself, but I'll explain briefly about filestreams. These classes are included in the <fstream> header. You'll most likely need to add after your header declarations:

    using std::ifstream;using std::ofstream;

    if you don't have

    using namespace std;

    There are three types of filestreams: ifstream, ofstream and fstream.

    ifstream is for extracting data from files only.
    ofstream is for outputting data to files only.
    fstream is a two way interface for files.

    Now, whenever you want to use a filestream, you need to declare it first.

    // fin and fout are used because filestreams work nearly identically// to the standard I/O cin and cout (except for a few extra functions).ifstream fin;             ofstream fout;

    Then, you need to open the file. The member function is declared as:

    void open(const char *s,        ios_base::openmode mode);

    Now for the different streams, the default mode differs. Ifstreams default mode is ios::in, ofstreams default mode is ios::out, and fstreams default mode is ios::in | ios::out.

    These basically describe how the file is going to be used... input, ouptut, or both. There are other options, but you can look into them as you need to.

    Based off our original declarations, we'll open a file:

    fin.open("test.txt", ios::in);fout.open("test2.txt, ios::out);

    Ok, the question is, are they open. The fstream class provides another function for filestream called, is_open(). This function returns true if the file was opened.

    if(fin.is_open())  cout << "test.txt opened\n";else  cout << "test.txt couldn't be opened\n";if(fin.is_open())  cout << "test2.txt opened\n";else  cout << "test2.txt couldn't be opened\n";

    Another way of testing if a file could be opened is to test if the filestream has failed...

    if(fin.fail())or if(fout.fail())

    Now, when you open a file for outputting, unless something seriously goes wrong, or there's already a write protected file, the file will always be opened. This is because if the file doesn't exist, a new file is created.

    For input, on the other hand, it will fail if the file doesn't exist.

    And last of all, whenever you're done with a file make sure to close it.


    Hope that makes enough sense for you to use. If there are any details missing... use your MSDN, google, or ask here. :)

    Good luck.

  14. Also, this situation is different from people in comas waking up 10 - 15 years later and fully recovering. Terry Schiavo was supposed to be in a vegetative state, which I understood to mean that she was brain dead.But the question that has to be asked is... how on earth could she move if she was brain dead? (seen footage of her moving in her bed) Even reflexive activity is still dependent on the brain being active.

  15. Sony patents 'real life Matrix'


    Obviously the news report has been hyped up to a large extent, but this patenting is ridiculous.


    The patent - based only on a theory, not on any invention...


    I mean, how the hell can you patent a theory...? Does that mean I could go off and make a patent on something currently in development and yet not fully developed and have exclusive rights to the technology or what? And does that mean they have exclusive rights to that technology? (I think so, but then, I'm not an expert in IP law)


    Anyway, this is not a new idea. Researchers have been working on this stuff for years.

  16. Sure, I know NASM is a possible option if I'm writing pure assembly programs, but then again, some *Nix systems have NASM, whereas I'm pretty most, if not all have as.And, osknockout, I'm doing an assembly course at uni, and although the course only requires pure assembly programming (as opposed to inline), I want to be able to actually use assembly after I'm done with the course. The original reason I took it was for the sheer power that assembly gives.Anyway, if I walk away from the course with both syntax styles under my belt and the ability to use it reasonably well both inline and standalone, I fell that'll be a great asset.

  17. Actually, that first link is simple but good. I'm sure once I get the hang of it, I'll be able to pick up some of the trickier concepts. :)And yeah, the reason that I need to learn AT&T style is because I use gcc most of the time, and if I ever want to actually be able to use any assembly, I'll need to use AT&T style because there is no way in hell that I'm ever going back to the MSVC++ compiler. (I am trying hard as hell to entirely ditch Windows... but as long as I'm playing games, that ain't happening).Oh, and on the whole Delphi thing... I was digging through my uni's library for assembly texts, and Delphi and Assembly had been put together basically on the same shelves. Bizarre.

  18. But since she was basically dead for 15 years, I think it's good that she died because the her parents can finally stop pestering about putting the feeding tube back in.


    I was under the impression that it'd only been a a few weeks that she'd actually been brain dead for. Anyway, I can't really say one way or another whether it was right or not. On one hand it seems cruel to let her starve to death, yet on the other, if she was braindead, was she more than just a vegetable. It's a difficult thing to judge.


    Heh, I found this to be a -slightly- amusing take on the whole thing...


    Posted Image

  19. Pfff... they're not good.Secret of ManaSecret of EvermoreBreath of Fire 2ChronotriggerFinal Fantasy VSuper Mario World 2: Yoshi's IslandThey're good SNES games... and some of my favourites, too... *loves on SNES*How many people actually lived through the SNES era, anyway...?

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