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Hiko Haieto

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Everything posted by Hiko Haieto

  1. That is a pack that merely changes the look and feel of XP; its not Vista itself. Vista is far too flashy with not much speed and versatility. Personally, I'm not very impressed by bright colors and transparency; when I use my computer, its usually not to watch the pretty graphics of...the os, but to run programs and get things done. With its incredibly slow speed, high system requirements, and poorly thought out security system, I find it highly inefficient and unnecessarily cumbersome to do things that are actually useful. Microsoft thinks its some kind of art contest, and that is one of their major mistakes.
  2. Metroid Prime 1/2, Tales of Symphonia, Pikmin 1/2, SSBM, and Metal Gear Solid were all on the GC, and they are truly great games (ToS was originally just GC, it was later ported to PS2 because of $$$ offer)
  3. I'm going to drop it down one more to a 6, simply because its not complete (google this if you like). The game wasn't intended to have only two temples, but they were running later than they had said they would be, and instead of pushing back the launch date, just finished it up at only two temples and sold it. Everybody who thinks this was a bad move and Nintendo should go back and make a complete "special edition" with "extra" dungeons should all email them or something. Complete games are usually better than rushed ones.
  4. I'm sorry, but I have to strongly disagree about IE being the top choice for CSS. It butchers it left and right! However, very few things won't work in ff, plus it is customizable and fast. As for incorrectly viewing forums, thats all settings that can be changed. After a little bit of set-up, I've never had a single problem with formatting and alignment ever.
  5. I agree, the wii can really bring people together to have a lot of fun. Its also really cool to be able to swing a sword instead of just pressing a button, and I never get tired of wii remote jokes!
  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaah panic were gonna die! everyone build bomb shelters in their basements and, when its all over, head for the twinky factory in natick! /familyguy
  7. I agree, and there is also Yoshi's Story (doesn't have mario, but its still good), Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario 1/2, and some others that don't usually receive much recognition
  8. many of the optional bosses of final fantasy games are pretty tough to beat, such as ff7's emerald and ruby weapon (did someone say 2 million hp?!)
  9. whoops...too late! they already made at least one 3d tetris, although I don't remember what it was called, but I think it might have been on linux. it was an overhead view, and you had an extra side view of the piece or something...it was really weird and confusing
  10. Guild Wars has a rather distinct end, whilst WoW is continually added on to...so if you want more over a longer period of time, go for WoW (it also has way more in terms of options and spells and items and such)
  11. my first computer was the good ol' apple, and I remember being baffled at how much it could do, as well as how easy it was to use...MMMM THARS POWER FER YA! oh yeah, and that was also back when floppy disks were still floppy...and large
  12. Borrow it from a friend or (gasp) download the PC version. Laws were enacted against piracy because it lost companies valuable profit, but if its not in circulation anymore nobody really cares at all. Id still try to buy it though, if not just for the satisfaction (I spent $100 total for PC and PS versions lol).
  13. lolololol The Boss was easy, esp on low difficulty levels, where you just equip your life medicine and run right up to her. Let her kick you down, get up and then you have the opportunity (if you are fast enough) to punch/kick her 3 times, knocking her to the ground. Then you get 2 or 3 headshot opportunities before she gets back up again, then repeat. On harder difficulties, pick white camo then as she is running away, run and get into a crawling position, then get out your sniper rifle (Mosin Nagant if you got it) and wait for her to jump out and look for you. She will stand there for a couple of seconds before realizing you are somewhere else (then she takes cover). Just shoot her during that time and you should be good, just keep your distance. Also, if you didnt know already, when she grabs you, if you press the button (pretty sure its X) at the right time, then you block it and turn it around on her. I finished her in like 2 minutes, but if you cant do it as easily, just keep trying. If you want a truly hard game, browse through the really old NES kinds of games. They are everywhere.
  14. Im just saying by all means leave your computer on if you want but just keep in mind you will have to buy a new computer a couple years sooner. Just dont shrug it off as if nothing could ever happen, but either way its your computer.
  15. I would definitely go with Java, its got more power and compatibility than anything else. I couldnt help but notice a little noobishness about the difference between the languages themselves and an ide, and the null exception was prolly the ide as well. Also, Java will still be quite prominent when Vista comes in - Microsoft doesnt make their software on Java, instead Java makes their libraries on Windows. Oh yeah, and if you get a Java license you are actually entitled to modifying Java itself (add another point to the list - it does have applications).
  16. It seems like some of you misinterpreted the words "hardest game of all time" - just because you didnt finish it or were really young doesnt mean it is the hardest game ever. However, although it occurred to me that some more skill (not a bash) in some cases would make it easier, the most blatent one I happened to see was Final Fantasy X. Its really not that hard guys - you dont even ever need to use the sphere grid once. Here is the proof: Final Fantasy X NSG (No Sphere Grid) Final Boss Battle <- didnt see that coming, did you? Overkill on him!
  17. We have played a different character for every MGS currently out, so why would Snake's age mean the series is going to end? As for the answers to all the questions it doesnt matter how many are revealed as much as how they are revealed. Also, ulterior motives would be a nice thing to bring back (where did they go?), esp for most of the bosses.
  18. First, be mindful about not spoiling the story for others. Second, Fusion isnt the highest point of the Metroid games, although its still really good. However, its depressing to see where the series is headed as of late (Metroid Pinball?), but whats out is out, and at least up to MP2 its great. You might not have heard this since its so old, but Super Metroid for the SNES would be another good game to look for (you could prolly only get a ROM dump of it by now).
  19. As for me, Im not going to expect too much out of either 12 or 13, as to not get my hopes up for something that might turn out to be bad. Im not sure what happened to them but they cant seem to produce the same quality anymore. It used to be about imagination, adventure, and well fantasy, but now they seem to focus little on new storylines (sorry but after about 8+ games with very similar crystal storylines it just doesnt count as a storyline anymore). They also buy into detail and "cool" way too much. The older games were good because they touched the heart and mind. I just dont see that anymore. Not with them, at least. By the way, "more longer" storylines could get too complex and tiresome to the casual gamer.
  20. You really shouldnt just leave your computer on all the time, as it is really bad for the circuitry. Its still up to you, but you have to keep in mind that your computers life will go down. If you go out and smoke, you arent going to die the next day, but it is still harmful in the long term. Nothing has ever happened is a horrible logic to apply to anything in life. If you are tailgating people on the highway and driving recklessly you cant tell the officer the one day you crash, "Well, nothing had ever happened before." Well guess what? Youre right, but now that something did come of it, what are you going to do? Its not about now. Its about then.
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