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Everything posted by MIGUE2k7

  1. But man, you cant tell which one is better cause them are the same!!! (for me).What you should ask is which forumboard is better, according to the people who manages them.
  2. Ha, why didnt you want people to comment of the text... i like it and seems better than in some other sigs :DAnd for the sig it is pretty cool... the render is so focused but it has a very nice quality.9/10
  3. Well i was aproved on my application for Webhosting, and then i went to the proscess page and completed it, and the screen ended saying all the stuff there like validating user password, connection stablished, etc.. and below said: You need to be approved by administrator. migueand below said my username and my IP address... is that how the screen needs to end? cause i didnt get any email or something for activate my account... can anyone help me or guide me? lolthanks in advanced
  4. Thanks for the comments guys.Yeah i could not make a nice background cause i dont have nice brushes, but gotta find some
  5. Oh well.... some people say... ''you gotta start from somewhere...'' and thats what im doing now. These are my first sig and logo, (well, i ve done sigs already but not with the professionalism needed) based on some tutorials that i saw here. I would like to thank everybody who post tutorials in this place, them way help to people, and i just was amazed of what people can do on Photoshop. so here them are: I made this logo for my person, (since i needed one for put it as publicity of my ut2004 maps ) Them may not be good but are mine and my first ones using stuff i didnt know from Photoshop. Please rate and if possible tell me what can I improve
  6. Yeah i do, its preferable to have the content scrolling only than the entire page, but i just mean the wide of it.But then how you say the monitors work? is not supossed that when having a smaller monitor the size of the webpages and every stuff on the computer also decreases proportionally.... no?
  7. I play them all the time! now, i really dont like any games that aren't available to be played online.Play games online its better than single player, cause there you can see players with every kind of skills and makes it more competitive.
  8. Yeah the changes you made to it makes it look better, but now that i saw it working on the browser looks kinda small, you should increment the wide of it, (just my 2 cents )
  9. Hi, I've been a fan of GTA series, but i always wanted to play those games with other players. Well, now thats possible. A while ago i found a mod that makes you play the GTA San Andreas game online, and ive been playing it, so now i would like to share it with you all. With this mod you can connect to lots of servers, with a big variety of game modes, like DM, TDM, Area 51 break in, Money making, and one of the newest ones, League, that is a RPG game mode where you can create an account, earn cash, save it to a bank, buy houses and cars, become a police and lots of features, and people keep making more and more funny game modes! Even in some game modes you can have Street races and tune up your car! winning prizes and stuff. With the mod you can basically do everything you are able to in the Single player normal game. Kill people, ride any kind of vehicle including Planes, do drive-by's, eat and recover your health, enter stores, etc. There are also clans (or gangs, called there) that makes the game more interesting and competitive. I really think is a very good Role playing game. Here you can see a nice demo video of the game. You can download the client from their Official Site You just need to download the patch for your GTA and Install it on your GTA San Andreas root directory (where the gta_sa.exe is located) If you install the client, you may got some bug of ''Access Violation'' when trying to launch the program, you can download the fix HERE Hope you all enjoy it! i really like it
  10. Its pretty nice man, it has a lot of contrast at the top but that makes it more interesting
  11. I like the render but i dont like the Text. I think it needs some style that fits with the entire sig, or something, i dont know how to explain it, but everything else is pretty good, even the border oh but in the right inferior corner it looks like cut.
  12. MIGUE2k7

    Booting Problem

    The Har Disk Drives are the only kind of hardware needed for a PC that works mechanically, so this means when there is a problem with them and wont be able to fix it by formatting, the hard disk has been broke.This may be a sector problem, those cannot be fixed if it is broken but you can disable that sector and format windows again. It can be the cause of the problem.
  13. Hey... how are called those? ^ I've seen those kind of little banners in sigs of many people, i would like to know how to create them.
  14. Just start to talk her constantly about some new girl that interest you... really, then she will losse the interest in you and she will stop stalking <_<Or say the truth, tell her that you dont like to being called over and over but you still wanna be friends... if possible.
  15. Tell you what? Bluetooth just owns! I have a mobile phone that supports the bluetooth technology, and i bought then a Bluetooth device for the PC... yes!!!! dont know if you all already know what is it but it looks like this: its pretty cool, you can download tones for your cellphone, images, videos, etc.. to your computer and then transfer it to your mobile for free..
  16. And also isnt needed to know how to syncronize the players over the 3d world? cause i ve seen that people making online games for example, FPS ones, they need to sync the way people shot and the people who receive the impact.So i think thats the same like when talking to people in Runescape, or giving items, or following them..
  17. Sounds like you got small RAM or a slow Proscessor. There are RAM booster programs out there in the internet, try one.
  18. Hahahaha not this time arcsquad... i just saw those 2 photos and instantly remembered how it works... lol
  19. Woah amazing one... yeah i saw Jesus there!
  20. Im 15 too, as tempest but im right thinking what i want to be... a Rock Star!!!! ha well thats my dream, i've been playing guitar for 1 year and im pretty advanced... and me and some friends are making a band, so i guess it can be possible <_<Well and as for a secure future, i want to get into the PC business. Not sure in what cause there are many ways to work with PC's ... programmer, web designer, web hoster, emsambling.. etc..
  21. If your glance stops on the cross of the center the rotating point becomes green... Now keep looking carefully that same black cross in the center, without close your eyes................ After a lil while all pink dots dissapear and you only see a rotating green point..... did it work with you? In really, there is not a green point, the only thing that happens there is just a pink dot dissapearing, and the 12 points never dissapear. That shows you how your brain works Now look at this JPEG.... its not an animated GIF! (if you dont believe take a look on its properties ) Can you see how the image make ''waves''? And im not sure what this one does but it looks cool lol... i can see like if it would be pulsing slightly Well, i just cant understand how come the first one makes me see a green point or even dont let me see them! and the second one also mess me up so bad.. anyone can see them?
  22. Well, its hard to give you some feedback cause your forums seems have the default subsilver style now.Well, when selecting colours for your site you must think what can fit fine the content of your site. So if you are going to make a place for share Art work i would recommend some thing like Black or grey background, Red bars for titles and a weak Yellow inside the forums content. Yeah that would kick ***.... lol
  23. Its a nice one but i just find that big orb a little offset. It doesnt looks like if its really there, cause those mountains are shadowed by the side the ball is, so the ball needs some more opacity there.But all the pic is pretty cool, like for a wallpaper. Keep working
  24. Nice post, it can help people who wanna learn how to mess up the registry nah it really can help to learn to manage the registry, its very needed. I actually for boost my Internet conecction or for improve my PC performance I use some kind of programs, i dont wanna need to reinstall Windows messing up my registry lol Ill give ya all some links http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php There you can find the popular ''TCP optimizer'' which boost up your net speed. Also there you can find the registry patches (scroll down) and the only thing to do with those is download 'em and click them http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thats an award winning program that will improve your PC performance. It has lost of features that improve each section of your PC i use it and its one of my favorites http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Another PC booster program, its very known.
  25. All of that hears cool, specially the Chatroom <_<Well im just being curious... what are you using for make your site? i mean.. how you make the login system, and all of that... is a CMS?
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