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Posts posted by thejestergl

  1. First let us start with the story of how it all began. My friend and I made a bet that I would not shave for a month and in return I will get $5. When the time came around and he owed me $5 he gave me it in pennies. Out of boredom we decided to do a little experiment. During lunch we had taken the bag of pennies and scattered them across the ground leaving a group of pennies in the center, and others scattered around the perimeter. We had no hypothesis about what would happen. During the lunch period most people would do one of two things. Either they would walk by and kick the large pile of pennies in the center to scatter them more, or pick up exactly ONE penny, look around, then continue walking. Why? We had a theory that most people are very cautious when it comes to borderline thievery. As the day went on and people began to go to their classes, more pennies were being picked up (2-3). At the end of the day when no one was around, a person had actually come with a jar and picked up all the pennies. It made me feel good to know that the jar he used to pick up the pennies was actually for donation to a charity (yes, I saw him give it to a teacher and it said "Donations" on it). People also had more "courage" to pick up more pennies when they were in larger groups. Small groups of 2-3 people would often pick up one each or two would pick up one and the last person would just continue to walk. Large groups of people, 5+, would pick up about a handful of pennies before stopping.Thought this might be interesting to some people, if you need it for a school project by all means go ahead and use it. It was only for fun between my friends and I.

  2. My father smokes (pipe not cigarettes or rarely cigarettes) but he is actually trying to quit now. Though when he did smoke, he always took into consideration of other people. Though some people liked the smell of his pipe I could not stand it. He knew that, and he would generally tell me to either step on the side that wasn't blowing smoke into my face, or not smoke in general in front of me. He also stepped outside, usually were no one was, during parties to go out and smoke. Though he does smoke quite a bit he does think about the safety and comfort of others. I have met some people who smoke near others and some who don't even turn their head when holding a conversation, but you can't really help that. Banning smoking is restaurants may stop people from sitting near you and smoking, but that doesn't mean they will change their ways. Second hand smoke is harmful, but that is when the smoke is being puffed directly in your face. A lot of the times that wont happen and most of the smoke will drift off into the air as rejected said. I feel that some people need to learn how to act around non-smokers if they are smokers, but in generally people do have manners. I find more smokers who take into consideration of other's health then those that don't. -Jester

  3. Haha though it does stink that you got hacked into (and a very important account too!) your post did make me giggle with all the little side notes. I also think that is great that you got things sorted out, but I'm sure it must have been quite a hassle! I think that you did a good job at least not going out and not doing anything. You might want to be a little bit more careful about spyware (try to scan your computer pretty often) and other things! Though sometimes the hacker is just that good, it is usually the ones that can get the info easy that really do anything :P. Good thing that you got a new credit card and acted as quick as possible. Good thing to know that PayPal and eBay were on the ball! I have to say, I didn't expect them to have such a good response. Well, glad everything is good and to answer your question my day isn't that bad haha.-Jester

  4. This is really hard to be honest. In some ways the Wii is superior to the PS3, but in others the PS3 dominates. The Wii really brought out a new concept of gaming by using movements and getting people more active in their games. But on the same token the Wii can't come close to competing with the PS3 in technology. When I say technology I am talking about the actually system of the PS3 such as the famous Blue-ray. The PSP and DS both have their differences as well. On the one hand the DS has a touch screen (again to get the gamer more "active" in their games) but the PSP has better graphics and detailed games. Also it has much easier internet capability than the DS. Gamecube vs. PS2 was a pretty easy thing to look at and compare. I find that the PS2 and Gamecube were different system wise as well as game wise. They both used controls (wired usually), but the PS2 held better technology. The PS2 really was different because of the games that came out for it and I would say is superior to the Gamecube. The Gamecube also tried to bring in the fad with mini discs but that seemed to be a flop. The Gamecube had great games like Super Smash Bros. Melee but the PS2 overall had more hit games.

  5. I have to say that small "tutorials" given by the senior CS players really are thorough. I was never good with the AWP and I guess I never really bothered to get better at it. I have watched people use it and it was just amazing how quick their reaction time was, and how well they could aim in a matter of seconds. These little tricks seem to help and I have seen a lot of people use them especially the quick scope. I think I might start practicing with the AWP. I know I probably wont be some 60-0 player with it at the beginning but all guns take practice I suppose.

