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Posts posted by RGPHNX

  1. Hi flamette, Welcome to Xisto. The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!You'll find lots of great stuff here to help you with enhancing your website....as you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto forums. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  2. Hi Kim,Welcome to the Xisto forums. What's the good cause website all about ?As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. You will learn a great deal from all the talented people here at the forums.Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  3. Hi Compute,There's lots of very talented web designers heare at Xisto. Age is no barrier, there's even many who are younger than you. Be sure to read the noobie advice sections on how to do posts ..etc. (It's not complicated).As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. you wont' be disappointed.. there's tons of features & they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Looking forward to seeing some of your stuff on your website.Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  4. Welcome to you both,icylady101- you'll find lots ov very talented webdesigners herae at trap 17 forums. Get you hosting up & show everyone some of your stuff.littleweseth - you'll find lots of PHP, HTML, XML developers here to make friends with.As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friends.RGPHNX

  5. Hi Florisjuh,Couldn't agree with you more. Keep the gov't(s) out of our private lives !!!The US gov't is (has) aready moved in this direction with programs like Carnivore" etc. for "monitoring" (ie. snooping) on the citizens. The latest step taken was on July 05, 2005 when they decided to NOT to go thru with the planned relinquishing of control of the DNS core computer internet servers (ie. the ICAN servers). Control who get "permission" to have a website (or have it shut down) and you can censor what's said on the web. You can read all about it at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (an article) or do a search on wikipedia for "ICAN".Heads up people !!!

  6. Hi Blue0016,Welcome to the forums. As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Read the "noobie" sections on what the posting "rules" are & you'll be just fine. Don't copy other peoples posts & stay "on topic" ( ie. make your posts relevant to the subject of the post thread..etc.,. Don't post :links" (or profanity)in the shoutbox... that will get you "banned".Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  7. Hi PortraitofkarmaX ,
    Welcome to Xisto forums. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself here. What's a

    recovered Message Board junkie

    anyway ? And how do you know that your "recovered" ? -_- Just kidding. :P-_- Anyway... there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.
    Enjoy your stay & make new friends !!! :lol:

  8. Hi msdeeva,
    Welcom to the Xisto forums. Can sympathize with you re:

    some new scripting language comes out and I just don't have the time to learn them all.

    Anyway who does..it's a fulltime job. .there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. who will gladly help you out. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime
    Make some new friends & enjoy the learning process.

  9. Hi songlikeecho,There's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto and lots of very talented graphics design folks. Lots of html coders also. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  10. Hi Sierben,The hosting at Xisto is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!It's a great server to have your website hosted on..all the features..etc.Also there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.Be sure to see the 'noobe' section for the board posting rules.Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  11. Hi Taylor,Welcome to Xisto. As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. There's lots of photoshop & web designers..so your interest in photography should fit right in. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  12. Hi Dominic ,Welcome to the Xisto forums & hosting. .The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!And no 150 posts for hosting :D ,Also .there's lots of friendly, creative, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.Enjoy your hosting RGPHNX

  13. HI all,Nice tutorial sachavdk ! :D QUESTION:Can these scripts be modified to accomplish the following:> the user must provide a "valid" e-mail address to register> the e-mail address is automatically checked & error messages are generated if the e-mail address is not "legit" and regidstration is denied.> the e-mail address is added to the database.Thanks to anybody for ideas.RGPHNX

  14. Hi wariorpk,You might want to check out http://www.htmldog.com/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Both have good info for beginners & advanced HTML including meta tag info.For the search engines basically you need the following tags for each webpage.> Title> description> keywords> Keyword phrases..others are "optional" depending on what you'r trying to accomplish with which search engines.Hope this is clearRGPHNX

  15. Hi Shengeta,Welcome to the Xisto forums. Don't worry about spam..just follow the "rules" and keep your posts "on topic" (ie talking about the post's subject). Don't post URL links in the shoutbox..etc.As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website. Don't PM the Admins unless you get "permission" & the moderators can't help you with your problem.Hope this helps.Enjoy your stay & make new friends :D RGPHNX

  16. hI Jettison,The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Be sure to read the "newbie" posting rules ..make enough posts & get your hosting site for your tribute site.As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

  17. Hi milk,You'll probably NOT be able to run Defragmenter untill AFTER you get you ram problem sorted out. Defragmenter is a huge ram "hog" (ie. needs lots/all of ram to do the job). You also may have problems running Scandisk for this reason. Other causes of the defragmenter program not running properly include Spyware, Trojans & virus's. You might want to check the "MSCONFIG" file to see which programs are running "hidden" in the background when you startup the computer in "normal" mode. This may pickup a "bug" program that your virus scanner ..etc. programs have missed.Just make sure you have the computer "cleaned up" before you attempt to run defragmenter. Hope this is clearRGPHNX

  18. Hi patelg,Not much you can do about it except make sure it's clean & your using the correct type of media/CDs/DVDs. If it does it at "high" burn speed & NOT at low speed..then the drive bearings are probably going bad. :D - not something you can fix yourself. Other causes of noise could be a bad read/write head tracking arm..again not something you can replace yourself.Hope this is clear.RGPHNX

  19. Hi Faith,Welcome to the forums. There's lots of photoshop/design enthusiasts here so I'm sure you'll find lots of friends and there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellentEnjoy your stay RGPHNX

  20. Hi Crazy,Tech & skateboarding..that's good. There's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Enjoy your stay & make new friends. :D RGPHNX

  21. Hi ElFoReal,
    I agree with misfits_phreek re:

    Sometimes, over a period of usage time, Windows XP deteriorates. When that happens, defragging certain sectors move or not move, depending on the amount of deterioration.

    .Winblows XP uses "big" NTFS data "blocks". The bigger the data blocks..the more postential for fragmented data files..however.. the core OS files (ie. Windows..LInux etc.) should NEVER ( my oppinion) be subject to fragmentation (due to multiple reads & re-writes).. if you you want to have a STABLE OS. Good code writing = good OS files. Bad code writing = bad (unstable) OS files.
    We'll we all know that XP isn't as stable as it could be...HmmmmmmmmmM !
    Should you be worried ?? Maybe ..
    Solutions.. =
    > use Linux
    > use a "dual boot" system
    Hope this helps
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