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Posts posted by dexter

  1. OH MY GOSH!! Everyone was like waiting for the long over due release of Microsoft Windows Longhorn at the market, only to be dissapointed by this news that it is a Spyware! too bad!! Is Bill Clinton only into our money?? he has so much money on his name, what would he do with too much money anyways??


    Okay... having a major wtf moment reading that one. :unsure:



    On topic, though. I personally don't think that MS stuff is "spyware" as such. They have too much to lose if it was discovered they were taking confidential information.


    I personally do find the error reporting distasteful in a way. I have no idea what exactly is being sent. I did read what they said they sent, and even those details seemed like too much.


    That said, I have used error reporting on third party apps, and the KB has given me an answer to the problem. So it can be a good thing.


    If you're terrified of being spied on, though, don't use proprietary software. Open source means that if there was spying going on, it would be soon discovered by someone in the community.

  2. I was looking some more through the specifications and noticed a mention on the one big problem I had with the language. Garbage collection. They themselves admit that it does have it's disadvantages. These problems can make the language unuseable in certain circumstances. But then, every language has that problem.


    Garbage collection is not a panacea. There are some downsides:


        * It is not predictable when a collection gets run, so the program can arbitrarily pause.

        * The time it takes for a collection to run is not bounded. While in practice it is very quick, this cannot be guaranteed.

        * All threads other than the collector thread must be halted while the collection is in progress.

        * Garbage collectors can keep around some memory that an explicit deallocator would not. In practice, this is not much of an issue since explicit deallocators usually have memory leaks causing them to eventually use far more memory, and because explicit deallocators do not normally return deallocated memory to the operating system anyway, instead just returning it to its own internal pool.

        * Garbage collection should be implemented as a basic operating system kernel service. But since they are not, garbage collecting programs must carry around with them the garbage collection implementation. While this can be a shared DLL, it is still there.


    Just in response to what you said, Someone... :D


    So it's not from big company?                                       

    I don't understand how this can be!?                         

    D language, funny, but I don't think that people will use it. It's a big unknown to world so we don't need to expect something.                       


    I think that c++ is latest and the best language for now, until theyeate one better(borland of microsoft) everyone will use "our" c++ for applications.


    D language...You can hear everything here....I'm going to create an E language....                                                                                                                                                                       

    Pascal c++ did you hear about it?


    Borland only creates development tools to my knowledge, and Microsoft only came up with C# (VB and BASIC, I suppose in the old days)... C# essentially being a direct imitation of Java.


    C++ is definately not the latest language nor the best. While being used by a large portion of the development community, as with C, it definately does not constitute as the best.


    For instance, I've discovered that FORTRAN is used widely in universities for simulations and such on the supercomputers because of the languages high speed. Of all languages, FORTRAN is the best for high performance numerical computing. This makes it excellent for use on a system where multiple people are jostling to book time to run their progams.


    Out of interest about who came up with C and C++ From the Wikipedia:


    The C programming language is a standardized programming language developed in the early 1970s by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie for use on the UNIX operating system.


    Bell Labs' Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ (originally named "C with Classes") during the 1980s as an enhancement to the C programming language.


    I'm done... :unsure: Feel free to abuse me for any inconsistencies. :)

  3. Not so much making new libraries, but taking libraries from C++ and making them inherent parts of the language. With multiple inheritence, it is generally unused, and was most likely removed for boosting speed a little (I could be wrong about the speed part, though)My problem with the language is that it only tests it's strengths. I want to know what it's weaknesses are.Don't get me wrong though, I love digitalmars' compilers and such. I actually used their C++ one while back because it is impossible to get a 16-bit compiler anywhere else (I was playing with BIOS level programming).

  4. The name C++ was just a joke because of the '++' operator. D is simply an extension of C++. It handles certain things internally that were added as libraries to C++. For instance, the addition of actual string primitives to the language instead of the <string> class.Doesn't really seem that exciting, nor that useful to code in unless everyone started using it. A language that everyone uses is usually much better than an obscure one with a few extra benefits (and probably it's share of downfalls).

  5. Because I'm sure they all care so much about these people. Seriously. It's a publicity stunt to make themselves more popular because they "care" about the less fortunate people in the world.Anyway, half the problems in Africa are caused by the people who live there. They've been fighting in stupid clan wars for centuries. The biggest cause of poverty over in Africa is the ruthless dictatorships and wars.Secondly. People can keep dreaming about eradicating poverty in Africa, because the fact is, people want to keep the comfortable lifestyles. As soon as poverty is eradicated in Africa, those who are considered "wealthy" are no longer so wealthy. The standard of living everywhere is diminished because the standard of living in Africa has increased. People who do have the ability to help don't help at all. The UN spends a huge amount of money on contraception programs in Africa. Not on fertilizers to help rebuild the farming industry. Or well building operations.Bob Geldorf (not Rob Gendelf :unsure:) is a joke. Celebrities are a joke. Seriously. I don't see them giving all their money away to help the poor. Nope, they just tell everyone else how bad it is how everyone else ought to help those poor people...