    Sorry for this awkward bump to the thread, but a way to cheat is to use a marker to mark the crosshair on your screen, and since awp is one-hit-kill, you can use it as your primary gun and run around with it. (since you can't see the crosshairs normally with awp).

    Actually a lot of the time this isn't that great because while you may think it is a good idea, when you are moving the AWP becomes extremely inaccurate. If you were sitting still to aim with it, you should probably just scope. If he is too close then you should just go for the pistol in my opinion. But then again that is just me. I have seen some people do this, and even though it gives a small advantage it really isn't that reliable.

  6. This seems like a pretty cool game, free and a new thing to try out! Thanks for the link, I just joined as the replicators (not sure if that was a good choice we'll see!). I am not really sure what I have to do so I'll read the guide so I actually understand what is going on. Though it may take me a while to get used to the game I'm still glad you sent the link because I was looking for something new to play haha. TheJesterGL is my name!

  7. Ah, no I actually talked to those people and they said that they actually changed some stuff around that they THOUGHT were errors. Some also said that when the played the game itself it kind of messed up, or didn't seem right. But then again they are more of a perfectionist than I am haha. Thank you for your input :o

  8. I am currently taking a simple Java course and I made a program that allows you to play the simple game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I have tested and it seems to work but others seem to have trouble with the program and say there are some bugs. I would really appreciate the help! Thank you in advance.

    import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;public class Rps extends JFrame    implements ActionListener{  private final char moves[] = {'R', 'P', 'S'};  private JRadioButton rock, paper, scissors;  private JTextField display;   public Rps()  {    super("Rock, paper, Scissors");    rock = new JRadioButton("   Rock   ", true);    paper = new JRadioButton("   Paper  ");    scissors = new JRadioButton(" Scissors ");    ButtonGroup rpsButtons = new ButtonGroup();    rpsButtons.add(rock);    rpsButtons.add(paper);    rpsButtons.add(scissors);    JButton go = new JButton("         Go         ");    go.addActionListener(this);    display = new JTextField(25);    display.setEditable(false);    display.setBackground(Color.yellow);    Container c = getContentPane();    c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());    c.add(rock);    c.add(paper);    c.add(scissors);    c.add(go);    c.add(display);  }  /**   *  returns -1 if the player wins,   *  0 if it's a tie, and 1 if the computer wins   */  private int nextPlay(char computerMove, char playerMove)  {    int result = 0;switch(computerMove)   {    case 'R':	switch (playerMove)	{            case 'R':		result = 0;                break;	    case 'P':		result = -1;		break;	    case 'S':		result = 1;		break;	}	break;    case 'P':	switch (playerMove)	{	    case 'R':		result = 1;		break;	    case 'P':		result = 0;		break;	    case 'S':		result = -1;		break;	}	break;	    case 'S':	switch (playerMove)	{	    case 'R':		result = -1;		break;  	    case 'P':		result = 1;		break;	    case 'S':		result = 0;		break;	}	break;   }	return result;  }  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)  {    char playerMove, computerMove;    if (rock.isSelected())      playerMove = 'R';    else if (paper.isSelected())      playerMove = 'P';    else // if (scissors.isSelected())      playerMove = 'S';    int k = (int)(Math.random() * 3);    computerMove = moves[k];    int result = nextPlay(computerMove, playerMove);    String msg = "  You said " + makeWord(playerMove) + ", I said " +                 makeWord(computerMove);    if (result < 0)      msg += " -- you win.";    else if (result == 0)      msg += " -- tie.";    else // if (result > 0)      msg += " -- I win.";    display.setText(msg);   }  private String makeWord(char move)  {    String word = "";    switch (move)    {      case 'R': word = "ROCK"; break;      case 'P': word = "PAPER"; break;      case 'S': word = "SCISSORS"; break;    }    return word;  }  public static void main(String[] args)  {    Rps window = new Rps();    window.setBounds(300, 300, 300, 140);    window.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);    window.setVisible(true);  }}

