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Posts posted by DarkPsycho

  1. If Halo 2 was for PC, hands down it would be better in Multi-player.I am a PC gamer but when my friend played Halo 2 with me, I just got hooked. The controls were difficult and I did pitifully online, but overall it is a great game. I might just get Vista only so I can play Halo 2 for PC :)

  2. You can't just say google is not as fast, or yahoo is not as fast. First of all, the search makes a difference. If you search for something on google its not going to have the same amount of results that yahoo will, thus affecting the load time. How much traffic there is on each search engine also makes a difference. There are many factors that can cause slowness in an SE but honestly though...who cares. Its .02 seconds faster. Are you kidding me, would anyone really choose one SE over the other because of some time like that?

  3. I believe, just like any disease and virus, that the cure is found in good health. Many vitamins and minerals help prevent many kinds of diseases, and even cure them. No drugs should be required to "fight off" any virus, or syndrome. If you improve your immune system, and maintain good health, your body should be capable of handling the attacks caused by the HIV virus, and/or any other kinds of infection. After a certain period of time, the body should be able to overpower the virus, and, in turn, quite possibly fully eliminate the virus.
    Usually, if you're not tested positive for HIV, you will not be diagnosed with AIDS. Usually, to be diagnosed with AIDS, you have to be HIV positive, and have certain other symptoms--like, a decline in CD4 immune cells, a drop in T4 cells, tuberculosis, diarrhea, fevers, certain cancers, etc. These other symptoms can be easily taken care of. There are many HIV+ patients out there that take no drugs, and are eating healthy and maintaining their health, and are living normal lives.

    err.... no one has ever been cured of the HIV virus, and I kinda doubt that good health can prevent it. You point about how good health can prevent many diseases is a good one but not for this case. HIV evolves so that it can defeat most cures. So that while one may work now, it won't in the near future.

  4. The wraith is the best vehicle of all, I have been getting so good at lobbing that huge blue thing lol. When Halo 3 comes out all I hope is that its for PC. I really do hate having to use the controller on the consoles, I just can't get used to that.

  5. I believe in Heaven and Reincarnation. Almost like heaven is a rest stop before you go back into a new body. Which would explain why some "reincarnated" people remember the lives of people who died a while before they were born. Yet I also believe in ghosts. Although I have never seen a ghost or anything related to ghosts for myself (and I really don't want to lol) I do have a reliable friend who has claimed over and over to have seen the ghost of a soldier on his trip to Gettysburg, and his roommates agree with his story as well. Also I saw this ghosts show and these people took pictures of the surrounding woodland and you can clearly see the silhouettes of many people in the tree line.just some of my theories and experiences... :)

  6. Something you all failed to mention is that human evolution seems to be leading towards a combination of a biological and technological synthesis.
    Humans have been using technology to alter their own bodies, to make themselves faster, smarter, quicker, and better adapt for centuries. Technology is now evolving at such a rapid pace in this century that there are real fears about technology getting out of hand. Humans augmenting their bodies with mechanical parts is around the bend, people that have lost body parts will soon start replacing those parts with mechanical parts. Due to the advancement of technology human beings genetically altering their body is not that far off. Imagine a world where people can design their babies. Then imagine a world where you can design your own body to be whatever you like.

    Human beings will be able to replace organic parts with mechanical parts and alter their own biology. The future that is coming is one where humans if allowed by law or if not done illegally will be able to alter themselves into becoming some kind of new lifeform. This is an uncharted territory that we are venturing towards.

    well...thats not really evolution, because humans will be born being normal but then can alter themselves later.

    I honestly think that we will not evolve anymore. Evolution is based on a part of a species being killed because they could'nt adapt or weren't fast enough to outrun predators, or anything like that. The threat of being killed is now gone. All of those that normally can't adapt to the environment have clothing, or shelter to shield them from the elements. People who wouldn't be able to outrun a predator no longer have the need to run from a predator because they have weapons or a vehicle or there are no predators to run from. So all of the people that are supposed to be killed off so that the species can evolve... don't. So the human species in my mind will stay the same, in looks and natural ability.

  7. Right. That's definately not a rip-off of the iPod. Yeah. It just has a circular pad, with a centre button, and a play/pause button, and a back button on either side. Yeah...and I forgot the clear pearl theme look. The funny thing is is that Microsoft, like it always does, is copying Apple. Apple's new iPod that is being released this fall will have all these features that this so-called "iPod killer" will have PLUS much more (internet iTunes surfing and more). Just like Windows Vista copying Mac OS X, it is simply an immitation, but I think, however, this time this "iPod killer" will lose. The iPod has generated a whole cult that no Mp3 player to this date, even though there are many with MUCH more features than it, can kill. Sorry. The iPod rules.

    Thats a good point about the "cult". People won't care about how many features it has, they trust iPod and have good experience with iPod. Unless the next iPod is a piece of crap, I too doubt that they can kill the iPod.
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