  6. The other reason is that the majority of IPv4 addresses were assigned to North America. Countries in Asia especially are now having problems with clashing IP addresses because they were originally assigned so few.This is not a racist, or power thing, the reason it's like this is because the internet grew from being a US military project.

  7. If you want to hand-write your site, fine. But not everyone has the time to write copious amounts of HTML. Anyway. Dreamweaver is definately the pick of the crop. If you want to hand-write. It's interface for doing that is simple enough. Provides highlighting, etc, for a lot of the major web-programming languages and what-not. More features than you could point a stick at.Like people have already said, take the time to learn how to use it and it's an incredible piece of software.

  8. ffanatics, nope. You can have parentheses wherever you like, as long as you close any parentheses you open.

    The reason you get 80 is because you added 30 to it... it's no trick.

    Whenever you declare a new scope within a previous... e.g.

    int count1 = 10int count3 = 50;{  // New scope    // Declare a variable called count1 (this means that when referring     // to count1 the count1 referred to is the one in this scope, and the     // one in the outer scope is ignored    int count1 = 20;        // Because no new variable, count3 has been declared here, count3    // from the outer scope is referred to    count3 += count1;} // Close scope

    You'll notice in the example you gave, count3 is not initialized in the new scope either, so when that value is used, it refers to the first declaration of count3.

  9. Erm... actually, looking back, I made an error. The call should've been socket(), not bind(), thus the perror("socket() failed"). I even mentioned the right call in the second post I made. :P

    The value was being assigned to hd_ to keep the value of the socket that was created for the host...

    And yeah, when I use bind, I don't assign the value to anything, I just do a comparison.

    Unless VC++ has some weird mechanism to understand = equals == in parentheses :(

    Nope. Don't touch VC++ these days. Too many non-standard featurs. :P Gcc is the only way to go.

  10. I always include whatever libraries are necessary for the class/file to compile fine without depending on other custom files.

    So, anything that might need the iostream header, will have it included...

    My only thought is that you haven't included the ifndef around the classes:

    #ifndef DOG_H
    #define DOG_H

    #include <iostream>
    #include "animal.h"

    class Dog : public Animal {



    I just did a test dummy up, and it worked fine.

    This is all on a PC at school, and I'm out for the summer, so I can't include the specific code...Please post if I'm not explaining myself well enough.

    You know, it's not really that hard to bump up a test case to recreate the problem.

  11. I've had this problem on and off over the years (me just being silly, generally), so I thought I might share how to fix it. This has come up several time whilst using sockets, actually, so here's an example.

    For instance,

    if(hd_ = bind(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)  <= 0) {  perror("socket() failure");  exit(1);}

    What's the problem?

    The problem is that,


    should be encapsulated within parentheses.


    When the call is made, a comparison between the return value and the 0 is made, and the boolean value (0 or 1) is then assigned to hd_, thus causing the value 0 to be stored in hd_ every time, but at the same time, skipping the error catching code.

    So, instead:

    if((hd_ = bind(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP))  <= 0) {  perror("socket() failure");  exit(1);}

    This will then work just as it's supposed to.
    Watch yer parentheses when embedding... :P

  12. I make games with C++ and C, I've been doing so for eight years now, although eight years ago I would have never imagined what I'd be able to produce to day.  Take a 3D MMORPG with trillions of possible customizations for you character, both in look and powers that's about to double in possiblities with the next update.  And compare it to a glitchy and lagging Pacman clone. :P


    And you're referring to what exactly?

  13. Lego star wars is a stupid spin off of a stupid series. The companies think they can make more $ by combining two things. What next? Halo Pokemon?


    'Cause you didn't ever have any Lego? :P


    Lack of lego is the path to the dark side. Lack of lego leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.



  14. Strange, that -should- work out of the box, no?Anyway, I had to add glaux.lib to the linker's list of libs to include. It uses 99% CPU time. Though, I assume it's just using whatever it can get it's hands onto, if I did a lot of other things, it'd prolly drop down, with no performance loss.And with optimization, as long as you're using MFC, it ain't going to happen. Use pure API calls instead for more power. All I'd say MFC is good for is general apps, and even then I'd still rather not touch them.You'd think that since they're wrapper classes for the Win32 APIs, they'd be easier to use, too... :P

  15. They might be text, but their entire system is incredible. Large worlds with lots of players. Intense PvP for those who like that type of thing. But it's not entirely focused around PvP combat. There's a huge range of things to do. Only pay if you choose to. There's lots of characters who have done well without spending any money. IRE Games, The biggest, and best: Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands A much stricter RP atmosphere, but alright: Imperian A bit of a different twist to the others: Lusternia, Age of Ascension The worst of the lot, last resort: Aetolia, the Midnight Age

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