  9. Ok... Now before everybody thinks I'm defending runescape, I'm going to say it right out that I think its really boring, and yes people who are addicted to it and keep telling me to play it are quite annoying but NOT NEARLY AS ANNOYING AS PEOPLE WHO WONT SHUT UP ABOUT HOW BAD IT IS... Yes james, I am referring to you. As a game programmer myself, I actually respect the creators of runescape for making such an advanced game in such a primitive language. The people who won't shut up about how much they hate it probably haven't coded a day in their life. They don't understand how difficult it is for java to even load data from a server which jagex (the creators of runescape) managed to get down very well. But going back to my first statement, I am not a fan of runescpae. I think it is pretty boring. And I think the people who pay for the membership of that game have never played a real fun game in their lives. So I've got a proposition that should make everyone happy: (1) People who like runescape, don't bug all your friends about it. Runescape has plenty of players already that you can play with. (2) People who don't like runescape just shut up about it. Don't tell others how horrible it is, don't brag about how you are so cool because you DON'T play it, and defiantly don't make an entire topic on it in a forum somewhere...

    Yeah I have to agree with you, I don't really like runescape that much but I admit I used to play it. I didn't really like but hey it was free, and I was taking an interest in programming. But the thing is, after I stopped playing I didn't really think about it and moved on. I have nothing against people who play the game. If you find an interest in it that is great, but I don't understand why people have to complain about it. First off, it is on the internet and on a specific site, so if you really don't like it then why not just NOT go to the website? You don't have to do anything Runescape related and just let people who play it, play it. People are all entitled to their own opinion and I respect that, so should everyone else. It is good to rant on the occasion but I think that if you can avoid the situation, and don't have to be apart of what you are ranting about at all, then just leave it alone. People rant about politics and stuff, which is fine because they often rant about it if it affects them.

  10. You're site is pretty good I have to admit. You kept it very organized and the colors are complimentary. They aren't too dark, too bright, and work well. I also like that you have a rating system for your posts. I can see how that can be some what necessary for a game review site haha. You have a well done forum and it fits the color theme of your home page as well. You have it well organized and it seems like you really thought this site through. I noticed that you have 2 columns of links which isn't bad, but I know traditionally if people have 2 columns worth of links they tend to have a Links -> Body -> Links 2 format. If you know what I mean by that haha. But it seemed to have really worked for you. I can't give much advice and I'm sure if you advertise around you will get more traffic to your site.

  11. Glad to hear you're better, it sucks being sick over break. It seems like I'm always sick on my birthday, too, which really sucks, and a few months ago I had some type of cold that got me up to a 104 degree fever, but I strangely felt fine except for my joints aching and barely being able to stand.Perhaps the suckiest time I have been sick was on the day of the SAT. And I was even avoiding sugar and washing my hands like mad the entire week before just so I wouldn't get sick. :)
    Oh well, I'm better now, and so are you. Good luck finishing up all your work, by the way, because I know how awful that feels. Have a lot of smilies and be happy. :)

    Yeah I know that i was not feeling very well when I took the SATs and the score showed for it but I seemed to be a little bit more alert than you haha. I'm sorry that you had such a high fever, I know once your fever actually reaches 105 you should go to the hospital ASAP (I found that out when I had a 104.9 and my mom called the doctor who said 'Don't worry until he reaches 105). You were really close there which is rather frightening! But I have to say, I have some comfort knowing that I am not the only one who goes through this and that other people know what its like to be sick and miss on work. It seems like a great thing at first that you can stay home and not do any work, but personally I rather go and just get the stuff done than deal with it later! Plus I get to actually see friends at school instead of medicine bottles >.<!

    Excellent, I got sick once and it ended up as being the sole reason for me failing AP Calculus (would've had a B, but I'm not going through that again, not worth it).

    Yeah I took AP Calculus as well and I have to say that was a very touch course. I was to the point where I had to get 100% on my finally to actually get a B in the class, if I got any lower I would get a C. Though I studied only for that final and ended up getting the 100% I didn't do too well on a couple of my other finals. Thankfully though no matter what grade I got on my other finals my overall grade wouldn't change whether I got a 0% or 100%. I have to say that after AP Calculus I was done with math and am not taking one this year. I am not really sure if it was the teacher or the class itself. I'm sorry that so much was banked on your health and I really do wish the best for you later on >.<! Hopefully it doesn't end up in that situation again.


