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Everything posted by lemonwonder

  1. Personally, I do not like this. Once you have plugged in your USB printer, there is nothing else that you can plug in, eg.. you want photos from ur fone and u cant have both plugged in, so u have to put fotos from fone on THEN start printing em all, when it could take nearly half the time. Also, is it slow.... there no way that it could be as fast as a normal laptop. And maybe there would be issues with it being so small, is it weaker than normal ones.... I personally would go for a normal laptop. The worst con is that it doesnt have windows :)
  2. Sounds like a good idea for everybody BUT the user of the site.I would also have my speakers shut on silent, and i use my laptop for listening to radio so if these ads interrupted my songs, they wood be dead!! Software would be easier to make to block ads, because it could block all the audio from sites, apart from ones that u like click the play button on the Windows Media Player or something like that..... I
  3. Even if they aren't efficient... even if they don't come... I would rather go back to no overseas travel, no cars, just horse and cart, growing own crops etc... it may be that we have to go back to that OR have human kind DIE by 2400
  4. This hosting IS the best free hosting that isnt cpanel I have EVER come acrross.. no posting.. no nothing... been open 4 years, fast, always online... nffn rong with them.EVERYBODY uses "*blah" so just because 1 person got mislead by these doesnt mean that the company should get bad review. NOBODY does it in plain english. Some even say its free then charge u
  5. There was absolutely no false advertising. And setting up a website shouldnt be a rush because you will stuff it up. If you need a rush you wont also get the best quality hosting.
  6. For people who havent read links about this car yet this is how it gets its fuel:It uses H2o and breaks apart the hydrogen and oxygen. It then shoots out oxygen, which we need to breathe.. so the waste product is beneficial... and the hydrogen burns clean as far as I know.
  7. Oh ohk, I didnt even know microsoft did those tests... i thort they just sent it out and waited till 100,000,000's of peoples details were stolen
  8. Alot of these I dont agree with such as notifications, tv and compression.
  9. Cool ill check them out. They sound like shooting ones... which get sso BORING! but thanks
  10. I like the idea of the pen projecting the computer screen, I have heard of this sort of technology before. And having this keyboard to go with... all they needa do is put the screen and keyboard in 1 lol. Then the next step is to have the WHOLE computer in a pen... howd u get a cd in
  11. There would be one who would leak it out... theres no way there would EVER be a way to keep it a secret tho
  12. Yeah. And if people study them, they would find it out and spread the word.
  13. Your complaining about 110mb? roflmao.It says "*must activate" next to the ones that u needa pay 4.I have to say, they are the BEST non-cpanel host, and they never said that the other features were free, they said you need to activate so you have not been ripped off! As a user of this company, and knowing others than use it, it is great and you should never doubt them!
  14. Kiwis can now travel to space thanks to : House Of Travel (i recommend these guys, we use them) I saw this a while ago, and it is still due to launch in 2008! I would love to go on this, but it costs a whole bunch of money, and I doubt that more than a handful of New Zealanders will go on this, a few (like me) could afford but dont really want to waste the money. Would you go?
  15. What is the site? I am starting to think that this is made up.... And most companies DO sell your information but its within PP.
  16. Downloading movies is like stealing a car, except its easier and quieter.Never download movies and only watch ones that come out that sound awesome (eg. mr beans holiday, still havent watched tho!!!!)
  17. Usmankingo, I do not understand what you are asking. Make a topic asking what you need then pm me the link
  18. Theres not very much chance (if ANY) for legal action to successfully be taken unless they have done something with your details or made money from you joining.
  19. Does diet necessarily mean loose weight? TO YOUR PARENTS: Force her to eat dinner, dont be pushed around! If you dont make her eat healthy, your terrible parents. (this is coming from a child who hates veggies but knows u gtta eat them, and found this out on own, not just coz i was told theyr good)And funny... junk food makes me loose wieght... sure shes nt really eating veggies during day?
  20. Hi. I am looking for a game that will run on my computer, can be an online 1 (but not like runescape or habbo etc) or could be one that you buy (like flight simulator x, but pc to weak for that.) I also like second life... but internet too slow for dat I like games like Flight Simulators, Ship Simulator... just simulators. And I like second life. I also like flash games (want to know em too) that are novelty ones, like the Flash one called portal, where you shoot portals to escape thru levels. Specifications: Windows XP Pro AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1.68 GHz 512mb Ram 128mb Gfx card (or 256 but think its 128) Internet: 128kbps avg Getting a top-line laptop soon so spec's arent really an issue for now.
  21. This WILL be rude to this poster and smokers, highlight the black below to read it... do not flame me for my open and honest opinion.
  22. Yeah I recon people should use things like badongo. But the people with premium dont care about us small people. And pulling a power cable is not hard, gotta be lazy to not wana do that, or ONLY ever download from rapidshare... and download 20 things a day! Pulling a cable out is quicker than waiting!
  23. Painkillers, such as Nurofen are extremely bad for your lungs and should olnly be taken when necessary. It can cause severe damage to several other areas and shorten your life dramatically. I suggest you get off them.
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