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Everything posted by Voidless_Shadows

  1. I got all the questions right! = DI actually had something occur today where I was able to use thinking laterally as advice/support for an argument
  2. I would be snorlax, because he's big and strong, he can pull six pokemon and he owns (go to youtube.com and search for 'snorlax' )
  3. Nope, Yahoo! is just as good. The best things about it are its simple/free/powerful and straightforward. I don't think I'd pay because there is somewhere else to go. Google will become as empty and derelict as many of those online encycplodias that cost money (the ones that aren't well known at least, the more commonly known ones get some traffic) here's why it won't get as much traffic as the well-known encyclopedias even being a well-known search engine because Yahoo! Has most of the other features of Google, I just choose to use google because its use is more straightforward./sorry if that made little sense
  4. Because its not the right kind of equal. Not your rights, but what you can purchase/earn. It limits you to: this is what you are, nothing else. You can't choose for yourself, or really even think. Its almost as if your life is a written story by law.
  5. Good, good as Fixefox is, but not much new in it, really.
  6. I like city of heroes, city of villains, and world of warcraft. CoX is built around not having to do epic sort of raids or PvP in the same way WoW does, but I really like those, and that's what CoX lacks in its endgame (or lack of one) but its waaaay more common for people to have tons of characters than it is in WoW
  7. That's alot of games, lol. I've heard of Gunzonline, but nothing else. The first one looked a bit like WoW to me as well, I think its because of the items on the screen, they look similiar. That and the style of graphics is kind of close WoW's are a bit better though.How much activity do most of these get?
  8. Finally Fantasy for long-term value, halo for short term/quick burst of fun (that also can last a long time)Sorry if that came out as unclear :blink:What I mean is with Final Fantasy it takes a while to get into some of the major fun imo, Halo I can pick up and get right in, but isn't always best in the long run.
  9. That's why they have the little air tubes and stuff and the shelf life listing >.>lmao, still most creepy thing I've ever seen, I'm scarred for like....
  10. Ok, thanks everyone I decided to go with MKPortal after looking over the features it seems to best fit my needs with the least amount of clutter and excess features, integration looks solid too, which is what I really need alot.
  11. Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to configure Xisto e-mail accounts to an external Web-Mail program (external from the cpanel at least)i.e. like mysite.com/email (where /email is a second-party webmail program)
  12. What bridge are you running yours off of?Mine's not bugged, it just doesn't have a very good script connecting users between the two, so logging in is a major hastle/sometimes impossible and very unpredictable.
  13. Hey, I'm currently running Joomla and PhPBB (through a bridge I found online)I'm really not satisfied with it though...The login/registration process is very buggy (not technically bugged since its supposed to work that way) but is very unreliable. I was wondering if anybody could reccomend a good Forum/Portal or CMS combo I can use to post news/picture files/etc on a main page/section of the website, and have integrated forums that run smoothly login/registration wise with a minimum upkeep time.Any input is very valuable, anything is better than what I'm using right now, and my guild members hate it :lol:Thanks!
  14. Hey, I'm picking WoW up in November, wondering if anyone's got a good Guild on the realm Thrall I could join, PvP base is good, not needed though?
  15. Not sure what game you're talking about, maybe check their official website and find some type of online support?
  16. Hey, I am one of the Leaders of a small group of dedicated players in the MMO City of Villains (CoV) we're really small, but made up of active and dedicated players experienced in the game. We're getting a 5-Man Pentad team ready for the arena and cross-server PvP, you can sign-up to join on our website (sorry about the mess, there's a thread in the announcement sections if you have trouble logging on, I'm going to fix all those issues up soon, sorry =/ ) To join contact @.Chrome or @Cinder Viper. We are on the Triumph server. If you want to get into our small PvP group you will need to have a fair amount of experience and knowledge of the semi-finer (lol, I think I invented a word) details of PvP, particularly team dynamics. EDIT: To add onto that once our PvP squad is full we will be meating at least 3 times a week until all of our characters are leveled up and ready, once we reach 50 across the board we will be meating for matches most nights, and PvP'ing in zones as much as possible, expect matches on the weekends once we are ready to go public and start doing some official SGvSG matches.
  17. I haven't played Halo 2 online in so long... :lol:Now I want to again, I will have to settle for offline for now = /
  18. Never heard of this, what is an online operating system? Do you mean downloaded off the internet, or some different branch of Operating system altogether?I'll check out the wikipedia link in the meantime.-Let me know what you can about it.
  19. I'd like to be hypnotized one day...I just have bad trust issues so in believing it I can't trust people who do it = /Maybe I should be hypnotized to trust more
  20. Ok, thank you all! I looked on the WoW website and found a ten day free trial, I've decided to start playing again, so see my on the Thrall realm in November
  21. I have pretty hair :lol:Not really, my hair is decent, but I do alot of things I shouldn't and that's starting to show more and more
  22. String theory is still one big part of all of this I don't understand :)I get it...sorta, but I feel as if I'm missing alot...The 'strings' are...a particle, correct? Like an electron or proton but much more fundamental. This is where my understanding stops, I don't see how it ties into dimensions... I'm really misinformed about the string theory I think, though, anyone know of a good internet article on it? I like the wikipedia-type format, so I might check that out to start to get some basic info on it.
  23. I'm not with them, but they're well known in city of heroes and villains as well as several other online MMOs. Very good group, check 'em out here
  24. I'm gonna agree in saying that they look very creepy... lolEww, just read the website...They're not seriously real, right? lolThat's the...most sickening gift I could imagine getting.....A quick google search lists it as an obvious, yet...one of the top internet hoaxes of all time...To me its just...eww...
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