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Posts posted by DarkPsycho

  1. Primary Structure: A string of Amino AcidsSecondary Structure: Interactions in side chains (R groups) cause folding and coiling (Alpha Helix and Beta Sheet)Tertiary Structure: The overall 3-D structure of the Protein.Quaternary Structure: Two or more poly-peptide subunits.atleast from what i've learned...and wow, 7th grade...makes me feel dumb. I just learned this and I'm a freshman in high school :)

  2. Ok here is an example:

    H	  |NH2 - C - COOH	  |	  R
    H	   H	   OH	  \	 |	 /	N - C - C  /	 |	 \\H	   R	   O
    Ok the C is what is called the central carbon. The NH2 is called the amino group, which is a nitrogen atom and 2 hydrogen atoms. The COOH is the carboxyl group, which is made up of a carbon, two oxygens, and a hydrogen atom. The most important part is the R group, or the variable group. What that is determines the type of amino acid it is.
    Amino acids attach to eachother through peptide bonds. The reaction between the acids is called a condensation reaction, where one water molecule is taken from the two acids. One hydrogen from the NH2 of one acid and an O and H from the COOH of the other one. Here is what it looks like afterward:
    H	   H	   H   H	   OH  \	 |	   |   |	 /	N - C - C - N - C - C  /	 |   ||	  |	 \\H	   R	O	  R	   O

    Amino acids in long chains form proteins. I would go into further detail, but I don't know that much more on the subject.

  3. I get this sometimes, but the only test i ever have any trouble on or have to really study for is the one in Honors Biology. Last year the most complex thing we learned was that an atom had neutrons, electrons, and protons. Now we are learning what atoms make up an amino acid and what kind of bond is between them >.<. One of those pre-interim tests actually helped me, because I had failed a quiz before that and I needed the grade, so I aced it and got a B+ on the interim. Not always bad thing, at least in my case.

  4. Monsters = Small Bosses

    If there is an abundance of one monster in a level, you can usually assume the boss is just a stronger bigger version of that monster. This is only not the case when the boss is a bigger stronger version of the strongest non-boss monster in the level (for example, Dodongo's Cavern in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the dodongo is the strongest non-boss in the level, and the boss is just an enormous dodongo.)

  5. Been playing a few months more than a year. I remember because it was during baseball season and my friend would always be bragging about call of duty, and one day I was at Best Buy and I saw it, so I bought it. Great game, great expansion, great sequel. Been kinda straying from it a bit lately so I hope the 3rd one comes out very soon.

  6. My grandma likes classical stuff, but she'll usually listen to stations with more talking/news than music.I don't hate country, but I don't like it because its too soft for my liking. If someone had country on for a long time in a car ride, I would be annoyed at first but eventually I would get over it and learn the words (subconsciencely; its usually not on purpose). But thats just me :)

  7. Internet Explorer is not bad at all.This is almost like the Mac vs. PC battle. The Mac seems more stable because it gets less viruses, but the only reason is because hackers usually create viruses for the most widely uses software, so that more people will be affected, and that happens to be the PC and IE. When/If FF becomes the browser used by the majority of people, it will be hit by alot more viruses and IE will look safer by comparison.

  8. I wasn't talking about failing, I was talking about one becoming weaker than the other. Either way it would still be repelling on some level so the anti-matter wouldn't reach the magnet unless it either fails or becomes so weak is almost has no magnetic charge. But until that point the magnet will continue repelling the anti-matter even if the anti-matter happens to be close to that magnet.

  9. the bg wouldn't be so bad if you made it so that instead of the entire image repeating, just the middle(white part) repeated. But thats more work than necessary, so just get a different BG. The light blue text is out of place and hard to read. You sort of combined the navigation area with a content area, so I think you should seperate those. While the site is under construction, you should redirect it to the forums so users don't get the wrong idea if it looks bad at the moment.

    maybe get it xhtml validated if you have the time :)

  10. u can't generate gravity...
    or disable it..

    gravity is one body's/objects attraction to a larger body/object.

    Antiparticles have either a positive or a negative electrical charge, so they can be stored in what we call a trap which has the appropriate configuration of electrical and magnetic fields to keep them confined in a small place. Of course, this has to be done in good vacuum to avoid collisions with matter particles.
    Antiatoms are electrically neutral, but they have magnetic proprieties that can be used to keep them in "magnetic bottles".

    i also realized something else (outside the anti-matter storage concept). Could there be anti-matter beings somewhere else in the universe? And I wonder if they consider what we call "matter" to be like "antimatter". Just something I thought about.

  11. well anti-matter isn't really the opposite of matter...

    anti-matter: substance composed of subatomic particles that have the mass, electric charge, and magnetic moment of the electrons, protons, and neutrons of ordinary matter but for which the electric charge and magnetic moment are opposite in sign. The antimatter particles corresponding to electrons, protons, and neutrons are called positrons (e+), antiprotons (p), and antineutrons

  12. yes this is in angels and demons, and i'm pretty sure that what they said in the book would work. A vacuumed container (absolutely empty of anything, including air, a vacuum is nothing) that is magnetised on all sides so that the anti-matter gets pushed away from all of the container's sides and is suspended in the middle.and that fan idea, air is made of matter....so the anti-matter and matter (air) would annhialate.

  13. No matter how big the rock is, God will always be able to lift it. It is simply impossible for even an all-powerful being to create something that defies himself. So he is not failing in being able to create a rock heavy enough for him to fail, he is succeeding in being able to lift any rock that he creates.

  14. It started today in English class. We are going over the vocab test, easy easy stuff. As we're going through, people want some credit for things that sort of make sense. Stuff like "The two men were being loud an obnoxious so the judge ordered their adjourn (supposed to be expulsion) from the courtroom." Now honestly, that doesn't make too much sense. Sitting through about 30 minutes of stupid people trying to justify dumb mistakes. I was first done and got a 96, wtf, I'm not that smart buddy. Later, in lunch, yes lunch. I am trying to put $11 on my account for the rest of the weeks lunch. I give the cashier lady the money, she gives me back 45 cents (don't know why) and i have $6.40 on my account when I leave. A single lunch is 2.30 and i just lost $4.60 on one lunch. She had charged the lunch twice. Now I didn't realize this until about 10 seconds after I had left because I didn't really think about it. So now I was out of lunch for one day. Next day, I'm about to buy lunch, there is no money on my account. I tell the woman there that I had $6.40 on my account, she is confused, so I have to convince her to get my money back on my effing account. I get about 5 minutes to eat because this took a while and I am almost late to my next class.In short: I extremely dislike dumb/stupid people.

  15. Well with only a seatbelt keeping you from falling to your death, i'm pretty sure it wouldn't be too safe. Also you'd need some sort of opening in the roof of the plane for the person to actually eject into the air. And think about it, only a seat belt holding you, that would hurt like hell. But yea if someone could refine that idea, it would be an excellent safety device :)

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