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Posts posted by RGPHNX

  1. Hi TimothyA,

    So now, ONE day after the guarantee expired....the HDD fried itself, the CPU blew itself to bits and the motherboard can be modified into a skateboard to give it AT LEAST a purpose. Now, I want to know why this happened EXACTLY one day after the guarantees?

    Man if you ever figure out a way to do that to EVERY computer..then..you'd be richer than Micro$oft.
    Probably just cheap parts or a "gremlin" in the machine.
    No fan..Wheeeeeeeew! That's hot death for a computer.
    Build your own..its not that hard for a reasonably bright person with the motivation.
    Good Luck :D

  2. Hi ManOfSTEEL,Like the other posters said. MCaffee & AVG should be able to remove the bloodhound virus. Relax..it's not a very harmful virus..mostly just "gunks up" the registry ..etc....so you have some time to get it off the computer.There's also a specific removal tool for it somewhere (can't remember exactly where it's at tho)..check McAffee's website or Google it.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  3. Hi godlymoose,Welcome to the Xisto forums !Yes, The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !! The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  4. Hi aminzzlink,Yes, Xisto is one of the best "looking" forums around..anywhere. It's due to the good members & the dedicated moderators & admins. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The members are friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  5. Hi DeathStroke,Yes..The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!. I'm sure your website will be "happy" here. there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.Post some of your work..we all like to see new cool stuff & graphics.Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  6. Hi Angel,you googled "nice forums" ?....coolas you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX PS- how are things in Brazil ?

  7. Hi Joer,Shed some light ??..maybe..First you need to locate the EXACT source of the "time out" problem.It's possible that your ISP or one of the "subnets" that connect you to the Xisto server are messing up. You can check ALL the servers in the "chain" by using a program called "Win MTR"..it's avaailable for free at sourceforge.net.If any of the servers are being extra slow (>220ns..etc>) then tahta the source of the problem..& not the Filezilla program.If any of the servers are dropping packets then .. that's the source of the problem.Win MTR will check all that for you.If that's not the problem..then try using the "quick connect" & "bypass proxy settings" in Filezilla. I've never had it time out on me using those connections with a 56K modem connection.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  8. Hi Revolutionary,Don't worry about not having much to say at first. Just make some friends & help out other people. I'm sure there's others here with some of the same interests as you. Follow kubai's advice & read the TOS "rules" ..etc. As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  9. Hi xJedix,from what you describe...it certainly sounds like the monitor itself is going bad. :)There's an outside chance it could be the cable though.. just swap them out & try them with a different computer TO BE SURE.Hope this helps.Good Luck'RGPHNX

  10. Hi Hakkera,Wow..37 posts already ?? Yu'r burninig up the keyboard man. Guesss you don't need much advice..so just a few words..There's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. Make sure you've read the posting "rules" for newcomers. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  11. Hi lotrfan,It's really not a problem..re: getting enough hosting credits..that is ..just find something your interested in/about & ask questions or offer help to other poeple who need it. Also, there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your selfRGPHNX

  12. Hi ashton,Don't pay it no nevermind ...there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  13. Hi Chris,as you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  14. Hi justdoit8319,
    I agree with both tuddy & rvalkass comments ..

    Any number of things sadly!


    Installing new sofware


    Hardware may also do this

    try putting them into a different machine to see if they work


    If they do work in a different PC then you have either deleted the drivers for them, removed them from the BIOS or changed a system setting

    If all that doesn't fix the problem..then.. you can use the CD/DVD troubleshooting charts at my website in the "Beginners" section to sort it all out.
    Be sure to post back with the news/results here or for more help.
    Hope this helps ;)

  15. Hi epox,You can find a huge Help File at the CPanel website. It tells you just about everything you would ever want to know about all the files & folders and their functionality in CPanel. It's a downloadable .CHM file , so you can download it & run it offline. Also be sure to check out their Links (or "resources" - can't remember which) section for lots more helpful info. Just Google "CPanel" and you should find the website OK.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  16. Hi kakingho,Welcome to the Xisto forums. Lots of nice people here. Am sure you'll like it here and make new friends. If you have any questions..just post them to the relevant forumns & sombody will be sure to help you out. The web hosting is excellent with 99.9% uptime & the moderators & admins are helpful too if you have any problems. Be sure to read the noobies information on posting.Enjoy your stay.RGPHNX

  17. Hi atm,What could it be ???> virus ...maybe> windows OS ..maybe> other hardware problem.. maybeCan only speculate because not enough info provided & now since you reformatted the computer HD.. there's now way to check now.Just to be safe..- make sure you have a good firewall & ant-virus installed.. you do don't you ??- do a complets system hardware troubleshooting check.. just to make sure you don't have something "going bad" on you.If you need links for programs or help with the hardware check you can see my website for help.Good luckRGPHNX

  18. Hi moldboy,The easiest "workaround" for the problem is to use dreamweaver to save your webpages to disk (HD) in a sererate folder. Call the folder "uploads" or something similar. Next use a FTP client program ( "FIleZilla" is easy & user friendly) to upload your new webpages to the server. Be sure to upload the mew pages into the "public_html" folder & the "www" folder & the root directory (usually the "_sgt" folder AND/OR the " _sgt" folders).Basically your done.Uploading is really FAST using the FTP program & you don't have to upload your whole website.. just the changed webpages.Don't know the exact cause for the problem your experiencing.. but Dreamweaver is not "talking nicely" with the webserver for some reason.Hope this is clearRGPHNX

  19. Hey Dodge,Welcome to the Xisto forums, There's lots of great, friendly, knowledgable people here. If you have any questions.. just post them to the relevant forums & someone will help you out. If it's urgent then post it to the shoutbox. The moderators & the admins are first rate. THe webhosting is really good with 99.9% uptime.. for REAL.Make enough posts & then apply for your hosting.Be sure to read the "newbies" guides for how to post first.Enjoy yourself & make some new friendsRGPHNX

  20. Hi fl4mers,refurbished computers can be good .. if they are FACTORY refurbished AND come with a "decent" FREE warranty.90 days = OK warranty6 mo = GOOD warranty1 yr = BEST warranty.Don't pay for an "extended" warranty. Either they are willing to "stand behind" their work ...or not.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  21. Hi james_666,
    Even with dialup it should only take ~30 seconds max for CPanel to load. I doubt that it's the Xisto server that's the problem.
    You can download a ftp "ping" program that will tell you exactly where the problem is.. (ie where/which computer is having problems). You can get a good free program at sourceforge.net called "WIN MTR" .
    Here's the url/link sourceforge
    Check it out

  22. Hi GMZ1023,Welcome to the trap forums. As you have already found out from the posts.. there's lots of friendly people here who are willing to help you with any questions you have. Just post it & someone will try to help you out. Enjoy yourselfRGPHNX

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