  12. I have not broken up with anyone and regretted it later (then again I haven't been in many relationships haha). I feel that if you break up with someone it is probably for a reason, and a good one hopefully. The trick for me is to actually think about it and at least try to work things out rather than making a sudden decision. If you actually try to get the relationship to work and then still feel as though you should break up then it wont really be haunting you later on. I have looked back on a couple relationships, some I was glad and asked myself why I was in it in the first place, but others I think of other ways I could have tried to help the hardships. But to answer you question directly, no I don't regret any break ups or think that it was a mistake.

  13. More information would be good to have because if the issues can be resolved then I don't see why you should ask them to break up. Also, from the little information given I would say that having them break up can be pretty devastating. I know that most people who break up because of friend's pressure usually doesn't end well. I personally feel that it is up to the boyfriend to break up and that the reason for breaking up was due to friends suggestion/influence isn't always the best thing. Sure some relationships can be seen to turn for the worst and sometimes a friend has to step in and say something about it, but it is completely up to the people in the relationship. Why is your friend jealous of you? Is it because you are in a good relationship or another reason? If the two in the relationship are constantly fighting and under stress than put your 2 cents in but leave it up to them on how they should handle it and don't bug them too much about it. Well those are my thoughts, I hope it helps, with more information my opinion might change though! So if you have any more information you would like to share please do so, for your benefit and ours.-Jester

  14. Actually I go to school in America and it is a very common way to say "stupid". Though I find the word itself to be offensive, pronouncing it incorrectly isn't exactly helping. The problem is that slang terms become more "slang" and you never really know what people are saying anymore. You have to get with the lingo and keep up with the times I suppose.

  15. I don't like the colors either and I actually find the layout of the website to be rather confusing. Though it is late am rather sick still! The page does take a while to load so you might want to tone it down a bit because I know i have left websites that just took to long to load a page even with a cable connection. The general outline of the site is good though so keep that. The best of luck to you-Jester

  16. Yes I think that Steam is a pretty neat engine and I love the games on it of course. I do hear that people dont like steam but hey that doesn't bother me. It is also pretty cool because you can switch games pretty easily and you can browse for those 3rd-party games as well. The free ones are actually pretty neat. I love that they allowed some free demo downloads as well as insiders. So yeah go steam!

  17. Well I have been sick for about five days now with an average of 103 degree temperature and have major fatigue. I have been bed ridden for about four days and have gone no further then the bathroom across the hall. Being both dizzy and a little nauseous it is hard to type. I have lost so many credits too because of absence which is not good because a run in a guild on world of warcraft and need the credits to keep the site up! Not only that but this was supposed to be my last week on winter vacation but it has not felt like a vacation at all. I could not do my winter homework and I have a test right when I get back which I can't even study for. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow to see why my temperature wont go down. You know its bad when you feel like you are at normal temperature and not hot at all even though you are burning up at 102. While I was sick my site went down, work couldn't get done, had to miss a friends birthday, and missing out on some guild affairs. Although just a game, to me being sick and missing out on the things that I do in World of Warcraft being a guild master and all is a big deal. Heh, I am hoping that my ranting will earn me some credits even if it isn't enough. Being sick the worst ever because you just don't feel like doing anything but sleeping and I have lost my appetite which is not good because I need the energy. When I try to walk I stubble a lot and use the walls for support. I don't have a runny noise or sore throat though so its not like the normal flu. That is why my parents are taking me to the doctors tomorrow. I am hoping that it makes a difference and I get better soon. But getting all this work done afterwards will not be a fun thing either, or a walk in the park.

