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Everything posted by sylenzednuke

  1. Well, welcome Malik and yeah the link you gave was dead.If you MMORPG is not textbased, I would be interested in it alot...Anyways, please read the forum rules as they are very important and yeah they would lead you to your 30 hosting credits very soon! :)Please tell us more about your MMORPG.
  2. Its there from ages but yeah I agree with Google...
  3. Well then, each and every religion is true and not only Christianity but even that self-floating bridge built by Rama and also all other religions are true. Well, I am not saying that you tired to prove that Christianity is the only true religion its just that you said "Christianity is 'THE' only true religion" even if you would have said that "Christianity is 'A' true religion", I wouldn't have minded that. And yeah so now why don't I believe in god, well, there maybe a god and as I said, I have the right to choose what I want to believe, well you call yourself a Muslim, Catholic or a Hindu as you have many things in common and its just not that you only believe in one god and thats the reason you all fall together. As for atheism we only have one belief in common. And for examples, there are more than 24000+ gods in the religion I was born with "Hinduism" itself and people call themselves belonging to a single religion even though they have their own values and gods. I am not saying that Hinduism is great but if I am forced to have a religion and I can't live without one, I would chose it as it allows you to modify some values and add your own, it accepts your denial to believe in god and still allows you to follow the Hindu literature, which I find quite boring by the way. And I agree on what Chris has to say about atheism being considered as a religion.
  4. Well, I do disagree that Atheism can be considered as a religion, being an athiest myself I have noticed that even though the person seated besides me is an athiest, he is probably having some different ideas and philosophies and there is just this one thing common that both of us don't believe in god.Well, yeah I cannot prove god is not there but don't I have the right to believe in what I want to?
  5. Well, I don't usually comment on articles and posts relating to ones religion as I myself am an athiest and I don't believe in the existence of god and I don't follow any religion, and I live life on my own terms.But I found your post quite logical, its good to see to that you care about other religions and its not that most of the muslims hate Al-Qaeda and Osama but I think all of them hate him, atleast currently in India, where I live, no one likes Osama or Al-Qaeda of even LeT for that matter.I agree that it would be that good people will become less but also at the same time, is it necessary that there are only two kinds of people, bad and good.I don't think it is wrong if people do drugs or smoking as long as it is not destroying them and they are going through a lot.Okay, so now to the point, even I think that the whole Nun thing is illogical but I think my opinion would not be regarded anyways because of me being an athiest.
  6. Saint_Michael are you talking about the Stickman Karate video? If you are then the animation is cool and the music is cool too.
  7. I had seen it somewhere before, but anyways thanks for posting it and it is damn funny.Wouldn't it be more interesting is we did something like any Google software killing all related Microsoft software and then Firefox smashing the **bottom** of IE and then fights like AVG / Norton and others. Just an idea though.
  8. Well if it was written in a silly mood. Bet me it's just sooo funny, maybe not to others but this poem made me laugh.It would be more fun if you used the same rhyming scheme in the entire poem and not two of them.Anyways, I just hope maybe someday I will be able to write something atleast...And yeah here in India we normally don't have the kind of toilets you guys have in your country so basically if we *whatever that action is called*, whether it is long or not, it doesnt affect the poor toilet.
  9. I agree with Bhavesh as I reside in the same country and as someone rightly said above, think globally and act locally.I have seen climates being at their never-before reached extremes since past 3 years, in summer, there is alot of heat which has been never before experienced atleast by me, the amount of rainfall is increasing and the pattern is becoming stranger and stranger year by year, and also cold in winters are increasing. I was a victim of last years floods in my city Mumbai but actually media hyped it more than it actually was, I mean the floods in Surat and Orrisa were more severe but it was hyped by TV but I am not saying that it wasn't bad at all, 1000 people died in it and I know a couple of them as noone, no one was safe from the floods.The rains this year also were quite dissappointing, they were in sufficient amounts but they were untimely, there would be rain for like 2 days continously with very heavy showers and then bamm, no rain for more 4 days and complete dryness.Well, melting of the ice caps is the bext example I can give about global warming, but this thing is definately there and we have to do something.I try to avoid uneccesary use of private transport but sometimes landup hearing to my heart and not my brain, after watching the movie The Day After Tommorrow, atleast I try to do what I can in saving the earth.Import beef from NZ to Canada, do you guys really do that, I could have never imagined that such things take place?!?!?!
  10. Well, I agree that according to tests, Firefox is not the best browser, but I don't care what these tests show.I mean to say, I have tried Opera and IE both and I feel that Firefox is faster then Opera and also I have encountered less problems while using Firefox then using Opera or IE so nomatter what these tests say, I like Firefox and it works wonders atleast for me and thats the thing I should care about...It works faster when I see it and I have encountered less problems...
  11. Well, currently it isn't working for me either, anyways fffanatics, for me everything is lined up and there is no need to align the banner as it is supposed to be out of the layout, anyways tell me which browser are you using and then if possible post a screenshot of the problem, I will try to fix it..*EDIT*I noted some alignment problem in IE but I cant fix it for some reason as I dont know anything else than what I have implied as I learnt all this just yesterday so basically I dont know anything that I can do, can you people tell me something, all of my friends agree that it looks proffessional and it is grungy, techy and as well descent, well I was never good at scanlines in signatures but they turned out to be good here!
