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Posts posted by DarkPsycho

  1. I had originally planned on getting the Wii, but then I started to like PS3 and the games it had, etc. With a price tag like that, versus a price tag like $250 for the Wii, i have already decided to go back to my original choice. I guess Sony just expects that they can put some huge price on it and the loyal customers will still go ahead and buy it. I know a few people who were going to get the PS3 because they had PS2 before, but now they all want a Wii or 360. From what I've seen it isnt so much different from the other systems that I would pay that much extra money for it.

  2. google was around for as long as i can remember using the internet, but at first I used MSN, cuz thats what they made us use in school. Than I realized that google's results were better and the home page had a lot less crap to load up so I started prefering google.

  3. I loved the teenage mutant ninja turtle game, I liked being the guy with claws lol. Simpsons game is really similar so yea I like it too. I think complete fiction are easiest to follow, just because you are expecting less from the game than you would a movie based. If a movie based game misses out on something you feel disappointed. But with the other type, there is nothing to expect, so you make sure you follow directions. Its not like movie games are bad though, i still love spiderman 2 the game, great fun :)

  4. They are really cool, most of those clocks. What I really found Interesting about time though, is that where I live it is 3:15 right now, and when I looked at the clock that features the time from around the world, I noticed that every clock in the world has atleast one hand pointing at the 3, (either :15 or 3:).

    yea because time zones are by the hour. so it would be *:15 everywhere :) cool site, but like aggie said, if you have 1000 clocks it is really annoying for a user to click "next" to look at all of your 1000 clocks, you should make some kind of listing so that they can find the clock they want faster.

  5. You are sick jasperIk, I am trying to do a good thing, to you, and you just blew me off. What I write isn't for your fun, or pleasure, and isn't just for you. If you don't want my posts then gentely say it not this way.You know I am tired of your sickness, and of your posts and replying to them. How could you do that, you are selfish, and want everyone at your service be a grown-up, I am not your maid!!! No wonder you don't want anyone praying for you, and you get mad at them. You are crazy!!
    Go to your doctor or something!! I am really, really mad.
    You know it is very hard to know 5 launguages and I am not yet 14. So excuse me, for not writing well. You are a phsyco-freak. I wish God will cure you.
    I am out of here, you are a looser and just don't car about other people's feeling. Stay that way your whole life.
    At least apologize, but you ain't a gentleman to do this.
    Get a life!!

    holy crap, calm down buddy.
    he was right, you're sitting here trying to convert him, basically.
    I really doubt he needs someone trying to throw their beliefs at him when thats why he made this topic in the first place :)

  6. wow if you really want to know, I learned my basics on neopets.com (****, I used to play it). But the guide they have is really basic, I just built on that and found out new tags through experimenting. And by basic I mean img tags, backgorund color, and simple tables. Probably no help to you but hey thought i'd put it.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    You will not place any expletive slangs again in our forum.

  7. My parents have only ever had about, I think, 3 computers that I remember. The first was an old Dell with Windows 95. Never did much on it, only really got into computers when they got our current one, a Dell Dimension 4550. Now I have a laptop, Inspiron e1505 with WinXP Media Center Edition that I use almost every day :) . I learned to use computers through self teaching and maybe a few things I saw on the net. Computer class never really taught me anything I hadn't already found out.

  8. Exactly, people believe in a God because they needed guidance from somewhere. Whether this God is real or not is impossible to find out.Also about everything being perfect on this planet for humans, its also perfect for dolphins and apes and every other animal on the planet. People thinking that this earth was made just for humans is as close-minded as people thinking that the sun revolves around the earth. I don't know but it seems like the more religious you guys are the less open to change you are. I'm Christian but I don't believe everything said in the Bible to be the absolute truth. Although obviously I do believe that Jesus Christ was the Savior and Son of God, or else I might as well be Agnostic.

  9. wow hadiplease do not state whatever you say for the creation of the universe as fact...no one knows how the universe was created, you cannot state any method as fact at this point in time.and really stop being such a close minded person.accept another view point, take it in as a possibility.

  10. GTA San Andreas (PS2)- If you fire loads of Petrol Bombs onto cars and them to all blow up then your playstation 2 will freeze and you can't do anything about it until you reset your console. :P:):PB)

    lol i could've guess that would happen, a console can only take so much happening on screen :P

    Obvious Weak Points: Some of these bosses have these weakpoints that they could easily hide for the whole fight. Like in....that arcade zombie game >.< ....this one bosses chest opens after every offensive move it makes and it leaves its heart open to fire....wtf. Atleast make it something like an open spot in armor or some obscure wound from sometime before. Just to give it a little challenge.

  11. Christians are ridiculed for believing in God too. We're ridiculed most by the scientific community, which is easy to believe.

    Maybe in ancient rome and in Angels and Demons, but now-a-days there are over 2 billion christians around the world. Scientists don't ridicule christians because most scientists are christian.


    just thought I'd say that :)

  12. one thing I gotta say, because those people have christianity as their religion it is only out of habit that they say "god bless". How can you take the personally? Also not all christians truly believe that created in 7 days stuff or that Adam and Eve just appeared. I sure don't but I still count myself among the christians. I do understand your feelings but you're taking everything way too personally. From what you said it makes it seem like you are just anti-christian. Who do you live by, that they cram religion down your throat? Not one person I know talks about their religion unless someone happens to ask. Do not take this post the wrong way, I am just confused on where you stand, anti-religion, or atheist.

  13. If God cared whether or not we enhance and change our bodies he wouldn't have given us the ability to enhance and change our bodies.I believe that as long as a human remains with a human brain he will never become a machine. The mind makes the person.And lastly I definately think it is wrong for people to get these enhancements who do not need them. Blind people, deaf people, mute people, permanantely cripple people, paralyzed people, etc. They deserve replacement body parts.

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