  18. As people said before it was an engine used to help people joining their friends Counter-strike, Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament, and many other servers. It was a great way to play with friends without going through the hassle of finding the servers or when you couldn't add the server's IP to your favorites. I used to use it but I haven't for a long time because most of my friends have stopped playing those kind of games sadly. I do suggest you get it if you and your friends want to play these kind of games a lot though, and it can also be used as a messengering system in case you want to talk to them as well. I don't believe it has a voice interaction installed, but again I used it a long time ago.I hope that helped! Jester

  19. I used to play DoTa but like a lot of people who first start off I was horrible at the game. And of course people would yell at me for "feeding" the other team, though I don't understand why people had to get so mad when it didn't count for anything. I stopped playing this game pretty quick but I am sure it is fun to play with friends. But the people who get angry for no reason really should stop playing that game, its not like it will affect them in any way other than losing one game. Either way, like I said, I stopped playing and I was never good at DoTa or Warcraft III for that matter. So for all you pros out there, how about giving the noob a break for once? They don't mean to be bad they just don't have the experience!

  20. Yeah I have seen an over abundant amount of rap parodies which I have to admit some are rather funny. But honestly, people need to think of something else, because Weird Al Yankovich also did "White and Nerdy" which was a parody of "Ridin' Dirty" another gangsta song. The problem with a lot of people who try to make parodies is they use the same lyrics over and over. They usually use a stereotype that makes them seem uncool, which is fine and can be funny, but not when you hear it a thousand times. I think that people may want to re-think when they try to make those rap songs. I completely agree with you and I think that maybe if new rap songs keep coming out they should at least try to make it a little different because I'm tired of listening to things like playing Dungeons & Dragons, and putting mayo on food. Good post, thought I was the only one who thought about this xD!-Jester

  21. You did an amazing job, and I do appreciate your art quite a bit. Although I found it a little hard to read at first, I got the eyes focused and it was easy from there. I had a lot of fun using the flash it made the site look very nice, especially the little UFO and the bottom when you scroll through pictures. I like how you used the UFO kind of as a loading guide for the pictures instead of just having someone click on the arrows. The flash was a brilliant idea and made the website even more spectacular. Other then the tough reading at first I can't say there is much you can really do, you may want to support the backgrounds a bit to really make those pictures stand out, but other then that looks awesome. Great work!-Jester

  22. I am also not a very big fan of the site. I don't really like how the buttons look blown up and the mouse cursor changes to a green flame which is a nice touch but it only shows that in between the buttons. The overrall layout seems a bit chaotic and I have to admit that second video was not a very nice video! Haha. The website its self is very dark and unappealing to me so you may want to do a little revision. The videos are the sites for example might want to be placed in a less "free floating" way, and rather make them into a more organized pattern. The buttons the right again seem a little blown up so you may want to change the images that you used for them. And I know that this may seem strange but traditionally the navigation buttons are located on top or to the left, but that really isn't that big of a deal. The administrator button should probably not be located on the main page for everyone to see, and you might want to make it hidden. Or at least have it where it only shows up if you are already logged in as the admin. Overrall I have to say just make the website look a little less kiddie, and a bit more professional. I know that it is all about having fun and games, but people need to know what they are clicking before they can have fun!Good luck,Jester

  23. Should age matter? Yes and No. Within age ranges there needs to be a acceptance level. 10-16, 16-20, 20-40, 40+ crissing those ranges puts you into a different lifestyle, she is starting to learn the way of the worlds while you are starting to find yourself in the world. While you're going to college or whatever, she is in school learning things, being with guys her own age, it will only distract her and you.

    I have to agree with tuddy here, and that age really can effect the relationship outside of sex. Being in a different age group can make a big impact on how you will see each other in the future or at the current time. However, there are some couples that do have quite a big age difference and they are as happy as can be. You can't be steriotypical is what I'm trying to say, not all teenagers or pre-teens are the same. Some can be more mature than others and I know some teenages who still have the mind of a pre-teen. These are rare occasions sad to say, and most of the time it will not work out because of non-sex related issues.

    I don't think that age should play a big part if you two are truely happy, because really what is age in a relationship? I think that a relationship comes from the heart (for a lack of a better word) and not how old the body is. However, people are right that sexual temptations can get the better of you and that is very illegal. The question is, how well do you think your will power is not to have sexual relations with the girl. If you really feel that you can get through those temptations in some way then by all means good luck to you. But if you feel you will break under the pressure then I suggest you break it off early. You do not want to be in over your head in something you never intended to happen.

    Wish you the best of luck,
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