  12. I was not using my hosting for quite some time so I thought of learning about DIV boxes and experimenting with them. I started learning about them yesterday and I have created this layout for my website which is still under construction. Please let me know about how can I improve the layout and while suggesting bear in mind that I am new to CSS and DIV and I started learing it just yesterday! Check my website...
  13. Chris you forgot to increase KuBi's votes from 2 to 3. Anyways, both of you have done an excellent job but KuBi's sig was a little more fiery and I don't know why nowadays I am bored of such things and the right part of the sword looks kinda wierd as someone already said... I like Avalon's work as the colours chosen are nice and then render is just mind blowing. And also I like AVALON text more than KuBi text! Anyways, both of you have done an excellent job anyways...
  14. I never believed in them but I have to say both are to some extent very very true as Falak is my real name and SylenzedNuke me online name. I havent yet tried many of the things mentioned in -S- and I have always tried to refrain myself from romance and all that what I think is "crap" but yeah I think it has some meaning in it especially after some recent incidents that took place in my life...
  15. Welcome Wanda to Xisto forums, if you haven't yet, read the forums rules, they are more important than anything else on this forum, they aren't that hard to follow and are for our own good.I am 14, and I am from Mumbai, just 5 months and I will be in college, yay!You will surely like the GFX forum as Shadow rightly said and you will find immense help using the various tutorials present here...Happy trapping... :D
  16. Well, there is actually no discussion needed as Google is the clean winner, I never remember using Yahoo! and none of my friends do, I only use Yahoo! for its messenger as I like it and majority of us Indians use Yahoo! as Google was not in the news and here majority of the people are not that geeky to know the importance of Google, for them if something looks more aesthetic, it is better.Anyways, maybe Yahoo! has improved since my last search but still you cant beat Google down.Anyways, I will surely check Yahoo! search out and if it is good, then I might state it but I think currently nothing can beat Google, Google rocks, everything affiliated with Google is like already certified to rock!
  17. Well, on the show that was aired in my country (please check above posts by me for further details) didn't showcase any skeletons technically they were carbonized skin and tissues, even the heart was intact.And please how many times do I have to mention the fact about the number of limbs, no other (big) animal had more than 4 limbs, not even those flying dragons, but this one had and it also had his tail in the shape of a fin, some might say and thats because after the K2 event, all dragons and dinosaurs except for the dragons under water (aquadragons) became extinct and from these water-dragons came more and diverse species of dragons like mountainous ones and forest dragons too. Basically the Chinese dragons are forest dragons.Check my posts some some special indications showing that humans were the sole reason for the extinction of the stage 2 dragons.
  18. I used to play and I was a Taoist (soon to be Water Taoist) but then we shifted homes and so I lost my DSL connection, I will get it back I think on this Tuesday but I would have surely forgotten my username and password so I will be creating an new account.I liked that game.
  19. Well, my first language is Hindi and I had to learn English, but actually I didn't face any grave difficulties but I would be lying to say that didn't face any difficulties while learning English.I learnt it at the age of I think 3 or 5 and now I speak English better than Hindi. I guess this is because all of the studies are based on English anyways.
  20. I love StumbleUpon and I am addicted to it, I have as of yet submitted 3 pages to it and I will keep on doing so if I find some cool new pages!
  21. I joined the forums and please if you can, increase the size of the signature allowed as I cannot get everything into it, I mean we all need to post links about our USERBARS, SIGS or anything else and it would surely be useful.Would you mind, if I posted the userbar tutorial I created a couple of days ago on your forums or I should edit it, change the way it looks, rewrite it and then post for your site only? I wouldn't mind doing that... :DI wish you all the luck and I will do my best to make the forums a fun place for experts like you and newbies like me!
  22. Nice site Dawiss, the layout looks better after removing the stars from the buttons or say table headers.Nice opportunity for me as I am an begginer and I got a 9/10 for one of my sigs so I think I will join as I forever wanted to join a graphics community, but all other were too messy, it is new so I think I can't resist myself from joining!
  23. Well I do agree with Bhavesh regarding the implementation of Darwin's theory here. Well I do believe that Humans came to know about Dragons because of their ability to spit fire and this fire might have been used to humans themselves to advance and kill the dragons. I even agree with Kryptonite regarding dwarves and elves, I mean my neighbour in my old society was a dwarf, it is just that, those "strange" people were portraied as something different in many cultures but they might have been normal as they are today even in those times.
  24. Well thanks for your comments biscuitrat and MIGUE2k7 the thing is that this was my first try to create a banner and I have never done any banners before this. I wanted to blend the elements of technology, grunge and authority but I think I have failed to do so.Anyways, I will keep certain things in mind, the next time I do such kind of banners but I think for my first try, it if good.Next time I will try to get atleast an 8/10 from everybody. :DOnce again, thanks for all of your comments on my banner...
  25. Hi! Guys, I was thinking of an banner for my web-site hosted at Xisto which is still under its preliminary stages and this is the banner I made. It has elements of technology, grunge and rebellous authority. Please rate it on a scale of 10 and a big thanks goes to snowspider from StaticART for giving me some guidelines and helping me alot with the banner. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
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