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Everything posted by darknight08

  1. DAng...Good stuff. Ive never thought about all this. But reading this right now and actually being in the situation is totally different. usually people panic, but thanks for the info.
  2. I call this scernario a text book type mutual relationship. It happens in real life. It happens with sharks and fishes that eat junk of their teeth while the sharks protecting them from danger. It happens all the time, and now i guess its happening on the net. Google helps you get better, and you help make google better. This is not evil, or bad. This is just a ordinary networked mutual relationship.
  3. I dont know..I like my eyes. They are like really dark brown. But when they are directly in light they look all like liquid brown...pretty coolll......well if i had to pick, i would probably pick hazel, cuz its uncommor...blue man..everyone has that.If not hazel, green, because that looks really good on tan people.
  4. MAn this is easyFirefox all thee way mann..First of all, one of the main features Firefox brought to the internet was the TAB browsing. Even other browsers such as IE have copiied the feature in their own systems. its said. I like firefox because its simple, clean, and fast. Its aloot faster than IE. And, also, IE has alot of crappy toolbars that just slow things down.
  5. OMG..I get really mad when i see Vans/SUVs and such be driven by one person...tsk tsk
  6. ahh i rememberI made a site a long time ago, actually 5 or 4 years ago. I picked Tripod, because it was easy and i didnt know other good hosts. My first site was, i admit, about dragonball Z. It was call dbz dungeon. And, i think it was pretty dang good. I had plenty of content. I had sagas, bios, pictures, and just other info. Then out of nowhere, i log in to update the site, and its HACKED. Theres this page on main that says that his site is for sale for $10 or $5 dollars. I got pissed off. Some security Tripod had. He left his email address, but i didnt bother emailing him, knowing it would do no help.So yea..good and bad times
  7. He said the magic sentence. Just pack up and spend a few days. I know thats what one of my friend does. And his relationship is going strong.
  8. MAn there is nothing wrong with long distance relationships. I am sure you both trust each other..right.. so now its the time to show it and practice it. A long distance relationship can actually take the relationship to a whole new level. Remember...theres always a phone/texting/email and stuff. Enough to keep in touch. And its just 2 hrs away..big deal...get over it..lets see what else...o yea ..and on weeekends when yall do get together makesure u always have somthing nice planned..dinner, putt putt haha doesnt matter
  9. You are absolutely right. I do not mean to offend anyone with the disease, but its very unlikely to find a definite cure for something that mutates like the AIDS virus. All the vaccines and medicine being researched and developed right now is not to cure the virus....but to slow down the its progress.
  10. Okay this is what you domake a date with ur ex-girlfriends friend. okaythen get together with ur real girlfriend and go to the same placeBOOM!11 thats pure ownage
  11. Ahh..Your site is pretty good. IT does lack content, but that will come through time. Your layout is easy to understand and easy to navigate. Your graphics arent flashy yet not boring either. id say keep at it and continue your work
  12. I believe Paint does not have the ability to opeb PSDs. Just open it in Photoshop and save a copy as...drop down the menu and click Jpeg or watever
  13. ahh being direct does not always have positive effects man Just take it easy. If she is single, ask her out somewhere small first. Knowing how you are shy, that will be the best for you. Just remember always make it casual, then you wont screw up.
  14. vs http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png This topic has been around for a long time. Especially on IGN. The writers picked 2K but the fans picked Madden[homers]. I firmly believe NFL2K is the best out there. Their graphics are better. They have better football mechanics. They have better features and they have 1stperson viewpoint. While.. Madden on the other hand;'s graphics are average, their yearly features have lost their touch. Its just being repetive. Its just sad. I used to me a madden maniac until i bought out NFL2k5 for $20.. I admit NFL2k has its mistakes but they can be corrected. Why else do you think EA bought the rights to NFL licnese, because they were sccared. They knew if 2k stayed a while, they would loose money and they would have. So i vote for NFL2K, I think its truly the best. And If you have questions I am willing to answer them. And just remember that this is coming from a madden maniac.
  15. Just make it casual man. Ask her to somewhere small. Invite her if you and your friends are going somewhere fun. Invite her to a themepark. Have fun.
  16. True Story. Okay Guys. I used to be shy. To be exact I used a shy guy who was really smart and pretty handsome if u ask me . I just talked when i needed to. I just talked to answer questions. People knew i was smart, but that was just that. At home, I used to be normal, hyper, talkative, troublesome. But at school, i used to be a statue. I liked lots of chicks, but they didnt notice me because i didnt talk much. It took me a while to finally show my true self to the other people, just mainly to my good friends. But, still i couldnt/didnt talk to chicks. Then i started using AIM I wasnt face to face with people or chicks so i just aacted like myself w/o being nervoous or shy. I started to break down the shy wall. I started to talk to chicks, i started becoming popular...i got so popular that i won President in Stuco..then the worst thing happened... I moved to a whole new school. I had to restart. It sucked..alot. And my shy wall was coming back. But then i was like screw it...i dont care anymore, and now i have the reputation as the class clown/genius. so here is what you need to do...screw it and go for it...use aim if that helps and if u dont go forward to make friends not many people will
  17. Thanks for the awesome reception haha I ve been looking at this place and dude its massive, but i was wondering if there are any anime boards? Because recently I have been hooked on naruto and dang i need to talk about it
  18. Ofcourse MAn..YESWe are in our solarsystem. Then our solarsystem is our milky way galaxy and that galaxy is in a certain universe. Space my friend is endless, there is no limit to it. It just keeps going on forever. We are being foolish to say that there is only one universe now dimension? thats a toughy..aliens..ofcourse
  19. Wow man...dang..hats alot of games, but i think you are missing something I believe that you dont have the YetiSports down, its a great site with competitive and addicting games.
  20. getting nervous from the start wont help anything just remain calm and show those highschoolers who they just got
  21. I know what you mean man, but unless the chick is trying her best to hide her feelings...these signs will show off eventually, these are the most common ones..
  22. Global warming is so very over-rated. Trust me, California will not just suddenlt drown. The signs will show. And , i really dont believe in this global warming crap..i recently saw a program on discovery about how we all could be on the verge of another ice age...so the scientists need to make of their mind. the OZone layer is being effected, and global warming does come in through that...but its not gonna be so sudden...so i suggest we all do our own little things and make the world a better place
  23. Wow. This is list reallllly accurate. Dang.I guesss additional attention is what makes it obvious. And gifts make it fo sho..
  24. Batman man..He is the best.i love him sooo much my userman is after him darknightHe uses his brain man and god given body...no given superpowerssuperman is lame he just has powersspiderman is cool though i like his powers
  25. duddeeeFood + me = love I love every kind of food. Mexican, american, indian and especially indian. oh oh oh man lasanga man...thats the best stuff right there.
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